Bank Robbery 7/3/18

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Bank Robbery 7/3/18

Post by Goldbolt »

Rough C/P I will edit it to make it pretty soon <3 Enjoy.

<MarloCross> Rush hour had long since faded into memory, banks and other businesses had let their employees go for a few hours of rest before the busy 4th of July to come. Many had it off. But not the four guys standing in the street. Four strange and intimidating guys, each with some kind of outstanding feature standing outside a bank at 9pm. Yeah, you know the scene. One was in a simple black hoodie, no doubt sweltering in the heat, and the ski mask wasn't doing him any favors. His outstanding feature was his forearms and feet. it made him look like Popeye wasn't taking retirement very well. The next gentleman was only slightly better dressed. A white tank top with a few stains here and there gave him the bearing of a seasoned street thug, not to mention his newsboy cap pegged him as a criminal right off the bat. Nobody wore those anymore. As the Old Schooler lit a cigarette, he turned to a short, frail and very wide-eyed fellow to his right. Wide-eyed because they seemed to be almost insectoid, meant to be hidden by the large goggles atop his balding head. "You ready fer this Lou?" The Old Schooler asked. his friend just nodded and took a hit off a vape pen. " You got a spare pair of shorts if I'm not?" "Silence your prattling, boys." That voice was distinct, as much so as the body it came from. Wreathed in black and red hooded robes, floating a full three feet off the ground, Orvis Corwell oversaw his terrible trio. Glowing skeletal hands remained behind his back, the grinning skull of his face observing the scene, " It is fortunate that you were here Mr Dugan. SMASH is still..incarcerated. I feel you will be a valuable asset tonight. The Plan, gentlemen is as follows!!" "Mr Stone and uh..." He snapped his fingers at Lou, to which the nervous looking fellow said,. "Lookie Lou." Helsbane flinched, "That is...just terrible...Fine. Russo, you come with me to carry the earnings, Mr Dugan- uh sorry Doomfist will gain access to the bank and the primary vault door. ugh..Lookie Lou will crack the secondary safe where the REAL money is. Quick. In and out." Everyone seemed on the same page...

<@JJ> Nothing was going to keep JJ down... for long, anyways. Not centipede people, not spider people, and definitely not a certain people that looked like Ray-Man and Blight had a baby. Though that last one still haunted JJ's dreams at times. But one thing he had learned? That the only reason to wear a quickie 3D printed arm was because something like the aforementioned trio had torn a better one to bits. But what was JJ doing out tonight of all nights? It was holiday week, he should be relaxing and having fun or planning to do so the following day. Fireworks, BBQ, maybe some swimming and hanging out with Scar. But nopes. JJ - I mean Tron was patrolling.

* `isaac has a new job. He's in khakis and a maroon shirt with the logo "Sale Messengers" on the front. The messenger service was sort of hit or miss but it didn't require an ID or tax information. Tonight he's really just got a couple of deliveries to make, one of them to the manager of a local bank. It was a little strange to making it so late in the day, to Isaac's mind, but one of the things his new boss had really asserted was don't ask questions. Just deliver the packages and get your tip and get out of the way. The tips were supposed to be nice.

<MarloCross> The black clad Doomfist was already headed over when Isaac unluckily stopped by. The manager was upstairs waiting for the kid to ring to buzzer set for such deliveries. He might not be getting it tonight. from under the ski mask, Doomfist spoke. his accent said somewhere middle American. He cracked his giant knuckles and frowned at Isaac as he walked up from behind," Kid, you might wanna hit the road. it's about to get a bit.." shedding his hoodie, Doomfisdt revealed his massive forearms, a gruesome mix of flesh and metal tubes. the right arm began to grow LARGER!!," heavy.." with that, he reached out and dug his fingers into the large metal door..and Ripped it off it's hinges... helsbane missed nothing and was soon floating over to isaac himself,." my associate is correct. This is not a place for you, boy. I would suggest leaving." he had no idea who isaac was and that Tron, his self imposed nemesis was a half block away...

