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Chigozie Olivarez [Soundwave]

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:43 am
by Naphthalim
Player Nickname: Naphthalim
Name: Chigozie Olivarez
Codename: Soundwave

Age: 26
Date of Birth: April 3rd

Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 175
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Chicago
Nationality/Race: Half Black half Cuban
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant
Status: Metahuman Activist
Occupation: DJ

Personality Profile: Chigozie is a very charged young man that believes anyone who isn't fighting for their beliefs is a coward. He tends to be blunt but respectful, and finds value in being the "bigger man." He is always worried about the Metahuman movement and is always outspoken about it. He doesn't lose his head as often as he did in his youth, but has become much more confrontational.

Physical Description: Chigozie appears as a light skinned black man with a swimmer's build. When operating as Soundwave, he wears a hoodie and his LED mask. He's sewn a pair of blue tooth speakers into his hoodie (just below the pokcets) and keeps a phone charger (along with his phone) on him at all times in case he needs to generate sound.


General Power Information: Audiokenisis

Ability One: Heightened sense of Hearing - Chigozie's sense of hearing is amplified to the point that he can easily eavesdrop on strangers in other rooms. He can listen to a person's heart rate as they talk, and also has the ability to hear sound waves too fast and too long for normal ears. He can listen to radio signals and hear cell phone conversations through the sound waves that travel through the air.

Ability Two: Sound Manipulation - Chigozie can manipulate the sound around him in a variety of ways. As he is able to see these waves around him, he is able to reach out and change one sound into another, transforming the sounds of speeding traffic into a specific conversation, or transforming the sounds of barking dogs into gunfire. He can also use his powers to suppress the sounds in an area, transforming them into wave forms most ears cannot detect. He can also reproduce any sound he's heard before.

Ability Three: Sound Wave - Chigozie has found two offensive uses for his sound manipulation. One, is to focus and direct the sound around him. When he does this, he fires an arc of sound out as a cuncussive wave. This is often used to knock down or stun his enemies. He can also amplify sounds to create a deafening cacaphony also stunning those around him.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • 1. His heightened hearing is always active. Sudden loud sounds can disable him when he's not ready for it. Also, he has trouble concentrating in naturally loud areas.
    2. Overexertion with his powers triggers migraines which he has suffered from since he was young.
    3. Physically, he is a normal human
    4. While it is easy for him to change the form of a sound. It is difficult for him to increase the volume. He can transform a whisper into regular conversation, or silence a jackhammer, but transforming a whisper into a cacaphony of noise, or the sound of an airplane taking off will often trigger a migraine or at least a headache.
    5. His cuncussive blasts only function in areas with enough sound.
    6. His powers are tied to his sense of hearing. Without it, he is powerless.
Skills: Chigozie is a skilled music producer and DJ. He is also skilled in grass roots ad campaigns. He is a mediocre boxer (gifted amateur). He is also skilled at recording, mixing and mastering music.

Background: For Chigozie all of life can be defined through music. It's always been important to him. It's always defined him as a person. From his father's collection of Old School Hip Hop, to his mother's House Music and Reggeaton, to all the forms of music his school friends introduced him to. When he was in High School, he was in the school Jazz band, played in a Punk band, and produced his own rap mix tapes. Most of it he finds cringe worthy today. Music had always carried him away, it had always been safe.

Outside of music, Chigozie wasn't the best student. Born with a very strict sense of right and wrong, he was the first student to challenge any teacher he believed was wrong or wasn't being fair. His parents often spoke with him about politics and the plights of those in need, and he couldn't help but speak out and stand up for the rights of all the marginalized groups in his community.

His studies were also impaired by his Migraines which often came on him in stressful situations. He never excelled in any particular instrument but always had a sound for how music goes together. After a particularly painful migraine, his parents came in to see him and had seemingly lost their voices. They left his room and their voices returned. So, they came back into the room and he hid under his pillow as their voices sounded like thunder to him. This was the first time his powers began manifesting.

Chigozie went to college, while trying to teach himself how to use his powers. He almost flunked out the first year, his hearing being too much for him, but bounced back after he had gotten the hang of it. This is when he found other students like himself who pushed for change. It's also how he found his way into the rave scene, playing illegal shows at abandoned buildings. While he never graduated, he did learn how to make good money playing shows, DJing for clubs and recording local music artists. He was content to live this life, slowly figuring his powers out and making his living till a heated argument with a friend lead to him discovering his concussive blast ability. It put his friend in the hospital and completely destroyed his recording studio. After that he came looking for help to truly learn how to control his powers.

After his experience at Cobolt Academy, Chigozie found he was a changed man. It began with him becoming much more militant about the rights of those who were born different within Chicago, both those simply born different along with aliens and other mythological beasts. He attended more marches, began to organize his community. Now, he is running after school programs for powered youth who want to learn to better control their abilities. He has put together a proposal for a school in Chicago much like Cobalt Academy (though nowhere near as advanced/expensive). He works to bring to his native town all the advantages they would have to move far away to find.

Criminal Record:
  • Breaking an Entering
    Disturbing the Peace
    Some speeding tickets
Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Chigozie is a fan of recreational drugs, but only in a club environment or while partying. He responds similarly to alcohol. He'll never drink alone, but will happily get drunk with friends. When he feels himself getting stressed and music is not an option. He will normally turn to knitting. His mother knitted often and it's an activity that helps him clear his mind. He can play many instruments with varying levels of skill form Pretty-good to please-put-that-thing-down. He likes to create mixes for his friends, and is pen pals with a shiny metal alien.

Re: Chigozie Olivarez [Soundwave]

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:26 pm
by Naphthalim
META notes
- Former member of Cobalt Hill academy.
- Came to Chicago right before the local metahuman rights organization found our undercover agent.
- Is believed to be the reason why local metahuman cells have dropped off of our surveillance rotations.
- Has sound based powers. The full extent of which is unknown.
- Is rumored to have been radicalized at Cobalt Hill.
- Has recently been seen leading metahuman marches and protests.