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Liam Krossa

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:25 pm
by Sundermk2
Player Nickname: Sunder

Name: Liam Krossa
Codename: N/A
Age: 18
Date of Birth: June 1

Height: 6' 2”
Weight: 300lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: Michigan upper penninsula
Nationality/Race: American 
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Student
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: As a product of his isolation, he's reserved in person, far more comfortable with interacting with others through electronic means. He could easily be called stubborn, and is generally unwilling to go out in public.

Physical Description: He stands six feet tall, his black hair worn to shoulder length. His back is heavily muscled to support his large leathery wings capable of reaching an eight foot span when fully opened. His hands are large and clawed, making it difficult to manipulate many normal objects, his legs are reverse jointed and end in hooves made to absorb the impact of his hands.


General Power Information: As would be assumed by his appearance he is capable of flight, his unusually thick skin and general nature lend him surprising durability. What is less apparent was his body's ability to generate acid. Pores around the base of his claws can secrete a powerful acid his skin is resistant to, allowing him to coat his claws or throw projectiles of the substance.

Ability One: Flight. Gliding might be fairly easy, but flight takes a terrible amount of energy, for now any flight over half a mile will leave him sore an exhausted, a flight of a mile would leave him passed out. Carrying an additional load is tremendously difficult, carrying an additional hundred pounds would limit his range to little more than a football field.

Ability Two: Toughness. His form is built solid, able to withstand blows that would leave normal humans crippled. He could take a heavy blow with a baseball bat and continue on, knives would find it difficult to slice through his skin as it's about as tough as leather armor. The drawback is the effect when harm does befall him. His thick skin does not mend well, bleeding is extremely difficult to control and prompt medical attention is vital if injured. Broken bones will mend slowly, and are likely to encounter complications. Any injuries sustained will last far longer than usual, and are far more likely to leave scars, damaged joints, or other long term debilitation.

Ability Three: Acid. He is able to secrete powerful acid from pores on the base of his claws, and the palms of his hand. This dark green acid is capable of quickly eating away organic matter and can weaken most metals quickly allowing his claws to eat into armor plate. Secreting this acid is painful, leaving his joints still and limiting his dexterity while he uses this ability. Using it for a prolonged time will wear away his skin's natural protection and after five minutes could start to cause acid burns that are painful and will seal the pores until he finishes healing.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Prolonged flight is extremely taxing, and could lead him too exhausted to be of any use when he arrives at his destination. While he is resistant to taking damage, when he does he heals very poorly requiring both prompt and prolonged medical treatment and even then he is likely to have lasting consequences. Using his acid hurts, immediately causing arthritis like pain and as the duration increases the natural protection of his skin wears away leaving the potential he'll start to burn himself.
Skills: He does have a natural talent for flight, knows how to gut and clean prey, and if you could call using an xbox controller with hands like his a skill well he has that going for him.

Background: As the number of mutants in the world has risen, it has become increasingly clear that the hostility they are shown will only grow. Naturally, many mutants draw back, moving to rural areas where they can live in relative peace for a time a self imposed isolation. It's not like Gavin was presented with the choice, he was born into that life a second generation mutant his startling form a great cause for concern for his parents.
If he had appeared more human, it would have been easier they could have hid the fact he was a mutant but as it was? There was little choice, if they wanted their son to have any hope of being raised into the modern world he had to join it, even if it meant sending him into a program meant for young severely deformed mutants and the only place to find it was in the city. Those early years were terrible, insults and bottles hurled with great regularity towards the mutant couple and their extremely mutated child. Home was little comfort, everyone knew who occupied the apartment, his school always surrounded by similar hostility, but there were two escapes. During the summers his family would return to their old home in the countryside, alone and happy where he had space to learn how to best use his mutations. During the school year was harder, but his parents had given him an Xbox. It took weeks to teach his clawed hands how to hold and manipulate the controller, but in exchange he discovered a world where he was just like everyone else. Meeting others over voice chat, no one ever knew he was a mutant, they'd never believe him if he told them anyways. It was an escape he clung to tightly, addicted during the school years a habit he remains unlikely to break.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: He despises feeling trapped, feeling the need to always have an escape route a lasting result of some of the anti mutant riots that rose up around his school, and the molotov cocktails that had on one occasion sealed off the interior classrooms.