William Kilborn

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William Kilborn

Post by Thomas`Marshall »

Player Nickname: Thomas`Marshall

Name: William Kilborn
Age: 26
Date of Birth: October 31, 1990

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs
Hair Color: Black (dyed to look darker)
Eye Color: Black (sclera contacts) Blue (natural)
Place of Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Resident
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Spoiled, selfish, and snobby. Three words that most of his "friends" would call him. William is known in his circle as the kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. In reality, he puts on a pretty face and buys expensive clothes with money he has worked hard for. If someone were capable of breaking down his walls, they'd find out he is the exact opposite of what most people think of when they see him. He's the kind of person that gives to charity anonymously, but no one knows that. William also has what some would call an unhealthy obsession with Halloween and the occult.

Physical Description: William is clearly a sight. Jet black, shoulder length hair seems to be permanently straightened. Never seen with even the slightest curl or wave. His eyes are the next thing he wants you to be drawn in by. Piercing blue eyes are typically hidden by black sclera contact lenses. He normally wears somewhat dressy clothing out and about, but behind closed doors, he can be found wearing the most comfortable clothes possible... normally a t-shirt and jogging pants. Comfortable or not, his clothes are always some name brand.
The one thing that is most obvious about William, aside from his contacts and his unnaturally black hair, would be the horn implants in his forehead. They are small black horns, maybe an inch or so long, on either side of his forehead.


General Power Information: William would be considered a Hypnotist in the magic world.

Ability One: Hypnotic Voice: With a simple phrase, word, or song, William can send his intended target into a deep sleep. After sending the target into a sleep, information gathering becomes simple. Ask a question, get an answer. He isn't your typical stage hypnotist, clearly. He doesn't do parlor tricks like making people act like a chicken. He only uses his Hypnotic Voice when gathering information or when he feels threatened. The main drawback to his hypnosis is that if he breaks focus for even one moment, his target wakes up and knows exactly what happened to them, as well as the information they divulged.

Ability Two: Emotion Control: Along with his ability to hypnotize, William can change one's emotions at will. He has the ability to change his target's emotions to whatever the opposite emotion of their current one would be, and only to the opposite of one emotion. Fight becomes flight. Nervous becomes calm. Happy becomes sad... and so on.

Ability Three: Empathy: We are complex creatures. We feel more than one emotion at any given moment. William has the ability to not only know anyone's current emotions, he also has the capability of figuring out which emotion would be most beneficial for him to control in any given situation.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: William will on occasion be overwhelmed with the emotions of those around him. There are times he cannot stop himself from feeling what others feel instead of simply reading them and moving on. There are those William cannot read or control. Any being with a mental block of any kind are instantly immune to anything William has the ability to do.

Skills: Unknown to anyone in his circle, William is a fantastic singer. No one knows this because he doesn't openly sing in front of anyone, unless hypnotizing them (so they don't remember him singing). He is also a classic video game speed runner.

Background: New Orleans, Louisiana, one of the most occult and interesting places in the world. William was born to a fairly small family. One sister and his parents are all he knew growing up. William didn't have much of an interesting life and was planning on leaving the city until he visited one of the many fortune tellers in NOLA, on his birthday. Along with the tarot readers, palm readers, and bone readers, there was one woman that stood out from the rest. Sitting at a table, alone, with nothing on the table. No crystal ball, cards, or bones. She informed William that if he were to stay within New Orleans, he would find himself empowered. She gave no more details. Simply said that he would gain empowerment within the city. As soon as he stood from her table, a rush of energy seemed to slam into his chest. Hairs on end, shiver up the spine, goosebumps. William looked back at her and she simply smiled and nodded. He instantly felt happiness. Happiness unlike anything he had felt before. Happiness mixed with pride. He never even got her name. He spent the next year and a half in his city, honing his craft. Discovering new things about himself that she hadn't told him about. His ability to hypnotize people gave him a secondary source of income, though that grew old very quickly.

William was ready to move, ready for a change of scenery but not wanting to get away from the feeling of knowing there is something else out there, so he moved to Salem. While doing some searching for housing around the city, he stumbled upon Cobalt Hill. He passed by a couple of the residents and could not read them. "Interesting," he thought as he walked by. He eventually made his way back there, enjoying the silence in his own mind and a break from the flood of emotions from others. He has found his home away from home... though he hopes to run into that fortune teller again one day.

Criminal Record: None, as far as any officer of the law or judge knows

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: William despises stage hypnotists. He sees them as frauds and an insult to the gift the fortune teller gave him. He loves the occult and researches it to an unhealthy extent. Demons are his favorite.
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