Character Submission Template

Information, in-use power list, and the submission template. Post your sheets here to get started!

Moderator: Goldbolt

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Character Submission Template

Post by Sisip »

Please use this template when creating characters. Try to include as much detail and information as possible. DON'T TOUCH OR MOVE THE BOLD TAGS, YOUR INFORMATION SHOULD GO AFTER THEM! Feel free to delete the information in (parentheses) as those are just helpful suggestions. Any issues with characters will be addressed on IRC. Also when titling your character sheet PLEASE follow this format to keep things organized:

First Name, Last Name, [Codename (if any)] [Position on staff, if any]

When you're finished, please post your sheet in this forum and WAIT for an op to approve it or get back to you. All character submissions will either be approved, replied to, or denied within one week. If your submission is in the bin for any longer than a week, feel free to pester an op, but NOT before then. Bothering ops about character approvals does not make your character get approved any faster.

If this is your first character you are free to play your character before it is approved with limited power usage, but please note that it WILL be subject to any and all changes proposed by the channel ops. If this is not your first character please understand that while you are allowed to play before approval we ask that you do so at the very minimum.

Code: Select all

[b]Player Nickname:[/b]

[b]Date of Birth:[/b] 

[b]Hair Color:[/b] 
[b]Eye Color:[/b] 
[b]Place of Origin:[/b] 
[b]Classification/Origin of Powers:[/b] (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.) 

[b]Status:[/b] (Trainee, resident, staff, villain, refugee, other) 

[b]Personality Profile:[/b] (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.) 

[b]Physical Description:[/b] (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.) 


[b]General Power Information:[/b] (How would you classify your character's particular set of abilities? Having even a loose theme is more likely to get approved than a random grab bag of powers.)

[b]Ability One:[/b] (You are permitted three 'powers' to start with, though they can also be physical traits, physiologies, etc. Detailing what your character can do with each, their limitations, et cetera. The more detail, the better. You are not restricted to a firm three aspects -- some powers may have minor sub-abilities, and as long as they do not encompass the strength of another power entirely, they should be acceptable.) 

[b]Ability Two:[/b] 

[b]Ability Three:[/b] 

[b]Drawbacks & Weaknesses:[/b]  (What happens if your character overexerts themself? Do their powers provide them with any negative attributes, like a weakened heart, lack of resistance to toxins, etc? Does their power make them shaky and high-strung? Balance is important!) 

[b]Skills:[/b] (What things does your character excell at? Cooking? Swimming? Are they a survivalist? Remember to be realistic and not overdo it.) 

[b]Background:[/b] (Your character's life up until they arrived within Salem or Cobalt Hill. When did their powers manifest? How did it happen? How did they obtain their powers, what is their origin? What was the reaction from family & friends, if any? These sort of things help flesh out your character!) 

[b]Criminal Record:[/b] 

[b]Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:[/b] (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!) 
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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