Daemon Attack - 6/27/18

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Daemon Attack - 6/27/18

Post by Sisip »

[20:44] <=Scene=> Crowley's Row is busy, as it always is. Booths lining the streets, shops with their lights open, most of these places twentyfour hour establishments. It was a pleasant evening, overall, and people of all types were shopping without a care in the world.

[20:57] * `isaac walks up and down the street, watching people. he has his hands in his pockets, careful not to risk anyone thinking he's stealing.

[21:06] <Marlo> Marlo would be shopping for a few special ladies in his life. Seven would be getting clothes, Scarlet would get one some stuff from the Bookstore, and Ma...well he was still looking for Sisip abd his mother. ..

[21:16] * `isaac doesn't have any more money now than he did before. He's still in pretty much the same jeans and same shirt. But he's enjoying the looking around. The chance to be around other people.

[21:17] <@JJ> Crowley's Row. JJ could be a little weirdo all he liked and no one would give him a second look. Wheels were out and eyes were a glow as JJ scooted around on his wheelfeet. The techie's destination? Junk shops! So many little odds and ends that he never knew he needed and thus wouldn't know to search online for.

[21:23] <@Sisip> He was a tall fellow, almost willowy. Not a man built for war, but there was something in his single eye that revealed a thousand-yard stare. His bald head was pocked and dented, thin tubes having been inserted into his skull for some reason. Those tubes disappeared beneath the very high collar of the white trench coat the fellow was wearing. The one eye he was missing had replaced by a glowing red optical surrounded by a metal ring. He stumbled a bit, reaching out to rest a gloved hand on a vendors table. He was clearly exhausted. He spoke to himself as his free hand raised up, fingers resting against his temple.

[21:32] * `isaac blinks over at the strange guy, and looks around for anyone else, to see if was noticed. Quietly, he moves closer, brow furrowing with concern. "Are you alright, Mister?" He asks, when he's close enough to make it a question rather than a shout.

[21:39] <@JJ> had his goodies in a nice big canvas bag. Poddy was perched upon one of the boy's shoulders and warbling to JJ in his unique Podlish. "Yes, Poddy. It's pieces and bits that are compatible with you. But eventually I will need to do a major upgrade. Your base iPod self was old when I got it. Now? You're positively ancient." JJ teased. "Ow ow ow! Hey! Not the ear again! Remember I hold

[21:39] <@JJ> the key to upgrading you and keeping you, you! And who is that..." That beautiful prosthetic eye, who seemed to be slightly distressed. JJ scooted closer. "Hey, man. You ok?"

[21:48] <Marlo> Marlo hadn't seen the crazy cyborg looking guy yet. He was too busy grabbing a hot dog from just down the street. It was just a guy with a cart attached to a bike. Marlo was going a bit nuts with the relish...

[21:49] <@Sisip> "Ab igna ignem. Mors ianua vitae." The words stumbled past his lips, the two phrases repeating themselves over and over again. As the pair drew closer the words would come louder, even though the fellow did not look at them directly. That gloved hand clenched on the wood of the table, "Hey.. buddy.. you okay?" The vendor looked at the guy, then at the pair approaching, "This your friend? I don't think he's so hot right now." It was the truth, the bald, rambling man began to pant, shaking visibly. The hand with fingers against his temple clenched into a ball as he began to hit it against that same spot. "Mortui vivis praecipian. Mortui vivis praecipian." His one good eye widened as he looked up towards the pair, his mouth falling open, "Liberate se ex infernis."

[21:50] * `isaac looks at JJ. "He's speaking Latin, I think. We should probably get him somewhere to sit down." And either way, he moves up closer to the stranger. "Here, mister. Let me help you."