* `isaac 's eyes bug out. "WHAT IN THE HELL, MAN?!" he shouts. And without really thinking about it, swings his messenger bag the new guy. Helsbane? "THIS IS MY JOB!" he shotus again, because clearly neither of these guys understood how badly he needed these tips. "STOP THAT! You couldn't WAIT FIVE MINUTES?!" Which probably wasn't the right thing to say, but it was the first thing that came to mind. And on the other wing (because part of him always thought a little birdly), he couldn't just stand there and watch these assholes break into a bank, could he?

<@JJ> meaning, yup. JJ was in costume. The lightly armored black suit and helmet with his power-controlled LEDs scattered all around, making patterns on a whim. All black was a hazard at night afterall, JJ did not want to risk getting hit by a car, even though most cars would swerve around him, but there was always that small chance one wouldn't, or it would be too late. Then he heard it.
<@JJ> Tearing metal makes a lot of sound. Tron urged Shiela (who needs her own cool super bike name) over to the scene.
<@Sisip> <Beth> It was odd, for the girl to be out and about in this part of town. Normally if she was it would be with her hoodie hood up, hands in her pocket and her eyes perpetually downwards. Tonight, however, was not a normal night. She was not only NOT wearing her hoodie, but was wearing an actual dress, wearing her brown hair falling over her shoulders and wearing an actual smile. She
<@Sisip> MAY even actually be holding hands!
<HospitalBeast> - Gasp! And she might be holding hands with a certain broody hipster lookin guy. Wearing his usual attire, a button down shirt, with a pair of black slacks and expensive soes. With some black rimmed glasses. His hand in Beths! OMG!!!111!!!1one!!!
<MarloCross> k5 Lookie Lou (ugh) and Russo headed for the now open bank. Russo's skin began to take on an ashen almost granite like color and texture as the two headed inside. Helsbane laughed and let the bag slip through the gap under his jaw. the ghood fell away, revealing to Isaac the blazing green skull. he raised a hand and let a lance of toxic fire burn a hole into the messenger bag," How
<MarloCross> foolish! You could have walked away but i..." the bike sound turned his head, spying the bike," Well well...Tron..DOOMFIST, Bring me his arm! the REAL one!"<c>
<MarloCross> Lookie Lou (ugh) and Russo headed for the now open bank. Russo's skin began to take on an ashen almost granite like color and texture as the two headed inside. Helsbane laughed and let the bag slip through the gap under his jaw. the ghood fell away, revealing to Isaac the blazing green skull. he raised a hand and let a lance of toxic fire burn a hole into the messenger bag," How
<MarloCross> foolish! You could have walked away but i..." the bike sound turned his head, spying the bike," Well well...Tron..DOOMFIST, Bring me his arm! the REAL one!"<c>
<MarloCross> doomfist actually gave qa sigh and got ready to turn and throw the edoor at Tron. But, he hesitated. There was an adorable couple nearby. Did he really wanna..? eh he decided it was good for the rep and yelled," Sorry's just business." before heaving the door at Tron. If anything it wouldn't go much further than the technopath. Doomfist wasn't a monster. after throwing
<MarloCross> the door, he'd be lumbering in a slow run at Tron," don't make this hard, Kid."
<@JJ> Sheila made a sharp turn as the door came crashing at them, she skimmed almost parallel with the ground and Tron rolled off. Sheila kept going to ask as a decoy. Having the smae black base with glowing lines that Tron's costume had. Tron then called out. "Komarov, Gagarin, Aldrin, Armstrong." Tron's drones, remember? He named them after astronauts and cosmonauts. The cosmos would fly
<@JJ> surveilance, Tron's eyes in the skies. The astros? They'd pester Doomfist with very bright flashing lights. Distraction! While Tron would try and sneak around with an electrically charged up robot fist.
* `isaac stares at the hole in his bag. At the hole that is now in the things he was supposed to deliver. And the usually mild mannered kid comes close to losing his shit for a moment. But since someone's bringing fire into this, it makes it easier for him. easier to simply take that fire, grab the reins, and shoot it back at the bastard who just ruined his bag. His eyes turn dark as he does so.
