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Seven Sterling

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:09 pm
by Remu
Player Nickname: Remulon

Name: Seven Sterling (Formerly: Subject XVS-07-04)
Age: 23
Date of Birth: July 5th

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 135 lbs.
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Coral
Place of Origin: Tacoma, Washington, US
Nationality/Race: Unknown
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: Ex-con, Homebody, Phone Actress

Personality Profile: Softspoken, wistful and on the timid and easily spooked side, Seven is inquisitive and for the most part, sweet-natured, if in an overly people-pleasing kind of way. While numerous traumas in her life have worn her down and jaded her some, she still sees the world as a place that could be more than what it is.

Her personal desires often conflict with an almost compulsive need to assist people, even at the cost of her own safety.

She suffers from moderate-to-severe anxiety and struggles with social interactions to this day, oftentimes being visibly squirmy. Speculates heavily on how real she is due to passing through matter and becoming largely imperceptible, wondering which state is her true being. After slipping into a void of death and fear for almost two weeks, she leans heavily toward depression with moments of recklessness. Sometimes vaguely feral.

Physical Description:

Seven is short, soft, and ghostly pale from head to toe. She sports a trio of bony, horn-like protrusions just above each of her pointed ears, though the top right one appears to have been snapped off, and there is a noticeable nick in her right ear as well. Her left arm is home to a garden of lilies tattooed in black ink, a full sleeve going down to her hand. Seven’s snow white hair is the shortest it’s ever been, barely reaching her neck, and she typically wears a pair of glasses with thick black frames. Her eyes are a clear, pale rosy shade. She possesses a long, thin tail with a soft white fur coating.



General Power Information: Molecular Instability

Ability One: Invisibility - Seven is able to render herself entirely invisible to the naked eye. She achieves this state by consciously (or sometimes reactively) warping the way in which her molecules react to light, causing them to become reflective. When invisible, she is still detectable by heat signature, UV, and all alternative methods of sight.

Ability Two: Teleportation - A blink-of-an-eye relocation between two given areas. There is no flashy effect, no sign of her crossing through another plane; she simply is, then is not. She has a hard limit of roughly two miles in range, and the power is most effective when she can see where she's going or her destination is a place that she has visited in the past.

Ability Three: Phasing - By consciously willing the separation of her molecules, Seven is capable of temporarily phasing all or part of her body through solid objects, enabling her to pass through them and them to pass through her. The nature of this ability only enables her to hold her intangibility for only as long as she can hold her breath (around a minute and a half at a time), with spatial awareness being the only thing preventing her from falling through the floor every time she phases.

The effects of all powers can be applied to another person or object for as long as they are in physical contact with Seven, and in the case of phasing, holding their breath. Bringing another individual with her effectively cuts her teleportation rate in half.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Seven is capable of becoming partially or completely stuck in objects if her concentration is broken while phasing -- depending on what she gets stuck inside of, this can be fatal.
  • Multiple teleports over long distances are extremely draining, and multiple short ones within too close a period of time often result in disorientation.
  • When particularly stressed or fearful, her powers can sometimes go haywire; for example, her invisibility has become 'layered', resulting in only certain parts of her to be invisible at any time. It can turn into a sight out of a horror movie should she be reduced to, say, a skeleton. This has not been something she’s able to consciously achieve, and while it isn’t physically harmful, particular revelations (such as the time that the only visible part of her was muscle) can trigger severe panic attacks.
  • Fear and anxiety have also led to her spontaneously losing ALL presence within an area at times, becoming simultaneously intangible and invisible and losing her sense of space.
  • Sometimes lags while teleporting, getting caught "in between what is and what is not".
Skills: Stealth, pickpocketing, burglary, archery, domestic work


As far as she is aware, Seven began her life by being handed over to an unspecified facility by young, confused parents believing that their baby was dying. At the end of the day, they were told she didn’t make it, but in truth, she “grew up”, if you could call it that, inside the sterile walls of an isolated facility with (at least) nine “siblings”, enduring horrific experimentation down to the genetic level, being forced to fight one another, and being treated as little more than a lab rat. It’s still not entirely known how much of her power was naturally developed and how much was forced to the surface, but she claims to have been "unmade" in the experiments.

A transport gone wrong saw the young mutant, barely a teenager at this point, lost and roaming, until she came upon a school, a haven for mutants. At that point, her limited knowledge of the world drove her into hiding. She stole food and clothing and lived in solitude until being discovered by a member of security. Eventually, she was taken in as an unsanctioned ward, as she was completely lacking any kind of identification. They called her ‘Seven’, and Cobalt Hill was her home from that point on.

She largely stayed to herself, and not even the people who took care of her would reveal to the students the true identity of the “actual ghost” they were convinced was roaming the halls. In time, little by little, she allowed herself to be seen, and by the time the Academy had relocated to Salem, she was more or less a permanent fixture, developing friends and an adopted family, though at night she roamed the streets, a casual and quiet cat burglar.

It didn’t mean that the suffering was over. Behaving as a “normal” person never came easy to Seven, both because of her behavior and peoples’ reaction to her appearance, resulting in both awkward interpersonal relationships and downright bigotry, including being kidnapped and mutilated by anti-metahuman activists. And while she was eventually able to locate her biological father and dig up information about her past, it was ultimately unsatisfying, especially learning that her mother had died.

Over time, life stabilized as much as it could, with Seven working various criminal outfits while running a cleaning business on the side. When she found herself convinced that something was absent from her life, and the way that Cobalt Hill had changed, she left the country on a whim and visited several European nations. In seeing that things around the world were just as awful as back home, she took up using her powers to assist the downtrodden -- at the expense of the upper class.

She never noticed that her “aggressive redistribution” was being tracked after nearly two years, and had the misfortune of winding up in a city with a mutant on its police force that could keep her from disappearing. Seven served nearly a year in prison, where she ultimately faced further discrimination and physical violence, before her release to Cobalt Hill was negotiated, leaving the young woman in a daze as she struggled to adapt once again to a “normal” life.

But she doesn’t even know what that is, anymore.

Criminal Record:
Etc ...

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Seven is almost incapable of performing many mathematics calculations and every effort to teach her has led to a complete dead-end; while she can do very simple operations, she’s never succeeded at math beyond a very low level.

On the other hand, she reads extensively, and had a large collection of history, fantasy and mythology books before she left Salem for the first time.

There has been very little word on the locations of subjects other than Seven, and she herself tends not to talk about them or any others that may have been held in the facility with her. She did, however, once briefly meet a boy who was from a similar program.

Her occasional difficulty with slang and sometimes overly-clinical way of speaking is likely due to spending her first twelve years inside of a lab, where her interactions were largely with people who were examining her. This habit has lessened some since spending more time at Cobalt Hill.