Purple Rain - 4/10/18

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Purple Rain - 4/10/18

Post by Sisip »

<=Scene=> The normal chill of the season is accentuated by the dark clouds forming above. Thunder rumbles in the distance and the smell of rain hangs in the air. (Sisip)

<HospitalBeast> - Trent is standing over by Seven and in a tree are several imp looking critters hiding in the shade of the tree and playing dodge with sun beams that lance through the tree's canopy with the increased winds, though some jump down and out of the tree beginning to run with the cloud cover, evidently playing with death is fun for them.

<Remulon> "Marlo and I are becoming investigators. Sort of. We are going to, um--" Squinting, she sucked her top lip into her mouth and tapped her chin. When she 'got it', Seven broke into a bright smile. "Solve peoples' problems." And then, the roll of thunder suddenly made that overcast sky a little less pleasant. She glanced upwards and wrinkled her nose.

<HospitalBeast> - Trent didn't pay too much mind to a storm rolling in. That sort of thing was natural afterall. "How would you solve their problems? Are we talking about a neighborhood watch where you rescue cats?"

<Remulon> Seven furrowed her brow and snorted in amusement. "Yes, because that is the best use of my talents." She pushed her glasses up onto her face, then rose from the bench. "The first thing we are doing is investigating a... well, crime boss. He surrounds himself with relatively strong men of questionable intelligence and has been involved in--mm, it is best if you ask Marlo abou thtat,
<Remulon> actually."

<HospitalBeast> - "A crime boss, Seems as good a target as any." He pulled his hair back with a tie he pulled out of his pocket "I can't really ask Marlo about it, you're the only one here with me at the moment."

<Remulon> Did she grumble about that? It certainly sounded like it. It seemed like she struggled a bit with finding the right words. "He was, among other things, responsible for selling the services of high-powered mutants to the highest bidder. Some may have consented, but others... well, one was taken, shoved into a crate, and ultimately unleashed on JJ. He also..." Seven dropped her gaze,

<Remulon> giving the grass a kick, which ultimately accomplished nothing but working off a bit of nervous energy. "...took someone from Marlo. Forever."

<HospitalBeast> - Trent had to chuckle a bit at that. "So your first job is going to be hunting down a crime boss who is able to control and sell off mutants to the highest bidder? So, what're you gonna do when that comes back on you two?"

<Remulon> "No, it isn't him. It is one of his people." She realized that it may have sounded a bit... ambitious. "We aren't inexperienced, this is just our first time working solo. I mean--my experience is a little different..." Seven trailed off and began to pace. "Well, we intend to take our business away from here. We are prepared to deal with whatever comes."

<HospitalBeast> - "So you and Marlo are leaving Cobalt and going to fight criminals together hm?" He lifts a hand to tap at his chin for a moment. "You sure you're prepared to deal with whatever comes?"

<@JJ> "I can't just Matrix things into my brain... there's a big difference between knowing how to do something and knowing how to use that information to do it. And yes, from experience! But.. I can still try. I mean that's the first step right? Seeing it then practicing it, then a whole bunch of failing until you get it right, right?" JJ tried the punching again.

<Remulon> Cocking her head to one side, she scratched at the back of her neck before smoothing out her white hair. "I grew up in a laboratory. I was forced to endure experimentation, made to fight others as a child, and I had no identity. I have been abducted from this place, tortured and mutilated." Seven folded her arms beneath her chest and closed her eyes, drawing a sharp breath. "Sometime

<Remulon> after my lengthy career as a jewel thief, I left the country where I indulged in some aggressive wealth redistribution. After an unlucky, one-in-a-million encounter, I wound up in a prison, where I lost my tail for the second time." Her glasses were pushed back up onto the bridge of her nose, a half-smile pulling at her lips. "I am prepared. I just want to do something good. I want
<Remulon> to... be good." Seven furrowed her brow, the look on her face almost one of shame as she stared into the grass.

<=Scene=> The thunder continues to rumble, growing louder and angrier over time. The overcast day becomes dark as a storm brews above. Cracks of lightening can be seen within those dark mounds of fluffy anger. (Sisip)

<@Kraken> Look who was finally getting back into his routines, his pre-incident routines. It just felt so good to feel like himself again. And today was his first full day back on the job. The threat of rain didn't even bother the squidman. Water was his element afterall.

