Training Sim 2/26/19

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Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> Cobalt was one of those places that had technology that would astound even Government think-geeks, all thanks to the brilliant minds and techs that lived and worked in this Academy. It was no surprise then that everyone's phone went off at the exact same time, regardless of whether or not it was turned off or on vibrate. "Assemble - SIM Chamber 3" In the hallways of the Academy specially designed panels lit up with a large X.

`Roc gives Lonnie a bit of a look that suggests Lonnie could accidentally catch on fire by accident but it would be fire.... It's only a look. His gaze returns to Liam. "JJ and I both got jumped. Bunch of guys and their dads, I guess."

<@Marlo> Impact tapped the side of his helmet, acknowledging the message. With a turn to his new trainees, he hitches his head to the Rec Center, "That's our cue. Time to see what we got." Impact turned to Liam and thumbed to the Rec Center, " You in? Might be fun?"

`Roc nods, walking with the others. He's not in uniform, actually, but then again, he's planning to fly, and feathers have their own disguising effect

<@Marlo> Lonnie clapped his hands and gave an excited whoop. He slipped the goggles back down over his eyes and immediately heads to the Sims. " Bout time!! Cmon let's do this!!"

<@Sisip> When people came through the Sim door they would find Sisip, in her XTeam catsuit with the embroidered medicine-wheels on her shoulders, standing in what was a replica of the team's ready-room. Greys, blues, blacks, those were the only colours. Large screens were hung on the wall behind her, computer terminals blinking information in a steady stream in front of them. She was standing behind an average looking steel table upon which were booklets of information, all of them containing the same material.

<@Marlo> Impact heads into the chamber. After a nod to Skieweaver, he heads to a seat. Though his Slammer Gauntlets as he called them seemed unwieldy, he could still articulate. JJ was a genius, after all. He settled in, reaching for a booklet. "Evening, Boss." He looked over his shoulder, noting who would be coming in next.

<@Marlo> Atlas arrived next, still picking at his uniform. It felt like he had a full body wedgie. He hopped a few steps, trying to dig a length out of his backside, "Ugh...these will NOT look good on Insta."

`Roc keeps back, to let Liam go next. "Hey, Impact, should I change now or later?"

* +LiamKrossa He'd step into the sim chamber, feeling very, very underdressed. After all, he was in his usual outfit, workout pants and one of his custom t-shirts. He'd step to the table, looking to see what the booklets were about. "So uhh- feel I don't know something." He'd look up Sisip brow more than a little raised.

<@Sisip> She doesn't say anything, her dark eyes watching everyone come in and stand in the group. If they wanted to work as a team they were going to get treated like a team, and they were going to be judged harshly. Sisip knew better than most what was at stake when a team failed to work together. When a team -refused- to work as a team. Not every mission was a success, not everybody always came home, and that was because of a poorly practiced team.

<+Remulon> Seven popped silently into view, her arms crossed tightly beneath her chest, head tilted to one side. She pushed off of the sim wall and quietly observed those who entered, pushing her thick black glasses up onto her face and meandering towards the center of the room. Opting out of the uniform, largely because she was hesitant in how much of herself she was willing--no, able to give anymore, she rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt and placed her hands on her hips.

@JJ> his arm was still sore, but it had much improved and recovered. JJ showed up in his Tron suit which looked sort of like the getup the programs wore in the movie he got his name from. Full body, full helmet. And everywhere tiny leds. One of JJ's favorite tricks was of course to make emojis appear on the front of his helmet since one couldn't see his face. But right now there was a simple design of cobalt blue outlining the suit in narrow stripes. He walked up to the Sim.

<Devilpants> Caitrin -- rather, Valkyrie, who didn't care that the name was already taken in Marvel -- showed up in full uniform, complete with stylish mask. She wanted to eventually upgrade to a full helmet, but was still working on a design that included the little winged headdress that pop culture demanded valkyries have. "Heyyyy, what's happenin'?" She seemed to be in a much better mood than the past few days, ever since she made an ass of herself at the protest.

<@Marlo> Impact turned to Roc first to answer him, "Go ahead. You brought your com, right?" He looks around and motions to the chairs at the table, "Have a seat everyone. Let's get this started." In his glance about, he spotted Seven. Though the faceless helmet prevented her from seeing it, he was smiling at her, "Hey, Whisper."

<@Sisip> "Good evening, everyone," Skieweaver raised her voice over the din of the small crowd and clicked a device in her hand and images of Crowley's Row appeared on the screen, "This afternoon a virus was stolen from XCorp Labs. This man, Adrian Chavana, is a multiplier. He overwhelmed their security and escaped. The virus, a genetically engineered recombinant virus made from the nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the rhinovirus, and smallpox, is a fast acting and devistating bit of biolgical warfare." The man picutred is a heavier set, tall fellow, with dark facial hair that needed a comb run through it. "Chavana is never without his trusted friend and long time companion, Gloria Martinez." The picture appears next to Chavana's. She is also a heavier set person, gorgeous, with long hair and dark eyes. "She creates pheromones, and drawing people to her, can get them to do whatever she wishes.. just because they want to please her."

<Devilpants> Valkyrie raised her hand. "Do the pheremones need to be inhaled, or are they absorbed through the skin?"

<@Marlo> Impact watched the briefing, taking mental notes. A multiplier would be tough to deal with if they were unlimited. "Thinking the same thing, Valkyrie. What do we have on Chavana's limits?"

<@JJ> "Good evening, Mrs Skieweaver," JJ droned liek the smart-alec he was. Though he'd never had the actual growing up classroom experience to have ever had a grade school teacher. So... like many things, the excellerated growth mutant was making up for lost time. "So two bio-agents. The virus and little miss pheromones. Good thing masks I make have a filter, and hopefully it can't get through clothes..."

<@Marlo> Atlas seemed like paying attention was the ladt thing he wanted to do. The descriptions of the villains did get his attention though. "Uh...i don't have a mask over my face...should i?"

<+Remulon> Still, it didn't mean she didn't want to help -- it was Whisper's curse. That was why she was always ready to take a comm unit and leap in to do some perceivably-awful stuff while risking her life. Wrinkling her nose, she glanced Impact's way, offering a cordial tip of her head, to be professional. Skieweaver quickly gained her attention, and she went wide-eyed at the descriptions of the... well, terrorists. One of them had the power of influence, and that was dangerous. After Valkyrie posed her question, the albino mutant raised her own hand, waiting patiently before asking simply. "Would the woman keep additional bodyguards? Ones that she doesn't need to pay? Effective ones?"

* `Roc disappears out the back of the room now. When he comes back -- really, not at all long after, it's in his bird shape.

<@Sisip> She lets them look at the photos for a moment or so before she picks up the packets. "Chavana was counted at 15 on camera. We assume he can generate more, but that number is presently unknown. Martinez's pheromones are inhaled, so do not offer to help the lady check her breath. The pair was last seen in Crowley's Row. I am sure I do not need to, but I am going to STRESS the danger that lurks in this area. It is a safe haven for mutants, magicians and visitors. If any are under her adoring sweet breath this may become a little stickier. As far as we're aware they don't have any paid bodyguards. I'm certain they are all 'friends' of Martinez. You will find Chavana and Martinez, you will incapacitate them, secure the virus, and return them all to Cobalt. You will have no weapons, you will only have you, your abilities, and your teammates to accomplish this." She hands the packets out to those who hadn't already grabbed theirs, there's a little bit more data, but not much. She levels her eyes on Marlo, "Impact, I will remain on base to handle communication." She gives him a nod, "The team is yours." She does not wish them luck. This is skill, not luck. She exits the room, leaving the group to figure out what to do next. What do you do, hotshots.. what do you do?!?

Valkyrie nodded when her question was answered, then skimmed over the info in the packet. She then moved to JJ. "You think regular surgical masks would do the trick to keep her pheremones away? I hope they're decently visible mid-air..."

* +LiamKrossa Gives everyone that look, the one he wore so often since his arrival at cobalt. The 'what the absolute fuck is going on here, this makes no sense.' look. Everyone had new names now? The whole colour coordinated costume thing? Breathable bioagents, viruses. Couldn't they fight the guy with the terrible green cloak again? "So- gas masks? Do they block this stuff?" Yep, underdressed entirely unprepared mutant was.. entirely unequipped for this. He was just planning to play xbox.

<@Marlo> This was what he'd been waiting for. A chance to test himself as the leader. He stands up, looking over those assembled, " Okay, team here's my take. Roc, Tron...You're with Whisper. Stealth Recon. Whisper and Liam are gonna need a mask to filter out the pheramones. Your goal will be to locate Chavana and Martinez. We need constant eyes and communication. Valkyrie, Atlas and're with me. Martinez needs to go down first. Her power is a wild card. Thoughts? " look at Marlo. Strategy.

<@JJ> "Fif... Fifteen? Woah. Are they autonomous? Does he control them? Can we get him to disagree with himself? Convince one of the dupes that they die when he dismisses them? That what if THEY were the original? How does he dupe? On impact? At will? If they die does he feel it? Not that I wanna kill... But if it's a dupe and not really real, that makes it expendable, right?" After this barrage of confusing questions, Tron would turn to Valkyrie, "I think so, those things are supposed to keep stuff out!" Then he turned to Impact and saluted, "Sir, yes Sir!"

<@Marlo> Atlas looked over at Liam and thumbed, "Hey, if we've gotta use codenames, What's his? Gargoyle? Kid Hideous?"

<@Sisip> Sisip makes her way up to the control booth and settles in, cracking her knuckles before she wiggles her fingers. The first thing she does is drop the safety level. A well trained eye would see three amber lights flash twice before going dark. Safeties were still on, but this was going to hurt. A door opens to the outside, a blast of cold filling the room as the BlueMan steps in. He's dressed as he always is, in black pants, a black shirt, and black tie. He stands there, silent as ever, waiting.

<Devilpants> "Well, then... since this is a sim..." She looks up, then back at where she assumes the control room is. "Can someone in the control room drop us a box of surgical masks? I know for a fact we have a bunch in the infirmary, and normally I'd just run down there and get them myself." *Valkyrie does

<+Remulon> There were... a lot of variables there. Whisper considered them as she grabbed a folder and scanned it over, chewing at her bottom lip. They had to subdue someone who could be someones and a person who could essentially create a hivemind. Two halves of a powerful whole. She looked around slowly and gave a silent thumbs-up. Looks like she had chosen the, uh--whichever pill Neo took, she didn't really watch The Matrix.

