Kyrstin Wessels [Akumu]

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Kyrstin Wessels [Akumu]

Post by Kyrstin »

Player Nickname: Kyrstin

Name: Kyrstin Wessels
Codename: Akumu
Age: 20/21 (Date Uncertain)
Date of Birth: 4/15/199X

Height: 5’6
Weight: 116
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: New York
Nationality/Race: Asian-American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Confined, Former X-Team Member
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Undergoing psychological therapy and evaluation. Following the events in New York City, and operating alone for a prolonged period, withdrawn and cold.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Psyker.

Ability One: Active Telepathy. Kyrstin’s telepathy is manifested by her eyes turning purple and glowing. The glow is suppressed by her sunglasses (though they become opaque). Kyrstin cannot see normally while using the power, and becomes ‘distant’ in communication.

Ability Two: Psyker Blades: Kyrstin's psionic energy can be focussed and made manifest, in the form of a blade extending from, and parellel to, her arm. The blade's form resembles a katar blade. While it is nominally extendable to theoretical lengths of several meters, doing so for any length greater than a few inches requires significant effort and concentration sufficient to trigger Burnout.

Ability Three: Flight (Limited): Kyrstin has gained the ability to manipulate her psychic energy in a form of flight more akin to hovering. She can lift herself no more than a single story, and cannot carry a significant weight (Read: Noone but herself). This ability allows her to fall safely, as she can catch herself and glide to the ground. She remains vertical while in flight.

* Burnout: If Kyrstin overexerts her powers, suffers from a psychic attack, is psychologically triggered by extreme duress or manipulated by her past, Kyrstin burns out - her power builds to catastrophic levels in a chain reaction within a couple of minutes, insulating her in a glowing purple energy field followed shortly thereafter by the release of that energy in a psychic shockwave. Following such an event, Kyrstin enters a coma-like state while her body recovers, typically no more than a couple of days.
* Gun-shy: Kyrstin despises guns, is inherently scared by them, and will seek to withdraw in their presence, whether wielded by friend or foe. The sound of gunshots can cause distress.

* Mind Reader - having telepathy can be very handy in certain situations.
* Blending In - Kyrstin has learned to deflect attention from herself, even if it means tapping into someone's mind and removing herself from their vision.
* Eavesdropping - What better thing to do when blending in than listening for that important piece of information?

Background: Kyrstin is the child of Eri Wessels (nee Yang) and Trevor Wessels, born in New York City, April 15th. From a young age she developed a close connection to her parents, always aware of where they were and what they were feeling. Though the telepathy at this stage did not present itself physically, her parents always felt something special within their girl.

When she was 8, Kyrstin’s parents were killed in a shooting that technically remains unsolved. Having no family left with which to live, Kyrstin was taken into foster care. While still emotionally distraught by the death of her parents, Kyrstin excelled in school, earning high marks in almost every subject. She seemed a simple normal girl most of the time, though she developed a habit of wearing her sunglasses everywhere, and all of the time.

Soon after her 16th birthday, her foster father discovered Kyrstin’s power manifesting itself in the form of her eyes glowing, and reacting poorly, threw the girl out of the house. As a mutant outcast, Kyrstin managed to get by for a short while, using her ability almost as a con woman would, though for actual survival than profit.

Finding out about Cobalt Hill, the girl brought herself to it’s gates, seeking refuge from a world that spurned her. Times changed, and so did she. Flowering in the environment Cobalt Hill provided, Kyrstin became open, happy, and even found love. Somewhat over-flirty, the girl also got herself into trouble with her temper.

Returning to New York was never going to end well for Kyrstin, but some things that aren't going to end well have to be done. Kyrstin doesn't talk about the events that transpired with anybody, except possibly her therapist or those with the necessary privilege.

Criminal Record: Juvenile Record, sealed. Adult record: Two counts of homicide in New York State. Cobalt Record indicates she turned herself in to META agents.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: As she was orphaned, home-life events (people chatting about going home to visit, vacations, families out enjoying themselves) can cause mild depression. Still used to hiding her ability (and her eyes). Left handed.
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