Scott Larkin

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Scott Larkin

Post by Nightmare »

Player Nickname: TentacleBeast

Name: Scott Larkin
Codename: none.
Age: Unknown, suspected to be in his 30's based on his looks.
Date of Birth: November 12th

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 380lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: New York City
Nationality/Race: Caucasian/Italian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Demon

Status: Other, possibly a Villain
Occupation: Organized crime

Personality Profile:
Scott is a man of ebullience and joy, but it is merely his demeanor. Beneath it he is a man with deep seated insecurity that he tries to overcompensate for by being a competitor in almost everything he does. Some might even call him a bully at times with how he can browbeat others into submission. When he is at the head of the pack he's your best friend, but if you cross him or do something to make him seem less of a man in his own estimation, woe be unto you.

Physical Description:



General Power Information: The demonic investments brought about by his birthright as the son of one of the princes of Hell: Ba'al aka Beelzebub

Ability One: Power theft: Scott is capable of taking a power from someone else and when it is done he gains an innate understanding of how to use said power. For now, this ability is short lived and he is unable to retain the power he takes permanently, afterall, a glutton wouldn't want more if they could be satisfied. One of the drawbacks of this ability is that he must either see the power in use, or it must be used on him. Once this condition has been met his eyes will flash a bright red in appearance and he will gain a dark shadowy countenance, almost demonic in nature if only for a moment as the power manifests itself and he takes on the abilities presented. Any abilities taken will normally not last more than an hour at a time, due in part, to the fact that he is half mortal. His body is unable to manage the strain of maintaining this power for longer and If he attempts to retain a power for longer than an hour he will begin to decay, as if afflicted by an advanced case of rapidly progressing necrosis.

Ability Two: Flight: As the son of Ba'al who is known as the Lord of the Flies it is only natural that Scott has the ability to fly as well. While it can be somewhat comical to see, he is nevertheless able to fly with incredible maneuverability and speed. This includes hovering, banking turns, and mid-air stops. However, Scott's mortal side must have oxygen and unless he takes a power which circumvents this somehow, he is unable to go too high into the atmosphere for fear of blacking out or freezing.

Ability Three: Total and complete immunity to diseases and illnesses of any kind, from something as simple as the common cold, to something as deadly as ebola. A side effect to this is that Scott is capable of ingesting just about any kind of organic matter without falling ill and if there is any kind of nutritional content he will absorb it and pass the rest.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Scott's birthright is both a boon and a curse. His power is extremely strong but at the same time his body is mortal and is unable to fully contain his power. Prolonged usage of his abilities will inflict him with a withering necrosis as the power attempts to feed on his own energies to maintain itself. It would be very easy for Scott to kill himself if he didn't pay attention to his urges and also to the clock. Scott must rest for ten times as long as he utilizes his first power. For example: If Scott takes someone's super speed for 10 minutes, then he must rest after he gives up the power for 100 minutes. Alternatively if he uses a power for an hour then he will need at least 10 hours of rest. Pushing himself beyond his capacity doubles the rest required to 20 times the duration. 1 hour and 1 minute becomes a required resting period of 20 hours and 20 minutes. If Scott is afflicted by the necrosis he must both rest and also feed and when this occurs he must feed in such a manner as to appease his demonic nature, glutting himself on anything and everything in sight without any way to control himself. He will devour anything, this includes animals, insects, trash, people, absolutely anything and he must satiate himself if only temporarily in order to overcome the necrosis. This urge to feed is not something he can control if it happens and it becomes an all consuming drive to feed, leaving behind all logic and reason, meaning that nothing and no one (organic) is safe around him if he must feed in this manner.

Skills: Boxing, wrestling, cooking, strategy, financial acumen.

Background: Scott grew up as an orphan in the system, he had nothing and saw what people around him flaunted in his face, from fancy cars to wonderful clothing and delicious foods. As a product of the system Scott was unable to obtain any of these things and instead was forced to focus on his education and upbringing within the county courts and foster homes. He was no stranger to abuse, nor was he a stranger to hard work but it just made him want more. His ambition and his desire led him down, what some might call, the wrong path. He embraced a life of crime at a young age, at first to feed and clothe himself but eventually it became a way to make a living and then a better living and what was the problem if others around him had to pay for that living that he'd wanted? He never had anything but his drive and ambition had earned him a place within the New York underworld. He spent years getting his butt handed to him, being berated, spit on, and told he'd amount to nothing but he resolved to make them all out to be wrong. When he discovered his powers it was a turning point for him and he began to utilize them at first to help himself and those around him but as with all good things, this came to an end and Scott began to focus more on himself ensuring that he was taken care of rather than those who had called him "friend". Life was just that way: The strong took from the weak and he was determined to never be "the weak" ever again. He worked his way into the gangs of New York, his heritage afforded him a bit of an in with some people and he worked his butt off trying to become a made man. In the end his ambition paid off and he was able to carve out a little territory for himself, until all hell broke loose and he learned for the first time but not the last, just how depraved he could be. When he'd consumed his first person he understood that he was something different, something beyond just being human and he wished to understand it and also to use it to provide for himself. He'd made a rep for himself and not a great one, which caused him to have to flee from New York and all he'd built up for himself. He ended up in Salem with it's promise of being a New New York, something he was familiar with and he worked to carve out a niche he could both control and make his name with. He would make plenty of enemies and even some friends and connections along the way but if there was one thing about Scott, it was that he always wanted more and would stop at nothing to get exactly what he wanted.

Criminal Record: He has a criminal jacket of unofficial ties to organized crime with the FBI but nothing official has been able to be pinned on him quite yet. People with evidence on Scott, just seem to disappear, one way or another and Scott makes damn sure it stays that way.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Scott is obsessed with fine dining and can almost always be found scouting out the local food eateries to find the best and most upscale dining establishments he can manage to get into. He wants very much to be one of the elite and rub elbows with those self-same kinds of people, but unfortunately for Scott, heredity plays a pretty big role in that sort of thing and he doesn't have it. So he'll have to find another way. Scott enjoys fancy suits, and luxurious items and will go out of his way to own something considered to be "rare" or unique.
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