[21:58] <@JJ> "What about iguanas?" JJ blinked. He didn't understand the cazy eye-man. And even though he had all of Google in his brain JJ just didn't think to use it like 75% of the time. Maybe one day he would. Then the man spoke more and more. JJ stared blankly. Then Isaac spoke up. "Oh! Latin! That explains a little bit... or a lot. I don't know it either way... Mister, you alright? Could you say

[21:58] <@JJ> that again, but slower please?" There he goes. It finally hit him to use his internet addled brain to translate things.

[22:04] <Marlo> Now that yelling got his attention. After tossing the man a few bucks with a tip in there , Marlo headed over slowly, not quite getting close as Isaac and JJ , but he needed to keep his eyes on this guy, but not after sighting his bike. That's where his helmet was..just in case.

[22:08] <@Sisip> As Isaac approaches the man doubles over, clutching his stomach. He begins to sob loudly, tears spilling from his eye. It locks on JJ, "Maledicentes autem causa mortis" His hand reaches out, grabbing at Isaac's arm. In a moment of calm the fellow stands, lips parting in an almost reverent whisper, "Ave imperator! Nos morituri te salutant." Then hand leaves the table, reaching up to curl fingers around a golden pin, a two headed eagle. He sighs softly, apparently accepting his fate. The quiet of his moment was brief, an ear piercing scream tearing from his throat as his good eye flares with an unearthly purple glow. His back arches, practically impossibly, the sound of bones snapping heard from him. His hand releases Isaac of it's own accord as fingers seemingly snap backwards of on their own, skin rending and tearing, an almost crab-like pincher exploding outwards from within. The screaming grows in volume as his creamy flesh begins to fall from him, a pale purple forming underneath.

[22:14] * `isaac 's eyes widen and he gets the look of someone doing his best not to freak out. "No! No! Don't--- JJ what is he SAYING?!" And Isaac drops to the ground by the stranger, terrified to touch him, but not wanting the guy to die, or at least, not to die by himself

[22:19] <@JJ> This was JJ's first time using the software in his brain, so he was still a little confused and then horrified. "Death curse? Who even has emperors anymore? Wait? Die?" And then the man screamed. Which made JJ scream. Which made car alarms start to go off. Poddy was outta there, vanishing someplace only a tiny robot could fit. "Is.. is this bad magic?! What's going on?! Why is he a
[22:19] <@JJ> crab?"

[22:25] <Marlo> Marlo was moving to the bike as soon as the claw started to emerge from The Latin Cyber Crab's arm. It takes a few minutes before he can push his way through the crowd. "Gotta love Salem.." he said, grabbing the helmet from under the seat..

[22:26] <@Sisip> The screaming continues, a man whose very existence is being torn asunder. Those wires going into his scalp tear free, electricity crackling from them. His head splits open and reforms, two massive purple horns on each side, with a third curling up in the middle, blade like. Insect like legs tear through the back of the mans white, high collared trench coat, that same purple fading into ebony tips. What was once a man shrieking in pain slowly, painfully, is stripped away, that scream turning from terror and pain to one of absolute, fantastical glee. It had come from within the man, somehow.. would it ever be explained? Now it was standing there by the table, amidst a screaming and frantic populous, everyone running over each other to clear the way. It was still wearing that trench coat.. but gone was the willowy man.. in his place was a purple woman, horned, spiked, with vicious legs holding her up off the ground. From within the coat dropped a writhing tail. One hand was clawed, long fingers ending in metal-looking nails, the other was that long, almost viciously toothed crabs law. Her head falls back as her screams turn to laughs, a long, barbed tongue slides from between her lips. Pieces of the man continue to drip off her, splattering to the ground in a shower of stranger-goo. She shakes herself, two ebony eyes focusing on Isaac. She hisses loudly, her elevated form leaning his way as she reaches out her clawed hand towards him, almost beckoningly.

[22:33] * `isaac doesn't scream, because you'd need to be able to breathe to scream and he's pretty sure he can't do that. He's still on the ground, looking up at the … woman. Who had been a man. Who's still screaming. Except he can't hear her, what with the ringing of terror in his ears. Ringing of... holy fuck, he's suddenly PISSED, too! This was a guy who died and now she's a FREAKY WOMAN! And Isaac's never been known to be altogether
[22:33] * `isaac smart. He's angry!

