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Louise Dugan [Knockout]

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:00 pm
by Naphthalim
Player Nickname: Naphthalim

Name: Louise Dugan
Codename: Knockout
Age: 19
Date of Birth: November 3rd

Height: 5 ft 5 in
Weight: 124 lbs
Hair Color: Formerly Blonde, Now her head is a row of short sharp spikes. All her body hair grows as spikes, including her eyebrows.
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Violet
Place of Origin: Orlando, Florida
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Team Membrer
Occupation: Trainer

Personality Profile: After some time at Cobalt Hill, Louise embraced her identity as a hero. She's driven and direct and eager to help others.

Raised in Orlando Florida, Louise was a huge beach bunny. What she loved most in the world was lazing away her time on the sand or swimming through the waves and enjoying the bountiful beauty of the area around her.

As a student, she was always a little too smart for her own good. She excelled at tests which led her to be lazier with her own school work, blowing off the assignments that would not destroy her grade point average. She was the sort of average student who frustrated her mother and was lectured about her potential whenever there was a meeting.

Through her psychologist, her mother discovered that Louise felt abandoned by her father, and even though she knew logically that he was not the sort of man who should be around children, she desperately desired to feel his love. She was a much better student for older male teachers willing to take her under their wing, but was also prone to growing crushes on them as well.

Physical Description: Louise now has violet skin and a row of sharp spikes where he hair should be. The spikes on her head are about two inches long and one inch wide. The ones on her eyebrows are smaller. She once went to pick her nose and almost cut her finger off. Outside of this, she appears as a relatively attractive young woman. She's athletic and prefers button up shirts along with jeans or skirts (nothing she has to pull on over her head).

If the weather is pleasant, she prefers to walk around barefoot or in sandals. In the winter, she's a huge fan of her black combat boots.


General Power Information: Body Control

Primary Power: Density Manipulation

Louise can increase the density of her skin, making it tough to cut through. When she does this, she also makes the rest of her body harder to injure. When she uses this ability, her skin grows a deeper (read bluer) shade of purple.

Possible Drawbacks:
Without fine control, this power can prevent her from receiving medical aid for her injuries. Also, if misused (ie. hardening her skin without hardening the muscles or bones behind it) she can become a prime candidate for internal injuries. She also heals more slowly when her density is increased as her body is less able to change (aka knit itself back together). She has taken to using a vest to shock herself in order to enter battles with already toughened skin.

Secondary Power: Big Hands

Like her father, Louise can increase the size and strength of her arms. Her body automatically modifies itself to absorb the additional strain of this, growing a tougher skeleton, and the muscles to manipulate it as well. This transformation leaves her slower and less athletic than normal. Typically, her legs and feet grow to absorb the stress of her larger arms.

Possible Drawbacks:
The most obvious drawback would be the reduction in her athletic ability. The growth of her arms and legs slows her down and changes the center of gravity. Till she becomes used to this, this would throw off all her movements.

Tertiary Power: Spike Control

Much like a porcupine, she can fire the metallic spikes she grows instead of hair out of her body. She can also pull them inside of her or regrow spikes she has fired. She can grow additional spikes along areas of her skin where they do not currently exist.

Possible Drawbacks:
Regrowing spikes is a painful process as she has to push them back through her skin. Retracting them is even more painful as her body then has to make room for the spikes. All of her spikes are sharp, and they set off metal detectors.

General Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Ignorance: Louise has never used any of these powers and is completely unaware that she is capable of any of them. At this time, the only way her powers will emerge is with a lot of training or in situations where she is so unbelievably emotional, or endangered.

Power Growth:

All of her powers are based around the manipulation of her physical form. While she is likely never going to be able to morph into any other forms, or become a true shape changer, it may be possible for her to learn how to increase the natural functions of her body like adrenaline production or healing. Also, much finer control of the abilities listed above would lead to amazing advancement.


Louise is an amazing swimmer, and is acrobatic. While she will never be in the olympics, she is a skilled climber and can perform simple flips with ease.

She tests well (without much anxiety)

Having dedicated her life to being a super hero, Louise has become an amazing combatant and powerful lifter, dedicating at least 8 hours a day to workouts and combat trainings.


All in all, she was a relatively popular student in high school, till the day everything changed. She was fifteen, at a party on the beach, making out with a boy who ran his hand through her hair. As he did, her hair came out. He apologized and brushed her hair back, cutting his hand open. With this, he reared back and she did as well, She looked in the mirror as small spikes stuck out the side of her hair. A day later, her mother found her in the basement, weeping.

Her mother picked up a broom and demanded she leave the house, till Louise spoke up and the mother realized how much her daughter had changed. With no idea how to deal with it, Louise was sent to Cobalt University.

Criminal Record:
one speeding ticket

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Louise is a lazy student. She hates doing homework and is used to understanding things easily. Things that require her to buckle down and work hard will frustrate her at first.

When Louise is stressed, she runs or swims.

When she's angry, she grows passive aggressive.

Louise likes to scrapbook, but doesn't share them with anyone. If one searches her bedroom, she will find a large journal. If they open the journal, they will find that she often creates collages of the week's events.

Louise is also a huge fan of snuggling. She used to love hugs, and is now scared of turning her head the wrong way and carving people up.

She has recently received a Sea Turtle pendant on a necklace. She wears it under her shirt/suit.

She has reconnected with her father and enjoys spending time with him.

Louise appears to have lost all her hobbies outside of athletic pursuits.

Re: Louise "Knockout" Dugan

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:16 pm
by Naphthalim
META notes
- Child of known felon "Doomfist."
- Possible murderer. See file # 000968311
- Shows heightened physical Strength and Toughness. Also has body weaponry.
- [Photos of her throwing a car]