* +LiamKrossa Rolls his eyes pretty hard, he'd heard far, far worse. He'd been going to school in detroit for gods sake. "Is there even a point in me having a codename? I think everyone can see exactly who I am from a mile away." He was already not a fan of atlas. "Wait, we can ask for stuff?" He'd flip through the booklet a bit, maybe he'd be best off fighting mr more than one.

<Devilpants> "I dunno if we can ask for stuff, that's why I'm asking." Valkyrie gives Liam a shrug.

<@Marlo> "Stow that, Valkyrie." Impact knew Skieweaver. He'd served under her. This was yheir mission. A proving ground, "We don't ask for anything. And we will act as if this is real world. Is that clear. Tron. Get us equipped. Take who you need. We're out in 10" he'd turn to Whisper, giving her a slow nod. This wasn't the time to have a moment. He sometimes wished he hadn't stayed with the faceless helmet. Liam hot a response, "It's tradition. Even Ashlynne has a codename...I think."

<@JJ> "May I, Skieweaver?" But it was Impact who answered. Tron nodded and made a box appear with the masks. "I'm not gonna do that for everything, mind you. That would be cheating, and it wouldn't be fair to me to be the only dampened person in here." JJ always had this issue with Simulators. As a technopath he could tweak things in his favor, but nope! He was hoofing it, except where his powers would come in, in a real world application. "It's gear up time." Tron took requests and conjured up the normal team goodies.

* `Roc spreads his wings a couple of times and watches the others in wordless silence. Patiently waiting for now, until they're ready to go.

<@Sisip> Impacts com unit wakes up, Skieweavers voice coming through, "Time is of the essence, Impact. If that virus gets out millions of people along the Eastern Seaboard will die." No masks are generated by Control. It is just the team, standing in a room. BlueMan stares at the group, shrugging just a bit, motioning curiously towards the door. He didn't say anything.. he never did. Imapact would hear Skieweaver again, "He who hesitates... allows everyone to die." She knew they had to prepare, but this was still a mission.

<Devilpants> "...oh. Okay then. Let's, uh..." Valkyrie looked around, then at Impact, and mumbles. "Let's... get a move on..." She pursed her lips and crossed her arms, waiting for Impact to actually give the order to move out. She still wasn't taking this as anything other than a simulation, despite what Impact and Sisip said.

<@Marlo> "Shit. Everyone in the van. Fliers take off and stay close." Tron was too used to using his powers for everything. He didn't think to actually go out to look in the real world. He heads over and slides ooen the door, "MOVE MOVE MOVE."

<Devilpants> Already being at high charge, Valkyrie just hops in and buckles up so we can get moving already!

<@Marlo> Atlas jumped for the van, "I call Door Seat!!" He looks over at Valkyrie, chuckling like a kid. Because that's what he was. A kid. "This shit's so swag." Or another new wotd for cool sue me im 40 this year

<+Remulon> "Unless someone else would prefer to do it, I volunteer for the... grab part of the smash and grab." Red eyes glanced about as she spoke, rather sheepishly. "I... have done that sort of thing... once or twice, before." By the time Whisper finished speaking, she was practically mumbling, quickly blinking her way to the van, buckling up and declaring. "Don't forget your seatbelts, everybody!"

* +LiamKrossa He had wings, but a flier he was not. So.. into the van. He hated cars, wings and seats weren't a good match. He'd have to shove himself sideways, cramming in while making himself as small as he could. "Tradition? Maybe- you know what, how about I choose one after the whole prevent virtual eastern seabord from dying thing?" He had no idea what he was doing, untrained, untested, unprepared. Maybe someone would point him in the right direction in all this?

* `Roc takes off into the air, but keeping close. Really glad he wasn't riding in the van

<@Sisip> BlueMan gets into the van, buckling up, because indeed - safety first! Once everyone was on board he, with all the skill in the world, peeled off into the night. The van was masterfully handled, because Blue was just that good! They go through town and finally end up down a back alley, two blocks away from Crowley's Row. The lights and sounds of a bustling night-market could be heard. The place was 24/7, catering to everyone under the sky. Nobody was turned away on the Row!

<@JJ> Yup, Tron 100% relied on his powers for everything. Especially in this day and age of smart devices. JJ was a Smart Mutant in a manner of speaking. Once everyone was geared up - Skieweaver wasn't providing goodies, but JJ was and only that one gear up. They were on their own now. JJ hopped inside and buckled up, not feeling like getting another limb replaced.

<@Sisip> The doors are unlocked and Blue tilts the mirror, watching them in the back.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie glances expectantly at Impact, awaiting orders.

<@Marlo> "Agreed, Whisper. I wouldn't trust anyone else. " There was affection in his voice, even through the modulation. He took shotgun. The big boy seat, "Liam, just stick close. Do what I tell you. You're going to be fine." He snapped his belt buckle...then unsnapped it as they got out. "Fast ride..Okay, Com check. Mask check. Tron, Roc give me a perimeter. Security cameras. Anything. Everyone else, rooftops. Stay close, keep atleast one team member in sight at all times." With that, Impact moved to the nearest alley to parkour his way to the nearest roof. "Yoy yo Atlas on the mic!" The flashy young mutant said seconds before reducing his weight and simply jumping onto the roof.

<@JJ> Security cams. The fake security cameras of the fake buildings. NOT the real sim one. If anything Sims were harder for him to concentrate on. Everything glowed to techie-vision. He had to tune out 90% of the room. "Have to filter out a lot of noise... but I have the right feeds!"

<+Remulon> Silly Marlo. Never trust a thief. During the ride, Whisper slipped out of view, though the stretched seatbelt indicated that she was still there. A bit of headspace-affirming, invisible meditation during the ride helped ease her vibrating nerves a bit. After listening to Impact's instructions, she nodded (forgetting that it couldn't be seen) before blinking up to the top of a building. Atlas' remark made her eyebrow twitch. "... and please keep the comms clear. It's difficult to concentrate."

* `Roc starts circling, exploring the area closest to the van and then spreading out. He leaves the discussion of cameras to JJ. Isaac focuses on whatever else he can find. He looks for people, for cars, for cops

<@Sisip> JJ would see the usual sights of Crowleys. A bustling crowd of all types, shopping, haggling, children laughing even this late at night. Instead of street lights Crowley's preffered gas, giving the area a softer look. Everything looked normal, except for one particular building. A curio shop, harmless in and of itself, but standing outside of it were about 5 men, doing nothing but staring.. and standing. Not moving, just.. there. In all the hustle and bustle of the place that would seem a bit strange. Roc would see the same, but he would get the scents of spices and cooking foods. There are no police cars. Crowley's Row was strange like that. Similar to Sully's, the Row had their own set of rules. Marlo makes it up to the roof, only kicking one bathroom door open! He and Whisper would see a beautiful night, and pretty much the same thing down below.

* +LiamKrossa Shrugs a bit "I mean yeah we're gonna be fine, it's a sim so we're safe... -ish." He'd step out of the van, stretching a bit glad not to be cooped up. Stay close he says, right before bounding straight for the rooftops.. Damnit. He'd have to prepare himself, hunching down before driving those powerful legs to the ground, sending him up as those wings flare and beat for all they're worth. It would be a slow ascent, but he'd make it onto the roof making sure to land gently enough not to shove his hoof through someone's ceiling this time.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie picks Marlo as her sight-buddy and darts after him, electricity briefing arcing over her body as she activates her charge to handily make a few 10-20 foot vertical jumps to a rooftop. She stays away from the very edge of any given building and stays low, so anyone on the ground nearby would probably only see her head and shoulders.

<@Marlo> Atlas lept ahead a few buildings, his body weighting all of five pounds. When Whisper spoke, he thought about saying something, but looked back at the others and reconsidered. He didn't want to be the reason everyone failed.

<@JJ> spoke over the comms. "There's something fishy about the curio shop. Five unknowns. They're just standing there... staring... motionless."

`Roc reports what he sees through the coms JJ built for him. He also keeps an eye out for any signs of the subjects they're supposed to be finding, the guy or the chick. He keeps the reporting simple and terse.

<+Remulon> 'Where would I go if I had stolen a terrifying virus?' Whisper thought, then shook her head. 'Why would I be stealing a terrifying virus?' To sell to the highest bidder, of course. All hypothetical at this point. She sank to her knees and crawled closer to the edge of the roof, squinting at the group of men down below. First rule of being invisible -- don't act like you're invisible. "Tron's right. That screams 'guard' to me. Impact, may I search for a back door?"

<@Marlo> "Team, move in. Keep low. Do not be detected. Keep your eyes open for others that Martinez might have control of." He'd done this before, run to the edge, jump, roll repeat. Years of training. "Go for it. Take Valkyrie for backup if you need it." Valkyrie didn't realise what kind of trust he was putting in the rookie. "Tron, Do they all look like Chavana?"

<Devilpants> Valkyrie gives Impact thumbs up, then crosses to Whisper's position, hunkering down next to her to match her posture.

<@Sisip> The group of men remain standing still. Upon closer inspection the men could be described thusly: One who had a thick nose ring, the kind bulls wear. He was thick torso'd and thick necked. Average height. One who was a neckbearded fellow in a pancake hat wearing a brown tshirt with a red heart on the front. One who had a "Hello My Name Is: Brad" sticker on his shirt. He had viciously sharp claws and a tail with spikes on the end. Another fellow who had creepy, eyelidless eyes that bulged and a mouth that stretched just a bit too far across his face. The last was a giant. No less than 8 feet tall with muscles on his muscles! He was bald with what could best be described as a .. squidgy face. A quick inspection of the area would show that if there was a back door it was well hidden. Now THAT'S a fire harzard!

<Devilpants> Valkyrie shadowed Whisper as she searched, trying her best to stay close and out of sight. Rather than try stealth of her own, she'd just hide where Whisper hid, one hiding spot behind.

<@JJ> Comm: "Negative, Impact. The Five are different looking, all of them. from each other. If I were a betting man? Mutants, and upping that betting ante - nose ring's probably pretty strong. Like bull. Heart shirt? No idea. Bradley? He has claws. Look out. The other two? Makes me think of a frog, and we got a biggun!"

* +LiamKrossa Glares at Marlo, impact, whatever the hell he was supposed to call the guy in the helmet at the moment. Don't get spotted? After his huge winged arse flew onto a roof to stay close like he asked? The winged mutant was three beacons on a warning klaxon with a few strobe lights for good measure. "Maybe I should just.. stand in an alley? Or in a shop or something?"