[22:37] <Marlo> The silver helmet snapped in place. Gauntlets strapped tight. His shirt tossed into the alley where he changed. The whole super hero thing was tough at times. Bad guys loved hitting crowded venues like this. Stepping out from the alley, Impact beckoning the hand toward Isaac. Great, he'd said in his head as he started making his way ocer...

[22:37] <@JJ> Stared at the transformation wide-eyed. He swallowed and tried to fight back the vomit threatening to expell itself. JJ failed at this task and lost his tacos... at the monster.

[22:40] <@Sisip> That claw snaps at Isaac's head, a loud 'clack' heard over her laughter. One of those spider like legs stabs outwards towards a crowd of onlookers who did not have the common sense to get out of the way. The fellow's leg is skewered and he begins to scream. That scream only added to the fuel of terror, his buddies grabbing at him, trying to pull him away as he's slowly dragged towards her. That tail coils underneath her, hypnotically, as if waiting. JJ uses Taco-Spew Attack. It fails. It does, however, draw the attention of the daemon. Her head tilts to the side as those insect legs raise her higher. She moves towards JJ, dragging JoeBob along the street after her. That clacking claw swoops towards JJ, opening wide as she moves to grab at his arm.

[22:48] * `isaac 's eyes are focused on the she-daemon. He doesn't see Marlo's helpful gesture. He throws himself down just before that claw snaps his head into pieces. He blinks at the scream and looks around for something -- anything! There. There, one of the metal folding chairs one of the venders was sitting on! He picks it up, fully intending to use it to clobber the she-thing. "JJ! NO! GET DOWN!" He screams, as the chair swings through
[22:48] * `isaac the air. Not, perhaps, the best of weapons, but certainly a blunt one

[22:55] <@JJ> Yep, the transformation was so terrible JJ vomited. And it was attacking! The giant flesh ripping trandformation monsters could never be goodguys could they?! Stupid monsters... "Go back to... I don't know... the moon? You stupid thing." she swung at him. JJ eeped and would bring his robo arm to block the hit before attempting to duck at Isaac's cry.

[23:00] <@Sisip> As Isaac swings the chair towards one of the legs. It knocks it from the ground, but alas.. she IS part spider. The daemon lurches slightly to the side as that leg skids along the pavement. Her laughter turns into a loud, angry hiss, one that grew in volume as that claw connects with JJ's robotic arm. She looks between the two quickly before the knocked-away leg raises upwards and jabs towards Isaac, fully intending on spearing him as she did poor JoeBob.. who had passed out.. from pain? From terror? His friends continued to scream, one of them throwing bottles at her that only seemed to bounce harmlessly off her back. Props to home-dudes, they were not giving up. Pulling at JoeBob, trying to free him as the lot of them were dragged towards that tail. As the claw hits against that robotic arm she leans over towards JJ, swiping at his opposite side with those claw-like fingers.

[23:06] <@JJ> Screeched as that apparently did little to ward the spider thing's blows. The monster had how many limbs? Eight spider legs, one crab pincer arm, and a clawed one? And JJ with nothing but his easily distracted wits and the robo arms that had no bells or whistles. He didn't bring his battle arm with him everywhere, but just might after tonight if he lived that long. The beast was slashing
[23:06] <@JJ> at him and it wasn't like JJ vould punch it even with Marlo's training. He didn't have stored kinetic force! But he did have his signature move... Summon car. They so loved to commit hit and run for JJ.

