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Caitrin "Valkyrie" Bowen, student

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 7:53 pm
by Devilpants
Player Nickname: Devilpants

Name: Caitrin "Cait" Bowen
Codename: Valkyrie
Date of Birth: June 30, 2002

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Portland, Maine
Nationality/Race: American, Welsh ancestry, distant Scandinavian ancestry
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Independent
Occupation: Fire & Rescue

Personality Profile:
- Straightforward; favours the direct approach
- Dislikes manipulative people and mind games
- Organized and disciplined; keeps a strict routine and schedule; tries to be early for everything
- Eye for small details; notices things other people miss
- Strong moral compass; believes that because she was gifted with powers, that they must be used for the betterment of all; believes that the strong have a responsibility to protect the weak

Physical Description: Caitrin is tall and in incredible physical shape, with the chiselled, toned muscles of a fighter and an athlete. She keeps her blonde hair in a messy pixie cut, and she dresses almost entirely for utility, possessing only enough fashion sense to not wear garish or clashing colours. She favours cargo pants (mainly because of the pockets), men's t-shirts, zip-up sweaters or hoodies, and sneakers or Doc Martens. She only wears skirts if she absolutely has to, and when she does, she wears bicycle shorts underneath.


General Power Information: Caitrin is a Living Battery. Her body can absorb and store electricity, and release it either through touch or by enhancing her attributes. She has six broad categories for her charge level: no charge, low, medium, high, maximum, and overcharge.

Ability One:
Electricity Absorption: Caitrin is immune to any and all harm from electricity, and in fact, absorbs it to fuel her powers. She can drain any electrical device she touches. This was the first aspect of her power she learned to control, so it rarely happens by accident. Caitrin has also learned how to tap into the Earth's electromagnetic field to fuel her powers, but is only able to gather enough to maintain a low charge.

This absorption can be weaponized. If Caitrin can make contact with any cables or sources, she can drain them of power for personal use. She can also weaponize this against organic opponents by interfering with the bioelectricity necessary for nerve function. While this can be useful to cause temporary paralysis in limbs, it is potentially lethal if used on the spine or brain, and may have unpredictable results. Caitrin reserves this for a last-resort tactic.

Ability Two:
Physical Enhancement: When Caitrin absorbs electricity, she can channel it through her body to enhance her attributes. Doing so slowly drains this energy, and the drain increases with strenuous activity, such as fighting.

- No Charge: At this state, Caitrin has no special physical attributes aside from what her athletic training has provided.
- Low Charge: Thanks to her ability to constantly absorb ambient energy from the Earth's electromagnetic field, Caitrin is able to continuously maintain a state of low charge with no fear of depleting her energy. While in this state, her physical attributes reach peak human ability, roughly reaching those of specialized athletes (fastest sprint, heaviest lifting weight, hardest striking force, highest stamina, highest and longest jumps, etc.) durability, and fastest possible human reflexes.
- Medium Charge: In this state, her physical attributes reach low superhuman levels in every area, roughly doubling the heights and limits of peak human abilities (twice the striking power of a pro boxer, twice the lift of a Strongman competitor, twice as fast as an Olympic sprinter, double the stamina of the toughest humans, skin and muscle and bones twice as durable, halved reaction times, etc.). She can reach this level by draining the equivalent of a car battery or draining from an electrical outlet for a few seconds.
- High Charge: With a large amount of electricity, Caitrin's physical attributes are pushed even further into superhuman ranges, tripling the heights and limits of peak human abilities. She can reach this level by draining several car batteries or a portable power generator, or by tapping into a city power grid for about 20-30 seconds.
- Max Charge: At her maximum charge, Caitrin can roughly quadruple her physical attributes and reflexes,
- Overcharge: This dangerous state requires an enormous amount of power, only available by draining city power to brownout levels (or even blackout levels for smaller power grids), being the target of a natural lightning strike, or draining some other extreme power source. During this state, Caitrin's body sustains widespread burns and muscle strain over time as her ability to hold this enormous charge taxes her body's limits. In exchange, all her physical attributes are pushed to levels normally reserved for mutants specialized in those fields. This causes Caitrin to become nearly impervious to physical damage, as strong as a high-powered superhero whose main focus is strength, as fast as a dedicated speedster with reflexes to match, and so on.

Ability Three:
Discharge: Caitrin can slowly and carefully discharge electricity in a controlled manner through touch to recharge batteries or small devices, or power devices and appliances like lights, electronic door locks, or computers. The higher the power requirements of a device, the shorter the time she can power it without affecting her charge level.

Alternatively, Caitrin can discharge a large amount of electricity in a single focused jolt, delivered through touch. The potency of the discharge depends on two factors: her current charge level, and whether she uses enough to drop her charge level. She can deliver multiple weaker jolts that will only drop her charge level if she's at the lower end of that level, or she can deliver a single immensely powerful jolt that is guaranteed to drop her charge level.

