Sunder - Malcolm Goodwin

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Sunder - Malcolm Goodwin

Post by Sundermk2 »

Player Nickname: Sunder

Name: Malcolm Goodwin
Codename: Sunder
Age: Nearly 30
Date of Birth: 5/15

Height: 5" 10"
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Chicago
Nationality/Race: White
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Freelance IT

Personality Profile: A tried and true metal head, with a heart of punk. The past has left it's scars, on bad days he will put on the mask and face the world, at better times the mosh happy Chicago native shines in his particular brand of aggressively friendly oddness.

Physical Description: He keeps himself in good shape, capable of deadlifting twice his body weight.


General Power Information: Electromagnetic manipulation.

Ability One: Radio jamming. He can use his power to broadcast wide range electromagnetic interference making any radio communications or radar useless in a range about a football field in radius. Prolonged use of this power causes headaches, mild nausea and becomes tiring.

Ability Two: Electro Magnetic Pulse. A short violent burst of electromagnetic energy frying any and all electronic devices, circuitry, power conduits that are not specifically shielded against such attacks at a range of 25 feet in all directions, or 50 if directed. Use of this power is painful and disorientating. He may be able to use it twice before his stored energy is entirely exhausted leaving him passed out.

Ability Three: Electric shock. While far less powerful than his EMP ability, it takes far more skill to control the burst of energy than to just let it detonate. The arc of electricity can have a range up to a foot from his body and is more potent than a taser device. Use of this power takes concentration, and uses a fair amount of his energy.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Sunder can be thought of as a walking human battery, with a maximum storage of electrical energy that all his powers draw from. The faster the rate of energy draw, the more ill effects he will suffer from terrible headaches, to dizziness, all the way to pain as crippling as a vicious blow to the stomach and if fully expended he will pass out on the spot.

Skills: Computer networking, system design, server configuration and maintenance, network storage, moshing, DJing, shooting, driving.

Background: Sunder grew up Chicago, by all means a pretty normal kid except for the whole going to punk and death metal shows thing, and that fascination with adding spikes and studs to all his clothing, the the penchant for British slang, oh and blowing the electric grid out of his high school. That little incident necessitated the need for training, leading him down the road to a stay at Cobalt.
His time in Cobalt had it's ups, and severe downs including a handful of fatalities that weigh on him. After his education was completed he moved on to run his own freelance IT support company, but still visits the school often as he's dating one of the administrators and knows pretty much everyone anyways.

Criminal Record: He's had parking tickets, but considers them not to count since everyone in Chicago gets them.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: The death metal growling, spike ridden, friendly metal head. Looking at him, you'd never know he was a mutant, but most take him for a freak.
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