[22:1 ] <+Remulon> In order to accomodate Valkyrie, Whisper made sure to slip in and out of invisibility. Since she couldn't find the back door, she ducked into an alley a couple buildings down and shed her stealth completely. "Not...seeing a way in, Impact. With your permission, Valkyrie and I will go in the unconventional way to make sure we have a clear path." If there is no door, just pretend there is one and that it's already open!

<@Sisip> The men continued to stand, staring at nothing really. The crowd around the curio store continues along their ways, business at hand. Anyone close to the building would hear quite well spanish being spoken within. Very thin walls, it was, afterall, only a curio shoppe. They were a dime a dozen in the Row, and were usually thrown up in a day.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie cracks her knuckles. "Whisper, what way you talkin' about? Am I busting a window, a wall, what? Either of those would make a lotta noise and attract a lotta attention..."

<@Marlo> "Do it. Let me know when you have eyes on Martinez. Valkyrie, follow Whisper's lead." One building away, Impact stopped, waiting for the intel. He got an idea, "Tron, gimme eyes through my heads-up. I wanna see the mooks. Liam, stay back just a bit with Atlas. Roc, find a closer perch, but try to keep your distance. " all the while, Marlo was having an absolute panic attack. He had to stop and breathe to get his head right.

<@JJ> Comm: "Sending the info now. Also! Anything else you need me for by the way? Or just sit tight by the car and hack into the cam feeds?" JJ knew he was limited, and especially so in the sims (without cheating) but he was getting the boreds. He wanted to be part of the action!

<@Marlo> The younger mutant looked over at Liam and shrugged, "Guess we're back up? Kinda insulting, huh?"

* `Roc caws quietly as he finds another perch, a little closer, but not so near as to risk attention.

<+Remulon> Off-comm, Whisper balked. "What? No, I--I meant teleportation, I was going to teleport us. Just, um--give me one second, I have to get in first. I'll be right back--unless I'm not." She gave a wide-eyed stare to Valkyrie, but shrugged her concerns off before vanishing. The invisible mutant crossed over toward the target building, making her way toward the side of it and hesitantly sliding her head through the wall to have a look around inside.

<@Marlo> The toughs came into view, and the worry left Marlo. A good fight. He loved a good fight. Tron's question gave him a pause, "Any Closed Circuit cameras in the shoppe?"

<Devilpants> Caitrin felt embarrassed, but only a little, because despite her misunderstanding, she warned Whisper about the noise those options would make. She waited patiently, eyes open, ready to move as soon as the scenery changed *Valkyrie

* +LiamKrossa The big winged mutant would get as low on the roof as he could next to his least favourite person on this team. "Well, what else am I going to be? I think the only person more recognizeable than me is the big metal alien. Even that is questionable. So here I am, on a roof, what are people going to think? I'm up to shady shit of course. Let's just lie low, and maybe they don't need us?"

<@Sisip> "Pinche pendejo! You know we have to get this out of here tonight. Why are we still here?" A heavily accented woman's voice was heard. "Do you think he's going to wait? Uh uh, no he won't! Then you'll be sittin there with your dick in your hand while some big guy eyes you up in the slammer." A male voice responded, "Fuck you, puta, he gon' wait. You think he's gonna leave WITHOUT this shit? We gettin paid too sweet, this shit's worth somethin." Perhaps they didn't know what it was they'd actually stolen? Whisper would see the pair of them standing by a sidecounter filled with ornamental glass pipes. On the top of that counter, between the pair, was a metal box, locked tight, with a green light illuminated. Martinez shook her head, "You an idiot, Adrian. You'd trust anyone if they dropped a penny into yer hand." They continued to talk between themselves, no idea that Whisper was taking a gander. Tron would see that there was no CCTV in the little Shoppe!

<+Remulon> Listening intently, Whisper held her breath. If there was one thing she knew, it was that once they lost the element of surprise, things were more likely to go south. So, backing out of the alley, she quickly returned to Valkyrie's side. "The targets are inside, and they're alone. I know where the virus is. A safe idea may be snatch it from under their nose, to secure it and send them reeling in confusion so they can be engaged without fear of running away with it." of them running away with it*

<@JJ> Comm: "Negative, Impact. No CCTV feeds inside." Marlo had not sent any other directions. So this was his role tonight. Man in the chair.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie nods as Whisper speaks. "Maybe snatch it, and then a distraction from the front door right after you sneak out with it..." She tried desperately not to metagame. She knew it wouldn't be that simple.

<@Marlo> "Okay team, Here's the play. We hit simultaneously. " as he spoke into the coms, he looked back at Liam and Atlas, including them on the mission plan, "Whisper, you're gonna port in with Valkyrie. While you grab the case, Valkyrie...give Martinez enough juice to knock her out. Then port out. When they port in, Tron and Roc, i need you to pull the Mooks away. Keep collateral damage to a minimum. Atlas, Liam and I will go after Chavana. Tron and Roc should draw him out. Ready, gang?" He sounded ready. And damb serious. "Any onbjections, speak now or we go on Whisper's mark."

<Devilpants> Valkyrie cracked her neck. "Ready when you are."
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Re: Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> Cobalt was one of those places that had technology that would astound even Government think-geeks, all thanks to the brilliant minds and techs that lived and worked in this Academy. It was no surprise then that everyone's phone went off at the exact same time, regardless of whether or not it was turned off or on vibrate. "Assemble - SIM Chamber 3" In the hallways of the Academy specially designed panels lit up with a large X.

`Roc gives Lonnie a bit of a look that suggests Lonnie could accidentally catch on fire by accident but it would be fire.... It's only a look. His gaze returns to Liam. "JJ and I both got jumped. Bunch of guys and their dads, I guess."

<@Marlo> Impact tapped the side of his helmet, acknowledging the message. With a turn to his new trainees, he hitches his head to the Rec Center, "That's our cue. Time to see what we got." Impact turned to Liam and thumbed to the Rec Center, " You in? Might be fun?"

`Roc nods, walking with the others. He's not in uniform, actually, but then again, he's planning to fly, and feathers have their own disguising effect

<@Marlo> Lonnie clapped his hands and gave an excited whoop. He slipped the goggles back down over his eyes and immediately heads to the Sims. " Bout time!! Cmon let's do this!!"

<@Sisip> When people came through the Sim door they would find Sisip, in her XTeam catsuit with the embroidered medicine-wheels on her shoulders, standing in what was a replica of the team's ready-room. Greys, blues, blacks, those were the only colours. Large screens were hung on the wall behind her, computer terminals blinking information in a steady stream in front of them. She was standing behind an average looking steel table upon which were booklets of information, all of them containing the same material.

<@Marlo> Impact heads into the chamber. After a nod to Skieweaver, he heads to a seat. Though his Slammer Gauntlets as he called them seemed unwieldy, he could still articulate. JJ was a genius, after all. He settled in, reaching for a booklet. "Evening, Boss." He looked over his shoulder, noting who would be coming in next.

<@Marlo> Atlas arrived next, still picking at his uniform. It felt like he had a full body wedgie. He hopped a few steps, trying to dig a length out of his backside, "Ugh...these will NOT look good on Insta."

`Roc keeps back, to let Liam go next. "Hey, Impact, should I change now or later?"

* +LiamKrossa He'd step into the sim chamber, feeling very, very underdressed. After all, he was in his usual outfit, workout pants and one of his custom t-shirts. He'd step to the table, looking to see what the booklets were about. "So uhh- feel I don't know something." He'd look up Sisip brow more than a little raised.

<@Sisip> She doesn't say anything, her dark eyes watching everyone come in and stand in the group. If they wanted to work as a team they were going to get treated like a team, and they were going to be judged harshly. Sisip knew better than most what was at stake when a team failed to work together. When a team -refused- to work as a team. Not every mission was a success, not everybody always came home, and that was because of a poorly practiced team.

<+Remulon> Seven popped silently into view, her arms crossed tightly beneath her chest, head tilted to one side. She pushed off of the sim wall and quietly observed those who entered, pushing her thick black glasses up onto her face and meandering towards the center of the room. Opting out of the uniform, largely because she was hesitant in how much of herself she was willing--no, able to give anymore, she rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt and placed her hands on her hips.

@JJ> his arm was still sore, but it had much improved and recovered. JJ showed up in his Tron suit which looked sort of like the getup the programs wore in the movie he got his name from. Full body, full helmet. And everywhere tiny leds. One of JJ's favorite tricks was of course to make emojis appear on the front of his helmet since one couldn't see his face. But right now there was a simple design of cobalt blue outlining the suit in narrow stripes. He walked up to the Sim.

<Devilpants> Caitrin -- rather, Valkyrie, who didn't care that the name was already taken in Marvel -- showed up in full uniform, complete with stylish mask. She wanted to eventually upgrade to a full helmet, but was still working on a design that included the little winged headdress that pop culture demanded valkyries have. "Heyyyy, what's happenin'?" She seemed to be in a much better mood than the past few days, ever since she made an ass of herself at the protest.

<@Marlo> Impact turned to Roc first to answer him, "Go ahead. You brought your com, right?" He looks around and motions to the chairs at the table, "Have a seat everyone. Let's get this started." In his glance about, he spotted Seven. Though the faceless helmet prevented her from seeing it, he was smiling at her, "Hey, Whisper."

<@Sisip> "Good evening, everyone," Skieweaver raised her voice over the din of the small crowd and clicked a device in her hand and images of Crowley's Row appeared on the screen, "This afternoon a virus was stolen from XCorp Labs. This man, Adrian Chavana, is a multiplier. He overwhelmed their security and escaped. The virus, a genetically engineered recombinant virus made from the nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the rhinovirus, and smallpox, is a fast acting and devistating bit of biolgical warfare." The man picutred is a heavier set, tall fellow, with dark facial hair that needed a comb run through it. "Chavana is never without his trusted friend and long time companion, Gloria Martinez." The picture appears next to Chavana's. She is also a heavier set person, gorgeous, with long hair and dark eyes. "She creates pheromones, and drawing people to her, can get them to do whatever she wishes.. just because they want to please her."

<Devilpants> Valkyrie raised her hand. "Do the pheremones need to be inhaled, or are they absorbed through the skin?"

<@Marlo> Impact watched the briefing, taking mental notes. A multiplier would be tough to deal with if they were unlimited. "Thinking the same thing, Valkyrie. What do we have on Chavana's limits?"

<@JJ> "Good evening, Mrs Skieweaver," JJ droned liek the smart-alec he was. Though he'd never had the actual growing up classroom experience to have ever had a grade school teacher. So... like many things, the excellerated growth mutant was making up for lost time. "So two bio-agents. The virus and little miss pheromones. Good thing masks I make have a filter, and hopefully it can't get through clothes..."

