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Post by Goldbolt »

Player Nickname: Sho

Name: *The sound of metal being torn, followed by three liquid pings* In English this approximates to The Quickest Flow of Liquid Silver Slowing to a Gentle Trickle. Or Quilver for short.
Codename: None at the moment
Age: Earth Equivalent: 21
Date of Birth: Earth Approximate: September 13th

Height: 5’6
Weight: 425lbs
Hair Color: Chrome
Eye Color: Chrome
Planet of Origin: Atzam
Nationality/Race: Atzma’ee
Classification/Origin of Powers: Extraterrestrial

Status: Other

Personality Profile: Inquisitive, haughty, vain, arrogant. Impatient, though honorable, she will keep a promise.

Physical Description: Quilver is a metallic being with incredibly reflective and shiny skin. There is an almost reptilian look to her form with an egg shaped head, a swan-like neck, a deep chest with a narrow waist and stomach, and a long tail that curls into a tight spiral. Lining her back and the base of her tail is a series of backwards pointing quills, rounded at the base, and almost flattening at their tips into a wedge shape. There is an additional one on her head that hangs forward, almost like a quail’s crest. In a sharp contrast to her otherwise colorless form, the tip of this crest is a kaleidoscope of colors – a recent Earth addition to her looks.

As her current residence is Earth, Quilver has a human shape she prefers to walk around in public with. Just like her defaulted form, this is also entirely metallic.


General Power Information: Self-based ferrokinesis.

Ability One: Amorphous Metallic Body: Even though Quilver has a set defaulted shape, she can change this appearance at will, both partial and total body changes. This includes density based size alterations, being able to morph into a semi liquid state, and firing off spikes or her quills.

Ability Two: Touch-based Ferrokinesis: As long as Quilver is in contact with the metal, she can control and reshape it as though it were an extension of herself. As long as the metal is connected, Quilver can travel through it like water.

Ability Three: Rapid Compartmentalized Self-Healing: Atzma'ee may be far removed and evolved from their nanite derived origins, but their bodies maintain extensive self repair blueprints. If a part is damaged or even removed, the body will compensate and redirect mass from another area to be repurposed and rebuild the injured area. A serious wound will result in a change of size until they've had a few good meals. This does not apply to the brain center, significant quick hitting head wounds are always fatal, and if not instantly, will lead to a slow and dreadfully debilitating downward spiral as the body over-heals itself without coherent instruction, overheats, and melts into an inert goo.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:
  • Lightning Rod: As Quilver is composed of metal, it is not wise for her to be out in an electrical storm.
  • Semi-ferrous: A sufficiently strong magnet will affect her ability to maintain her shape and even render her immobile. Prolonged exposure can be lethal.
  • Like a rock: Quilver will sink in water.
  • Refined palate: Atzma'ee have very unique tastes when it comes to food. Quilver requires metals of the highest purity to sate her stomach.
  • Rapid temperature changes from very hot to very cold will brittlelize her "flesh" and lessen the efficacy of her regeneration.
  • Quilver is incapable of existing in multiple places at once. If part of her is separated, only the half containing the head remains alive. The remainder becomes inert, and the head half reforms itself into a scaled down body. Unless trauma occurs, the parts can be reconnected and full size regained at a later date.
  • Prisms. It's like a cat and a laser pointer.

  • Singing - though to the human ear some of the Atzma'ee language and music dances a fine line between hair raisingly creepy and torturous.
  • Lock-picking - it's easy when you just need to stick a claw in a keyhole.
  • Knitting - two long metal needles? Brightly colored yarn? You can wear these things?!

Background: Atzam wasn't always the shining sphere of metal it has become, at one point, millions of years ago in the planet's past, Atzam was green and full of life. Its inhabitants were a thriving and intelligent race known as the Kahvu. They had mastered space travel, sustainability of resources, and their medical practices bordered on miraculous. They may have excelled in peaceful matters, but they were woefully inadequate when it came to war. Unfortunately for them, a warring race set its sights on the good fortune, fertility, and technology of Atzam. Atzam was all but razed as an invading species took whatever it could and enslaved the inhabitants.

