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Posted: Wed May 09, 2018 5:30 pm
by iwantmoresleep
Player Nickname: Kat

Name: Khunbish
Codename: Khunbish
Age: 48
Date of Birth: 1970, summer -- exact date unknown

Height: 5'3
Weight: 140
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Place of Origin: Asia
Nationality/Race: Mongolian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Retired Military

Personality Profile: Khunbish is an older guy who's quiet, calm, steady. He's friendly and wise, tends to smile a lot. Maybe he'd be a monk in another time. Sometimes people think he is anyway. He doesn't drink, doesn't hit on women (or other men). He's chaste and kind and respectful. All the hallmarks of someone with a dark past they don't ever plan to talk about, but which nonetheless shaped them into a better person.

Physical Description: Khunbish is a small man. He walks with a limp and sometimes needs a cane to help him. His body is marked with all kinds of scars. Image


General Power Information: There is energy flowing through all living things. In Eastern philosophy, it's known as chi. Khunbish has the ability to see that energy, an to manipulate it.

Ability One: Khunbish can see the chi of other living things. His eyes will turn opaquely white when he's viewing chi. This means that he might sometimes be able to find people who are hidden. He can also sense the breaks in chi or the disturbances where there is injury or sickness.

Ability Two: Once he can see the energy, he can manipulate it. This includes changing the chi, feeding it, exchanging it. He can do this with just his hands, but it's easier and faster if he has some sort of tools to work with. Some of those tools might include rocks, or candles, massage, heat, even ice. When someone is injured, that includes being able to trade their energy for his, and in so doing, use the corrected injury to heal the injury. A person close to dying can be given energy and thus kept alive.
He also has the ability to cause harm, but he's taken his own oaths toward non-violence. He does not attempt to hurt or cause harm toward any person or being except in the case of extreme necessity, when life or death is in the balance.

Ability Three: The ability to manipulate chi would be worthless if he couldn't use his own abilities to manage his own energy, so that if he is injured or ill, he can regain his usual fine health.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The exchange of energy is never without cost. In this case, it means that when he heals the other person, he takes on their wounds onto himself. To feed someone energy takes from his own and weakens himself. Moreover, almost every time he heals from healing another, he also bears the scar from the injury. Moreover, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, they all interfere with his own energy. He has to avoid them.

Skills: The ability to heal with energy is useful, but not always sufficient. To that end, he's had some medical training -- such as could be provided in the Chinese military. He's not really qualified to be a doctor by American standards, but he can remove bullets and keep a person from bleeding to death.

Moreover, he hasn't lost any of his memories from boyhood. He remembers how to put up a tent, live off the land, ride and handle horses, herd sheep. He enjoys mare's milk, dried meat, and smokey fires.

Background: Khunbish was not born with this name. In Mongolian it means "not a human being' -- Culturally and traditionally, mutants are not well received in Mongolia, where they are often believed to be possessed by demons. He was given to a Bhuddist temple at first, and if he could have stayed, he might have lived out the rest of his life and died in peace. Unfortunately, the Chinese military learned of him and removed him from the haven of the tiny temple. They tried to make him into an assassin, a man who could go anywhere and kill without a weapon. When he refused, they finally gave him the teaching he needed to heal more effectively, and then lived as one of China's biggest secrets. He was used to heal military leaders and whoever else was deemed important enough.

It was one of those military leaders who finally gave Khunbish the chance to escape and seek asylum in the United States. After a lifetime in a more or less roving prison, he finally found freedom and choice. In t his case, that freedom meant he chose to seek out the school he learned of, and to offer his services. He doesn't speak English all that well, yet, but he's learning.

Criminal Record: Well, let's just say that it's not at all safe for him to travel outside the United States. He's been arrested a couple of times for 'loitering' -- asylum doesn't always come with somewhere to live, after all, and apparently trying to put up a tent in the middle of a park is frowned upon.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Khunbish is extraordinarily good with animals. He likes healing injured animals when he can. Except for camels. He hates camels. Oh, he'll help them if he has to, but otherwise, he's going to let that humpy demon beast just wander off alone.