<@Sisip> <Beth> They were chatting, of course, just generic stuff. Weather, bowling, movies that aren't porn but have porn stars IN them, you know, normal date conversation. It took Beth a moment or so to realize things weren't really normal. Brown eyes look over to the sound that distracted her, "Pagliacci." She stops, frozen in place as her eyes stay locked on the kerfluffle across the street
<@Sisip> from them. She had no idea what was going on, but it wasn't a difficult read. "... JJ ..." It had been a long while since she'd seen her friend... if SHE ever really had, memories blurred quite a bit for her. Her grip on Trent's hand tightened, "... Trent... he's gonna... we have to..." Do what? Not be noticed by their telepaths? But only her? She looks up to Trent, ".. please.." She'd never
<@Sisip> asked him for anything before, certainly not on this level... but JJ was one of those memories that was always a happy one.
<HospitalBeast> - Trent had an actual smile on his face as they walked and conversed and just semed to enjoy a normal night and Trent was able to enjoy a normal interaction with someone who genuinely felt no fear for him. After a time he followed her gaze to the fight he knew was happening and yet was ignoring for the sake of spending his time with her and maintaining that brief moment and semblance of normalcy. He reached out to her and
<HospitalBeast> cupped her face with a hand giving her a soulful sad smile and then leaned in to place a kiss on her forehead lightly. "I'll make sure..." He said and trailed off before stepping back as the night began to engulf him and he let himself go over to the nightmare, a process made so much more easier in the night...Those red eyes peering out from the darkness first as the process was completing.
<MarloCross> Doomfist swatted at the CosmoDrones with two huge hands and forearms. How was he holding thiose up?! atleast one of them would get swatted down to the pavenment. he wasn't a slouch. He even managed to reach out and grabb at Tron's arm...the Robotic one, "Gotcha!" He snapped, his giant hand reaching for it's target. Meanwhile, Helsbane was in for a SHOCK! A burst of his own fire
<MarloCross> was hurled back at him. It even knocked him back a few paces before he took to absorbing the energy back into his fractured body," my my...Impressive. Tell me Cobalt Hill hasn't snatched you up yet...I could make you very wealthy wuith power like THAT. What's your name, boy?" inside, Lookie Lou (seriously?) was busy looking over the vault door's internal workings, having already disabled
<MarloCross> the alarm system, Mr Stone, Jimmy Russo watching over," Fight goin' on outside.." "Do I look like I give a shit, Russo? Thirty more seconds and you can go play...jesus..Fuckin' Henchmen." No one had yet to see the Nightmare approaching...
* `isaac is so angry. So really pissed off. "MY NAME! MY NAME IS MESSENGER BOY!" he shouts, in the midst of coming at Helsbane again, prepared to use the messenger bag as a holey, not very effective weapon again. He is aware of the guy going after … Tron. JJ, really. In his own mind, he isn't using the name Tron. He's using the name JJ. But that's neither here nor there. Right now he's trying to get the guy who's ruined his
* `isaac bag, probably gotten him fired from his job, and -- this is the important part -- is right in front of him. "I'm trying to do MY JOB!" Another shout, followed by a series of curses in Arabic that none of the other will understand but will almost certainly recognize as *curses*
<@Sisip> <Beth> She knew what she was asking. It was almost a scene out of a movie, the girl asking the boy to do something she knew caused him pain. A tear slipped over her cheek as Trent stepped away and melted into that nightmare form. This was supposed to be a good night, but now a bank was being robbed, an old dear friend was in danger, and she'd just asked the man she cared about to get
<@Sisip> involved. This wasn't a good night. This sucked. She looked around and grabbed... a rock. Super helpful, Beth! It wasn't much, at all, but dammit, it's all she could do. She launches the rock at Doomfist with a frustrated cry. It sailed wide, of course. She was a bartender, not a baseball pitcher! Super useful!