<@Marlo> Atlas seemed like paying attention was the ladt thing he wanted to do. The descriptions of the villains did get his attention though. "Uh...i don't have a mask over my face...should i?"

<+Remulon> Still, it didn't mean she didn't want to help -- it was Whisper's curse. That was why she was always ready to take a comm unit and leap in to do some perceivably-awful stuff while risking her life. Wrinkling her nose, she glanced Impact's way, offering a cordial tip of her head, to be professional. Skieweaver quickly gained her attention, and she went wide-eyed at the descriptions of the... well, terrorists. One of them had the power of influence, and that was dangerous. After Valkyrie posed her question, the albino mutant raised her own hand, waiting patiently before asking simply. "Would the woman keep additional bodyguards? Ones that she doesn't need to pay? Effective ones?"

* `Roc disappears out the back of the room now. When he comes back -- really, not at all long after, it's in his bird shape.

<@Sisip> She lets them look at the photos for a moment or so before she picks up the packets. "Chavana was counted at 15 on camera. We assume he can generate more, but that number is presently unknown. Martinez's pheromones are inhaled, so do not offer to help the lady check her breath. The pair was last seen in Crowley's Row. I am sure I do not need to, but I am going to STRESS the danger that lurks in this area. It is a safe haven for mutants, magicians and visitors. If any are under her adoring sweet breath this may become a little stickier. As far as we're aware they don't have any paid bodyguards. I'm certain they are all 'friends' of Martinez. You will find Chavana and Martinez, you will incapacitate them, secure the virus, and return them all to Cobalt. You will have no weapons, you will only have you, your abilities, and your teammates to accomplish this." She hands the packets out to those who hadn't already grabbed theirs, there's a little bit more data, but not much. She levels her eyes on Marlo, "Impact, I will remain on base to handle communication." She gives him a nod, "The team is yours." She does not wish them luck. This is skill, not luck. She exits the room, leaving the group to figure out what to do next. What do you do, hotshots.. what do you do?!?

Valkyrie nodded when her question was answered, then skimmed over the info in the packet. She then moved to JJ. "You think regular surgical masks would do the trick to keep her pheremones away? I hope they're decently visible mid-air..."

* +LiamKrossa Gives everyone that look, the one he wore so often since his arrival at cobalt. The 'what the absolute fuck is going on here, this makes no sense.' look. Everyone had new names now? The whole colour coordinated costume thing? Breathable bioagents, viruses. Couldn't they fight the guy with the terrible green cloak again? "So- gas masks? Do they block this stuff?" Yep, underdressed entirely unprepared mutant was.. entirely unequipped for this. He was just planning to play xbox.

<@Marlo> This was what he'd been waiting for. A chance to test himself as the leader. He stands up, looking over those assembled, " Okay, team here's my take. Roc, Tron...You're with Whisper. Stealth Recon. Whisper and Liam are gonna need a mask to filter out the pheramones. Your goal will be to locate Chavana and Martinez. We need constant eyes and communication. Valkyrie, Atlas and're with me. Martinez needs to go down first. Her power is a wild card. Thoughts? " look at Marlo. Strategy.

<@JJ> "Fif... Fifteen? Woah. Are they autonomous? Does he control them? Can we get him to disagree with himself? Convince one of the dupes that they die when he dismisses them? That what if THEY were the original? How does he dupe? On impact? At will? If they die does he feel it? Not that I wanna kill... But if it's a dupe and not really real, that makes it expendable, right?" After this barrage of confusing questions, Tron would turn to Valkyrie, "I think so, those things are supposed to keep stuff out!" Then he turned to Impact and saluted, "Sir, yes Sir!"

<@Marlo> Atlas looked over at Liam and thumbed, "Hey, if we've gotta use codenames, What's his? Gargoyle? Kid Hideous?"

<@Sisip> Sisip makes her way up to the control booth and settles in, cracking her knuckles before she wiggles her fingers. The first thing she does is drop the safety level. A well trained eye would see three amber lights flash twice before going dark. Safeties were still on, but this was going to hurt. A door opens to the outside, a blast of cold filling the room as the BlueMan steps in. He's dressed as he always is, in black pants, a black shirt, and black tie. He stands there, silent as ever, waiting.

<Devilpants> "Well, then... since this is a sim..." She looks up, then back at where she assumes the control room is. "Can someone in the control room drop us a box of surgical masks? I know for a fact we have a bunch in the infirmary, and normally I'd just run down there and get them myself." *Valkyrie does

<+Remulon> There were... a lot of variables there. Whisper considered them as she grabbed a folder and scanned it over, chewing at her bottom lip. They had to subdue someone who could be someones and a person who could essentially create a hivemind. Two halves of a powerful whole. She looked around slowly and gave a silent thumbs-up. Looks like she had chosen the, uh--whichever pill Neo took, she didn't really watch The Matrix.

* +LiamKrossa Rolls his eyes pretty hard, he'd heard far, far worse. He'd been going to school in detroit for gods sake. "Is there even a point in me having a codename? I think everyone can see exactly who I am from a mile away." He was already not a fan of atlas. "Wait, we can ask for stuff?" He'd flip through the booklet a bit, maybe he'd be best off fighting mr more than one.

<Devilpants> "I dunno if we can ask for stuff, that's why I'm asking." Valkyrie gives Liam a shrug.

<@Marlo> "Stow that, Valkyrie." Impact knew Skieweaver. He'd served under her. This was yheir mission. A proving ground, "We don't ask for anything. And we will act as if this is real world. Is that clear. Tron. Get us equipped. Take who you need. We're out in 10" he'd turn to Whisper, giving her a slow nod. This wasn't the time to have a moment. He sometimes wished he hadn't stayed with the faceless helmet. Liam hot a response, "It's tradition. Even Ashlynne has a codename...I think."

<@JJ> "May I, Skieweaver?" But it was Impact who answered. Tron nodded and made a box appear with the masks. "I'm not gonna do that for everything, mind you. That would be cheating, and it wouldn't be fair to me to be the only dampened person in here." JJ always had this issue with Simulators. As a technopath he could tweak things in his favor, but nope! He was hoofing it, except where his powers would come in, in a real world application. "It's gear up time." Tron took requests and conjured up the normal team goodies.

* `Roc spreads his wings a couple of times and watches the others in wordless silence. Patiently waiting for now, until they're ready to go.

<@Sisip> Impacts com unit wakes up, Skieweavers voice coming through, "Time is of the essence, Impact. If that virus gets out millions of people along the Eastern Seaboard will die." No masks are generated by Control. It is just the team, standing in a room. BlueMan stares at the group, shrugging just a bit, motioning curiously towards the door. He didn't say anything.. he never did. Imapact would hear Skieweaver again, "He who hesitates... allows everyone to die." She knew they had to prepare, but this was still a mission.

<Devilpants> "...oh. Okay then. Let's, uh..." Valkyrie looked around, then at Impact, and mumbles. "Let's... get a move on..." She pursed her lips and crossed her arms, waiting for Impact to actually give the order to move out. She still wasn't taking this as anything other than a simulation, despite what Impact and Sisip said.

<@Marlo> "Shit. Everyone in the van. Fliers take off and stay close." Tron was too used to using his powers for everything. He didn't think to actually go out to look in the real world. He heads over and slides ooen the door, "MOVE MOVE MOVE."

<Devilpants> Already being at high charge, Valkyrie just hops in and buckles up so we can get moving already!

<@Marlo> Atlas jumped for the van, "I call Door Seat!!" He looks over at Valkyrie, chuckling like a kid. Because that's what he was. A kid. "This shit's so swag." Or another new wotd for cool sue me im 40 this year

<+Remulon> "Unless someone else would prefer to do it, I volunteer for the... grab part of the smash and grab." Red eyes glanced about as she spoke, rather sheepishly. "I... have done that sort of thing... once or twice, before." By the time Whisper finished speaking, she was practically mumbling, quickly blinking her way to the van, buckling up and declaring. "Don't forget your seatbelts, everybody!"

* +LiamKrossa He had wings, but a flier he was not. So.. into the van. He hated cars, wings and seats weren't a good match. He'd have to shove himself sideways, cramming in while making himself as small as he could. "Tradition? Maybe- you know what, how about I choose one after the whole prevent virtual eastern seabord from dying thing?" He had no idea what he was doing, untrained, untested, unprepared. Maybe someone would point him in the right direction in all this?

* `Roc takes off into the air, but keeping close. Really glad he wasn't riding in the van

<@Sisip> BlueMan gets into the van, buckling up, because indeed - safety first! Once everyone was on board he, with all the skill in the world, peeled off into the night. The van was masterfully handled, because Blue was just that good! They go through town and finally end up down a back alley, two blocks away from Crowley's Row. The lights and sounds of a bustling night-market could be heard. The place was 24/7, catering to everyone under the sky. Nobody was turned away on the Row!

<@JJ> Yup, Tron 100% relied on his powers for everything. Especially in this day and age of smart devices. JJ was a Smart Mutant in a manner of speaking. Once everyone was geared up - Skieweaver wasn't providing goodies, but JJ was and only that one gear up. They were on their own now. JJ hopped inside and buckled up, not feeling like getting another limb replaced.

<@Sisip> The doors are unlocked and Blue tilts the mirror, watching them in the back.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie glances expectantly at Impact, awaiting orders.

<@Marlo> "Agreed, Whisper. I wouldn't trust anyone else. " There was affection in his voice, even through the modulation. He took shotgun. The big boy seat, "Liam, just stick close. Do what I tell you. You're going to be fine." He snapped his belt buckle...then unsnapped it as they got out. "Fast ride..Okay, Com check. Mask check. Tron, Roc give me a perimeter. Security cameras. Anything. Everyone else, rooftops. Stay close, keep atleast one team member in sight at all times." With that, Impact moved to the nearest alley to parkour his way to the nearest roof. "Yoy yo Atlas on the mic!" The flashy young mutant said seconds before reducing his weight and simply jumping onto the roof.

<@JJ> Security cams. The fake security cameras of the fake buildings. NOT the real sim one. If anything Sims were harder for him to concentrate on. Everything glowed to techie-vision. He had to tune out 90% of the room. "Have to filter out a lot of noise... but I have the right feeds!"

