Cobalt - General Information

What does the Cobalt universe have within it? What does the Sanctum look like? Find out here!
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Cobalt - General Information

Post by Sisip »

Cobalt Hill began as a mutant-specific school known as Cobalt Academy. Following a series of devastating attacks due to lax security and questionable protection, the Metahuman Enforcement and Tracking Agency (META) offered a helping hand, aiding in the re-purposing of the school to the a safe haven for all mutant kind. However with a change of Governments comes a change in policies, and funding for Cobalt Hill was cut off completely. Seeking out private investors the institution has returned to its roots, welcoming mutants to come to its halls to learn how to use their abilities in safety. Cobalt Hill Academy has life within its walls once again.

The Academy lies just outside of Salem, Massachusetts, with its property line extending across several miles of forest. It is comprised of a tall main building and several outer buildings, with large, bulletproof windows offering a view of the outside. The buildings themselves are made out of a highly resilient, steely silver material, its interior sporting spanning, well-lit corridors and pale blue walls that offer a welcoming atmosphere.

Large fields creep towards a high wall with mounted cameras in order to prevent trespassing. Several measures have been put into place to ensure that anyone who does illegally enter the grounds gets no further the front lawn. There are two security checkpoints that one must pass through to gain entry to the sanctum -- one just outside of the building itself, another at the towering gate in blue gunmetal. The farthest gate is remotely manned from the main security desk to prevent any casualties with guards, instead sporting several hidden cameras to observe any individuals who wish to enter or leave the grounds.

The Academy will open its arms to any individuals who exhibit some form of seemingly supernatural abilities, whether mutant, metahuman, or even the inexplicable. Due to the nature of the facility, the only non-powered humans who will be permitted to live at the sanctum are relatives of those who do exhibit some manner of power.

While visitors are permitted on Academy grounds, they must obtain a special pass from security and have limited access to the sanctum's facilities.

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Re: Cobalt - General Information

Post by Sisip »

Floor A

The first floor of the sanctum consists largely of numerous amenities and resources for young students and residents alike. The temperature inside of the entire facility is kept at a constant, comfortable level so as not to offend those with delicate physiologies, only altered in individual housing units. Numerous bulletin boards can be seen scattered throughout the long, spanning corridors, typically used to advertise services, items for sale, and events within the sanctum. Numerous benches are scattered throughout the corridor for those who wish to look out onto the front lawn or into the courtyard. The ceilings are extremely high up, allowing those with flight and gliding capabilities ample room to soar, with slotted openings just in front of the windows enabling them to fly up to the second floor if they wish.



A sprawling courtyard lies at the center of the sanctum, a small pond with a spouting fountain at its heart. Numerous benches lie scattered in the grass, with several small footpaths leading to the various entryways that lead back indoors. The courtyard is marked by tall trees and spanning fields of grass as well as various shrubs and several small outdoor gardens along with a hedge maze and small greenhouse, which seems more like a botanical garden. The greenhouse is kept in a warm, humid state all year round.


See: Recreation & Training Hall



Given the unique tastes of the mutants and metahumans that reside at Cobalt Hill, the eatery was turned into a specialty dine-in, serving numerous types of dishes catering to all sorts of different tastes for those cannot or don't want to cook for themselves. It spans two 'floors' and displays a television in every corner. Food stops being prepared at 10 PM, and stops being served at midnight, though there is always something to eat available.



Part grocer, part convenience store. The Hill Mart serves first as a small grocery store, usually for those who cannot leave campus for any reason, carrying most basic home needs. It also serves as a convenience store, open twenty-four hours a day and serving various 'junk' desires. The market can be accessed at any time of day.



Cobalt Hill's library rivals that of the one found out in Salem, with books on numerous subjects saturating its aisles. It also features a quiet study lounge and access to computers. The library is open until 9 PM every day.
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Re: Cobalt - General Information

Post by Sisip »

Floor B

The second floor of the sanctum is accessible through one of two elevator banks or several stairwells (or in the case of those who can fly, the slotted 'passages' leading from the first floor). It is primarily made up of various research and educational facilities that are usable by anyone and a few that require special clearance to access. There is also a walkway that overlooks the courtyard, crossing over to the administration ward and medical center at the northernmost end of the hallway.

The biology, computer, and chemistry labs can be found on this floor, catering to those individuals at Cobalt Hill who have chosen to delve into various fields of research, many for the benefit of META's goals. All but the computer lab require a special ID to access.


While no longer officially a school, Cobalt Hill has given younger residents access to tutors to get them as far as their high school education, allowing them to receive a diploma and go on to attend college if they so desire. Many courses in a high school curriculum are taught, and online education options are available.


Cobalt Hill also houses a green house / hydroponic bay in order to grow plants and produce, which anyone may access.


Medical, science and general supplies are held safely within each storage room, large enough for multiple people to enter at any one time. A staff ID is required to gain access to each room.
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Re: Cobalt - General Information

Post by Sisip »

Other Areas



At a glance, the housing facility looks to be more like a huge hotel than anything. This is not entirely off the mark. They have been designed with comfort and practicality in mind. The housing facility spans a total of five floors, accessible through entrances on the first or second floors of the sanctum. The first two floors are dedicated to those living on campus who are under the age of twenty-one, the second reserved for those who over the age of twenty-one, while the third consisting of higher-class setups usually occupied by staff members or individuals with large families. They often resemble small houses, even having the option of multiple floors. The setup allows for as much privacy as possible, the walls muffling even the loudest of music and sounds.

Each floor is accessible by stairs or elevator, and each floor houses a sizable laundry room, though it is entirely possible for individual units to be installed within a home.

There are several types of housing units -- they may be in a studio apartment style for the younger residents, larger, spanning condo setups for staff members, etc. Apartments may have balconies, those on the first floor may have small patios, so on and so forth.

The rooftop of the housing facility has been converted into a comfortable, covered overlook that provides protection from the elements... as long as they're falling straight down. One can see the entire sanctum as well as the forest surrounding the area from the roof, which has several lawn chairs set up for skywatching and stargazing.



The administration building is located between the medical center and housing facilities. The front desk of the administration ward always has a clerical staff member present -- usually Faefae, the winged, redheaded bubbly secretary. This building is where individuals may go for all things regarding housing, registration, visitor's passes, parking permits and so on. This is also where most of the staff offices and mailboxes reside, as well as the lost and found.



The medical center is quickly spotted and features several easily accessible entrances from both the A and B floors. It serves as a fully functioning hospital with a fair-sized staff, able to handle everything from minor bumps and bruises to most types of surgeries.



There are a total of four security kiosks manned by two men apiece spanning across the sanctum, accessible from both floors. The guards stationed there are always available for help, questions, and assistance with any emergency situations. One must check in at the main security desk before entering and leaving the grounds.


The underground parking garage is located at the western end of the sanctum. There are spaces designated for staff members, and visitors must acquire passes from the front security kiosk in order to use the garage. Behind the Sanctum, a large flattop for aerial units (small fix winged aircraft or helicopters) can be found.


What is housed beneath the sanctum is not known to the general public. The X-team HQ has been instituted, with a large meeting room and lounge as well as a computer control center. In addition, the security kiosks offer guards a means to access the main security hub, which also rests underground. The Maze is a source of constant rumors among residents of the sanctum, with talks of a long twisting labyrinth and holding cells that contain some of Salem's most dangerous mutant and metahuman criminals. Each cell is surrounded by a potent dampening field that dulls, if not completely cuts off an individual's powers, though this has yet to be tested on individuals whose powers come from anything but the X-gene.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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