Patricia Elizabeth Cromwell {Psion} [Counselor]

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Patricia Elizabeth Cromwell {Psion} [Counselor]

Post by Tempest »


Name: Patricia Elizabeth Cromwell
Alias: Patty, Elizabeth, Eliza, Liz, Crommy
Age: 33
Date of Birth (Year Not Required): July 20
Hometown (city, state, country): Los Angeles, California, United States

Height: 5'7''
Weight: 130 lbs.
Hair Color: Blackish Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: American/African American

Occupation: Counselor
Personality Profile: Calm, cool, collective, sexy, sophisticated.
Physical Description: See pic.
Character Picture:

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Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three):

Patricia is a mutant who possesses the mutation to affect and manipulate the minds of others. Her telepathic abilities manifest themselves as many of the telepathic standards of reading minds, projecting her thoughts, and altering the perceptions of others or causing intense mental pain. Like other psychic mutants her powers being mental in nature means that if she can't form a thought, she can't use her powers and they are very closely tied to her emotions.
Patricia's particular telepathic talents are focused in several unique areas. Her enhanced psychic senses enable her to detect and track others by their unique psychic thought patterns over large distances, and especially if they pose a threat to her well-being in her immediate area. Patricia is also able to mask her presence from others by making herself a faint psychic echo causing her abilities to go undetected and making her very difficult to track mentally.

Astral Energy Manipulation:
Her true strength lies in the ability to not just project herself into the Astral Plane, but to tap directly into the virtually unlimited psychic energy of the astral plane to strengthen her telepathy or bring the energy into the physical world. At her current level this energy can be used to generate visible psi-blasts that can cause immense mental pain and possibly death but do no physical damage to their target. She can also compress the astral energy to a point of using it to generate powerful blasts of concussive force or personal protective barriers. Lastly, she is currently capable of finding a person by isolating their unique psionic signature on the Astral Plane and tracing it to their location.

Patricia possesses the ability to levitate and manipulate living beings and inanimate objects with his mind up to 2 tons. Due to her own studying and the help of Cobalt, she has proven from a young age that she can use his telekinesis to various effects. Due to her love of Darth Vader, choking someone telekinetically is her go to move. Other proven feats include forming strong force fields, firing off telekinetic bolts, and levitating herself and others. Though Patricia can channel her powers through concentration alone, depending on her mood she can use hand gestures when performing telekinetic feats.

Patricia is just like any other human, pushing herself to her limits results in her collapse.
With her powers being mental in nature, that means if she cannot form a thought, then she cannot use his powers.
Prone to mood swings at times.

Elizabeth at a young age had hard working parents. And due to her parents being high profiled lawyers, she wasn’t able to really have a relationship with them. As a result she had a rebellious stage where she snuck out and did her thing. During one of her sneak out attempts she missed her footing to then only start tumbling down the roof headed for the ground when all of a sudden it just seemed that someone pressed pause. Opening her eyes she found herself hovering in mid air 4 feet from the ground, but that didn't last long as she fell on her face.

At the age of 18, 4 months before graduation, she got a job to occupy most of her time so that she won’t have to listen to the many speeches her parents would give her about planning for the future. While working at the local country club, she became the victim of flirting, and yes envy. Soon Elizabeth began to hear other people’s thoughts. From everywhere she turned she knew who was feeling what, and why. It was weird for her but it helped her to avoid certain people, and she often used it to be a matchmaker.

But there was always that boy who was always there everywhere she turned. One day she just thought to herself for him to just flirt with someone else when all of a sudden that boy did just that, but it didn’t last long when the boy slapped a young woman on her ass causing him to be fired. Yes he was that lame. When she finally realized she made that happen she practiced it the whole summer, even to the point where psychic blasts began to form at her brow. When that happened she got scared of what others would do to her if she was caught. The mutant menace was talked about widely at the country club. So she decided not to use her abilities again till she knew how to really grasp it. But this didn’t totally stop her from using them from time to time.

Now fast forwarding to the time of her 23rd birthday, Elizabeth has graduated from UCLA with a Masters in psychology, and decides to find a counseling job in the northeast to get away from the hectic city life of Los Angeles.

Working at Cobalt was the best thing for her, but there was one person there that seemed to get on her nerves...Ivan Palmer. He hated the idea that he would have been working with someone fresh out of school. So he played pranks on her dealing with credit and anything he could do to piss her off. Patricia tried to remain cool but he was slandering her good name. So after a year of hell she packed her things and left, leaving Scrooge all to himself. She took the time away to mend what he had messed up.

Soon her current job of being a therapist was becoming cliche, she missed the kids she helped at Cobalt. She truly missed being around her own kind, where she could truly be herself. Sending word to Cobalt asking for her old job back, she was surprised that they sent an approval letter back so fast. So after awaiting for the spring to arrive she made the move back to Cobalt ready to help in any way she can.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.):
-Took self defense classes.
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