Beth Freeman

Persons who operate outside of Cobalt Hill; citizens of Salem, humans, and so on.
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Beth Freeman

Post by Sisip »

Player Nickname: Sisip

Name: Beth Freeman
Age: Early 20's in appearance.
Date of Creation: June 18, 2014

Height: 5'3
Weight: 110lbs
Hair Color: Chestnut Brown (dyed)
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Place of Origin:Salem, MA - Cobalt Lab
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers:Mutant
Status: On The Lamb
Occupation: Bartender

Personality Profile: Quiet and withdrawn most of the time. Slow to smile and very guarded. She picks and chooses her friends carefully, always terrified that someone will link her back to Cobalt.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Psychic Shield

Ability One: Telepathic / Psychic Immunity

Beth is immune to any/all mental intrusion, including telepathic/psychic or empathic powers, hypnosis, illusions, deception, etc. Mind readers only “hear” static, while mind controllers are incapable of manipulating her.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: This is all Beth has. She is absolutely normal in all other aspects. She cannot control or project her immunity. It is hers and hers alone (unless stolen by someone with that particular power). She cannot include others in it, turn it off or on. It is constantly turned on. The static that is 'heard' by telepaths, unfortunately, is obvious. There's no subtlety. It is loud and fuzzy sounding.

Skills: She's a bartender by trade - she makes a mean drink! She's also well skilled at the art of 'Hands off the Goods-Fu'.

Background: Beth was created when Kayla Boyle accidentally cloned herself in a freak lab accident. Beth was the only one, out of all the clones, to escape being rounded up through the mental link that connected them to the KaylaPrime. The underground mutant connection seems to believe this occurred because of the ability (psychic shield) that manifested itself in Beth when she was created.

Having been created as a clone, Beth has all of Kayla's memories up until the moment of the explosion. Good and bad. This, of course, has lead to some awkward moments and has caused the girl to be rather quiet and withdrawn. She took shelter with various Cobalt members during the Clone Herding and finally escaped to go into hiding in Crowley's Row in Salem. Taking up jobs as bartenders she hopped from dive bar to dive bar, usually renting rooms above them.

Criminal Record: Escaped Clone. Most likely wanted, if they knew she existed. Her future? Tomatoing.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She refuses to eat tomatoes or tomato products (ketchup), for obvious reasons. Unlike KaylaPrime, Beth has no phobia of telepathy. Telepaths/Psychics can't bother her so that fear of them easily faded once she realized she was a shield.
Mother of Tzila Estelle Marshall, born December 2nd 2020.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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