Hollis Walker aka MetalHead

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Hollis Walker aka MetalHead

Post by MarloCross »

Player Nickname:MarloCross

Name: Hollis Walker
Codename: MetalHead
Age: 36
Date of Birth: September 24th 1982

Height: 6 ft 4 inches
Weight: 1003lbs
Hair Color: Bald
Eye Color: Grey/Green
Place of Origin: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant with various enhancements, including merger with an alien entity.

Occupation: Super-Villain

Personality Profile: MetalHead is a blunt instrument, prone to doing what he's paid for and not much else. He is selfish and prideful, choosing the life of a career criminal because...Why Not?

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Adhesive Ferrokinetics

Ability One: Ferrokinetic Adhesion

Hollis Walker's skin secretes an adhesive enzyme that allows him to attach metal to his skin. This metal can then be bent effortlessly around his body. The longer the piece of metal is attached, the more it merges with his skin, right down to the nerves. This makes keeping the same pieces attached for long periods of time problematic, as he will begin to feel pain and even bleed as the metal becomes part of his body.

MetalHead has used his ability to create his signature TrapJaw helmet, giving him a nasty bite attack, as well as form the metal attached to him into spikes and simple blades.

Ability Two: Atzma'ee Merger

Recently captured by Faust, the injured Male Atzma'ee lacks much from it's former shape. Technically brain damaged, the alien cannot hold even it's native shape and had been reduced to a silvery puddle. It is this handicapping that allows Hollis to use his influence over metal to control the crippled alien to a limited degree. The aliens brain is protected by an armored shell on MetalHead's back.

However, the male has some power over its actions. Using an implant designed to help the two work together, the creature can subtly influence Hollis. At the moment, this can be likened to a child constantly screaming at their parent for a sweet in the supermarket aisle. Hollis doesn't have to listen, but the Atzma'ee has more patience.

The merger has increased Hollis's size to 6 ft 4 in and just over half a ton. His skin is covered in veins and cracks of atzma'ee flesh that makes him hard to hurt.

He can also use the alien as an extension of himself, making spears and claws where he could not before.

Ability Three: Enhanced Strength and Durability

As Hollis got older and learned to use his powers, he discovered that he was still bound by the weight of the metal attached to him. To combat this, MetalHead eats foods high in iron which, when metabolized, serves to reinforce his muscles and bones.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
Hollis is still a mutant and is still susceptible to being dampened. The Alien is not. It is unknown what will happen if the Atzma'ee gains control of the body they both share.

Hollis possesses all of the weaknesses of his alien counterpart, even his aversion to electrical based attacks and an inability to swim.

Hollis is a street thug, possessing only a high-school diploma. He has new skills outside of robbery and physical intimidation.


Hollis Walker was born to a single mother in Pittsburgh and was raised with the help of his maternal grandfather
Around the time that Hollis's powers manifested, His grandfather was laid off during the economic downturn. The young mutant kept it from family and started using his powers to rob stores and shakedown other street thugs. One encounter with a taser, and 19 year old Hollis Walker had a record.

He served 6 months before he realized he could just absorb the bars of his cell. It was then that everyone else realize that Hollis was a mutant. He returned home a fugitive and was promptly disowned by his grandfather and mother. They didn't care that he was a mutant, but that he used his power to hurt people.

For the next 12 years, the thug known as Metalhead began to make a name for himself up the East Coast until he was invited to a job auction by the criminal known as Faust. After the Cobalt Hill crew crashed the party, the devil face gangster offered jobs to those who missed out, and Metalhead was one of them.

Criminal Record:

Armed Robbery and Assault
Assault on a correctional officer
Grand larceny
Breaking and entering

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Hollis Walker is a die-hard Pittsburgh Steelers fan
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