Robert Padgett

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Robert Padgett

Post by Imp »

Player Nickname: ImpKitsu

Name: Robert Padgett
Age: 20
Date of Birth: September 2

Height: 6'5"
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Earth, New York State
Nationality/Race: Human
Classification/Origin of Powers: Magic

Status: Student
Occupation: None

Personality Profile: Robert is incredibly awkward. He never had a chance to interact with peers or parents or authority figures at all. From a young age he

had to deal with problems himself while watching everyone else around him interact normally around others. He spent a great deal of time bored- almost a ghost in his

own house. It's hard for him to remember, at times, that he can talk to people and be heard and not freak them out. He can be distant, but he doesn't want to be. He also finds himself falling back on old habits that don't work so well now that people can see him.

Physical Description: Pale and skinny in every way, Robert still looks like he is going through his lanky teen years that some boys hit. He isn't muscular

or broad in any sense. He has white hair down to his shoulders that is somewhat wavy and pale grey eyes. He forgets people can see him and sometimes makes faux pas

like forgetting his clothes or wearing the same thing four or five days in a row. He gets a wild look too him sometimes if he fails to take care of himself properly.


General Power Information: Shadow Magic - granted to him by a coin he touched. Upon releasing its power, the coin vanished- it still exists as part of his shadow. Someone with shadow magic could get to it but it is inaccessible even to him otherwise. His powers would weaken considerably if it was taken but he spent so much time living with it that he wouldn't lose them entirely. He would lose the ability to make constructs but not his shadow form or light sapping

Ability One: Shadow Form - Robert can hide in shadow, in fact he did for a years, becoming like a ghost that could only flit through shadows. In his shadow

form her can move at high speeds between shadows- so long as there is space enough for him to walk across it. He can teleport between any two shadows but, in this

form, cannot stand where there is no shadow. Stepping into light hurts him if he doesn't change into his natural, human form.

Ability Two: Unbrakinesis. Robert can make shadow constructs. They are physical, like black rubber. He can make them into things that can be held or animate

them to do things for him. Their strength varies based on how much light is around. He has to use existing shadows so in places that have a lot of direct light from

all directions, he is less able to make his things. Later he may be able to form shadows but for now he is stuck using what is on-hand.

Ability Three: Light sap. Robert can sap the light out of a place if he really focuses. But he doesn't have a lot of practice right now. The light gathers into the coin he has and makes it glow. He can lower the brightness in an area to pitch blackness if it was already dimly lit. But very bright areas just have too much energy in them to do that- the best he can do is make himself a bit more comfortable. This only works within a 10, radius.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Robert spent fourteen years existing as a shadow, unable to find a way free. It was very difficult for him and left him stunted in

many ways- though he is a smart boy and very resourceful by necessity. He's always trying to do better. He also has a light sensitivity which leads to him avoiding brightly lit areas or sapping the light in a bubble around him when outside.

Skills: Problem Solving, Stealth,

Background: Robert was part of a normal family. He was a little slow to develop and was mute his entire life, never making a peep because of a combination of nerves and Until he was six and he picked up a coin he found in his back yard. He was immediately encased in shadows and unable to do anything about it. His mother immediately believed him to be missing and called the police. He was never found. He spent the next fourteen years ghosting around his house and elsewhere. He couldn't be touched but he could touch things. He slowly taught himself to talk but the effect was just to drive his mother crazy- the disembodied voice of her missing son. SO he stayed quiet, sneaking food and other necessities. He mostly ran around naked because there were no clothes his size around. A new family moved in and, because they watched a lot of fantasy tv, Robert got ideas on how to try to learn to control his powers. Finally after a lot of practice- something clicked and he popped back into existance. He immediately ran away and found himself lost, alone, and confused. He was caught stealing, as he might have done when he was invisible. Except he wasn't at the time and got arrested. He got a minor sentence and was released after a few months in county jail. He traveled alone a while and found himself at Cobalt. Now he is trying to get in.

Criminal Record: He is a habitual thief and was caught once.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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