<+Remulon> Silly Marlo. Never trust a thief. During the ride, Whisper slipped out of view, though the stretched seatbelt indicated that she was still there. A bit of headspace-affirming, invisible meditation during the ride helped ease her vibrating nerves a bit. After listening to Impact's instructions, she nodded (forgetting that it couldn't be seen) before blinking up to the top of a building. Atlas' remark made her eyebrow twitch. "... and please keep the comms clear. It's difficult to concentrate."

* `Roc starts circling, exploring the area closest to the van and then spreading out. He leaves the discussion of cameras to JJ. Isaac focuses on whatever else he can find. He looks for people, for cars, for cops

<@Sisip> JJ would see the usual sights of Crowleys. A bustling crowd of all types, shopping, haggling, children laughing even this late at night. Instead of street lights Crowley's preffered gas, giving the area a softer look. Everything looked normal, except for one particular building. A curio shop, harmless in and of itself, but standing outside of it were about 5 men, doing nothing but staring.. and standing. Not moving, just.. there. In all the hustle and bustle of the place that would seem a bit strange. Roc would see the same, but he would get the scents of spices and cooking foods. There are no police cars. Crowley's Row was strange like that. Similar to Sully's, the Row had their own set of rules. Marlo makes it up to the roof, only kicking one bathroom door open! He and Whisper would see a beautiful night, and pretty much the same thing down below.

* +LiamKrossa Shrugs a bit "I mean yeah we're gonna be fine, it's a sim so we're safe... -ish." He'd step out of the van, stretching a bit glad not to be cooped up. Stay close he says, right before bounding straight for the rooftops.. Damnit. He'd have to prepare himself, hunching down before driving those powerful legs to the ground, sending him up as those wings flare and beat for all they're worth. It would be a slow ascent, but he'd make it onto the roof making sure to land gently enough not to shove his hoof through someone's ceiling this time.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie picks Marlo as her sight-buddy and darts after him, electricity briefing arcing over her body as she activates her charge to handily make a few 10-20 foot vertical jumps to a rooftop. She stays away from the very edge of any given building and stays low, so anyone on the ground nearby would probably only see her head and shoulders.

<@Marlo> Atlas lept ahead a few buildings, his body weighting all of five pounds. When Whisper spoke, he thought about saying something, but looked back at the others and reconsidered. He didn't want to be the reason everyone failed.

<@JJ> spoke over the comms. "There's something fishy about the curio shop. Five unknowns. They're just standing there... staring... motionless."

`Roc reports what he sees through the coms JJ built for him. He also keeps an eye out for any signs of the subjects they're supposed to be finding, the guy or the chick. He keeps the reporting simple and terse.

<+Remulon> 'Where would I go if I had stolen a terrifying virus?' Whisper thought, then shook her head. 'Why would I be stealing a terrifying virus?' To sell to the highest bidder, of course. All hypothetical at this point. She sank to her knees and crawled closer to the edge of the roof, squinting at the group of men down below. First rule of being invisible -- don't act like you're invisible. "Tron's right. That screams 'guard' to me. Impact, may I search for a back door?"

<@Marlo> "Team, move in. Keep low. Do not be detected. Keep your eyes open for others that Martinez might have control of." He'd done this before, run to the edge, jump, roll repeat. Years of training. "Go for it. Take Valkyrie for backup if you need it." Valkyrie didn't realise what kind of trust he was putting in the rookie. "Tron, Do they all look like Chavana?"

<Devilpants> Valkyrie gives Impact thumbs up, then crosses to Whisper's position, hunkering down next to her to match her posture.

<@Sisip> The group of men remain standing still. Upon closer inspection the men could be described thusly: One who had a thick nose ring, the kind bulls wear. He was thick torso'd and thick necked. Average height. One who was a neckbearded fellow in a pancake hat wearing a brown tshirt with a red heart on the front. One who had a "Hello My Name Is: Brad" sticker on his shirt. He had viciously sharp claws and a tail with spikes on the end. Another fellow who had creepy, eyelidless eyes that bulged and a mouth that stretched just a bit too far across his face. The last was a giant. No less than 8 feet tall with muscles on his muscles! He was bald with what could best be described as a .. squidgy face. A quick inspection of the area would show that if there was a back door it was well hidden. Now THAT'S a fire harzard!

<Devilpants> Valkyrie shadowed Whisper as she searched, trying her best to stay close and out of sight. Rather than try stealth of her own, she'd just hide where Whisper hid, one hiding spot behind.

<@JJ> Comm: "Negative, Impact. The Five are different looking, all of them. from each other. If I were a betting man? Mutants, and upping that betting ante - nose ring's probably pretty strong. Like bull. Heart shirt? No idea. Bradley? He has claws. Look out. The other two? Makes me think of a frog, and we got a biggun!"

* +LiamKrossa Glares at Marlo, impact, whatever the hell he was supposed to call the guy in the helmet at the moment. Don't get spotted? After his huge winged arse flew onto a roof to stay close like he asked? The winged mutant was three beacons on a warning klaxon with a few strobe lights for good measure. "Maybe I should just.. stand in an alley? Or in a shop or something?"

[22:1 ] <+Remulon> In order to accomodate Valkyrie, Whisper made sure to slip in and out of invisibility. Since she couldn't find the back door, she ducked into an alley a couple buildings down and shed her stealth completely. "Not...seeing a way in, Impact. With your permission, Valkyrie and I will go in the unconventional way to make sure we have a clear path." If there is no door, just pretend there is one and that it's already open!

<@Sisip> The men continued to stand, staring at nothing really. The crowd around the curio store continues along their ways, business at hand. Anyone close to the building would hear quite well spanish being spoken within. Very thin walls, it was, afterall, only a curio shoppe. They were a dime a dozen in the Row, and were usually thrown up in a day.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie cracks her knuckles. "Whisper, what way you talkin' about? Am I busting a window, a wall, what? Either of those would make a lotta noise and attract a lotta attention..."

<@Marlo> "Do it. Let me know when you have eyes on Martinez. Valkyrie, follow Whisper's lead." One building away, Impact stopped, waiting for the intel. He got an idea, "Tron, gimme eyes through my heads-up. I wanna see the mooks. Liam, stay back just a bit with Atlas. Roc, find a closer perch, but try to keep your distance. " all the while, Marlo was having an absolute panic attack. He had to stop and breathe to get his head right.

<@JJ> Comm: "Sending the info now. Also! Anything else you need me for by the way? Or just sit tight by the car and hack into the cam feeds?" JJ knew he was limited, and especially so in the sims (without cheating) but he was getting the boreds. He wanted to be part of the action!

<@Marlo> The younger mutant looked over at Liam and shrugged, "Guess we're back up? Kinda insulting, huh?"

* `Roc caws quietly as he finds another perch, a little closer, but not so near as to risk attention.

<+Remulon> Off-comm, Whisper balked. "What? No, I--I meant teleportation, I was going to teleport us. Just, um--give me one second, I have to get in first. I'll be right back--unless I'm not." She gave a wide-eyed stare to Valkyrie, but shrugged her concerns off before vanishing. The invisible mutant crossed over toward the target building, making her way toward the side of it and hesitantly sliding her head through the wall to have a look around inside.

<@Marlo> The toughs came into view, and the worry left Marlo. A good fight. He loved a good fight. Tron's question gave him a pause, "Any Closed Circuit cameras in the shoppe?"

<Devilpants> Caitrin felt embarrassed, but only a little, because despite her misunderstanding, she warned Whisper about the noise those options would make. She waited patiently, eyes open, ready to move as soon as the scenery changed *Valkyrie

* +LiamKrossa The big winged mutant would get as low on the roof as he could next to his least favourite person on this team. "Well, what else am I going to be? I think the only person more recognizeable than me is the big metal alien. Even that is questionable. So here I am, on a roof, what are people going to think? I'm up to shady shit of course. Let's just lie low, and maybe they don't need us?"

<@Sisip> "Pinche pendejo! You know we have to get this out of here tonight. Why are we still here?" A heavily accented woman's voice was heard. "Do you think he's going to wait? Uh uh, no he won't! Then you'll be sittin there with your dick in your hand while some big guy eyes you up in the slammer." A male voice responded, "Fuck you, puta, he gon' wait. You think he's gonna leave WITHOUT this shit? We gettin paid too sweet, this shit's worth somethin." Perhaps they didn't know what it was they'd actually stolen? Whisper would see the pair of them standing by a sidecounter filled with ornamental glass pipes. On the top of that counter, between the pair, was a metal box, locked tight, with a green light illuminated. Martinez shook her head, "You an idiot, Adrian. You'd trust anyone if they dropped a penny into yer hand." They continued to talk between themselves, no idea that Whisper was taking a gander. Tron would see that there was no CCTV in the little Shoppe!

<+Remulon> Listening intently, Whisper held her breath. If there was one thing she knew, it was that once they lost the element of surprise, things were more likely to go south. So, backing out of the alley, she quickly returned to Valkyrie's side. "The targets are inside, and they're alone. I know where the virus is. A safe idea may be snatch it from under their nose, to secure it and send them reeling in confusion so they can be engaged without fear of running away with it." of them running away with it*

<@JJ> Comm: "Negative, Impact. No CCTV feeds inside." Marlo had not sent any other directions. So this was his role tonight. Man in the chair.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie nods as Whisper speaks. "Maybe snatch it, and then a distraction from the front door right after you sneak out with it..." She tried desperately not to metagame. She knew it wouldn't be that simple.

<@Marlo> "Okay team, Here's the play. We hit simultaneously. " as he spoke into the coms, he looked back at Liam and Atlas, including them on the mission plan, "Whisper, you're gonna port in with Valkyrie. While you grab the case, Valkyrie...give Martinez enough juice to knock her out. Then port out. When they port in, Tron and Roc, i need you to pull the Mooks away. Keep collateral damage to a minimum. Atlas, Liam and I will go after Chavana. Tron and Roc should draw him out. Ready, gang?" He sounded ready. And damb serious. "Any onbjections, speak now or we go on Whisper's mark."

<Devilpants> Valkyrie cracked her neck. "Ready when you are."

<@Sisip> The whine of engines could be heard coming down the street. They were villians, they didn't care that this was a pedestrian area! Two Dodge Tomahawks rolled in. They were ugly, but beautiful. Something you would expect RoboCop to ride in on. Instead the drivers were just normal looking. Not RoboCop at all! They wore dark riding suits, with dark helmets and tinted visers. One of them gets off his Tomahawk and heads up towards the group of men. The man in the brown shirt, LotsaHeart, meets him. "No one get's in." DarkHelmetRider looks over his shoulder at SecondDarkHelmetRider before turning back to LotsAHeart. His voice could be heard clearly, angry, "You tell those two MORONS to let me in." He reaches up and jabs a pointy finger into LotsAHeart's shoulder. The neckbeard grabs his hand. "NOBODY gets in." Hearing the commotion an Adrian appears at the door. Anyone still with eyes on the inside would see Adrian shimmer just a bit as another of himself just .. stepped out of him and headed to the door. "Que chingados!" He looks at the figure and blinks. "Dayum. Gloria, call off your dude. Homes is here." "Ayee!" The woman shouts out a forgettable name, "He's good." LotsAHeart steps back while DarkHelmetRider and Adrian move back into the building.

