Sisip Webster [HeadMistress]

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Sisip Webster [HeadMistress]

Post by Sisip »

IRC Nickname: Skieweaver

Name: Sisip Webster
Alias: Skieweaver
Age: Late 20's
Date of Birth: 09-18
Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Brown/Black (Very dark brown)
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Native America (Mi'kmaq)

Occupation: CEO - High Life Aviation / Consultant at Cobalt Hill

Personality Profile: Sisip is an easy going person for most of the time though she does tend to be a bit overdramatic occasionally. Always afraid of getting overly upset Sisip seems to rely on her anti-anxiety medication a bit too much. She's fiercely protective of her friends and family.

Physical Description: Sisip's nutmeg skin, dark brown hair and large brown eyes are a dead giveaway for her native american heritage. She wears her wavy mid-back length hair in two braids most of the time, though occasionally she does let it fall free. On her ankle she has a tattoo of what looks to be a chickenesque brown bird (a Grouse), and she has a diamond nose-stud only now, having removed her vertical labret piercing when she needed to move into a more professional setting.

Character Picture (Optional):
Art by AnE.

Ruffed Grouse Form:


Mutation/Powers: Air/Wind Manipulation, Transformation, Thermokinesis

Primary : Sisip can create a forceful blast of wind (100 feet from her) able to knock back a fairly large person. Also by cupping her hands and swirling her forced wind together she can create a wind cyclone that can be a devastating force. The cyclone can also lift the small woman into the air in a form of levitation/flight.

*Sisip can create a 'mattress' of wind by swirling it gently. This allows her to catch things or lift things without the violence of using her wind cyclone.

*Sisip is able to create an air-blade, with an angled swipe of her hand creating a focused stream of wind (or a blade) that follows the same path her hand traveled. The blade can cut into flesh (3" deep) or wood (wood being a smaller 2" cut as it's more dense).

*Sisip is able to create a vacuum. Pull air OUT of a targeted area. The larger the area the more strain it puts on the woman. While she is able to, when hyper emotional, create a vacuum in a regular sized room, her normal amount of vacuum is equal to pulling the breath out of a targets lungs.

Secondary : Under moments of extreme stress or fear Sisip seems to change into the form of a "Ruffed Grouse". She is able to force a transformation through means of meditation, but this is something that she must have ample time to prepare for and cannot be done on short notice. Sisip is able to recall all that happens in the grouse form though her brain is still in 'bird' mode so her recollections are often tainted with fright. Once she finds a quiet place and settles down she transforms back into her normal form. This transformation only happens to her body. Any clothes/jewelry/items do not transfer with her. When she transforms back she's in a pickle if it's in public.

Tertiary : Sisip is able to make adjustments to the air temperature (40-80 degrees) in her immediate area (10 feet in all directions). Once she leaves that particular area the temperature returns to what is normal for the time (before manipulation). With increased focus Sisip is also able to concentrate a 1 foot diameter area to a temperature between -10F to 120F for a short time of no more than 1 minute.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Overuse of her abilities exhausts the woman, despite the years of practice she's had. When creating a vacuum the woman puts such strain on her body that her nose begins to bleed and with prolonged use she risks an aneurysm. Sisip cannot control what is pulled into her winds, though she is able to direct its path so it creates the least damage. She also is fairly unreliable currently in high stressed situations as she has no control over when she changes into grouse form.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? With any hope Sisip/Skie will be able to further develop her wind/air control into a more powerful blast of air, perhaps even creating an area wide wind effect rather than a simple 'tunnel' of directed wind, She also wants to be able to extend the reach of her temperature by more degrees and with any luck be able to control the altered temperature from a distance without having to be physically present. When it comes to transformation she would like to be able to have better control of her transformation, perhaps even transforming at will.

Sisip's family moved from Chapel Island to Halifax, Nova Scotia when she was only a few months old. Her mother, never one to want to settle down, left her only daughter with her father, Tiyám (Tim) Webster. Sisip and her father bounced around various parts of Canada, and Houston Texas, after Tim was able to get a job in the oil industry working offshore. Always one to keep family close, Sisip's grandmother (nan) insisted the girl spend her summers and holidays back home in Chapel Island. While there Sisip was educated by her nan and was taught the ways and history of her people, the Mi'kmaq. She was also introduced to the more spiritual side of her family. Sisip sank herself into these studies, soon performing with her relatives and community members in hunts and pow wows, and even spending a great time reflecting inwards and finally realizing her spirit guide manifestation.

When she was 14 her powers emerged and she was relocated to stay with her nan, in Chapel Island, on a permanent basis. She was given the nickname 'SkieWeaver' in an attempt to help her cope with the odd assortment of abilities that had seemingly appeared from nowhere. When nicknames and counselling could not assist Sisip was prescribed an anti-anxiety medication as a means to keep her from the stress-induced spontaneous transformation.

In the following years news came to her grandparents about Cobalt Academy and after a bit of debate they sent their granddaughter to help her learn control. With the completion of her studies Sisip took a job at the school as a Teachers Aid in the Engineering Department. When META came in and took control, turning it to a Sanctum rather than a school, Sisip stayed in the living quarters while she turned her professional life to being the CEO of an Air Freight company started up by a dear friend. With the birth of her son Sisip returned to Cobalt to work, raising up in the ranks until the government pulled it's funding. Pulling strings Sisip and the supporting Cobalt staff was able to bring private funding back to Cobalt and returned it to the Academy that it was when she first arrived.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):

* She is very fond of heavy machinery, oil rigs and weaponry.
* She is a licensed helicopter pilot.
* Sisip has basic weaponry training, grappling and hand to hand combat.
* Due to some time spent with a mutant doctor Sisip has contortionist-level flexibility.
* She tends to avoid drinking soda despite her love of it, having the unfortunate luck of hiccuping every time she takes a drink of the carbonated beverage.
* Sisip is always seen with her black backpack over her shoulder that contains her combat outfit.
* Sisip was named CEO of High Life after the untimely demise of the companies founder, Maximus Carrington.
* Mother of Anthony Paqtsim Sterling, born December 22, 2012 & Elise Milita'j Goodwin, born May 20, 2020.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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