<@JJ> "Wheels, out!" No, Tron didn't need to voice activate anything, but he found it cooler to call things out. For all his brains, JJ didn't realize that all calling out his 'attacks' did was give the bad guy a few seconds notice of what he was about to do. Catch phrases were cool on tv, in real life? Not really. Same went for soundtracks but why? Why the heck was JJ playing Video Killed the
<@JJ> Radio Star while fighting? Impact was totally going to have some serious words with him. If he lived. "Aldrin!" Tron yelped as one of the drones was swatted down. Doomfist grabbed his arm. The robot arm. Well, Helsbane wasn't the only one in for a shock. Tron had perfected incorporating that stun baton into the left limb. But would the shock do anything to the thickly muscled popeye on
<@JJ> more than just spinach?
<HospitalBeast> - The nightmare was empowered in the night, he moved faster and felt stronger, the night protected him further and his power was elevated but the monster inside, the monster that Trent did not wish to reconcile with, did not wish to admit to anyone least of all to himself that he may very well be, had far more control and the instincts of that beast shone to the fore front as it began to move foward towards JJ and his enemy, or
<HospitalBeast> at least the prey for Nightmare, lances of darkness growing out of his back, and enormous clawed arms coming from his sides, a second pair growing from his back and that monstrous grin released a low hissing laugh as it approached what would be it's prey.
<MarloCross> Helsbane PAUSED, his skull almost looking like it was actually capable of smiling, The teeth parted slowly," Very colorful. that's a very distinct dialect...Egyptian or Palestinian? No, Jordan. You ARE full of suprises." He was toying with Isaac, of course. a burning hand grabbed the bag," I can give you a better job than being some...errand boy for small people. You are exceptional,
<MarloCross> Messenger Boy. should you not seek allies of your own kind?" As for Doomfist, the Unfortunate Mr Dugan finds his bio-tech grafts to be a bit angry. though protecting him from the shock for the most part, it still HURT and BLED. But, the Arm was also constantly spasming, changing sizes with each twitch. Doomfist was screaming," Goddamn It, KID!! You're askin' for it!" a big left leg
<MarloCross> hurled around at Tron with a massive fot on the end. The thing had to weight as much as JJ. Wether he hit JJ or nmot, Doomfist would turn to face Nightmare from just momentum." Huh? Who the hell are you?"
<@JJ> oh crud. That was The Nightmare. Things went from bad to worse. True, Nightmare was technically on their side, but he had a tendency to... EAT PEOPLE. JJ may have had a concussion that night, but he still had occassional nightmares featuring The Nightmare skinning a human skull. He sent a message for back-up. A short one. Impact. Situation along with a gps location. Fleetingly, Tron
<@JJ> windered if he'd soon be defending Doomfist from Nightmare. "I'M asking for it? YOU came at ME." JJ pointed out, but then came a foot, a really big foot. "Splaaaarlgekrack! Sqeeeeeeeeeeop...." That was the sound of Tron getting the wind knocked out of him as well as getting himself pushed aways backwards - he's on wheels, remember?
* `isaac doesn't even have to make the fire himself. it's right there. It's on the hand gripping his messenger bag. HIs eyes are still shadowy as Isaac reaches deep, and spreads that terrible fire. Back over Hellsbane, or at least, that's the goal. The problem is, though. The problem is control. Damn it. the fire spreads unexpectedly, in a sudden rush that also reaches the bank. … oops
<@Sisip> <Beth> A high heeled shoe launches itself towards Doomfist, thrown by Beth. Where'd she get a shoe? Oh! Of course! She stood, shoeless, brandishing the second one as if it were a boomerang. She knew that there was nothing deadly about a shoe, but any sort of distraction was a good one, right? The second shoe sails after the first. It's not that she thought Nightmare needed backup.. she
<@Sisip> was smarter than that, but heck, she just felt stupid standing across the road watching.
<HospitalBeast> - The Nightmare just let out another long hiss of laughter sounding like multiple voices as those shadow lances shot out from his back to try and impale or grapple Doomfist while two arms slashed out as well and the other two flexed their claws as if just waiting to get in closer. "No hurt small prey..." It says with a hiss, those weapons and arms slashing out with incredible power. One of the free hands waved at JJ "Mpve,
<HospitalBeast> sssssmall meat..."