<HospitalBeast> - Trent listened to all she had to say and seemed to consider it for a bit before giving a nod. "And so you've decided that taking down criminals is what will make you good? You mentioned that you have a problem with killing though perhaps not violence, this seems familiar to how I suspect Marlo feels. Does that mean your measures will be half effective since criminals tend to be able to do just as much if not more from their

<HospitalBeast> Much if not more from their cells in prison?"

<Remulon> "...and after I had to pay for my life with someone else's when I was still a child, I feel like I can handle...I do not know, a lot of things. I cannot pay back what I did. All I can do is pay it forward.." A bitter expression crept onto Seven's face. There were some things that still clung tightly to her mind. She furrowed her brows and drew a deep breath. "Do you have another
<Remulon> suggestion, then?"

<HospitalBeast> - The imps came running out from under the tree as the sun was blotted out by the clouds and began having a field day, one of them seemed to have found a pair of combat boots way too big for it and was clomping around trying to step on the other imps who in turn were all having a blast in the early darkness. Trent on the other hand smirked at the shadowy demons and looked back to Seven. "The most expedient solution would be to
<HospitalBeast> = would be to kill them, barring that, I suppose I don't."

<Remulon> "Oh." She sighed softly in disappointment, then began to rub at her face again. "I will... have to think about it, myself, I suppose." Looking up at the sky, Seven frowned, then rose from her bench with a little grunt. "I'm going to go find something to eat, I think. it seems like a storm is coming."

<HospitalBeast> - He nods at that. "Giving it some thought is likely best, I'll do the same on my end, thanks for the chat and enjoy your meal." He looked up to the sky and then over at the frolicking imps. "I'll wait outside a bit longer."

<=Scene=> Indeed there was a storm coming. The lightening cracked, the thunder boomed, the wind picked up and scattered fallen leaves in a pattern that would almost be pretty wre it not for the ominous weather approaching. Those near a TV would hear the Emergency Alert tone. BEEEEEEP. BEEP BEEP BUUZZZZZZZ. Along the bottom of the screen scrolled a ribbon of news, informing people of the area to stay indoors until the inclimate weather passed. (Sisip)

<Remulon> Seven inclined her head, smiling a little. "All right. Do not get rained on -- unless that is your thing." She personally found it too cold to enjoy something like a storm. The pale girl sauntered off across the courtyard to the nearest door, pulling her hood up once again.

<@Kraken> Phones were likely going off as well, with a buzzing as alerts cropped up. Poor JJ down in the Sims would probably horrifically miss his next Marlo punch lesson as he was hit with the alert on a more person mental level. Kevin ducked indoors. He may enjoy the wet and the rain, but cold tended to get to the squid fast.

<=Scene=> The rain doesn't start falling gently from the clouds, it arrives in a sheet, creeping ever closer towards the campus. It was an odd rain, big fat drops that seemed to have colour to them as they fell. Puddles began to form, midnight black in the dark up until light shone on it. Purple rain. Not the Prince song. Something much, much worse. Not that Purple Rain was ever a bad song! The screams started outside the gates, just from passerbyers, from a<=Scene=> <<SNIP>> The fence started to buckle and twist, that sound almost screaming as loudly as the people who ran from the animated items. One poor woman, soaked to the bone in her peasant skirt and peacoat was grabbed by a lamp post. Her shrill scream filled the air as that light began to wind itself around her. (Sisip)

<HospitalBeast> - Trent looks at one of his imps and motions for it to go jump in a purple puddle. The imp gives Trent the side eye at that and just shakes his head so Trent motions again. "Go check it out already." The Imp crosses it's arms over it's chest and screeches at Trent. "You're not my supervisor..." He then pauses.. "Oh, wait...right." Grumbles and then goes to jump in the stupid puddle grumbling the whole way.

