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Brian Quincey Farfuhl AKA SMASH!!!

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 3:30 pm
by MarloCross
Name: Brian Quincey Farfuhl
Known Aliases: SMASH
Age: 43
Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1975
Hometown: Rutland, Vermont

Height: 7'1"
Weight: 501 lbs
Hair Color: Brown. receeding
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Farfhul has worked an entire lifetime in entry level jobs, never able to hold down one for longer than a year.
He's been fired from everything. His construction job ended after he drove a $40,000 forklift into Boston Harbor, Chipotle let him go after they caught him eating out of prep trays in front of customers... You get the idea.

Now, he's a Super Villain Henchman for Faust.

Criminal Record:
Although only recently incarcerated, SMASH racked up an extensive record including assault and battery, destruction of property, assaulting a police officer, manslaughter, robbery, criminal threatening, public intoxication, urinating in public and several counts of manslaughter related to his various Rampages through Salem.

Personality Profile: A Lumbering pile of stupid stacked too high and left out in the sun too long... Brian Quincy Farfel has an amazing inferiority complex, made worse by his superhuman alterations. He also has an addictive personality, his dependency on heroin responsible for putting him in Rehab where he would become Smash in the first place.

Physical Description: with a physique reminiscent of bodybuilder who went too far, Smash treads the line between comical and imposing. His skin is covered in stretch marks, due to the rapid growth of his muscle fibers during his alteration.

Outside of his grotesque physique, smashes most notable feature is his nose. Slightly on the large side, smashed his nose has been broken several times, making it slightly crooked. It is one of the features that can set him off the easiest.

Mutation/Powers: Gross Physical Alteration

Primary: Dense Muscle Tissue and Bone

Through a series of surgeries and genetic treatments, Smash's body is comprised of genetically engineered muscle fibers, four times as dense as a typical human being. The enhancement serves two purposes: Strength and Durability. Smash is capable of lifting several tons without difficulty, and has been caught on the news throwing cars! As villains go, Smash is one of the strongest, able to hold his own against some of the more physical and strongest Heroes of the day. His hyper-dense musculature also makes him incredibly resistant to damage, such as knives, bullets, and even energy blasts. However, this is still extremely painful, as his dermis and epidermis do not share this quality.

In order to turn Farfhul into the living tank that he is now, his skeletal structure had to undergo a similar process. Over the course of months, his bones were subjected to a battery of painful bone marrow injections that stimulated growth. As a result, Brian Quincy Farfuhl went from 6' 4" to just over 7 feet tall. Much like his musculature, his bones are nearly unbreakable except under the most extreme strain. His ligaments and tendons affected by this process, unnecessary side effect to keep his joints together, each one like a miniature steel cable. Even his organs such as his lungs and heart had to be rebuilt to withstand the strain of this new body, granting him a superhuman endurance.

As his density has increased, so too has his weight. Smash is now a bit apprehensive around water. Despite the fact that his new enhanced lungs allow him to hold his breath for longer, the Behemoth tends to sink in deep water.

The most peculiar aspect of smashes new physiology is his skin. Though not durable like his muscles and bones, his dermis and epidermis do serve a purpose. Because of the process to alter his physiology, smash his body does not heal at a consistent rate. So, the mad scientist that created this monster re-engineered his skin to give him the ability to heal at a normal rate. However, the more damage he takes, and the more skin he loses, the longer it takes Smash to heal from grievous injury.

At first glance, it may seem like this meat headed monstrosity is all but Invincible. However, the very same process that turned him into an unstoppable force has made Smash lacking in other categories.

Is increased density, for example, makes maneuverability an issue. And agile enough opponent can usualy evade the big man's attacks, at least for a while. He's also not as flexible, having been known to hire prostitutes to scratch his back for him, as he can't seem to reach that one spot between his shoulder blades.

His cognitive faculties are also in question, though not because of the procedure. Brian was always a bit slow, and that did not improve after he became a super villain. His weak will makes him susceptible to mind control and illusions. It also makes him very easy to trick.

Smash is also an addict, now capable of indulging in 10 times the amount of narcotics that he normally would thanks to his increased metabolism. This makes his reliability suspect for all those who seek his services.


Bryan Farfuhl is the textbook definition of a Loser. Born a tall, awkward, and lanky boy, Brian always tried to compensate for his shortcomings by being a bully. And, like most of his undertakings, this lifestyle Choice never seem to pan out. After dropping out of school early into his sophomore year, Brian got his GED on his fourth try and moved to Boston where he thought he would make his fortune.

This did not happen. After a few years of bouncing from job to job, Brian found himself on the street. He was addicted to heroin, and survived by simply being the biggest and nastiest junkie there was. It was only by sheer luck that his situation changed. After being arrested for public urination, Brian was forced into rehab at the Fountain of Hope. Once there, he started trying to bully the other patients for their medication, which drew the attention of Faust's alias. Gideon Fontaine.

The enigmatic mobster approached Farfuhl with a proposition: undergo genetic alteration and become Faust's personal Enforcer.

Brian almost turned it down, but Gideon just so happen to be eating an Oreo at the time. For what started off as a gesture of cool indifference turned out to be the deciding factor. 13 cookies later, Faust had his Enforcer.

Despite his mental shortcomings, Smash has earned himself recognition in the organization. His erratic behavior and blatant disregard for other people make him an instant threat.

Quirks/Extras: After a run in with Angel, aka Daytripper, Smash is addicted to the Mutant's hallucinogenic effect...

He insists that his nom de plume be spelled with all capital letters and three exclamation points behind it. He gets very upset when he finds that this has been 'misspelled'.

Smash is a bigoted racist, often using racial and homophobic slurs.
( this literary choice is made to adequately convey how truly bad Smash is. His views do not reflect the player that created him.)