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Travis 'Kelvin' Caldwell

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:56 pm
by Infrah
Player Nickname: Infrah

Name: Travis Caldwell
Codename: Kelvin
Age: 17
Date of Birth:
Height: 5'9
Weight: 110
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue-grey
Place of Origin:
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: N/A so far???

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile:

Travis' profile is betrayingly more stable than his means. An individual who, has capacity to be social stymied by a lack of social experience. Certainly quick to be offended - with his own potential to offend in turn - as opposed to being skittish or warmly open to others.

The isolating nature - due to his behavior and the unstable nature of his Mutation - has also left him alienated from direct physical contact with others, which, too, exaserbates his struggle in dealing with the manifestation of his mutation. When alone, however, without guidance, direction, and a requirement to submit to others, his potential to put himself into action towards a goal, objective, desire, or aim hits the stratosphere.

Alternatively, though, due to factors in his childhood and formitive years, he's often quick to resign himself to others authority to the point of cowardice and deminished confidence. He is easily spoken over and overwhelmingly quick to second guess himself - despite having subdued, private fits of loathing and rage for life overall and those he has placed blame in for the world's inability to accept his circumstance - and by extention, he has a hate for the normals and mundanes of the world as closed off as he his about voicing it.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Kelvin's Mutant Power involves the self-generation, emination, and projection of what is, essentially, a kinetic field that slows molecules - thus producing and theoretically having a freezing effect on objects and individuals within the boundries of this field.

This Frigiokinetic field, as it were, when calm and idle only extends as far as his bare skin and as such also relies on exposed extremities to operate - fingers, hands, feet specifically, and to a lesser extent, emminations from the body such a breath, sweat, tears, blood, and other such bodily fluids. Any thermal conductive material that makes contact with his skin will experience an immediate chilling effect, compounding to a freeze over time. Non-conductive materials will, generally, remain cold to the touch, such as clothing. Physical contact with his skin is impractical, generally resulting in snapping cold related injuries such as frost bite if sustained for even short periods of time - depending on the individual.

Ability One: - Cold Emination: Kelvin eminates a kinetic field that slows molecules which creates a consistant chill/freeze effect.

Ability Two: - Cold Manipulation: My projecting this field outwards from extremities, Kelvin can control the temperature of surfaces, objects, or individuals encompassed in the field. Outwardly this manifests in the form of a chilly mist, largely caused by the chilling and condensing of airborne molecules extending out from the point of projection. Depths of

Ability Three: - Freeze/Frost/Ice Affinity: The Frigiokinetic Field produced by Kelvin's body is inheirently extended, and possibly empowered by considerably lower ambient temperatures. Effects of which are seen as in environments as high as -5°C / 23°F. Effects are notable when approaching closer to the -20°C / -4°F, with optimal conditions being in the -45°C / -49°F

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

- Aversion to positive temperatures:
- Summertime discomfort occurs around 18°C / 64°F
- Temperatures North of 45°C / 113°F are physically trumatic.
- Insulating himself will compensate for this.

- Physical Contact:
- Contact with skin will produce chilling effects which can result in cold related injury, up to a complete freeze if sustained.
- Clothing dampens the effect to the point of practicality.

- Mental factor:
- Stress, anxiety, emotional instability creates spikes in the effects of the field's cold snap.
- Such spikes can be immediate and uncontrollable.

- Projection of Frigiokinetic Field:
- Field can be projected/focused outward OR restricted to the body at a given time
- Field strength is subject to health and metabolic factors such as fatigue, hunger, physical malady, adrenaline, and mental state. As these to these can create instabilities - including spikes and weaknesses in the field.

- Uncanny balance.
- Deceptively fit.
- ???

- Unsavory childhood
- High school student
- ???

Criminal Record:
- None
- Reported Missing approximately 6 months ago. Last known whereabouts was a small town high school in rural Saskatchewan
- ???

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
- Canadian
- Arrived at Cobalt Hill after making the trip on his own... somehow.
- ???