<Remulon> Once again, her attempt at trying to get inside was interrupted. This time, though, she couldn't exactly ignore it or brush it off and walk away. Seven shielded her eyes with a hand and narrowed her eyes curiously, taking a few slow steps back toward the door. She quickly snapped a picture and sent it off to everyone she knew, staring wide-eyed at the gate, thoughts scrambled.

<@Sisip> That purple rain continues to fall! The imp wanders out into the rain and jumps ungleefully into the puddle. Nothing happens save for the imp getting splashed with purple rain water! Meanwhile the fence began to twist around, grabbing at the residents who ran to the aid of the still shrieking woman whose voice was growing harsh, her head drooping just a bit as she started to run out of air. All around the area anything metal that was touched with that pretty rain began to animate. A bench creaked and groaned, the metal legs lurching left, then right, then left again, then directly at Trent and Seven.

<@Kraken> Screams. That did it. Inclimate weather, magic weather, didn't matter to Kevin. The security gaurd was right back outside and to the rescue. A group was taking care of the fence but there was a bench to worry about too and it was heading for Trenton and Seven. Kev moved for the tackle.

<HospitalBeast> - The imps as it were found this to be incredibly hillarious, some of them had even fallen over and were rolling around at the sight of people being caught in lamp posts and others fighting lawn furniure. Trent on the other hand was rather taken aback from the animated metal obects he likely would have been smashed into if Kevin hadn't jumped in the way, he was certainly not prepared for something like this.

<Remulon> Seven had other things on her mind than the bench -- mostly the woman being snatched by the gate. The bench was still a pretty freaky sight, though. Gritting her teeth, she rushed forward, blinking out of sight as it advanced. She reappeared by the fence and reached out to lay a hand on her so she could teleport her back by the door and check on her, panting soffly.
<Remulon> Unless she got like, wrecked by something, obviously.

<@Sisip> As Kevin dives for the tackle his aim ends up being true and with valient effort... he grabs a bench. But not just ANY bench, no comic relief in THIS writeup! The bench begins to buck and hitch, those steel legs leaping and twisting. Okay, maybe a bit of comic relief. Kevin finds himself on the back of a bucking bronco bench! The imps, while laughing, may not have noticed the ground starting to rise. Suddenly in a spray of dirt and refuse the ground exploded upwards. There was a great crackling and an explosion of electricity as lines began to animate, plunging the Sanctum in darkness. The screams continued, growing in number as now those bendy-wires began to grab at things. Imps included! Seven blips by the fench, which DID notice her arrival. As she reaches out to successfully lay hands upon the woman the fence begins a large sweeping arc towards the girl.

<HospitalBeast> - There was so much raw fear from the woman to the bystanders to anyone around them that it was overwhelming and Trent gathered every ounce of self-control he could, he couldn't stop the transformation but he would control it damnit! Darkness fell when the fires came down and then blackness like a void around trent those terrifying red eyes peered out of the void and the Nightmare stepped out looking for something or someone s

<@Kraken> Just how much damage was a twiggy looking guy like Kev going to do to an animated metal bench? Well... you'd be surprised. Lanky as the squidman was, he was strong, like crazy strong. In each of his technically six arms. He could grab a hold of the bench with his humanoid arms and try to bend the thing with his tentacles. Tentacles that had once rended a man limb from limb (a respawner,
<@Kraken> he got better!) Meanwhile his feet? Kevin's shoes had been discarded in the heroic 'nooooooo!' jump and suckers were trying to keep him grounded. - something he failed at as the bench began to buck. Suckers would not let go were kind of no longer attached to Kev's feet... ouchies. Blue blood oozed from the injuries, but Kevin still held on to the bench, working to bend and fold it. In the
<@Kraken> Sims? Marlo would likely have JJ screaming and clinging to him like a limpet. Yup, JJ's afraid of the dark. Well, not any dark. Blackout dark. No tech = terrified JJ and memories of losing his arm.

<HospitalBeast> = The nightmare stepped out looking for something or someone specifically, The imps likely got zapped or grappled and flailed some of them screaming profanity and others screaming about spanking me daddy or something before vanishing in a puff of smoke like darkness as they're snuffed by the cable.