<@JJ> Finally! Tron managed to hold back that gleeful cackling from coming in over the comms. He could do something useful! "Got it. Pull, try not to aggro... We have company! Two riders on motorcycles. Are we outnumbered?" A dumb thing to say with a multiplier... ALWAYS utnumbered with a multiplier.

* +LiamKrossa Nods just a little bit, go after the multiple guy. "When you say go after- are we hitting first or second?" Simple rules of engagement. Fire on sight, or return fire only. Though, was the plan about to get changed. "God damn those are loud." He'd stare at the two viper engine powered motorcycles. The riders, or how they'd figure into this were a mystery. Everything tonight was a mystery to the winged mutant. Yeah, fighting the doctor doom sim was a lot simpler.

<+Remulon> The fun part was that she really didn't want to do it. Stealing things for fun and stealing things for not-fun were always different. Whisper swallowed, then gave a nod of agreement to Valkyrie, crouching down and gesturing for her to do the same before offering a hand. "I'm going to drop us behind the counter. They, uh--won't even see you coming!" Whisper cheerfully said and faded into invisibility, squeezing her hand. Picturing the shop, she held her breath -- and everything changed around them. The sensation was a bit like that odd rollercoaster-stomach-swoop, though it didn't linger. Seven quickly stood up and reached for the box, very much intending to blink away with it now that it seemed like more were coming to join the party.

[23:08] <Devilpants> Valkyrie gives a quick peek over the counter just to confirm positions of the people inside, then vaults over it. Electricity arcs over her body, likely lighting up the dim shop, and she rushes Martinez. She had been studying and training for this moment both in and out of the sims: moving at triple speed, she darts in close and jabs Martinez in the neck with her index and middle finger. Rather than inflicting physical damage, she uses those fingers to form a circuit to deliver 50,000 or so volts directly to the neck, knowing roughly how much oomph to put into it based on training with electricity-measuring gear. Also, rather than exhaling at the moment of the strike to increase the force, she carefully held her breath on the approach.

[23:10] <@Marlo> "Now!" Impact whispered through the com he was already on his feet, sprinting to the edge of the building. The plan had indeed changed a bit. But it should still work. "Tron, get those bikes on our side! Liam, Atlas, follow my lead. Time to get our hands dirty. Lethal force only in self defense. Chavana and Martinez come with us!"

[23:15] <@Marlo> Atlas leaps foward, rushing a bit offsides, hurling himself off the building first toward the giant. His aim was to land on the big guy's shoulders and, in the second that followed, swap their weight and ride him to the ground.

[23:17] <@Sisip> DarkHelmet, Adrian and Gloria headed back into the building, "We got it, it was no problem. We got skills, y'know?" Adrian was very confident of his skills! Gloria just tch'd quietly as she moves over to grab a bottle of water. Opening it she points at DarkHelmet, "You got tha cash, Yea? If not we're gonna have some discussion." The word 'discussion' was obviously meant to mean something else. She blinnks, head jerking to the side as something flashed off to the side, "Que chingados... aaieee." Those shocking fingers do the trick and Gloria's body begins to jerk and quake in a don't tase me bro style! Unfortunately the attack also triggered her shriek, which caused the five gentlemen out front to bellow, almost at once, and turn towards the door jostling to get inside. Adrian hears his partner scream, "Quien diablos eres tu? Dude, bitch just jumped outta nowhere!" The room is suddenly filled with five Adrians! All of them surging towards Valkyrie. DarkHelmet immediately looked to the box. He didn't care about two thugs. Lunging towards the box he's obviously going for a grab and dash, exactly like Whisper was planning.. but less stealthy. The second DarkHelmet, hearing the commotion, jetted. There was a plan and this wasn't it. His Tomahawk wheeled around, leaving a crescent of rubber before it squeals down the road. Screams of pedestrians are heard as DarkHelmet2 pays no attention to anyone in his path. As Atlas lands on SpessMehreen and switches his weight the man drops like a bag of wet, old potatoes. LizardGuy whips around, those wide eyes on Atlas. his mouth opens wide, a gross.. disgustingly long tongue lashing out towards the boy's face.

<+Remulon> That's right, make them believe Valkyrie was the one doing the spontaneous translocation. She was tickled by the declaration of the 'bitch who just popped out of nowhere', but she moment she had her hands on the box--it disappeared.

<@JJ> Comm: "I thought you'd never ask!" was Tron tittering? Maybe a little bit. "I'm gonna name them Tommy and Hawky." Because of course JJ stinks at naming things. All that brain power was spent elsewhere, well aside from his drones. Which had been mysteriously absent on this mission. Tron would have to get out and hide a little closer by. Bikes? You now belong to him! Tron would try and make number two's motorcycle stop. Enjoy inertia, DarkHelmet! At least he was wearing a helmet! If successful in controlling the bike to fling its rider, JJ would call them both over.

<Devilpants> Valkyrie lived for this sort of fight. Being at high charge meant she was not only capable of moving at triple speed, but striking at triple force -- She had no idea how much punishment her foe's duplicates could take, but if a pro boxer can knock out a normal man in one punch, triple the force of a pro boxer's punch would probably do much worse. Nonlethal only -- she went for hooks or elbows to the jaw, Thai kicks to the sides of the knee, or even aiming punches at the upper or forearms. In one case, she punched a duplicate's extended fist, intending to pulverize his hand. Though primarily a striker, Valkyrie was a striker at short, mid, and long range, and anyone that got close enough to grab would be met by elbows and knees, and even an awkwardly-delivered punch still carried immense force.

<@Marlo> Impact would come down at the Discount Curt Conners, looking to plant a size 11 1/2 in that mouth, using the little kinetic force from the fall to give the kick a little extra Umph, "LIAM, TAKE OUT THE FROG!!"

<@Marlo> Regardless of whether or not Impact hits the lizard. The tongue still catches Lonnie across the face. The burn shocked him. Pain?! Why was there pain?! "AAARGH MY FACE!!" He falls back onto ICantPronounceThatWord's backside. Back, not backside **

* +LiamKrossa He'd been planning something entirely different, gearing up to make a jump and come crashing down on the roof of the curio shop to make an entrance that would bypass the crowd out front. But an order was shouted at him, follow the leader, go through the front door melee. He'd make his own jump off the roof, wings flaring to slow his descent enough to aim. He tried to get above the lizard, and drive those heavy hooves down as he descended. "I could get in through the roof, and get to multiple guy!"
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> "FUCK YOU!" DarkHelmet was LESS than please as the box blips out of existence. "Your MOTHER! YOU'RE FUCKIN DEAD.. ALL YOU FUCKERS.. ALL FUCKIN DEAD!" He was losing it. Very.. very upset! He turns and bolts for the door, "Out of my way you goddamned assholes! Fuckin MOVE!". DarkHelmet2 is launched off his bike and careens through the air, crashing into a fresh fruit and flowers kiosk! There are gasps from the crowd, pointing and gawking as the man shakily stands, looking for a way out quick. Both bikes engines revved and headed over towards JJ. He is now the proud owner of two very expensive, very UGLY bikes! Valkyrie fights like the devil, but each Adrian she took down would vanish, another taking his place. As each one dropped another would launch a fist towards her. There were only so many you could dodge, afterall. As Impact launches himself downwards, landing solidly on LizardGuy, LotsAHeart whips around, his mouth opening. He didn't have gross lizard tongue.. what he did have was an ear piercing scream. One could practically see the soundwaves emminating from his mouth as lanters erupted into glass showers. All the coms would suffern a disgusting amount of feedback. The fellow with the nose ring bellows deeply and claps his hands together. In an instant they turn dark grey and shiny, though not steel. Beefmaster turns and barrels towards the pained and shouting Lonnie, laying atop SpessMehreen! Brad stands there, crouched, his tail whipping back and furth. He spots the MASSIVE wingspan and leaps forward, whipping around, that spiked tail being used like a very pointy baseball bat towards Liam's chest.

<Devilpants> Fortunately, Valkyrie's endurance and stamina were also enhanced. "I can do this all day, buddy! How's it work for you, huh? Your original hidden in a closet someplace, so I don't put you in intensive care?" Assuming Adrian's strength was within human levels, it felt like she was fighting a group of 8-year-olds in her high-charge state. Valkyrie decided it was time to really go on the offensive instead of just reacting: She sought out each Adrian, aiming for the jaw or the liver with jabs or snap kicks, the fastest attacks she could deliver without worrying about lethal damage. Her aim was to hopefully nail the original and leave him too dazed to continue making copies.

<+Remulon> Whisker popped into view by the van, panting heavily as she slipped inside of it. It was almost as if the human body wasn't designed to float around in a state of molecular instability. "Package acquired. I--I need a minute. Just, um--shout if--if you need a rescue." She mumbled in her somewhat winded state.

<@Marlo> "Do it, Liam get insiAAAGHH" Impact is suddenly inundated with sonic waves. Though not unlike kinetics, as they were essentially air being moved violently, it was almost too much. His body thrumed with potential power, though his equilibrium was off. In Impact's first language of Fist-Speak, Shut The Fuck Up, CareBear, was pronounced much like a spinning backhand to the jaw. The ungrateful nature could be considered slurring your words.

<@JJ> "Whosa good boy? You two!" That was not over the comm. Just Tron babying his new ugly bikes, even giving them scritchies before hopping on one of them. "Let's go get some baddies. Tommy. Hawky." Tron would join the fray, picking up some discarded piece of wood to hit the bad guys with. His left arm was still glitchy, so Tron couldn't use any of his prosthetic upgrades liek the taser. But he could smash things with a stick, MArlo-caveman style. Until... screechy interfereance! That yelling hurt!

<@Marlo> In a panic over his no-realy-burned face, Lonnie only had time to grab the nearest piece of refuse he could: whatever it was, and increase its weight as he THROWS it at Beefmaster. If it didn't work, he was getting hit. Hard..