[23:09] * `isaac throws up the chair like a sort of shield. it gets hit. Which means he gets hit. But instead of skewered, he just gets knocked rolling. And then he's shrinking, a whirl of almost palpable shadow before a raven is there, instead, shaking himself free of the shirt and screaming in a feathered fury. He leaps into the air, wings flapping, talons extended, as he tries to get at the spider - demon - woman's face and eyes. Or to
[23:09] * `isaac peck or whatever comes easiest as he's gone into Ravenly combat. He's not necessarily done this before, but JJ's in danger, and that means he has to try to save his friend!

[23:15] <Marlo> Impact didn't have much in the way of kinetic charge to use. There had been some big gusts of wind, but nothing huge. That's why he needed to put it all behind a singular leaping punch to tge daemon's leg that was dragging JoeBob around with her. He aimed for the high leg joint, a crescent soccer style kick, his right arm bracing the grpund as he cartwheeled to try and deliver the kick. "Put them DOWN!!"

[23:21] <@Sisip> The leg smacks against the shield, and ends up being buffetted away and stabbing into the pavement. Her eyes turn away from JJ and a look of confusion fills them as she does not see the creature that was there just a moment before. Her head tilts to the side, not realizing that the raven that was diving towards her was a threat... until it was too late. She shrieks loudly, that clawed hand raising up from swiping at JJ to slash at that bird. Her aim would have been viciously accurate were she not suddenly knocked off balance from the force of the strike against her joint. There's a loud crack as the carpace spinters. Her shriek raises in volume, her pain unexpected! Even more unexpected was that thing that seemed to blind her suddenly as it lunged towards her. The car, coming from the side, knocked those legs from under her completely and down she came, hard. The sounds were anger, pain, frustration, and rage. Her tail whips around, curling towards Marlo's leg. JoeBob had been launched off her leg as they were knocked from under her.

[23:28] * `isaac couldn't be lucky all the time. This time the hand that slashes at him hits, and sends him arse over tea kettle, tumbling through the air until he hits the wall of a building, and then falls again. For a moment, he lies there with his wings spread akimbo, stunned!

[23:28] <Marlo> That looked like a very sharp and dangerous natural kind of weapon. He tried a few handspring humps to stretch the distance between them. This thing, JJ and Isaac seemed onay for now. He called out to the crowd, :get back!!

[23:29] <@JJ> This was why Tron usually wore a costume that had some amount of protection and a robot arm that had a bunch of goodies, AND more tech goodies elsewhere. Because JJ was a squishable human regardless of his amazing techno powers. Had it been something other than a spider monster.. crab armed drider? What the heck was this thing? But it was distracted now and hurt, launched to the side. JJ
[23:29] <@JJ> clutched his arm. The fleshy one. It was cut up, but JJ was alright. "Impact! Tail!" JJ warned and this time consciously sent more cars at the beast. Mindful of the citizens and his friends!

[23:35] <@Sisip> Those legs flail as the daemon scrambles to right herself. She was powerful, she was terrifying.. she was... admittedly.. just a little sexy even for a huge spider-chick, but when she was not on her feet she was just a flailing purple thing. That tail grabs at Marlo as he springs back, barely missing him. She practically spits with anger as she pushes herself up, finally finding her spideryfooting. Two of her legs hung uselessly but those claws still remained. Claws that swiped at JJ once again, followed by that snapping-clacking crab claw.

[23:36] * `isaac slowly straightens back up. And again launches into the air. Something is wrong with one wing and there's a ringing in his skull. But the thing is still there! And his own friends are still in danger. Furious, he flexes his talons and goes flying at the monster again. This time with bits of flame at the edges of his claws, burning flame that is the best he can manage right now.

[23:41] <@JJ> spidery legs... thick... chitin-y armor... Oh! "Joints!" JJ yelled! "Spidery joints! Aim for that! Two are down... and hmmm Are you one of those logic weakness magic critters, scary lady? Cause those legs should not be able to support your body!" It was certainly worth a shot. When in doubt, be annoying! Also cars. JJ was directing another car to hit the spider while trying to scramble
[23:41] <@JJ> away from those pinchy claws.