<Remulon> Shit. Before she could blink away with the woman in distress, something came at her fast. So she drew and held a breath, closing her eyes so that the writhing fance would simply pass through her. Hopefully, that would give her an opening to grab the woman and teleport her to safety before it struck again. It wouldn't really be safety as much as it would be the two of them tumbling
<Remulon> unceremoniously into the grass, though.
<Remulon> Oh right that's because of phasing, she wasn't just wishing not to get bashed.

<@Kraken> maybe that's how her phasing works, wishes!>>

<@Sisip> The rescued woman drops to the wet grass, her breath being sucked inwards in greedy gulps mixed with body wracking coughs. She sounded horrible, but she was breathing and alive. Kevin would grabbple with the bench, his strength slowly winning out. Wood begins to splinter loudly and sharply, that bench buckling in the middle as he squeezed it. Trenton would see nothing out of the ordinary, well, other than animated inorganic materials. It apepared to be... simply rain? The poor imps end up getting obliterated by the sparking lines that grabbed at most everyone who ran screaming past. One other resident was caught up by the lines, his scream almost painful to hear, his body jerking, convulsing, as the lines sparked at him. His flesh began to turn red.. almost... molten? Was this somehow his ability? Out of control due to the shock of power coursing through him. Oh dear! The fence that had swiped towards Seven, obviously, missed, but continued to screech and bend as it attempted to move itself towards the road. Cars parked out there were not untouched, those vehicles twisting and stretching. Here's hoping Flo's company covers that.

<HospitalBeast> - The nightmare moved out to take down the warping metal fence fully intending to utilize those tendrils of darkness to grab it and begin crushing and crumpling it.. He sent another tendril out to try and smack the moleten guy away from the power line.

<Remulon> Seven tumbled in the grass, her hood falling. She struggled to her feet with a grunt, looking around with wide eyes. "What...is this?" Pretty damn terrifying, actually, to watch things come to life and start attacking people. Staggering backwards, she shook her head, waiting for the woman to recover a bit before doing anything else.

<@Kraken> Tore that bench apart with a hiss and tossed each bit in a different direction with each arm. He probably had a boatload of splinters but the adrenalin was pumping now. He'd move on to see if anyone else needed aid. "What is going on out here?!" Funny rain... always with the funny rain doing weird things. JJ was still locked away in the Sims, still freaking out at the lack of voices.

<@Sisip> The Nightmare tore at the fence, only to find the fence tearing back. For each crumped, crushed piece of metal another would snap off and reach towards him, trying to curl around his wrists. The thunder continues to boom, the purple rain only coming down harder. A statue devoted to the founder of Cobalt begins to move. Walter Geoffrey Westingham steps down from the stone he had posed dramatically upon and stepped up towards Seven, that large bronze hand reaching out to backhand towards her almost dismissively as he intends on moving past her towards Kevin. Molten-Matt is struck with the tendril. His flesh hisses loudly as that glow only increases, along with his screams. Light begins to pulse from him, his body jerking as it's struck, but the electric line moving with him. Heat begins to eminate from him. It appears poor Matt may be going critical soon.

<HospitalBeast> - The Nightmare grew a few more tendrils to help himself out with the curling and attacking fence, clearly slinky was not what he expected, the tendril that had smacked Molten-Matt reaches out in an attempt to pull the wire off of him whether that's a good plan or not, who's to say?!

<MarloCross> Marlo was getting frustrated. The lights had gone out during their boxing lesson and he'd been trying to calm JJ this entire time, " Tron..HEY! Calm dowm, I need yu to focus buddy" he said, trying again to dial Seven or Sisip...Anyone..He'd even tried his mother, but no answer. Every now and then, he'd try to pull the door opem, " JJ, Help me get this open buddy."

<Lukas`> Huh. Stuff was doin things. Or were things doin stuff? Semantic puzzle for another day. A young man, roaming through the halls of the darkened sanctum. Bluejeans, black teeshirt and a black zip-up bunnyhug. Roaming around casually, stepping over moving carpets and around roaming furniture. Strangest thing was that nothing seemed to really react to him. Even stuff he bumpted into sort of
<Lukas`> just moved and continued like nothing had happened. 1 "Riiight. Dangit its da- Oh..damnit." Rumaging around in a pocket to fish out a phone, to turn on its bright 'ole light to help him guide himself.