<MarloCross> Inside the bank, Lookie Lou, The Poorly Named broke past the first vault lock. It's giant wheel spun a slow turn as Russo grabbed a hold of a secondary handle to pull the door open. Lou hops up quickly, bolting inside with the cryptic messages," Gimme 5 minutes, then get yer ass back in here, you or Dugan.." mr Stone smiled with a mouth full of stone teeth as he headed out to join
<MarloCross> the fray. What he walked into was a blazing infernio, the Bank's awning and shrubs already caught fire as Helsbane continues to trade energy shots with Isaac. he was starting to get a bit worried," calm yourself, you're drawing undue attention!" Doomfist wasn't having a great day of it himself. After getting his right hand buzzed and a pair of pumps smacked him in the mouth, now he
<MarloCross> had shadow spears coming at him. His skin's built in mesh could only protect so much. The left hand came up, getting speared to protect his body. The useless right was just swung like a clumsy club while it recovered," WHAT THE !@#$, RUSSO!!" it was then that Mr stone showed up, trying to sneak in with a heavy right to Nightmare's gut..
<MarloCross> and in the distance, the whine of a spoerts bike can be heard, Over his Com, Tron hears," Soon as you see me, Hit my breaks. I'm gonna use the momentum."
<MarloCross> Tron's digital awareness picks up key strokes from inside. Someone is trying to slice their way into the security system of the bank, trying to access some kind of Staff elevator," C'mon...4 minutes:"
<@Sisip> <Beth> The brunette in the dress actually jump cheers as her shoes connect solidly! She was useful! Sort of! Maybe not! She was momentarily happy anyway! She fistpumps the air, "Take that you sack of shit!" Her exeurberance wears off quickly when she realizes that she's now standing in the middle of the road with no shoes on. Good god here's hoping no druggy dropped needles around here!
<@JJ> made some little gasping sounds, eyes wide in a panic before the pressure cleared up and he could breathe again. Maybe wheels weren't such a good idea. Or perhapd they'd actually saved him. Who knew? But he'd retracted them now as he stood up, a little shakey, but he was still in the game. A little kick to the gut by a man whose leg probably weighed more than he did was nothing! Bruises
<@JJ> tomorrow be darned! Hw wheezed a little but seemed alright. There was something nagging him though, there had been something he was looking into before Doomfist hit. Before Nightmare showed up. And Nightmare could keep Doomfist busy. Tron was going to head inside and focus on the bank's systems to not let them in, though that would do no good if they were just hacking their way in. And where
<@JJ> were the police come to think of it? Got you, Impact.
<`isaac> Ahhh, but there's so MUCH fire now. He's still really angry. "LOOK WHAT YOUR'E DOING!" he shouts, because he's not at all interested in trying to … calm himself. And the fire. Oh, the fire. It sort of roars as it expands further. Unfortunately with even less control. Oh, he's going ot pay for this. He really is. His legs are already starting to shake, and he's gritting his teeth, trying hard not to get dizzy
<HospitalBeast> - The Nightmare hissed as he took that strike to the gut the second pair of arms swinging for him now that Mr. Stone had gotten in his sneak attack, the rest of those arms and lances working to pull Doomfist closer so he could begin the process of ripping him to pieces...the fear and anxiety only serving to strengthen the monster and causing the aura of fear to strengthen and grow wider.
<MarloCross> The front of the bank was an Inferno at the moment, Helsbane and isaac trading blasts of fire. the deranged doctor laughed as he absorbed and redirected the fire. He wouldn't let on that he was approaching his limit," I
Join: Lukas` []
Quit: Sisip [Quit: Don't be weepy sleepy puppies, Slip your slippers on your footies, In the morning you'll get goodies, Puppy hats and puppy hoodies.]
<`isaac> IT WONT' WORK! Dammit, it isn't working, this stupid fire thing. Isaac's getting more tired, and the fire's completely out of control now. It keeps growing, of course, as he tries to get it to land on Helsbane and probably completely misses.
