Lonnie Burch AKA Atlas

Individuals aged 16 to 20 who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Lonnie Burch AKA Atlas

Post by MarloCross »

Player Nickname:MarloCross

Name: Lawrence William Christopher Burch III
Codename: Atlas
Age: 18
Date of Birth: March 15th, 2002

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Color: blonde
Eye Color: blue/grey
Place of Origin: Washington DC
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant, actually enhanced human.

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Lonnie is one of the poster boys for affluenza. He is arrogant, self-absorbed, believing that his father's position as a senator makes him somehow Special by association.

Physical Description: well-groomed, well-dressed, always in the latest styles for a boy his age. To be terribly honest and blunt, he resembles every bad guy from every after school special...


General Power Information: Gravity Manipulation

Ability One: Personal Gravity Control

When dealing with only himself, Lonnie can alter his weight-or the amount of pull the Earth has on his body. He can decrease his weight down to 5 lb and increase his weight up to just shy of 400 lb. This can be done and is little as 3 seconds.

Ability Two: Gravity Swapping

At the cost of his primary ability, Lonnie can touch a person or object and swap weight with them. The object, or person, that Lonnie touches obeys roughly the same rules as his personal gravity control, with a few caveats.

Anything south of 500 lb, Lonnie can reduce its actual weight to only 1 lb. Anything heavier, up to a half a ton, Lonnie can only get it down to 10 pounds. Anything higher than a thousand pounds, and Lonnie can only reduce the weight to 100 lb / 1/2 ton. This means that, in order for Lonnie to lift a ton, he needs to be able to physically lift 200 pounds normally.

Ability Three: None Yet.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: although impressive, Lonnie Birch's powers do have some significant limits.

First off, after reducing an object or person's weight, Lonnie must still be able to lift the remaining weight himself. Not having been raised in a world of manual labor, Lonnie doesn't know how to pick anything up properly, so the physics of lifting will probably end up being his enemy sooner or later.

Because of the nature of his powers, Lonnie's limit is static and does not evolve as naturally or as fast as most other powered youth of his age.

Skills: Lonnie is very adept at driving is souped-up Honda Civic that his father bought and modified for him for his 16th birthday. He can swipe a credit card with the best of them, and has gotten really good at Call of Duty. Lonnie also has a silver tongue, knowing how to talk his way out of trouble.

Background : Lonnie was the first and only son born to Maryland state representative David Burch and his wife Patricia. Named after his late uncle, baby Lonnie became a national sensation for the first few years of his life when it was revealed that he would be a mutant. His normally Republican parents milked this Revelation for all it was worth, eventually leading to enough sympathy votes to give a vacant senate seat to David Burch in 2004. Ironically, the year before David & Patricia learned that their son's diagnosis was due to a clerical error: Lonnie was NOT a mutant.

Afraid to lose credibility, The Next Step for the Birch family was to subject their infant son to a battery of genetic treatments designed to mimic the gradual onset of mutant abilities. David Birch offered many favors , including helping a few less than legal Laboratories stay off of META's Radar.

When Lonnie was 12 years old, just as the unnamed geneticist in charge had predicted, Lonnie's powers manifested in spectacular fashion. A downed tree across a road was lifted effortlessly by the young man. the next choice in his journey of political manipulation was obviously Cobalt Hill.

It is yet to be seen if the machinations of Lonnie's father will come back to bite him in the ass...

Criminal Record: None. Any misdemeanors or crimes that Lonnie has been accused of get swept under the rug with his father's influence.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: that is yet to be seen... We'll see what pops up
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