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DarkStorm Registration [DON'T DO THIS.]

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:18 pm
by DarkStorm
Alias: DarkStorm
Age: 14
Date of Birth: 23/09/1996
Hometown: Kettering

Height: 6 feet
Weight: 9.3 and three quarters
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: White,english


Personality Profile:
I have a firey temper and I can get angry quite quickly. I'm friendly when you don't annoy me and I love animals.

Physical Description:
I have brown hair and brown eyes.I'm tall with long legs.My hair is down to my shoulders and curly.

Character Picture (Optional): ... 1-Copy.jpg


Mutation/Powers:Demon powers,animal communication/creature summoning,control fire
Primary : Demon powers

Secondary : animal communication/creature summoning

Tertiary :Control fire

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : I sometimes loose control of my demon powers

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.)I think her powers will become much stronger and she will learn to control her Demon powers.I also think she'll be able to summon creatures as well as communicate with them

Background: Her parents ent her to the academy so she can learn to control her powers.People hve been hunting her since her mutation began when she was young(about 5 years old). She is running from the hunters who have captured her parents.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Re: DarkStorm registration

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 3:16 pm
by Ashe
Where do I even begin with this...think I'll start at the top of the sheet and work my way down.

First, your character is fourteen years old; the minimum character age in Cobalt Academy is 16. Your character's weight makes no sense whatsoever (9.3.75? What unit are we measuring in here?). Also, your character picture depicts the character with wings. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you intend for your character to have wings, you must have the appropriate mutation. Moving on to the rest of the sheet!

I'd like to point out that it is inappropriate to post your profile in the first person, as it gives the impression that you're not quite making the divide between yourself and your character. For a better idea of how a character's profile sheet should be written, I'd recommend that you take a look at some of the approved student profiles and how they're formatted. Additionally, you're going to need to flesh your profiles out and provide more than a sentence or two for your character's background and ability descriptions. Which brings me to the real heart of the matter here: demon powers.

In a nutshell: NO.

This is an incredibly vague concept (especially considering that you didn't bother to explain what demon powers are) that pretty much goes against the channel's theme and is just offensive in general. You're going to have to lose this ability; there is no way in the Infinite Layers of the Abyss that any of the staff are going to allow this. Please refer to the suggested powers list for a few ideas on what might be more thematically appropriate.

Animal communication and creature summoning are both perfectly acceptable abilities, but they need to be listed as separate mutations and the summoning ability is going to need some kind of limitation in order to reflect that your character is a novice mutant as opposed to an out-of-the-box expert. Can you only summon creatures of a certain size, or perhaps only one or two at a time?

Pyrokinesis (fire control) is also a perfectly acceptable mutation, but it doesn't make sense to have pyrokinesis along with either of the two previous mutations. If you want to stick with pyrokinesis, that's fine - just make it a primary mutation and consider secondary and tertiary mutations that compliment this theme. Again, be sure to consider limitations to your power to reflect your status as a beginner. Maybe you can only control existing fire, or perhaps the amount of fire you can generate is small.

Regarding your character's power development and progression, understand that you don't have to "unlock" secondary and tertiary abilities. It's assumed that your character comes into play with all their listed abilities, and this section is used to speculate on how your existing abilities might improve; it is not a means of gaining additional abilities, however.

And finally, mutants don't begin to express their abilities until at least puberty - no sooner, no exceptions. Please take these notes into consideration, and if you feel so inclined, feel free to submit a new character or to resubmit this one after sufficient changes have been made.