Wilbur Obed Whately. Mythos/Korrok

Individuals aged 21 and over who have come to Cobalt Hill for sanctuary, living space and/or to learn control of their powers.
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Wilbur Obed Whately. Mythos/Korrok

Post by lllithid »

Public Information

Name: Wilbur Obed Whately
Alias: Mythos or Korrok
Age: 25
Date of Birth: October 31st
Hometown: Arkham, Massachusetts.

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 290 lbs
Hair Color: None.
Eye Color: Glowing Yellow.
Nationality/Race: N/A

Occupation: Other.

Personality Profile: Wilbur would be, were he possessed of another more human form; be described as "Strange", "Warped", "Peculiar" and other words of that ilk. Though with the body he has, these descriptors no longer seem to apply and infact seem to suit him rather well; being downright charming. He is possessed of a great and formidable mind; and speaks in a cultured, verbose style.

Physical Description: Wilbur is a strange creature; possessing a caricature of a humanoid form. His body is covered in an ink-black hide composed of nearly countless eel-like scales which manage to catch and reflect light in just the wrong ways as he moves. His limbs are long and lean; their movements made strange by extra joints which seem to move in whichever directions they please. His legs; fully digitigrade with long heavy claws on his oddly symmetric hexadactyl feet. His hands; possessed of heavy sharp claws and a second opposable thumb. His face is a long muzzle; possessing elements of canine, saurian and insectoid features; with a large maw full of multiple rows of long sharp fangs. His eyes, three pairs of shining yellow; with hexagram shaped pupils. His movements are powerful and forceful; animalistic and savage; though with a finesse and grace that enhances the strangeness. His voice is a remarkably deep baritone; but with faint hints of higher pitches; as if he possessed multiple sets of vocal chords.

Powers and Abilities: Extra-dimensional Horror.

Primary: "Summoning". Wilbur possesses an innate ability to perceive worlds and spaces not kin to ours. With great effort, he is capable of reaching into these other places, and drawing forth what he finds. This takes the form of him tearing open short lived "Holes" in space-time, and from them bringing forth monsters every bit as awful as what he can become. These creates, due to them not being native to our world.only can exist here for so long, before the pressures of our reality forces them back to whence they came. (Taking about 20-30 minutes). The largest creature Wilbur has been able to summon has been about 50% larger than the size of an elephant, although it bore no resemblance to a one.

Secondary: Psuedonatural Horror. Wilbur is in a sense constraining himself. His true form is a pure monster, unconstrained by biology or reason; a monster of the deepest corners of space and time; of the angles between time and the curves between dimensions. Wilbur is thankfully though able to "condense" himself down into a smaller and more "reasonable" shape; albeit still a very inhuman one. This smaller state provides several abilities, both on its own and via elements of his more monsterous self bleeding through. His senses have been improved to the levels possessed by wild animals; smelling like a bloodhound, seeing like a cat..etc..etc. Though Wilbur's senses extend deeper into the various spectrum and wavelengths; allowing him a "deeper" range of sense information. Physically he possesses about ten-times human level strength along with similar levels of durability and agility. Lastly; his body is uniform in substance, with no distinct organs or weak spots; this enables him to heal from things like lost limbs and such at roughly ten times normal speed; while also rendering him immune to most diseases and toxins (albeit they remain in his system)

When under dire stress; or if he should will it enough; Wilbur can simply stop keeping himself small and allow his shape to decompress. In this state he becomes a true monster; possessed of strange limbs and features. He becomes vast, possessed of great physical power; his senses expanding into stranger and more esoteric realms. His other abilities become augmented to similar degrees and he gains capabilities and features in keeping with the shape. This state changes each time he assumes it, and is known to shift and alter while in it; it being an unstable and shifting mass of awfulness. If his normal form is a regular monster; this other state is the Dragon and the Shoggoth. Wilbur in this state though, has abandoned his human mind; and as such is driven by either base instinct; or by a greater intelligence that brooks no humanity; its impossible to tell which.

Drawbacks and Weaknesses: Wilbur's powers and as such; his body are a might bit unstable. He isn't prone to losing control over them in their entirety, but under times of great stress of when trying to keep to much under control; he has been known to slip. When this happens, as stated above; his form tends to mutate and warp. The more dangerous implication of this; is that his summoning is also effected. Attempting to much with it, tends to weaken the level of control he has over his creatures; with them going wild and following their own strange urges. Wilbur actually does suffer from this himself; when under great stress or overexerted; his own mind tends to slip. He doesn't become feral or less intelligent; but he becomes possessed of strange and esoteric urges, following trains of thought and leaps of logic that make no sense to rational people. He is extremely hard to predict in this state, because his vast mind works in ways no sane mind should and works towards goals seemingly derived from a great outside source.

Background: Wilbur's early life wasn't' one of great strangeness or awfulness. He wasn't an early member of some cult, wasn't some incestuous hill-person raised underground in warrens of radioactive mutants. He grew up in a moderately affluent section of a small city in Massachusetts; got great grades and was generally seemed an okay child.

By no means was his life perfect though. His father was abusive, his mother a manipulator fond of elaborate head games. All and all, this led to Wilbur being a "Disturbed" child, but one with the intellect to hide it from the world behind a veneer of proper behavior.
Honestly, Wilbur would have probably gone through life just fine, gone to college, got a good job; and slowly descended into ending up a particularly successful serial killer. Thankfully though, before his life could get bad, it got weird.
It was his 17th year of life, Wilbur living in a squalid basement apartment as he worked at his first year of college. He had fallen asleep over some textbook and woke up to find his fingers replaced with long tentacles. A normal person would have panicked, but Wilbur merely shrugged and accepted this as a new fact in his life; neither judging or speculating, simply accepting. A few phone calls and weeks of seclusion led to him mastering his powers and turning back to a shade of normalcy. Thankfully for the rest of the populace though; this event had so drastically altered his outlook that the prospect of serial-killing was now a lost possibility. The rapid shift from normal human to mutant had so obliterated his original sense of self; that he had constructed a new one in his seclusion; accepting his inner monster and being at peace with it. It was a few years until he had found out about the Sanctum. He was at peace with himself and felt no need to worry; but serendipity had led him to the place. Not far from his home town actually. Wilbur had to admit, it was to perfect a coincidence to be dismissed and gawked at. Packing and registering; he has dwelt there ever since.

His most recent set of mutations were brought about by his investigations on behalf of the Sanctum into a power boosting drug being touted as "Amp-X". Accidentally overdosing himself on a purified extract, he was mutated right out past his former humanity and into a new and interesting realm. He was now a monster on the outside as well; and with this realization came a great sense of peace and satisfaction. Everything seemed to be working out; as if his actions and destiny were guided by some higher power; one that head his best interests, if not his sanity, at heart.

Criminal Record: None.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): On top of being a flat out genius, Wilbur has gained several skills during his lifetime. While not able to teleport, he has mastered the art of appearing and vanishing in the style of Batman.
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