Ability Four:
Magnetic Manipulation: With focus, Caitrin can manipulate magnetic fields in ways both subtle and obvious. The first and simplest use allows her to levitate, but only within a couple meters of a surface. With no nearby surfaces, this power can only be used to slow Caitrin's falling speed to sub-terminal velocities as she rides along ambient magnetic fields, allowing her to fall from just about any height without injury.

The other use of this power is to artificially create an electrical storm. Unfortunately, the effectiveness and time heavily depends on atmospheric conditions. With enough time to prepare, Caitrin can use this ability to call down a lightning strike on herself. If she's lucky and conditions are just right, she can cause a positive lightning strike instead of a normal negative one, which carries about four times the amps of a negative strike.

Special Gear:
Battery Armour: Caitrin has a custom-made suit of body armour. Defense-wise it provides general protection from stabs, firearms, and impacts, but isn't as good at protecting from any of those as a dedicated stab vest, ballistic vest, or impact armour would. The armour is designed for brawling and is heavily reinforced on the knuckles, elbows, knees, and feet, allowing Caitrin to strike harder with less fear of hurting herself. The armour's main function is that it stores electricity and can discharge it into Caitrin's body on command, giving her a mobile, rechargeable power supply when she doesn't have access to a power grid. It generates electricity through friction, slowly charging up as Caitrin moves and fights.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Limits: Caitrin's power is limited by time and effort. If she's careless with her enhanced abilities or discharges, she runs the risk of dropping a charge level and becoming vulnerable. In addition, her enhanced abilities need to be active for her to use any defensive advantages. Her powers are also dependent on location: She's much less useful in the wilderness than in a city, where there are plenty of readily available power sources.

Overcharge Dangers: As detailed above, Caitrin's overcharge level causes widespread burns and muscle strain over time, and these can take a long time to recover from, or even leave lasting scars and disfigurements. Caitrin has several minor Lichtenberg figures (lightning scars) from spending too long in overcharge state, and one prominent one on her right forearm.

Natural Athlete: Caitrin is strong and athletic, excelling in physical tasks even without using her powers. These include sprinting, swimming, climbing, jumping, and nearly anything else that requires athleticism.
Cooking: Having been raised by only her mother, Caitrin had to learn how to cook at a very young age. She has become very skilled at it and can improvise something delicious with limited ingredients. Given that her mother Vera is a professional chef, Caitrin couldn't have asked for a better teacher.
Martial Arts: Because of her living situation and being raised by a single working parent, Caitrin's mother insisted she learn how to defend herself. She was enrolled in Shotokan karate from ages 6 to 12, and began seriously training in Muay Thai kickboxing from age 12. Caitrin's natural athleticism, height, and long reach gave her an advantage over her peers, and she was put in the adult classes at age 15. Caitrin currently uses a blend of Karate, Muay Thai, and Judo.
Driving: Caitrin learned how to drive out of necessity before she could even legally have a license. She's a skilled driver and keeps her cool in stressful situations, and is especially good at defensive driving.
First Aid and Rescue: Caitrin has received firefighter training and all that entails, including first aid and fire prevention and suppression.

Caitrin was born to Vera Bowen, then a recent culinary arts graduate, and Ken Carver, a rookie police officer. Their life was relatively normal until Ken was killed while trying to stop a bank robbery by a mutant, who used his powers to murder Ken and six other police officers before he was finally killed.
Vera did the best she could as a single mother to raise Caitrin, and landed a job at a top-rated restaurant in Portland, Maine. While the money was good, she had little time to do much actual mothering, relying on friends, family, daycares, and babysitters. Caitrin grew up independent, learning how to get by on her own and how to cook from a young age.
Her powers manifested at an early age when she accidentally touched an exposed part of a damaged power cord. Instead of electrocuting her, it merely tingled. She nearly gave her mother a heart attack when she said "Mom, look!" and demonstrated it, but they talked things out and she kept her mutant power a secret from the world while also secretly training to learn how to use it.
After publicly using her power to subdue another mutant who was robbing the people on a city bus, Caitrin's identity as a mutant was exposed. She and her mother agreed it was time to get proper training and protection for her, and she was sent to study at Cobalt Hill. During her time at the school, she learned to understand and control her powers. More importantly, she learned about society and the role of mutants in it. Rather than joining the team, Caitrin elected to join Salem's fire and rescue service as a full-time employee.

Criminal Record: None, but her identity as a superhero is public.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Visual Cue: When Caitrin manifests her powers, her entire body crackles with arcs of electricity that can sometimes jump to nearby people and objects, but are actually completely harmless.
Sentiment Attachment: Caitrin is not a hoarder, but she despises today's culture of disposability and gets a sentimental attachment to objects. When she owns something, she uses it until it breaks, and then tries to repair it rather than replace it if that's an option.
Onlyfans: Caitrin has an active Onlyfans account dedicated to workout routines, fashion, and softcore photo sets.