Doug Dugan aka Doomfist

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Doug Dugan aka Doomfist

Post by MarloCross »

Player Nickname:Marlo

Name: Douglas Carl Dugan
Codename: Doom-Fist
Age: 44
Date of Birth: October 19, 1975

Height: 6 ft 3 in
Weight: 246 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Buford, Wyoming
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human, Enhanced.

Status: Villain
Occupation: Villain

Personality Profile: Doug is a consummate professional. He's dedicated to the idea of super villainy as a career pursuit. He is careful not to cross lines unless he's paid to. And the price for a piece of his soul is high.

As an older man, Dugan is concerned with his legacy and how he'll be remembered. He's rarely cruel, but can be callous when on the job. He's not above do8ng the right thing...if he thinks there's a benefit to him.

Physical Description: Doomfist, outside of his outfit is a tall and portly middle aged man with receding brown hair and a Five O'clock shadow at most points in the day.

His outfit consists of a black and blue jumpsuit and has replaced the usual ski mask with a twisted smiley face helmet.

His boots and bracers more resemble heavy metal cylinders that expand with his fists and feet.

General Power Information:
Limb Size Manipulation

Primary Power: Big Hands

Through genetic and bionic alterations, Doomfist can triple the size and strength of his arms. His grip strength increase is proportional to the size. Upgrades to his muscular/skeletal system allow him to carry the weight without difficulty, though his balance and speed are sacrificed slightly.

To supplement his ability, his hands are outfitted with knuckle guards that adjust to his size when needed.

Secondary Power:
Sub Dermal Defense mesh

From the tips of his fingers to his shoulders and both legs up to his pelvis, Doomfist has been equipped with a sub dermal mesh that not only supports his size alteration, but also acts as a secondary layer of defense for his arms and legs. It functions like kevlar, stopping bullets of various calibers and slowing knives and blades to some extent.

The mesh is made from carbon fiber to prevent a susceptibility to electricity. This does not give him a resistance, however.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: 
Big Feet
In order to balance the weight of his increased arm size, Doomfist's lower legs and feet increase in direct proportion. This slows his movement as far as walking and running.

Misshapen Limbs

In order to facilitate the alterations, the scientist responsible had to increase the base size of Doomfist's arms and legs. As a result, he looks 'off' at a first glance and can be easily identified if one looks close enough.

Golden Gloves Boxer runner up in 1991
Held an amateur boxing career of 21-13, 14 wins by knockout or TKO.

There isn't much to do in Buford, Wyoming. Raised on a cattle ranch, Douglas Dugan knew nothing but a life of dedicated hard work from the day he could first pick up a milk pail. Kids at school teased the boy, as life on a farm carried with it a stigma of poverty...and the unavoidable smell.

To keep his son from being bullied, Carl Dugan enrolled Dougie in boxing classes at the Buford YMCAwyen he was 10. It turned out that punching things was where the boy excelled. At the age of 15, Doug traveled to Wisconsin where he placed 2nd at the Golden Gloves Tournament. Returning home, he worked on his game while working on the farm, boxing as an amateur as soon as he was able. Know for swinging for a knockout, Dugan often tired himself out, leading to more than a few ugly losses. After a concussion left him unable to work, his father called it quits. Doug left home at the age of 23 and never spoke to his father again.

With little in the way of job prospects, Doug got a job as a bouncer for a few biker bars and clubs of a seedier nature. Soon enough, he started helping knock over local stores for spare cash. He did some time in jail, got married, had two kids, got divorced, went to prison.

There, he met a few low level mutant supervillains looking to make a score. Doug signed on with the assurance that he'd be given a 'performance boost.'

Calling himself Doomfist, the new henchman began to make a name for himself within the circles of villainy.

Enough to get an invitation to Salem...

Criminal Record: 
Armed robbery
Breaking and Entering
Assault with a deadly weapon
Destruction of Property

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Doomfist pays monthly alimony and child support to his ex Wife, Lisa, who lives in Orlando, Florida with their two teenaged children, Douglas Jr and Louise.

Atleast one will be s mutant.

Doomfist also has an illegitimate child in Vegas, whom he also provides money for. The child is 4.
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