<MarloCross> The front of the bank was an Inferno at the moment, Helsbane and isaac trading blasts of fire. the deranged doctor laughed as he absorbed and redirected the fire. He wouldn't let on that he was approaching his limit," I'm not doing anything, little inferno. This is all you...So raw and untamed.." He backed off, trying to increase the distance, guiding him toward new buildings to
<MarloCross> burn. as Tron got close, he'd get a shot across the bow, a green fireball," oh Good. The Robin update! all by yourself tonight, Tron?!" Doomfist was in Defense mode. His captured left fist hardened, using it as a shield. His feet did the same, the mass and density making the attempt to anchor himself...But Nightmare dragged him across the pavement," Russo!! What the !@#$ is this
<MarloCross> thing?!" Mr Stone said nothing. He couldn't when he got clobbered by the second set of hands. He was tough, but it still took him a second. racing Past Beth, Impact has only a split second to ask himself it its here before the Bike stops..And he's vaulted forward into Mr Stone. The two skip across the asphault pond, opening Nightmare up to continue the assault.
<MarloCross> her** Not Here**
<@JJ> why was JJ rushing at a building on fire? All bets were off now. Fire = bad! But he couldn't let people burn. There could still be employees in there, and not even bad guys deserved to burn alive. Isaac was there too! JJ may have heard the raven boy was immune to fire before but he wasn't thinking along those lines right now. His Tron mask activated a breath filter. Helsbane rose, from
<@JJ> the fires themself it looked. "I'm never by myself!" He knew Impact was incoming. He had comms, and he had the pair of drones feeding him visuals. Tron was distracting Helsbane. Distractions were what JJ did best after techie stuff. Robot arm would try to take the worst of the green fire.
<HospitalBeast> - Nightmare was pleased as the nuissance of Mr. Stone was knocked away and his second pair of arms moved as he looked back to Doomfist and hissed out. "Very pretty meat, time to bleed." And that hiss became a low hissing laugh as every limb and lance was levelled onto Doomfist, some attempting to hold his arms and legs and others to try and just claw right into his midsection and begin digging into him, while he leaned forward,
<HospitalBeast> and his mouth practically doubled in size as he tried to bite into Doomfist's face.
* `isaac starts to take another step forward. And his knees buckle. HIs eyes roll up and he's falling. Exhausted suddenly. Fire is so much work. And no matter how angry he is, he can't keep it going indefinitely. The fire might not stop growing, but at least it's not exploding in uncontrolled waves
Quit: Remulon [Quit: Feel as lonely as I do.]
<MarloCross> Tron's arm held true, soaking the damage. The metal was getting hotter though. And Helsbane knew it. He too was getting overwhelmed by Isaac's sheer POWER. Even he couldn't consume that much raw energy. Fire always tasted..chaotic. Helsbane too needed a distraction, and so he leveleed his hand at Isaac, looking in Tron's direction," quite the lad. I wonder how much he can take...Care
<MarloCross> to place a wager, Tron?" and with that he unleashes on the messenger," LET'S SEE HOW MUCH IT TAKES BEFORE EVEN YOU BURN!!!" Doomfist felt the synthetic dermal layers of skin suddenly flayed from his mesh and muscle, Doomfist had resorted to putting that size 48 boot into Nightmare's gut to try and slow his descent into the Shadow Blender he was pointed at." Great, Yer one of those
<MarloCross> kinda freaks..Look Man..ugh this is just a job!"
<MarloCross> Impact had full mount on Mr Stone and was unloading on the old schooler. It was only after his charge decreased that Russo was able to shake the boy and get to his feet," Where'd you learn to fight, Kid?" stone asked, squaring up to the young hero. Umpact just prtessed the attack," Who !@#$ing cares?!"
<HospitalBeast> - Nightmare slammed a hand onto the chest of Doomfist and tried to grab him by the lower jaw and turn his face toward the bank. "Make wordsss, we ssseee if your meatsss worth end. Or just meatssss. Tell them calm and leave or they watch me take your meatssss....yessssss?"
