Isaac Bullard, [Ballad]

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Isaac Bullard, [Ballad]

Post by Imp »

Player Nickname: ImpKitsu

Name: Isaac Gladyn Bullard (Anglicized from : Isiqgla d'Uynbylrad)
Codename: Ballad
Age: 31
Date of Birth: June 20th

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 165 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey
Place of Origin: Capmarco, on the planet Bodeod
Nationality/Race: Bodeid ("You humans would probably call me some kind of elf though")
Classification/Origin of Powers: Alien

Status: ?????
Occupation: Health Guru

Personality Profile: Isaac has adapted to modern life splendidly. While he still likes to spend great deals of time alone in the wilderness- he is opposed to having the occasional companion so long as they can take care of themselves for the most part. He does love his cellphone though- and his laptop... and his car. He doesn't miss any of the hardships that come with a completely natural life. Now he only digs his own toilet when he actually wants to. He is personable and friendly to an extent. He can get short if he feels crowded or put upon. He is willing to provide his services for free if he likes the person or figures them to be a potential customer. He can be downright harsh to people who make excuses and waste his time.

Physical Description: Fit and tanned, Isaac is the perfect hunter-gatherer type. He has long, brown hair that sometimes gets a little wild when it's humid. It's naturally a bit wavy but he takes good care of it. He is on the tall and thin side- with great endurance and strength- mostly naturally built. He's never been the sort to sit around and get fat.


General Power Information: Wild Magic

Ability One: Plant Control - Isaac can control plants. He has to know quite a lot about the genus but once he does he can induce growth, reproduction, fruit growth, and animate them in various useful ways. Requires some amount of imagination on Isaac's part.

Ability Two: Terrakinesis - Isaac can move the earth, up to two square meters of it a day. He can move any kind of granular dirt, rock, or sand. The pieces must already be smaller than his movement limit. (So he could move a boulder, but not break off part of a MASSIVE rock and move that)

Ability Three: Alien Physiology. He is better in the areas of strength, endurance, and speed than a normal human. He can hold his breath for extended periods of time. Anything above 85 is a definitel no for him.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Isaac lacks toughness and is slow to heal. He can't tolerate heat- especially dry heat. In dry climates- without access to a misting bottle or water, he can't tolerate temperatures above 85 for more than an hour. To an extent, his tolerance increases with the humidity. If he tries to move more earth than he is able, he will suffer anything from a headache to full collapse.

Skills: Wilderness Survival, Hunting, Botany/plant identification, basic technology usage.

Background: Isaac was born on Bodeod. He started to leave his small trading village at seven, venturing further out from town as he got older and older. This was common practice among children there- independence was found early but with support. By twelve he was living entirely apart and had no plans of going back. He spent most his time in the woods. He learned about plants and food and survival during his five years of 'training.' It was natural he'd find his home in the woods as he had a connection to the plants and ground. Most the people of his village were crafts people- he was not. His crafts were limited to what helped his survive. Trapping got him meat in his early years and he eventually got pelts enough to trade for weapons in one of the towns.

So he spent his years hunting, trapping, fishing, and practicing his magics. It was going well until a portal to Earth opened up. So similar were the forests and so subtle was the portal, he didn't realized he'd made the change- then he couldn't get back. So- from the age of twenty-one on, he lived on Earth, slowly assimilating to life and finding his way. He found his wholesome, nature-based way was really popular with a large subset of the population. Since then he has been making his money as a natural-living health guru, making a decent amount of money and not /really/ taking advantage of anyone.

He visits the forests around where he lives to learn about the plants. He had to re-learn the fauna from scratch to work his powers here. But he to a large part- he was as good as he was back home, not yet better.

Criminal Record: All his Earth records are faked- he has yet to get caught though.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Isaac owns a small home on the outskirts of the city, an eco friendly car, and a nice cell phone. His house has lots of plant-life around it. He draws maps and memories of his home when he has spare time so he never forgets. He has no idea where it is in relation to earth and misses it.

He still tries to celebrate the religious holidays of his home- not that the calendars match up, but he makes an effort.

He often makes vows to himself that never last very long- but he does try.
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Re: Isaac Bullard, [Ballad]

Post by Goldbolt »

Denied for now, once you get into the swing of the game with Robert we'll take another look.
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