<@Kraken> "Why is it always statues with me?..." Kevin grumbled. Well, maybe always was too strong of a word. This would only be the second statue that would try and kill him, the first one? That statue had been a dread inducing missile from an alternate future. A memorial statue of himself that had nearly landed on the squid man a handful of years ago. Talk about an existential crisis. Nothing
<@Kraken> more he could do at the moment but face the statue in a come at me bro kind of way. Starting with an inking across the face. It didn't matter that by all logic that statue should not have sight, but Kevin was aiming to block it! JJ "I don't like the dark!" His eyes were really glowing and the lights that he'd added to his arm and leg because it looked cool were bright. But MArlo
<@Kraken> was patient with him, tried to calm him, called him Tron. Yes... He was Tron. "I can do it. I can do this..." He had a light he cuold use, flash light. Good light, JJ found his way to the panel. The power may be shut off but JJ tried something else. Hands were pressed against the controls and went into the box. JJ used himself to power the doors into opening. Grunt.... 14"Come on....."

<Remulon> Seven would have gone paler if it were possible, staring at the statue as it moved. She froze where she stood, wide-eyed. Move, she told herself. Go. But those warnings to herself came too late. Instead, athwack was heard as she once again, tumbled into the grass, crying out in surprise. With a grunt, she pushed herself up with her arms, pushing out a sharp breath. "R-rude."

<@Sisip> Kevin's logic would have been perfect on something living... unfortunately for him... this version of Westingham as bronze, rather than flesh. All the ink did was run down his face, giving him an almost native american warpaint look. As the StatueFounder swatted Seven away it reached out towards Kevin, those bronzed fingers trying to wrap around one of his tentacles. As Seven landed she'd find herself threatened with the same fate as Molten-Matt. Wires burst from the ground around her, moving to snake around her limbs as they crackle and hiss with electricity. If Nightmares tenacles could feel anything .. they would! ZAPPO ZAPPO... the electricity targetted Nightmare now as the wires loosened around poor Matt. He dropped to the ground on his knees. His back arches as his head turns to the sky. His scream is shrill as a wave of heat pulses from him, his arms whipping outwards along with that small shockwave that had the strength to knock a normal person to their feet were they close enough to it. The rain continues to fall, people screaming and crying. Faces are plastered to the windows, eyes full of terror as they watch the commotion. The TV keeps screaming it's Emergency Alert warning... apparently this wasn't only at Cobalt.

<Lukas`> Power outages. Thankfully not common, but what should he do during one? What always happened when the power went out around this place? Think John, think. Wait..oh yeah, people always ended up getting locked places. It was downright uncanny, whenever this sort of thing happened over the years; someone was always in the Sims when it happened. Always. So, the ignored man roamed around
<Lukas`> furniture and obstacles, to begin the process of heading down the stairs towards the Sims. Dang elevators not working; stairs were BS.

<MarloCross> As many times as hesay JJ Machine Meld, he never truly got used to it. As the door slid open, Marlo grabs a hold to help assist, so that He, and Tron, could escape. Marlo gave JJ a pat on the shoulder, " Tron, try and get a hold of Scarlet and my mom. I gotta see what the !@#$ is going on here. Keep the students in their rooms!" He was trying to dial Sisip as he ran toward the
<MarloCross> enterance and the courtyard, 1"C'mon Sisip..Seven..somebody!"

<HospitalBeast> - Nightmare could indeed feel through his tendrils, it was not a good time for him.and when more of them came for him he could really only do what came out of reflex and grab hold of them like one might a snake - cont
<HospitalBeast> by the body and close to the head to keep that whipping line from shocking him further, electricity like that, even with his incredible regenerative powers was not something to take likely his tendrils would lance out and attempt to cut the wires closer to their connection point so they'd be too short to harm anyone else, or so he hoped. The fear these people felt, however was driving him to a breaking point as the Nightmare t

<@Kraken> Kevin had expected as much. But it was only some ink, it didn't take a lot out of him to produce. Seven was struck and Kev cried out, "Sev!" She didn't phase it, probably had happened too suddenly for her to think to. But then she was surrounded by electrical wires. Distracted squidman then had his tentacles grabbed by a bronze fist. He'd try and pull, aiming to catch the statue by
<@Kraken> surprise... but nope, Kev may have extra strngth in those tentacles but a statue is HEAVY, he may as well be blowing on it. JJ The techie would nod. "Got it, Impact. Try and get something working, right behind you."

