Mikhaila "Kay" Rivera, née Boyle [Amp]

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Mikhaila "Kay" Rivera, née Boyle [Amp]

Post by Sisip »

IRC Nickname: Skieweaver / Sisip / Mikhaila

Name: Mikhaila Rivera, née Boyle
Alias: Kayla
Age: Lateish Teens
Date of Birth: April 1st
Hometown: Peabody, MA

Height: 5'3
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Nationality/Race: American

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: A bit of an innocent thing, bright and bubbly, though not a moron. She has quite the humor though when upset she quite often doesn't seem to think things through completely.

Physical Description: Your average-looking, well-shaped, young woman. She wears a wide variety of clothing, not having one thing she prefers over others. She is, most often, seen wearing her custom SND bracelet.

Character Picture (Optional):
Kay by AnE



Both Kayla and her brother Gavin are capable of affecting the x-gene at its base level; the truest explanation of their powers is that their x-genes are capable of 'communicating' with a fellow mutant's own genes to varying degrees and results. Kayla's powers differentiate from her brother's in that she requires a physical contact to allow her x-genes to communicate with another mutant's.

Primary : Power Amplification
When Kayla is in physical contact with another mutant, she can 'supercharge' their powers by accelerating the function of their x-genes, urging them to work beyond their peak efficiency. Such a greater efficiency results in power amplification; a pyrokinetic's fireballs would be larger and burn hotter. A superstrength-bearing mutant might find himself able to lift a few hundred pounds more as his x-gene enhanced muscles surge with increased might.

The only true side effect of her amplification ability is that, as a result of the mutant's x-genes working at peak efficiency and beyond, it produces a larger strain on their bodies. The pyro's fireballs may be more lethal, but she'll find herself growing exhausted much faster.

Secondary : Power Deactivation
Through physical contact Kayla is able to temporarily 'shut down' portions of another mutant's x-genes, deactivating specific powers that those x-genes might grant. She's incapable of selectively choosing one of these powers, however; if a mutant has multiple abilities, one of them will suddenly no longer be available to the individual.

(Kayla-mun will use GameServ to roll a die with a number of sides corresponding to the target mutant's number of powers, typically 2 or 3, with the results being displayed in-channel via GameServ's notify function. The number chosen correspond to the power order from top to bottom on the character's profile, primary being 1, secondary 2, etc.

Kayla-mun may not cancel out another power until the previously cancelled power has returned to use.)

As long as Kayla is in physical contact with the mutant, she can continue to cancel out their ability. When she loses contact, the power is still deactivated for a short time.

(The power will stay deactivated for 1-2 post's worth of powers, dictated by the player and Kayla-mun.)

As a note, this is not currently capable of shutting down innate biological systems that a mutant requires to live. However, it is capable of shutting down 'unnecessary' biological elements, or at least reducing their functionality; a mutant who has the ability to breathe in poisonous gasses and filter them will find themselves suddenly choking on the poison, whereas a carapace-clad mutant's armor might suddenly grow brittle. (In which case, when the power wore off, the carapace would grow back at a normal rate, and the rest of the mutant's armor would return to its proper solidity).

Tertiary : Power Sensing
Kayla is able to sense if a mutant if they are in the area (50 feet) but cannot do more than that currently. To her each mutant has their own 'feel' to her; she can differentiate between two of her friends simply by their different powers. She is not, however, capable of sensing exactly what powers a mutant has.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :
At the moment using her power amplification or deactivation exhaust her almost immediately. She cannot 'turn off' her power sensing. Because of that she tends to get distracted easily, especially when around a 'new' mutant.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
Her powers will no longer develop


Gavin and Kayla were born in Peabody MA, just up the road from Salem. They came from a typical functional family. A mother who is a dental hygienist, a father who is a dentist and a Great Dane named "Blood". The twins were very close growing up and remain so even now. Their powers manifested when they hit highschool. While hanging out with one of their fellow mutant friends, who happened to hold shapeshifting abilities, Gavin accidentally managed to transform himself into a turtle. He found himself unable to turn back for some time, causing his parents and sister to grow worried about Gavin's control over his powers. This caused the twins parents to contact Cobalt to see if perhaps they could help their boy. During a bit of testing it was discovered that Kayla, also, had some abilities. Though more discreet than those of her brothers they were nevertheless enough to garner the interest of Cobalt also. While at Cobalt, Kayla Boyle met and fell in love with Alejandro Rivera ( https://tinyurl.com/8m9p3vmj ). The pair moved away from Cobalt and married.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
* Kayla is the "little sister" of the pair. Younger then Gavin by 30 minutes.
* She has a blueberry hamster named "Faust" that she was allowed to bring to Cobalt. He lives in a cage in her dorm room and has a little transparent hamster ball to run around in.
* Unlike her brother, Kayla hates Lady GaGa and prefers GoldenOldies
* While Kayla and Alejandro Rivera live in Salem they still visit Cobalt when they can. With the use of Alejandro's ability the Rivera's have funded Cobalt since they moved away.
* Kayla and Alejandro Rivera have discovered Alejandro's family and have formed a close bond with tío Diego, Alejandro's "uncle".
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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