Dietrich Kappel - Medical Staff/Team-Member

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Dietrich Kappel - Medical Staff/Team-Member

Post by Tabris »

Player Nickname: Midas

Name: Dietrich Kappel
Codename: First-Aid or Quick Fix.
Age: 20
Date of Birth:March 10th 1994

Height: 6 ft.
Weight: 172 pounds and 4 ounces.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Berlin Germany
Nationality/Race: German
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant. Powers manifested when he was seventeen.

Status: Hopeful Team Member/Possible Medical Staff member.
Occupation: College Student.

Personality Profile: Dietrich is a generally upbeat, and rather open person. Though when his attention is focused on a video game he came come off as cold and distant.

Physical Description: Image


General Power Information: I’d classify him as a Healer, likely a support character.

Ability One: Lay Hands. First-aid has t he ability to restore a person for almost any manner of injury to full health, by touching them and focusing mentally on the damaged area. Each healing however taxes him physically and drains him. The worse the injury the longer it takes and more effort he has to exert to heal them. He cannot heal natural disabilities, such as someone born blind. The older a preexisting injury is, the longer, harder and more treatments it would take for him to heal the afflicted. Another example would be say five people were injured in an accident severely. There is no way he could restore them all, rather he would have to ration his energy and spread it out to stabilize them. Reattaching severed limbs is possible, the effort to do will exhaust him to the point where he couldn’t heal anyone else for the day. While he could revive someone that is dead to life, he can only do so as long as they are not brain dead. It wouldn’t be utter restoration either so much as stabilization.

Ability Two: Resistance to Disease. An odd quirk of his power grants him an inhuman resistance to disease and sickness. Generally this manifests as a buildt in immunity, however in some cases an otherwise terminal disease would be treated like a more common illness allowing him to recover from it naturally. An example would be catching HIV, his body would naturally fight off the infection, however he would be severely weakened during this, and it would limit his ability to use his powers until his fever passed. NOTE His blood cannot be used to manufacture a cure for any terminal illness. It is a quirk unique to his X-Gene.

Ability Three: (Power Upgrade Used) Purge: Dietrich's Healing touch Has mutated. In addition to healing it now purges the target of all unnatural substances inside of the targets body. This includes anything that is Negative (like Poisons) or Positive (Like Antibiotics). Presently he has no ability to supress this aspect of his power, and it activates each time he heals someone.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: A side-effect of his ability to restore others, even the most critically injured to full health is that he cannot benefit from any sort of supernatural healing himself. His X-Gene actively resists it, and he must heal normally like any normal human would when injured. If he overtaxes himself his powers grow weaker, less reliable until he has been able to rest fully. If continues to tax himself, they may burn out for a few days along with him passing out from sheer exhaustion. He cannot cure disease or sickness with his touch at present, however he can restore the physical damage that an ailment might cause, allowing someone to live longer or possibly endure an otherwise fatal illness.

Possible Advancement: Other than being able to heal injuries faster, while taking less out of him. I could see his powers eventually extending to the realm of curing sickness as well.

Skills: Dietrich is currently a practicing writer, and seeks to hone this skill during his time at Cobalt by taking online courses in literature with the eventual goal of becoming an author, or English teacher. He is an exceptional gamer, when it comes to RTS games, and somewhat of a tactical thinker because of this. He is a reasonable cook, but only when it comes to cooking german food.

Background: Dietrich for all intent and purposes has lived a normal happy healthy if somewhat privileged life. He was born in Berlin in March of 1994 to Erik and Maria Kappel, one a successful lawyer and the other an airline engineer. While Dietrich's parents both loved him greatly, there demanding careers meant that usually the young mutant had to entertain himself. It's not really a surprise then that as soon as his family got the internet he was hooked. Video Games of course came naturally along with that, the young german excelling at RTS games, starcraft in particular, even to the point where he's tried out for a progaming team. His true love though was discovered during his final years of high school when he took a creative writing course. He was instantly hooked on this creative outlet. However before he had a chance to really explore this side of himself, he found out he was X-Gene positive.

Unlike most mutants, his was discovered during a routine battery of bloodtests before being allowed to travel abroad (volunteering for the new x-gene screening process as well) as his family had planned and overseas vacation. Thanks to his parents money, and connections they manage to keep it underwraps. Dietrich on the other became increasingly nervous as he waited to see what sort of horrorific mutant would afflict him. He'd seen the news, and saw what happened to some of these people. This led to him dropping out of public school, and hiding in his family home for some time. However the day his powers finally manifested, it was a mixture of relief and fear all at once. While helping father paint the house, there was accident. His father fell off the latter that Dietrich was holding and broke his ankle. Instinctively he reached out to touch his fathers injury without thinking, while calling for his mother. Unknown to him that this burst of emotion would activate his powers. Suddenly he felt tired, as if he had just ran a two kilometer sprint without stopping. Yet at that same time his fathers injury seemed to..stop hurting. It wasn't long before they discovered the injury had been healed entirely.

While Dietrich and his family were pleased that he hadn't developed a more dangerous mutation, they knew that eventually word would get out, and the general fear of mutants would start to make there young sons life difficult. Still, he opted to finish school after this manifestation of his power, now that he knew that he wouldn't accidentally hurt someone. It was during this year that he practiced his abilities in secret. Most often simply healing minor injuries that he could wave off by claiming it wasn't as bad as it looked. Somehow he manage to evade detection from his peers during this time and shortly after graduation himself and his parents discovered the sanctum a cobalt. A place where he could go without having to hide his true nature, and where he could hone his abilities. It was soon decided that they would send their son to this place in Salem. Which of course Dietrich while wishing they could find a place closer to his family, happily complied otherwise, and would soon enough be boarding a flight for the United States.

Criminal Record: None at present.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Dietrich loves to play video games on his laptop computer, so much so to the point that he may forget where he is, or whats going on around him. Dietrich while not a vegetarian, rarely eats meat and will often pass on it. Dietrich is a practicing protestant, and to spite his initial fear and dread about being a mutant, has come to think of it as a gift from God.
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