* +LiamKrossa The frigging frog leaped away.. Something to be said for casting giant god damn shadows when preparing to super mario jump someone. At the very least though the wings gave him an advantage when that tail started swinging, pull up his legs, beat his wings so hard he knew his back was going to be a mess for the next few days and get some height. He'd barely get to acknowledge Marlo agreed with his original dumbass plan before that sound started. That - that god damn hurt. Whatever the safeties were set to it was too low for his liking. Grit you teeth, gain the height, get over that damn roof. Legs in, fold the wings, drop like well.. a three hundred pound weight on a standard roof on a low rent commercial structure and just hope the momentum was enough.

* `Roc also comes in to help, flying at Tron's shoulder at first, and using his beak and claws on the bad guys.

<@Sisip> Adrians were coming at Valkyrie in what seemed an impossible wave, surrounding her. One in the back threw a jab towards the back of her head, another to the side kicked at her knee. As many that fell just as many stepped up. With noone else in the building, and Gloria out cold, it was Multi-Adrians vs Valkyrie, The Fury! Tron's piece of wood seemed rather paltry with this bunch, but perhaps one could take someone off guard with such a thing! Nobody expected a plank of wood to the face! Beefmaster took that heavy refuse to the shoulder. It twisted him to the side but he was still able to reach an arm out towards poor Atlas, quite possibly clotheslining him across teh chest. Brad's tailswing didn't connect, and left the guy spinning comically. LotsaHeart continued to shriek, continued to cause feedback, continued to be a pest and knock out lights, right up until a frikken BIRD dove at him. What the hell? That was as unexpected as a plank of wood to the face! His shrieking turned to a sound of surprise, the sonic shout disappating quickly. Impact's fist, though a bit delayed in silencing the sonic shout, did a great job at caving in LotsAHeart's teeth!

<Devilpants> Okay, Valkyrie was starting to have difficulties, but the building could only hold so many people. She looked up to see if there was a sprinkler system; if not, she'd start punching her way toward any visible water pipes or sinks she could find. She had to electrocute a lot of mans at once, and the easiest way to do that was to get everybody and everything wet. With the limited space available to her and the annoying random strikes and grabs, she'd switch to elbows, knees, and uppercuts to remove duplicates. And with her growing frustration, she switched from nonlethal to lethal, aiming for eyes, necks, and other soft tissues.

<@Marlo> Atlas hit the ground with a sickening Whump! The air left him in a rush. His vision spun. He tried to call for help, but no air responded.

<@JJ> Recovered from the horrible shrieking soon enough. Controlling tech with a thought meant the instant he heard it, he shut it down. Tron sighed and looked at how ineffective his stick was. "I feel like such a traitor... A stick. Going in here without my usual arsenal..." After a moment of lamenting, Tron ordered Hawky to go play GTA... gently, unless it was a duplicate, then he'd feel around for something non-cheaty to technocontrol.

<@Marlo> "Tron, Hit the cow!" Impact looked to Brad Son of Whiplash of Snake Mountain to see if his spin had dropped him. The frog had bolted after seeing Liam, LotsAHeart needed dentures. He'd head for the shoppe, to give Liam and Valkyrie a hand...

<+Remulon> Once she caught her breath, Whisper returned to the scene of the crime. Now visible, she looked about for--oh no--and dove in, blinking to where Lonnie had falling and reaching out to grab him and pull him out of the way of the rest of the brawl.

* +LiamKrossa He had the height, the position, fold the wings in. Drop. Realize on the way down this was probably going to really - really hurt. What happened when a very large, very heavy, high flying hooved mutant dropped onto your thin shitty roof from more height than he'd intended in the heat of the moment? Well first, he'd learn just how much it really did god damn hurt, neither his back nor legs were going to be happy with him after this. But, instant roof hole, dislodging a few beams, a bunch of wires, insulation, god damn everything as he dropped into the store proper admist the valkyrie multiman battle royale
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »

<@Sisip> There was a small bathroom towards the back, the door closed. With her vicious gesticulations she would manage to push the Adrians back against that bathroom door, at least a few of them. The fight was vicious. Punches thrown, kicks landed, eyes gouged. It happened so very quickly! Beefmaster snorted, spitting on Atlas as he stood up. "Puny." Poor Atlas gets a kick to the gut from the solid fellow. Poor Atlas indeed! BeefMaster is about to go for another kick when suddenly a girl popped into view. He bellowed in surprise as they both vanish in an instant! Hawky knew nothing of 'gentle' and that engine revved like a chorus of angry, shrill gods. It sped towards LizardGuy, but only after it drove completely over SpessMehreen. LizardGuy screamed as he was hit, the poor guy falling off to the side. As Marlo enters the Shoppe he'll see a dozen or so Adrians filling the room. This guy had as much stay-power as the girl he was fighting! Liam.. poor Liam.. Not as poor as Atlas, but crashing through a roof was never a fun thing. Roof and ceiling exploded everywhere, structural supports cracking. Pieces of 2x4's explode down onto Valkyrie and the Adrians. There was no escape from their hefty weight. Four Adrians disappeared beneath debris, Valkyrie was hit squarely by a timber.. and Liam landed squarely atop the glass case filled with glass artistic bongs.. I mean pipes.

<@JJ> "Time to make some ground beef!" Tron so needed to work on his witty banter and one-liners. Ground beef? seriously? "Mooooooooo!" Yes Tron said moooooo! as he prepped himself for impact with BeefMaster. His suit was well made, padded in all the right places as he often took Sheila with him on... excursions into town. Helmet functioned as, well... a helmet. And to add insult to injury, Tron's faceplate displayed 'Cow Face Emoji'

<Devilpants> Valkyrie is struck by falling debris, and through the daze, manages to make a mental note to add a helmet to her uniform. She tries to take advantage of the distraction to start smashing plumbing, especially stuff on the walls, between fending off Adrians. "Liam, stay out of the water!" Valkyrie holds back on zapping for the time being, and hoped her neck wouldn't hurt in the morning from the wood that hit her.

<+Remulon> Lonnie would be deposited by the van, and the still-winded Whisper took a step forward, pushing out a heavy breath and--gagging. Okay, nope. She was out of juice again, and not enough of a heavy hitter to try and go back in there.

<@Marlo> Impact steps into the destroyed shop, already knowing they were going to lose points. He knew this shop. HE SHOPPED THERE!! Within the chaos, He reached out with his kinetic senses, feeling for heartbeats. He had a suspicion that the clones didn't have hearts. He'd try to locate Adrian that way and lunge forward, after commanding, "Liam, get Martinez and get clear!" A carefully controlled K-Jump directed at the nearest Adrian with a hesrtbeat.
<@Marlo> The tackle intended to carry them past Liam safely, he hopes...
<@Marlo> Ignore last sentence after heartbeat.**

* +LiamKrossa In a shower of broken everything he would crash onto the totall only for tobacco guys display case, adding a shower of glass shards ot the mix. The benefit of hooves, those didn't bother him too much, his hide like skin providing some general protection as well. Still, he bellowed out in pain, oh yeah that- that hurt. She shouted something at him, but understandably he wasn't exactly paying the most attention in the world at that moment. Step forwards, shake it off, start forwards towards the collection of Adrians, that green acid starting to drip down his claws, everything it dripped upon would sizzle and burn straight of out aliens. "You really do not want to find out what I can do to flesh, give up." his voice would shake, god he hoped that scared them into giving up a bit because he just wanted to sit down and wait till he could feel his legs.

<@Sisip> BeefMaster was so perplexed by the appearing, disappearing girl that he didn't see Tron, which was a feat, because Tron stood out! Tron impacts firmly with BeefMaster and the man bellows out, almost in unison with JJ's MOOOOOOOOOOO. More Adrian pummeling. Where were they coming from? They just seemed to appear, with more and more random locations. One of them even appeared outside of the building! IT would appear that something was amiss with Adrian-Prime. Impact WOULD find heartbeats! Vakyries, Liams, Martinez and one off behind the door of the bathroom. Before he could get that jump off, though, the outside Adrian reached out, grabbing for him. As Liam started oozing xenodrool from his clawtips one of the Adrian's looked at him. "Ah fuck" It was all he said before he picked up a solid piece of wood and swung it towards the beasts head. Was this the Adrian-Prime? Maybe? Maybe not! And water sprayed everywhere from the pipes! KASPLOOSH!

<Devilpants> "Stay out of the water!" Valkyrie shouted the warning and waited three seconds, hopefully enough time for Liam to get the message. She then discharged another 50,000 volts out of her body and into the water, and into whoever was foolish enough to stand in it. She kept up the flow for three more seconds, hoping that was enough time to maybe disable the original Adrian, if he was even in the water.

<@Marlo> Great, he had a big guy on his back. That Adrian had no heartbeat. Impact didn't know it was there until it had grabbed him. As he fired elbows up into the Adrian's ribs, trying to escape, Impact called out, "Valkyrie! BATHROOM!!" Lonnie was outside the Van, trying not to vomit...

<@JJ> Tron totally stands out! Even with his suit being in stealthmode colors. Because just cuz he could put on a one man light show did not mean the middle of battle was an appropriate place for it. Was Beefmaster down? Tron wasn't going to stick around to confirm. Water was pooling and the elec on their team gave warning. Get outta the wet!

* +LiamKrossa What did his legs feel like? They weighed like led, felt like jello, everything simply hurt and it was only going to get a lot worse when the adrenaline wore off. It seems his 'try something badass and hope it works' ploy failed, and he wasn't going to move fast enough to dodge a damn thing. He'd turn, presenting his shoulder for the blow, arm raised to protect his head. Then, stagging after the impact the other arm would drive forwards, those acid drenched claws reaching for the adrian, hoping to dig into a ribcage.

<+Remulon> Seven had managed her nausea well enough that now she was mostly waiting for Lonnie to vomit so she could politely offer him a paper bag.

<@Sisip> The water was everywhere, all the Adrians in the room cried out in pain, jerking and twitching as they fell, one by one. It took a moment or so.. but after a moment another Adrian blipped into view. AdrianPrime WASN'T in this immediate room! That left only one place! ImpactsAdrian, not part of the water-crew, wheezes loudly as he gets an elbow to the gut! BeefMaster WAS down! There's only so much fight one bull-man can take! Liam DID sink those acid claws into the Adrian closest to him. Unfortunately it was just when Valkyrie put the power on! Those acid claws hissed and sizzled through clothes and flesh. His Adrian started to scream a horrible, terrible scream. From the bathroom another scream is heard. It wasn't often that the pain of his dupes fed back into him, but acid claws and electricity? That was a terrible combination! Seven would find the barf bags behind the passenger seat! Along with wipies.