<Lukas`> Oh no! Fires! Those're bad! If only there was someone with a firehose, or even an extinguisher. Waitasec; who was that there with the one? How'd he manage to get so close to Helsbane there? had nobody noticed him before? He seemed covered in soot and smoke, but bore no costume. Hell, it was hard to even get even that detail off of him. He wasnt so much invisible you see; its just
<Lukas`> that the eye rolled off him; the mind just refused to give a shit that he was there. No fucks were given to him; but thats a aheme..what with the fire extinguisher he was carrying being swung like a club,
<@JJ> You would think that just because it was a robot arm it couldn't feel, right? Wrong! Tron had sensation in his false parts. Tron eyed Helsbane, looking for an opening that wasn't that weirdo intangible stuff. No... wait. That was exactly what he needed to do. It hurt to even contemplate this, but the drones were not like Poddy or even like Sheila. Aldrin didn't get the chance, nor would
<@JJ> one of the others. "Komarov..." Tron's voice broke slightly, this was a terrible thing, and the drone's name made it all the worse. "Looks like you get to follow in your namesake's footsteps... Sorry boy." The drone would dive down from the sky to... lodge into one of Helsbane's intangible pockets and... self destruct. Granted this was only a fist sized drone. So it would not be that
<@JJ> much.
* `isaac 's clothes catch on fire. And for that matter, the rest of him seems to, too. And the only good news is that seems to wake him up. Suddenly he's moving, changing, becoming the bird that's his other self. Rising in the fire, like a bird of flame. One could use the phoenix as a comparison, except he's not that impressive, and he's very obviously a black black bird, a shadow bird in the middle of all that fire, rising up, with
* `isaac wings outspread. No thought here, no higher mental function. This is purely the magic of his blood, under a bombardment he's never tasted before, igniting the sparks in his own blood he's never tasted before.
<MarloCross> The talk about his Meats as if someone were getting a pound of thin sliced Turkey took Doomfist by a bit of a suprise. was this thing giving an ultimatum. sounded like it, So why look a gift nightmare in the black seemless void? " GUYS, WE NEED TO LEAVE, NOW!!" Helsbane's night went from zero to shit. The boy turned into a bird, prompting him to have to follow him as he flies. Was
<MarloCross> that Impact that hit him?! he couldn't tell. He had to time when the drone did a Nationality Incorrect Kamikaze run. It was more than enough torender the floating miscreant silent as he dropps to a knee on the asphault. meanwhile the fire still burned. Helsbane coughs and laughs," Still..,,a cleaning crew...Me...or the,,,ugh ...Tron.." Impact wasn't doing as well. mr Stone seemed to
<MarloCross> know his every move to some extent. When Nightmare bellowed, They both stopped..
<Lukas`> Clang! Sound of a fire extinguisher falling to the ground beside Helsbane.'d it gotten there? Must've fallen off something or just rolled off of something.
<@JJ> grabbed the gift from beyond? Wherever it had come from JJ was glad the extinguisher was there. The only bad part was... no tech on it. JJ would have to old fashioned this. Without a secons glance at Helsbane he took off with the extinguisher and would rush to rescue, thanking whatever mystical entity had dropped it.
* `isaac rises higher, with a ravenly caw that comes close to a scream. Pain and rage and expanding waves of flame in the night sky. It's really very unfortunate, since it catches a tree on fire.
<Marlo> the first thing JJ would see upon entering the Flaming Bank would be a skinny balding man in a jumpsuit helping a very attractive Young Asian woman in a business suit and what seemed to be her male companion dressed in very obvious hipster clothes, into the lobby where it seemed that smoke inhalation was getting the best of them.
<Marlo> Helsbane watches Tron escape into the building, giving him time to stand and steady himself. Turning to Isaac, the villan creeps into the air, calling out to his frazzled crew, "Scramble, Boys. Mr Stone, if you could grab ..ugh..Lookie Lou..Doomfist, finish with the freak and let's cut our losses."
<@JJ> "This way!" His suit was all lit up to draw attention to him and the way out. Teon would try and put some fire out to make the way out easier but it was hard to work the extinguisher with his left arm acting up. Time to get them out!
Quit: JJ [Quit: zzz....]
<Marlo> BTW He looks TIRED even for a Skeleton...
Disconnected: Socket closed
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