<HospitalBeast> = Driving him to a breaking point as the Nightmare threatened to overpower him with the bloodlust.

<Lukas`> Hey! Voices. He was right! Someone was stuck in the Sims again; like clockwork. Holding the light of his phone up, he began to offer up a supportive word; and a question of "Hey, you oka-" Only to be blown past by Marlo. The young man pauses for a bit, before glancing down to the sim door again. 1 "Anyone else?"

<Remulon> Seven started to push herself upright, looking around at the wires. With eyes going wide at the sight of the wires, she scrambled to her feet and blinked a few feet back, staggering all the while as she tried to orient herself.

<@Sisip> <Sisip> was on her phone, trying to get any information she could. She was extremely unavailable, trying to find out what was going on. As Marlo headed towards the courtyard he'd be greeted with chaos. Anything inorganic was soaked with that strange purple rain and was going after anyone that was close by. As Nightmare grappled with the line he'd make small progress, cutting pieces of them off, shortening the flailing line. Kevin didn't catch Westingham by surprise, no, but he did manage to cling to the statue. It twisted, trying to smack at the squid-man, but he simply could not get his arm that far. It only made the statue look as if he were stretching from side to side. Seven blinked away just before the wires could grab her. They curled uselessly, sparking and hissing. The rain continued to fall, lighter than before, the thunder rumbling in the distance. The winds were blowing it on it's course, but it was not over yet. After the release of the heatwave, MoltenMatt collapses where he was, his flesh still ... molten... but slowly, very slowly, cooling as the rain hits him.

<MarloCross> John got a, " I'm good, where is everyone?" yeah, he was kinda rude like that, but there was a job that needed to get done...whatever it was. For an athlete like Marlo, he could cover the building in no time...But that's when he saw outside...The statue? You gotta be kidding me! He needed to get a charge! A SDecond floor drop would do it! Hopefully he'd make it to a stairwell without
<MarloCross> being accosted by any Beauty and the Beast Castmembers,<c>

<@Kraken> Kevin clung to that statue arm tightly. Nothing else he could do but hug the bronze beast. He couldn't very well fight metal and win. He could just hope the statue wasn't very bright and just keep it occupied on him. For a fleeting moment it did occur to Kevin that he could try to trip it, but statue was bronze and he was made of squid. Bronze beats squid. He'd yell and wiggle his
<@Kraken> tentacles more, keep the statue focused on him. JJ Was outside, and something just didn't feel right and that something had nothing to do with the moving things all over.

<MarloCross> <c> where Marlo Cross would find a window, a large window that over looked the statue. Gettinbg a running start, he'd throw himself at the glass with a powerful leap. If done right, his momentum should carrying him out into the courtyard where his falling would gather up precious kinetic force needed for a strike...but he'd have to use it on Impact..heh..

<Remulon> Seven quickly hurried to one of the doors, though she still stayed outside. All of a sudden, there was a sound -- a rather loud, shattery sound. She shielded her eyes as she looked around, mostly looking at the statue that pursued Kevin. What was it with him an statues?

<@Sisip> Poor JJ. Poor inorganic metal armed JJ. As the light rain begins to fall on him, as it begins to fall on his arm, that 'didn't feel right' feeling would increase as it began to practically come alive. It would begin to twist and turn, wires popping loose, fingers stretching. It twists backwards towards him, trying to reach for his throat. The servos sounded almost like tiny screams as they moved against JJ's will. Reachy reachy! As Kev remained clinging to Westington his flailing worked, and the statue simply stood, wiggling it's torso, trying to grab at the squidman that was always just out of it's reach. Westington may have been a very smart fellow, but his honourary statue was a bit of a dullard. His arm moved outwards in an arc, just in time to -Impact- marlo on his way down. He wanted kinetic force, he got it! He was batted off course by the bronze statue with the squidman clinging to it. The storm had blown past, but there was still that purple water collected on the ground and on .. everything outdoors.

