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Dustin [Antlion]

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2019 5:54 pm
by vile
Player Nickname: vile

Name: Dustin Leodei
Codename: Antlion or Dust Devil
Age: 25
Date of Birth: July 1, 1994

Height: 5’8
Weight: 180
Hair Color: Straw blonde
Eye Color: Light blue
Place of Origin: Texas
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Other (considers himself a demon)

Status: Villain
Occupation: Criminal

Personality Profile: Charming, charismatic, outgoing. Jokes around quite a bit and radiates friendliness. Very optimistic even in the face of certain failure. This doesn’t cloud his judgement; he’s level headed but just doesn’t let it get him down.

Physical Description: Average athletic build. Can run a 10k at a good pace and lifts weights a few times a week. Conventionally attractive but won’t turn many heads. The best feature he has would be his bright and slightly crooked smile. Freckles splash across his cheeks and help to draw attention to his light crystal blue eyes.

The Outfit of Evil: made of coal dust and tiny metal shrapnel. The definite shape of his layers are difficult to make out but the overall form is a long set of robes with an oversized hood. Metallic runes and flourishes decorate the “fabric” edges and help carve out a coherent human shape. On his face is a metallic mask in the shape of a goat skull. Two sets of curved horns jut from the temples and side of the mask. A few chains and rings add some bling to the horns. Occasionally he’ll add one large and one small set of jet black wings that have metal eyes along the far end of the flight feathers.


General Power Information: Dustyboi

Ability One: Not the size that matters- Telekinetic powers for the tiny. Particles at or under the size of a grain of rice are eligible for control en masse. Manipulate dust and pebbles at will to create larger objects and illusions. Able to create a hovering platform under larger objects and bypass size restrictions.

Ability Two: Smashing- Telekinetic blast. Short range but moderately powerful. Useful for knocking away enemies and breaking down large objects into bits small enough to be manipulated.

Ability Three: Dustyboi- Made up not of organic material but instead tiny pieces of debris. Gives him the ability to change his looks and size at will.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Water makes fluffy dust damp and clumpy; too difficult to maintain control over. Stone dust runs and turns to clay. High heat and lightning turns grains of sand into too large blobs of hot glass. Fire ignites fluffy dust. Strong winds are especially challenging due to fighting against it.

Dust comes in all colors and he can’t always be picky. Some days he’ll be able to pull off the right palette and others his illusions won’t come out so great.

Skills: General interest in geology, also because it would be useful to know, means he has a decent interest in mineralogy.

An unquenchable thirst for knowledge. He knows a little about a lot due to the compulsion to read while idle. As a result he’s needed to become a linguist but isn’t concerned with keeping track of how many he speaks. “A few” would be his reply, if asked, and he might name a handful if pressed.

Background: Created in a Texas stretch of desert during a fight between a powerful sorcerer and an archdemon. A clash of magic and curse mixed just right and thus sparked life where there should be none.

Dustin’s life started off as a small patch of barely sentiment sediment. Over time it grew in size and ability until becoming large enough to form a solid body barely the size of a fox kit. Years passed and the kit amassed enough enchanted particles to take the form of a small boy. Time, walking, and good luck guided him to a small rural town where he was taken in by a lovely couple with no children of their own.

For the most part his upbringing was nothing strange. A bright kid quick on the uptake meant he caught up reasonably fast. Language was a bit of a struggle but beyond that obstacle he found true love in knowledge.

Criminal Record: None yet. The ability to change his appearance, shape, and size has foiled the police so far.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Sandblasts offensive graffiti in his spare time. Usually early in the morning while out for a jog.

Knows a little about a lot. Whenever he finds himself bored with some free time he’ll read whatever’s around. From scientific journals, romance novels, stick-it notes, and the inscriptions of cursed artifacts, he has an interest in all written text.

Well aware he isn’t human but doesn’t let that change anything. As far as he’s concerned he was born an elemental demon. There’s been enough mutants and metahumans in his life that he made peace with his strangeness long ago.

The “demon” self-imposed status doesn’t influence his morality or decisions. A pile of sentient sand and dust just doesn’t have an active moral compass. He’s aware of the difference between right and wrong. It’s the threat of punishment that generally keeps him on the “good” alignment chart. The outcome has to outweigh the risk for him to put on The Evil Outfit of Evil.