<@Marlo> The last elbow Impact fires contained all the charge the pugilist had. If anything, It would get the dupe off his back in the most literal sense. Over the open com, Impact calls, "Whisper, we need evac. Bring the van if you need. We have Chavana and Martinez. Liam, grab Valkyrie. Chavana is in the shittah." Way to let that Boston accent slip out.

<+Remulon> Seven hopped into the van and patted Lonnie on the shoulder on the way. "Mr. Blue, we've got bodies to pick up! Uh, I mean--living ones. Maybe not all conscious, but... nevermind, can you get to that street over there?" Of course he could. He was the best.

* +LiamKrossa Yeah that... wasn't a pretty sight. At least it was over for the moment. Then he was told to pick up the girl and a horrified look crossed his face. His legs... were not up to that at the moment. Nor was the dripping acid going to do her any favours. With no small amount of shaking his claws and rubbing them on his clothes to see if they stopped melting he'd kneel down to scoop up the passed out valkyrie and hefts up her weight. Oh his legs were so very not happy. The adrenaline was going fast as he stepped out towards the van. He was going to have to practice bad landings, and the thought of doing this to himself again? Didn't sit well.

<@Sisip> BlueMan looked at Seven and nods, revving the engine and heading as close to the absolutely TRASHED shoppe as he could get. Poor Liam's clothes were quickly melting off of him as he rubbed the acid over them. Thankfully, for everyone, the van was outside the shoppe when they left. Blue helped Marlo corral Adrian into an SND and they slapped one on Gloria as well. Both were shoved inthe back.As soon as the doors closed loudly on the back of the van a large "GAME OVER" appeared in the night sky, twinkling like it was made of stars! Slowly the scene fades away and the group is standing in an empty Sim chamber. It took only a minute for Sisip to come down those stairs and open the door with a 'voosh'. With a flick of her wrist a medical team comes in after her. They putLonnie and Cait on stretches. One of them goes over to Liam, looking him over, trying to insist he get on a stretcher as well.

<@Marlo> "Ugh..yeah. I'm getting dinged for that." He said as he looked back at the destroyed shoppe. He was kinda glad this was just a Sim. Otherwise, he'd miss out on their March Madness sale they do each year. As the scene changes Marlo looked at Seven, then to Sisip as he literally punches the side of his head. It was a special release he'd had build in. Only a controlled kinetic burst could pop it open. "Okay, Boss...lemme have it."

The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »


<+Remulon> Seven rose to her feet as the van faded away to the silver walls of the simulation chamber, looking around and pursing her lips in thought. She shook her head slowly at Marlo, then laced her fingers behind her head, sauntering toward the exit after the medics had collected the others.

<@Sisip> The woman in the catsuit makes sure to check on every single partcipant, each one getting quiet words, even if they weren't awake to hear it. Seven gets a soft smile, "I'm glad you could make it, Whisper." She clicks a button and two chairs appeared. "Impact? Take a seat."

<@Marlo> had a bit of blood trickling from his nose as a result of the kinetic energy absorbed from the Screaming CareBear. He wipex it idly on his gauntlet as Sisip conjured up the chairs. He set the helmet down and settled in. "I think i know where i fucked up. "

<+Remulon> She paused, suddenly blinker over and engulfing Sisip in a tight hug. When she pulled away and step back, she was shaking her head again. "Me too. It was... nice, to see the new potential." Though Seven didn't sound as excited about that as she could have been! "...and, that said, unless my skillset would be absolutely necessary at any point, I-" Another glance Marlo's way. "-am going to refrain from field work. That's all. Good night, Sisip. See you at home, Marlo." With a shrug and a half-smile, she turned and walked back to the door, disappearing out of the room.

<@Sisip> The injin sits down, one leg crossed over the other. "Then tell me."

<@Marlo> You could see Marlo take a bit of a hit when Seven all but said no to the team. Before he'd taken the job, they were going to do it together, right the wrongs, help fix a broken system. Now, did she feel like he'd given up on that? He lowered his head, and said, "I didn't give clear enough instructions to the team. Sending Liam through the roof seemed good in the moment, But...we just destroyed some guy's livelihood."

<@Sisip> She nods, listening quietly. When it was her turn to speak she drew a breath. "Th eability to give direction will come in time. That is not something I'm concerned about. You will find the best way to communicate. We all do. It will become easier. Now.. the shoppe? You know that place. It's part of our life. So... do you think that I would put in just... annybody? Or do you think that every one of those characters was based off a person?" She sighs softly. "BeefMaster is Randall Scott, father of thre. LotsaHeart? Clifton Majors. Volunteers at a mutants shelter." She continues, "SpessMehreen is Wesly Kolchak.. a firefighter. Lizard guy? Ernest Santiago. Great guy, and Brad Bonewald? He takes care of his aging mother." She leans forward, "You tell me what happened to those five victims who were being controlled against their will."

<@Marlo> "Best case, maybe traction. Worst..." Another thing he'd missed. His way of thinking had always been that anyone in his way was..he shook his head. "I should have had Tron run identification on them...figure out how to bring them down without...Crippling them." That word twisted in his guts. He'd worked so hard to break from that legacy. Even the name felt like a curse. But he was still doing the same shit. *

<@Sisip> Mister Kolchak was run over, spinal cord snapped. He is dead. Mister Majors will need full facial reconstruction. Marlo, you need to listen to the intel. Put two and two together. If someone can control people you need to treat every person there like they are an innocent bystander.. because in this case? They were." She sighs, standing "We'll go over the rest tomorrow, LittleBrother. All in all, you guys did well.. jusst don't forget, as the -leader- it is your job to keep everyone safe. Not just your team. Everyone." She pats Marlo on the shoulder before leaving the sim chamber.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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Re: Training Sim 2/26/19

Post by Sisip »


<@Sisip> Sisip sat in the Sim before she finally taps out a command. Those where were in the sim the last evening get a blast on their phone, summoning them back to the Sim chamber. She stays seated the the simulated ready room.

* +Sunder The winged, hooved mutant would make his way there. Kind of slowly, and those steps down to the sim chamber? Yeah, each heavy stomp down those brought some good wincing.

<@JJ> made his way to the Sim room paitently behind Liam, this might take a while. Down stairs were not very hoof and digitigrade friendly. Not much to do about that other than an elevator.

<@Sisip> There were seats for everyone in the Sim. No standing this time.

* +LiamKrossa Grabs one of the chairs and turns it around and sits down Riker style because huge wings.

<@Sisip> The injin looks at the gathered group. "Thank you. I don't have much to say about last night." She steeples her fingers together. "But we -are- going to touch on a few things." She tils her head, clicking a remote. On the screen behind her the image of SpessMehreen, normal looking and then run over.. and a picture of LotsAHeart... normal looking, then bloodied and gross looking. "I discussed this with Impact last night. Let me introduce you to Wesly Kolchak aka SpessMehreen and Clifton Majors, aka LotsAHeart. Mister Kolchak suffered mortal injuries from the attack of the motor bikes. He is dead. In life he was a firefighter. Putting his life at risk to save those in trouble. Mister Majors will need intense facial reconstruction. His life will never be the same again. Mister Majors spent most of his time volunteering at the local Mutant Center, ensuring that our kid has a place to retreat to." Dark eyes watch the group.

* +LiamKrossa Sits quietly, he hadn't participated in the attack on the guys out front, neither was he even aware of a dude getting run over by a motorcycle since he was inside at the time. However, it wasn't because he'd been concerned about the fact they were mind controlled so much as he'd gone straight inside to help others deal with the primary targets.

<@JJ> something about this seemed mighty ominous as JJ took a seat and turned to face Sisip and her follow-up to last night's sim run. JJ froze instantly and stares straight ahead. All semblance of an emotion related to happy deflated from JJ. His eyes were in no way lit up and showed off their seldom seen gray color. Motor bikes. Run over. Dead. Reconstruction. Life never the same. Firefighter. Volunteer at Mutant Center... JJ opened his mouth, but all that came out was a high-pitch static buzz. He had pointed those dudes out. And the other three? JJ shrunk in his seat.

<@Sisip> "I want to make this painfully clear. When you are on a mission not only must you complete your objective, you must keep in mind that civilians, innocent people, may be manipulated into doing things they would not do. In this case, these five men had been caught by Martinez' pheromones. They all sustained damage. They all have family and friends. Overall good guys." She takes a breath, "The destruction of the building... " She looks at Liam. "While it was breathtaking videography and good for a movie... that shoppe was someones livelihood." She clicks the button and a closeup of Liam's claws burried deep into an Adrian's ribcage appears, "Liam. We're going to discuss this. That was ... overkill.. and on the team the phrase 'no kill like overkill' is not something to live by." Says the woman who LITERALLY threw an enemy into an air-blender.

<@JJ> "They were under the pheromones..." JJ squeaked. Not cronies. Not minions. Not underlings. Not henchmen. JJ supposed the technical term would be thrall. He drew his legs up to his chest. Failure. The mission was a successful failure.

* +LiamKrossa Frowns a little. Did it count on a multiplier? He'd have to guess so. The property damage, absolutely guilty under any standards applied, but at least he didn't fight his way in through the front door..

<@Sisip> She takes another breath, "However, the plan was solid. Distract the guards, distract the targets and grab the box. Your team work, while not perfect, was extremely promising. " She finally smiles, "I would have liked you to apprehend one of the bike riders, but all in all you secured the virus, and it was done.. all things considered.. quickly." She gives a bit of a nod, "I want to make sure everyone understands, as Lonnie learned very well, these sessions may be in the sims.. but I will not make them easy on you. You will be hurt, you will be battered, but you will get better... and do not expect them to continue to be that easy." She stands, "I will get with each of you on an individual basis, but for now understand that the grade for this completed scenario is a B Minus." It wasn't a fail, it was actually a fairly acceptable score. ALMOST a B!

<Devilpants> "Huh... B-minus. Not bad. Still, though..." Caitrin mumbled to herself. She was going over the scene in her mind. The fights outside that resulted in disfiguring injuries and even a death were... completely not her fault, actually. She did wonder about what condition Adrian and the pheremone-lady whose name she forgot were left in, considering the structural damage that also wasn't her fault. All in all, she was feeling pretty good about the mission.

<@Sisip> Sisip clicks the button once again and the sim chamber goes dark. "Well done, Ladies and Gentlemen. Enjoy this win, they won't always go this well." She leaves the group as she heads out of the Sim, obviously intending on going home. (FIN)
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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