Emiley Franklin

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Emiley Franklin

Post by nebulouscass »

Player Nickname: NebulousCass

Name: Emiley Franklin
Age: 16
Date of Birth: 09/18

Height: 5'3
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: San Diego, CA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.) Mutant

Status: (Trainee, resident, staff, villain, refugee, other) Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.) Emiley is a carefree person, enjoying life as much as she can while at the same time is very much aware of her status and does her best to live a quasi-normal life, as much as she can being what she is.

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.)


General Power Information: (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)
Neurochemical Manipulation - Emiley has a large degree of control over her own brain chemistry, and thus can affect her own emotional state, keep herself awake and alert indefinitely if she so chooses. She could also alter her brain chemistry to illicit an intoxicated state, although she does not currently understand the true extent of this ability

Ability One: (You are permitted three 'powers' to start with, though they can also be physical traits, physiologies, etc. Detailing what your character can do with each, their limitations, et cetera. The more detail, the better. You are not restricted to a firm three aspects -- some powers may have minor sub-abilities, and as long as they do not encompass the strength of another power entirely, they should be acceptable.)
Sominal Control - Emiley can maintain her brain chemistry in a stable condition so as to illicit an almost insomniac state, without any of the negative consequences. This requires a conscious effort and must be reapplied every 3 hours or so to maintain her alert state after having had naturally induced sleep for more than 18 hours.

Ability Two:

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Her ability to alter her brain chemistry has replaced her body's natural ability to maintain balance on its own and thus requires her to maintain a conscious effort to stabilize her own brain chemistry. The only known exception to this is when she naturally falls asleep.

Skills: (What things does your character excell at? Cooking? Swimming? Are they a survivalist? Remember to be realistic and not overdo it.) She's very good at baking, and is known for her confectionaries being very tasty if not a little too sweet. She enjoys swimming, specifically surfing.

Background: (Your character's life up until they arrived within Salem or Cobalt Hill. When did their powers manifest? How did it happen? How did they obtain their powers, what is their origin? What was the reaction from family & friends, if any? These sort of things help flesh out your character!)
Emiley grew up in a normal household, and throughout her childhood things were pretty normal. She grew up in a decently well off neighborhood and decently well off school as well. A mom and dad, two sisters and a brother, all of whom grew up quite normally. Emiley being the oldest of the 4 of them she took care of them for the most part.
When she was roughly 13 Emiley started to fall asleep in class, and after some testing that was done it was found out that her brain was not producing the correct chemicals on its own which was causing her to fall asleep at the most awkward and inconvenient times.
Over the next few months she began to realize that she could, if she focused enough control her own brain chemistry. This, surprisingly didn't require a degree in neurochemistry at all. Rather she would simply want to be happy, so she would be. She would not want to be sleepy so she wouldn't be. This of course became a rather difficult issue and quite obvious when she had been up for weeks at a time and others began to notice.
It didn't take long for her abilities to become apparent to those around her. Eventually she was sent, by her parents off away. Her parents were disgusted that Emiley was a mutant, they were completely intolerant of her very nature. She wasn't some dangerous or disfigured creature, from the outside there was no way for anyone to even know she was different unless they realized that she had been awake constantly for weeks or months at a time.

Criminal Record: N/A

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!)
She can not stand the scent of lavander, it makes her feel sleepy. She also has the arguably annoying habit of yawning just to get other people to yawn, since yawning is infectious.
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