Ty [In-Progress]

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Ty [In-Progress]

Post by Imp »

Player Nickname: ImpKitsu

Name: Tyceradegcri, Goes by Ty or Tizer
Codename: Tiger
Age: 73, adolescent for his planet
Date of Birth: Adopted Jan 1.

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 600 lbs
Hair Color: Clear
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Argil
Nationality/Race: Purilian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Alien

Status: Refugee
Occupation: None Yet

Personality Profile: Ty is extremely obedient. To a fault. Even unbonded from his people, he has a hard time disobeying a person. He isn't sure if he wishes to disobey or not. He remembers who he was as a child- before he hit puberty at twenty two and his caste became apparent. He wishes, oftentimes, that he could go back to that. He believed it to be his biological destiny and became a servant of the people.

On Earth he spends a great deal of time quietly observing people. He has a small shrine to his native religion and does rites three times a day and as needed. He is very religious. He believes not fulfilling his biological destiny will lead to the ruin of those around him. He has been trying to integrate with the humans, though. It's a hard balance for him to strike.

He is a very calm person who can take a lot of shit. He can't bond as he would on his planet but he can develop affections for humans that cause the same level of protectiveness in him and activating related abilities. It does take a great deal more effort and he does have some say in the matter on Earth, but not much.

Physical Description: Ty is a tall guy- human in appearance. He had a thickly muscled physique and, like everyone of his caste, his muscles are dense and durable. It makes him quite a bit heavier than he looks but- fortunately for him- he knows many humans are six hundred pounds, so he isn't too worried about breaking anything. He needs to eat six thousand non-carbohydrate calories a day to maintain himself, it can be quite a chore. Fortunately his nature of self-sacrifice allows for the occasional tub of pure lard in his diet, bland though it may be.

He has no style. He wears what he is given. His hair is clear and reflects back whatever color light there is. It has grown long and feathery and wild down his back. He usually puts it in a thick bun on the base on his neck or- on calculated religious holidays- ceremonial styles. He has high cheekbones and a sharply angled face with a strong jaw and brow. He has clear blue eyes with flecks of emerald.


General Power Information: Natural Born Guardian

Ability One: Physique- Strength, Flexibility, Endurance. He lacks speed because his huge bulk doesn't really lend itself to that. But he can keep up a moderate pace just about forever. He can lift, carry and throw up to six tons without hurting himself. His eyesight and hearing a excellent but not super human. There isn't a flaw in his body- well, from the perspetive of his people.

Ability Two: Guardian- Ty has a natural protective instinct and will protect anyone he can. There is a built in priority order. Highest to lowest priority: Non-combatants, Bonded, Allies, Neutral threats, Enemies. If he sees them being in danger he can perform feats he couldn't otherwise perform. He has no choice but to protect NonComs, Bonded, and Allies with his life. He can leave a conflict when they flee or are otherwise safe. When in Guardian mode he supresses pain and has heightened awareness of everything around him- focused mainly on whoever he is protecting.

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: (What happens if your character overexerts themself? Do their powers provide them with any negative attributes, like a weakened heart, lack of resistance to toxins, etc? Does their power make them shaky and high-strung? Balance is important!)

Skills: (What things does your character excell at? Cooking? Swimming? Are they a survivalist? Remember to be realistic and not overdo it.)

Background: (Your character's life up until they arrived within Salem or Cobalt Hill. When did their powers manifest? How did it happen? How did they obtain their powers, what is their origin? What was the reaction from family & friends, if any? These sort of things help flesh out your character!)

Criminal Record:

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: (This is what makes a character unique. What do they like? What don't they like? Any crippling fears? Do their powers cause them to glow in the dark? Vegetarian? Eat live sheep? Etc, etc! All the little things that make your character different from the rest!)
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Re: Ty [In-Progress]

Post by Goldbolt »

Denied for now, once you get into the swing of the game with Robert we'll take another look.
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