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Fractured - nightclub and mutant fight arena

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:22 am
by vile

Located in a section of Crowley's that's currently being redeveloped. Broken old buildings come down with their lots either becoming home to new construction or a city park.

A tall dark building with dark grey brick, black mortar, tinted windows set into black frames. The building's purpose isn't immediately apparent. There are only a couple signs on the entire building that advertises what's inside. One blue neon light in the front window near the door that depicts a 2 headed crow. One screaming with rage, one smiling joyously. Under that is another sign that reads Fragmented. Down one side of the building, written vertically, is another that also bears the name of the club.

Layout: Open layout that emphasises size and grandeur. To either side of the main entrance on the interior of the building are 2 curving staircases that lead up to the balcony. The bar runs down one side of the club and is a very good size. Enough that some nights there are 2 bartenders on duty. Comfortable bar stools line the bar and on the opposite side of the room are a few lounge seats that share a handful of small tables.

The area between the entrance and stage has many tables and booths that are situated to fit as many people in as possible while keeping them separate. Half-walls that go high enough to create space but don't box people in or lead to claustrophobia. Emphasis on this space is on dining and meetings. They can see the stage and enjoy the music but the walls also block off some of the sound. It mutes the music enough to sustain a conversation.

In front of the stage is an area that, in the daytime, is for more tables and seats. They have a better view of the stage than the middle section and enjoy louder music. It's possible to hear someone at the table but they'd need to raise their voice. At night the tables are gone and the empty space becomes a dance floor.

Noon-6PM: At daytime the place functions as a restaurant and even has a sign out front of it advertising the daily special. It boasts of locally grown vegetables and in-season meats.

7-3AM: Main focus is on the bar and dinner menu. A singer remains active on the main stage for the duration of the night. The most common singer is Deloris. A light blue female humanoid bird with a mesmerizing voice that enveloped each customer as if she’s serenading each in private.

In the basement, down a spiral staircase, is a large room of concrete and rebar. Along two sides is a bar. In the middle of the room is a large cage secured by magic and powers to contain fights. Workers keep it clean and referees keep the fights clean. There’s rumors that the fights are staged but are spectacular to watch.

Bait: A newbie or a weak mutant. Used to warm up the contenders. Doesn’t pay much but is a good way to enlist as a contender.

Contender: A veteran fighter or mutant with a spectacular power to wow the crowd. Some are regular employees and others come and go as they please. Get a flat rate per fight and a percentage of the bets placed during their rounds. This places an extra pressure to put on a more dazzling fight.

Spectator: Those who watch and bet on events.

Staff includes

Paul: One of the two bartenders and the one who's present the most often. Looks normal with the help of an illusionist staff member. Tall, thin, with mediocre appearance. Not ugly but he's not worth a double-take either. Power is purely physical: tentacles. 12 of them in total. Each is slender, fully prehensile, without suckers or clasps. They wrap around objects to manipulate them. With the help of the resident illusionist they disappear and he appears to have telekinesis.

Deloris: Singer that performs regularly. Has the appearance of a bird. Iridescent light blue feathers, beak that fits on her face well, small round black eyes. Tends to wear silk dresses that won't catch on her feathers or ruffle them. Always neatly preened. Voice is nasaly and has a bit of honk to it but changes while using her powers. Empathetic voice. Able to manipulate feelings and emotions with directed intent using her song much like a Siren can. Her song seems to envelope each customer as if she serenades them individually.

Percy: Doorman. Short, morbidly obese, with a bad attitude. A deep scowl cuts through the folds of his ugly face. Generally his eyes squint shut so the pupils aren't visible but when inspecting an ID or a guest requiring a better look they open fully and protrude from their sockets. While open they're several times larger than a normal man's and are an unappealing gold flecked with a sickly green. Should anyone get a better look at his hands they'd find them to be webbed. Power is physical mutation and lightning-quick reflex. He has a long tongue that's super sticky, can shoot out several feet, and is strong enough to jerk an adult off-balance and sling them around. Well-versed in physical combat and despite his size can hold his own even against mutants who seem to have an advantage.

Rini: Resident illusionist. Petite, slender, has an odd sense of fashion.

Abha: Singer. Power is healing voice. Preforms at least once a week and is one of Richard's favorites. Blind but wears hazel contacts. Carries a white cane to help her walk and usually has an attendant with her. Wears luxurious silks and gold.

Malakai: Healer. Cowardly man who wears a plague doctor outfit. Uses his powers to move injuries from the customer to a target entity or object. Expensive but fast and efficient. Power deducts life from the customer that’s equal to however long it would normally take to heal on their own. Not something he discloses because only repeat clients would notice.