The Kahvus were peaceful, and while they didn't have what they saw as advanced weaponry, they did have farming, mining, and excavating equipment amongst other devices that could be repurposed for destruction and devastation. After years of having their planet torn apart, and their people enslaved, an underground resistance of Kahvus sought to reclaim their world. They achieved this the only way they knew how, with their miraculous medical technologies. Namely, nanobots. The Kahvu would normally use the microscopic robots to repair injuries and administer cures for illnesses. Though it appalled the Kahvus to their cores, a special batch of these nanites were created to target the genome of their invaders; a robot administered genocidal virus.

The nanites accomplished what they were created to do, the engineered virus spread like wildfire throughout the invaders, completely obliterating armies. The virus died out on its own but, the nanites didn't. The hastily created defense delivery system was of a subpar quality compared to the more refined medical nanites, the rush job nanites soon mutated and began replicating at an astonishing speed, taking in whatever matter it touched. The Kahvus could do nothing against the new threat and accepted their fate as punishment for the vile way they had combated their enemy. They wouldn't even try to leave, if even a single nanite made its way with them, they'd be spreading a plague.

Within months Atzam, once green and prosperous, home to thousands of unique species, became nothing more than a sphere of writhing metal. Their last act was sending a warning message through space. A warning of quarantine and condemnation. The brave and stupid who went to investigate and never returned added fuel to the very real rumors. The planet was dead.

But life finds a way.

The nanites continued to spread along the planet and when there was nothing left to consume, the miniature robots turned on one another. Generation after generation passed, with each succession mutating and separating slightly. Eventually a different sort of evolution took place. The nanites became the new single celled organisms, which split and grew a brand new tree of life.

Time passed.

Atzam was once more full of life, but not green and lush. Atzam remained a sphere of metal, no longer writhing micro machines, but actual life evolved from the nanites and a forgotten memory of a race and species long dead. Everything on the planet was a silvery echo of the organic life it held once upon a time; all five kingdoms, monera, protozoa, fungi, plants, and animals. The cycle began anew and the Atzma'ee rose from a species of small animals and became the new dominant lifeform. They gained intelligence and then sapience. Once more they achieved civilization, technology, and a curious outlook on the world beyond. Space travel was once again on the cusp of being achieved.

Signs of intelligence, communication signals, and the beginnings of interstellar travel coming from a section of space long considered to be an off-limits, diseased, and derelict ghost world of death and damnation soon caught the attention of other alien beings. Other races are wary of the Atzma'ee and treat them with suspicion. Integration with with any alliances has been slow going.

Quilver was one of the lucky few Atzma'ee to be accepted into an elite academy off-planet. Just like on Earth, the older students participated in a time honored event of hazing the newbies. It was just supposed to be a cruel prank; round up the rookies, and drop them off on the most backwater planet known, Earth, then take them back home after terrifying some drunken locals for a few hours.

Their ship was shot down over Earth.

It would have been a rough though easily survivable landing, but there was the rotten luck of a meteor shower. Little ones that would have burnt up in the atmosphere instead struck the ship and caused more damage. They crashed. The other aliens aboard, being soft and fleshy, did not survive. Quilver was horrifically injured and splattered across a grassy field. The heat from the fire and resulting disorientation from the crash prevented her from healing right away. Quilver managed to drag herself away from the site where she was found by a mutant who had been observing the shower. He nursed her back to health and she's stayed with him ever since.

With the timing of the meteor shower, the crash was explained by the Government as a prank.

Criminal Record: She is technically an undocumented illegal alien.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
  • Atzam may be a shiny world, but the only colors that occur naturally are metallic shades of black, white, and gray. As such, Quilver, like most Atzma’ees is utterly fascinated by color, particularly in the form of flowers or Earth metals.
  • Atzma'ees do not register as artificial lifeforms and are individuals, there is no trace of a hive mentality.
  • Her favorite food is sterling silver.
  • She dislikes pennies, they don't taste very good to her, but the zinc is actually quite healthy and beneficial.
  • Quilver has a fancrush on Robert Patrick
  • Her colorful crest is derived from a chunk of peacock ore a friend gave her as a gift.
  • She cannot physically speak English, she has a translator implanted in her body that speaks for her.
  • She has been known to pretend not to understand Earthen concepts, people tend to let secrets slip when they think she's naive.
  • On occasion, her translator gets a word wrong, this is especially true for synonyms of homonyms.
    The Uidry were the invaders and the ones to shoot the ship down.
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