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Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:03 pm
by MarloCross
Player Nickname:Faust

Name: Fausto Rossetti/Gideon Fontaine
Codename: Faust
Age: 91(As Gideon, 28)
Date of Birth: As Faust: April 3rd 1927. As Gideon, June 18th, 1990

Height: 5 foot 7 inches
Weight: 156 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Enna, Sicily
Nationality/Race: Italian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Human.

Status: Villain
Occupation: Public Persona: chairman of the Fountain of Hope Charity Foundation.
As Faust: Crime Boss

Personality Profile: Fausto Rossetti has one motto, ever pervasive in his philosophy toward his business dealings:
"Sooner or later, I always get what I want."

Fausto Rossetti is cold and calculated, preferring to sit in the shadows and plan. He is often seen as detached and aloof, though can be quite pleasant for anyone who starts off on his good side.

With the help of one of his henchmen, Foust has crafted the Persona of Gideon Fontaine as a young, outgoing, and likable young man, weighed down by the burdens of his altruism.

Physical Description: as Gideon Fontaine, Faust shows the world a young attractive well-dressed man.

As the enigmatic Crime Boss Faust, Rossetti designed an outfit to secretly convey his dual nature. Is three piece suit appears to be the amalgamation of two, most notably opposing color palettes. Black and red, white Pinstripes to Black pinstripes.

The piece de resistance, however, is the mask. Designed by another villain, the left side of the face is a simple black or white face mask that completely hides his features. The right side is a smiling ethereal half devil face complete with a single horn. The mouth moves with his own, giving it a Supernatural appearance.

General Power Information: None.
Fausto Rossetti is completely human, despite being given a new lease on life by Julie Leon, who's mutant power returned his frail old body to that of a fit 25 year old man.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:  Faust is a human being, and as such, has all of the weaknesses thereof. Although he does keep himself physically fit, it isn't exceptional by any means.

Skills:Organized Crime Boss

Over the last century, Fausto Rossetti has cultivated a vast Network of organized crime up and down the East Coast.

At his disposal are hundreds of legitimate and illegitimate businesses alike. Banks and financial institutions, grocery stores, security companies and many Tech firms are all front companies to funnel the gangsters ill-gotten wealth up and down the East Coast.

Despite recent developments that have diminished his power, Faust still holds many members of law enforcement in the state of Massachusetts in his pocket.

Over the last three years, Fausto Rossetti has also tightened his grip on Salem, his progress halted by the return of Cobalt Hill Academy as a force to be reckoned with.

Suffice to say, if there is crime in Salem, Faust either has a piece of it or will soon.

Background: born on April 3rd, 1927, young Fausto Rossetti saw first hand, the rise of fascism in his beloved Italy. At the age of 13, he and his older brother, Gideon, defied Mussolini by becoming messengers for the resistance. His steadfast loyalty and integrity earned him a reputation among couriers which followed him to the United States at the age of 19 following the death of Benito Mussolini and the end of World War II. Tragically, his brother did not share the same success, having been captured and murdered by the Gestapo. Once settled in Boston, Fausto worked tirelessly under his uncle doing exactly the same thing he had during the war. Only this time, instead of messages, he delivered bribes and drugs.

As the family business grew more, Fausto began to take on more and more responsibilities. Moving away from the more hands on aspects of the business, young Faust discovered a knack for reading people and manipulating their desires and needs to suit his ends. By the age of 25, he had developed a small ring of thieves that did the robbing for him, many of them mutants. He saw the balance of power beginning to shift toward those individuals with extraordinary abilities. The rest of the family, heavily prejudiced, did not see the value in superhumans. It would cost them dearly.

In 1982 At the age of 39, He was introduced to two very special mutants by an associate, Jimmie "Mr Stone" Russo, an old school tough who specialized in young mutant talent: A pair of punk kids shaking down pushers near New Brenton Street in Salem.

Eddie Resnick and Wendell Cross.

Mutants were just becoming a big issue in the growing population, and with more of them joining the economically disenfranchised, Rossetti's foresight began to pay dividends. Soon enough, the message was clear: If you were a mutant in Boston, you could find good money working for the new Rossetti crime family.

Over the next 30 Years, Fausto Rossetti would continue to build on his Empire with Cross and Resnick, now called Insaniac and Slugger, at his side.

But, the honeymoon ended and a price tag was set on loyalty. A change of heart from Slugger put him at odds with his employer, a position Faust did not want to be in. His controlling personality guided jis hand to keep his favorite strong man in the organization. In a duplicitous conspiracy, Fausto had Wendell's second born taken from him, their memories erased and altered by Slugger's best friend. And for the next 9 years, it worked.

But then, Slugger found out. Not wanting to lose resources to an angry Wendell Cross, Faust made the tough decision to have Slugger killed. Faust had him pulled from his home one Saturday afternoon and taken to another location where he was stabbed 37 times by those who knew him best. This was the origin of the Three-7. For the next decade, it would be the monster under the bed all henchmen in the organization, a looming threat for those who were not loyal.

To make sure that his investment the Cross Family wasn't a mistake, Faust made himself available to the grieving family, who now believed Slugger had died of a heart attack from the strain brought on by his power. Lacking a father figure, young Marlo Cross was an easy target, though his temper made him hard to control. So much so in fact, that when an incident at school threatened to send Marlo to juvenile detention, Faust was forced to use his influence to send the troubled boy to a specialty school for mutants and superhumans: Cobalt Hill.

This one decision would be Faust's undoing, destroying decades of work. Young Cross would eventually reject his surrogate grandfather and side with his new family, leaving Faust to seek compensation for his lost investment.

As the years passed, Rossetti's advanced age had begun to become a liability. With mind and body deteriorating, the old mobster saught the aid of Julie Leon to grant him more time in a scheme also aimed to destroy the X Team, now lead by Sisip 'Skieweaver' Webster. The resulting battle damaged Enna's Bistro, Faust's personal restaurant, convinced the public that Fausto Rossetti was dead and gave rise to another thorn in the old man's side: The Crippler.

But, the event had not been a total loss. Julie successfully reversed the old man's aging. Now, once again at the peak of his youth, Faust has a new lease on life, depite having lost control of much of his criminal empire. Not the type to stay down for long, the tenacious mobster immediately began planning his return to prominence. The first step was to create a new identity, one beyond reproach. Someone beloved by the people of Salem. Enter Gideon Fontaine, an illegitimate grandson who died shortly after birth. Using the resources he still had at his disposal, Rosetti adapted and assumed this new public persona and began to rebuild his Empire, adapted for a new world of heroes and villains.

rarely prone to revenge, Fausto has developed a hatred for X-Team Leader Skieweaver. Having turned his first weapon, Marlo Cross, against him, she and her team have thwarted every large scale scene he has fired at the city, even killing his ticket ti immortality in Julie Leon. Now that he is young again, he has time to plot his revenge against the Cobalt Team Leader.

Criminal Record: 
As a testament to his savvy as a criminal mastermind, Fausto Rossetti has never once been convicted of a crime. Most of the charges against him have been dropped or dismissed thanks to a well-paid team of shrewd lawyers ready to bend and even break the law to keep him out of prison.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
A devout Catholic, the only thing that Fausto Rossetti truly fears is damnation. It was the fear of Hell that prompted the Aging mobster to seek out Julie Leon, hoping to forstall judgment.