[23:50] <Marlo> Getting in close for melee was Impact's bread and butter. The essence of who he was as a hero. But the tail had driven him away. Could he risk a k-jump at this distance with that tail?! Then..Cars!!! Impact tries to hitch a ride and catapult in close by leaping onto one of the cars as they sped toward Ms Charlotte here.."ICant just gave a day?! I WAS BUYING A GIFT FER MY MOM!!

[23:51] <@Sisip> The daemon had more important things to worry about other than logic and reason. She was from warpspace, she cared nothing of logic and reason! With that point in mind, she turned her attention to the thing that had hurt her the most, and had blinded her. Those viciously clawed fingers drive downwards, spearing through the top of the car that had assualted her. She screams in fury as she finds her hand stuck just as flaming bird claws are jammed into her face. That large crab-like pincher reaches up, arching towards Isaac, wanting him away.. that pest! Another car revs towards her, but the thing is so distracted by being trapped and having bird-feet in her face, that it is completely undetected.. until it strikes! There's a deaffening scream of metal against metal as the second car slams into the first. The Daemon screams along with it, more legs crunching as she's pinned between them, ichor oozing on the road from under the cars. She flails wildly.

[23:59] * `isaac 's wing just isn't flapping right. It's hard to dodge the flailing claws, impossible to avoid them all. This time he isn't knocked out of the air, but he does get a terrible slash through is feathers. More fire erupts around his claws, a red haze starting to make his vision all... murder-y furious feathery death murder kill -- he's not a happy bird! And he's really determined to contribute to the death of this beasty!

[00:07] <@JJ> Wait a tic... Isaac was a bird yes. A move JJ thought was one to distract and flutter off. But then he gouged out the monster's eyes - blinded it. And wait... "You're a pyro? That's awesome!" Uhoh, JJ said the A-word. From where ever he was hiding Poddy took that as his cue to play some battle music. And what had Poddy chosen?... The Mortal Kombat Theme. And now that she was sufficiently
[00:07] <@JJ> distracted... JJ removed his robot arm and started to bludgeon the spider lady with it.

[00:12] <@Sisip> This had turned into a very real game of 'squish the spider'... and this daemon wasn't a fan, in the least. Her tail lashes under her as she slams her clawed hand into the ground. With an audible grunt she pulls herself with it, tearing herself free of the limbs that were trapped. The sound of squishcrunching is heard as she begins to drag herself, lips pulled back against sharpened teeth as she snarls. That pincher hand snaps at JJ and his bludgeontool-arm. One of her eyes hangs from it's socket, shredded and overall gross, burned clawmarks trailing down her face.

[00:19] * `isaac screams and caws and claws more at the monster's, this time at her neck. It wasn't really what he's aiming at, but the problem is, he's having a harder and harder time staying in the air.

[00:26] <@JJ> "Why. Won't. You. Die?" JJ yelled and punctuated each word with another bludgeon from his detached arm. Not that the limb could do much damage. It was a light weight thing. An expendable one that he'd 3D printed half a dozen of. So, at least if he lost this one it wasn't one of his 'good' arms. Then epiphany struck. "Also. Who. Is. The. Emporer?"

[00:32] <@Sisip> Each strike caused a spurt of ichor to erupt from where her eye was, those flaming bird claws rending open her neck. Black blood exploded outwards as the daemon does exactly what JJ was wanting. She twitches, convulsing, her screams more gurgles than anything. As she dies her flesh begins to bubble and blister. Those blisters erupt with more ichor as she begins to melt, almost like a Gremlin exposed to light.

[00:43] * `isaac flies off, and doesn't so much land as … well. fall out of the sky. Birds are not creatuers made to be all that STURDY

[00:43] <@JJ> Yes time to flee! Whoever the emporor was he was bad news dude.

[00:46] <@Sisip> The daemon melts away in a black bubbling goo. Officials show up, block off the area, and begin their investigations.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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