<HospitalBeast> - With all of the trouble with the power lines and taking quite a bit of electrocution damage in the process, and all of the ambient fear and anxiety, Trent was quickly losing control of the Nightmare as evidenced by the brightening of those red eyes and the low growls and snarls coming from him after finishing off the lines, He had enough control left in him that

<HospitalBeast> when he rose to his full height he picked the most obvious target, the statue. The Nightmare gave an ear splitting roar and then grew enormously clawed hands moving at the statue.

<MarloCross> Marlo hit the ground rolling, coming to rest with a SMASH against glass and lockers. his face was a mess, a split gash under his eye. he even spit out a tooth. it's okay, that one was already porce-nope real one. You'd think he'd look like death. But Marlo was just MAD. Setting himself in a three point stance, Marlo kicked off the ground in a BOOMing Kinetic Leap, destroying the
<MarloCross> lockers behind him,. Sorry Kids..he was aiming a Straight Left, charged with the statue's own kinetic force, hopefully right in the !@#$ing Spine!! (hopefully getting a flanking bonus from Nightmare)

<@Kraken> Kevin Shattering sound. Kevin looked in that direction Marlo. Jumping out a window. He turned back to the statue and continued his irritating distractions. Ink and pretty colors would not work on the literally brainless. As for the technopath? JJ weas screaming as his arm was going all Idle Hands on him, an unfortunate step in a puddle later? Not good. Back with Kevin again? "Oh
<@Kraken> carp." Yes C-A-R-P. The nightmare. Pretty colors made a show now. Toxic patterns, that much was on reflex. Big toothy monster? He's going to go full on I am poisonous. Do not eat me patterns. And double Carp when Marlo projectiled himself. Kevin would try to wrench his tentacles free from the metal fist.

<@Sisip> Statues don't have spines! When Marlo charged the statue all it did was buckle the copper around his fist. The statue itself continued to flail around, each motion getting slower and slower until he was simply just rocking gently back and forth. Did Kevin escape just in time? Only he can tell! Marlo, however, was stuck. As the rain faded into nothing and the storm moved on the inorganics, while still twitching and jerking, were very obviously less animated than when they had fresh rain upon them. Even the wires seemed to settle down. Everything seemed to be settling down, the sky clearing and stars actually peeking through. Poor JJ however, his poor arm was in a state. Wrestling with it had done him no good and after poor JJ slipped harmlessly in the puddle and fell the hand was trying to drag him behind it, crawling away.. until it, also, ran out of purple rain-juice. The courtyard was a mess. News reports started spilling in.. Rain Animates Salem was the headlines. Nothing had been left untouched. Mass destruction on the streets. Crowley's was burning, downtown Salem had cars everywhere and the slums of the city had been devestated. Helicopters, police and ambulance were all out of comission if they had been in contact with the rain. People and mutants alike were in the streets, trying hard to stop the spread of damage.

<@Kraken> Kevin Statue coming to life? Weird. Living statue going into attack mode? Bad. Attacking living statue grabbing you? Very bad. Statue then having its anuimation wear off while you're grasped in its big metal fist? What mirror did Kevin break indoors while walking under a ladder flanked by black cats? Not exactly hurt so much as trapped inside a statue that even with his powers was
<@Kraken> going to be a pain to escape from. JJ was in pretty good shape all things considered... except that his arm RAN AWAY without him.

<Lukas`> and I guess John..I dunno,.fades back into obscurity? To be fair, thats what he did and he was super good at it.

<MarloCross> With two legs braced against the statue's back, Marlo tried to keep his weight off his trapped left arm. If he slipped, it could break his good arm. That would be another two months off the streets. And this week, people may need help. He needed to find his mother, Scarlet. He felt for heartbeats as he looked around, " Kevin? You okay?"

<Remulon> Seven looked around, squinting as things grew quiet and still. She finally felt safe enough to check on other people, brushing her hair out of her face and slowly shuffling along with a slight limp. There had been far too much falling down involved in all that.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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