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Richard Creevley

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:57 pm
by vile
Player Nickname: Blackheart

Name: Richard Creevley
Age: 28
Date of Birth: May 14, 1987

Height: 5'2
Weight: 140
Hair Color: Black with bright blue tips
Eye Color: Bright blue contacts
Place of Origin: New York, NY
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Owns Fragmented (nightclub/restaurant) and a section of Crowley's. Businesses include: butcher and gourmet pet food combo, hotel/spa/massage combo, and other assorted buildings.

Personality Profile: Alternates between being outgoing and friendly with impatient and angry. Tends to give off a 'creep' vibe part from his unfortunate looks and tone of sarcasm and malice that often taints his voice even when he's genuine. The lies, acting, and his short fuse makes accurate reading him difficult. He's nearly always smiling.

Assumes the rest of the world is beneath him and playing the same insincere game he is. Years of listening to how people really feel about him versus the front they put on has given him trust issues. It's easier to assume everyone's an enemy than be betrayed. Wants to help mutants and sees them more worthy of his time than those who aren't. Mutants get a free pass and he gives them time to redeem themselves in his eyes before passing judgement.

Natural voice is boyish and can be nerve-grating but can change it to sound more pleasant or even honey coat it with telepathy. His tone is quiet but he amplifies his shouting by echoing it with his mind.

Physical Description: Short, skinny waif with pale skin that seems completely free of scars. Generally unappealing boyish features with sharp angular lines, dark circles around his bright blue eyes that glitter when he focuses on using his power. Colored or metallic eyeliner accents his eyelids some days. His nose is a slightly crooked classic Roman shape that tapers down to a beak-like end. Medium-length straight black hair usually with the ends dyed a neon blue and varies in style but is usually drawn up in a mohawk, brushed to one side as a mane, or in a short ponytail. Uneven teeth with upper and lower canines slightly longer and more sharp than a normal man's and can be especially intimidating when bared.

Clothing options include a plain button-up shirt, vest, black blazer, jeans or slacks kept in good repair, polished steel toe boots, and leather gloves. Some days he wears suspenders but improperly: they hang at his sides instead of going up over his shoulders. Colorful ties are a thing every now and then but usually match his hair, makeup, and contacts. During the winter add a heavy black overcoat with a collar made of luxurious fur that gives him the bulk of an average man's build. Depending on his mood he has a few nice scarves or silver fox stoles to keep him warm and add some zing to his outfit on cold winter days.

Gold or white gold jewelry that's tasteful in size and quantity decorates one of his ears, a wrist, or finger. The pieces change regularly or may be replaced by soft black leather. They go well with the thin silver frames of his glasses which are purely decorative. The lenses darken in bright light but seem to be too sensitive. This leaves them at some level of grey most of the time. His front left canine has a white gold crown on it.



General Power Information: Nosy psychic

Ability One: Overhear thoughts bouncing around in a person's skull. It's tuned out to a background murmur most of the time but he listens in when it could contain useful information. (Uses information in IC posts outside of focused interrogation). Things can be sent using the link as well and speak to others around him in a nonverbal manner. Both speech and images can be transmitted/received. The voice used to speak with others over the link can be changed to mimic that of other people including the target.

Ability Two: Telekinesis.

* Movement of reasonably sized items using his mind and aided by gestures to help with focus. The larger an item is the more likely it is to fail/can't be maintained as long.

* A large blast of power can be thrown at a target as a stronger attack. Cannot be sustained for any amount of time.

* The power can be spread out over an area like a shield to provide shield-like protection. Works equally well against physical objects as powers. Functions for 1-3 turns before fizzling out. The stronger an attack is the less effective the shield will be to the point of only weakening or having almost no effect.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Telepathy is passive and goes on whether he wants it to or not. Over the years he's learned to tune it out but excessively 'loud' or intense thoughts, emotions, or visuals are more difficult to block out. Not much of a trouble when he's around a few people but crowds can be a nightmare. The cacophony of mental noise wears his nerves thin very quickly.

On the other side of the coin he can't fathom a world without mental whispers. The thought terrifies him. He may want silence but fears it very much. When traveling he brings along a companion to make sure that he'll never be without the familiar background noise.

Focusing his telepathic powers tires him quickly and takes considerable effort. It's not something he has much practice with. For the most part he'd rather have peace and quiet than actively use his powers.

Due to spending his life trying to quiet the din around him he hasn't invested any time or effort shielding himself from other psychics. He's as vulnerable, if not more so, to psychics and manipulators than everyone else.


* Fast, agile, precise. Good in hand-to-hand combat especially with a small bladed weapon. Following the attack in his first bar he learned how to defend himself without using powers in case an area dampener is in use and he can't use his telekinesis.

* Knows how to properly use and take care of a gun but doesn't carry one.

* Lockpicking.

* Being very aware of his surroundings. Watches out for visual clues and details in addition to passive listening to shallow thoughts going on in the minds around him.

Background: Richard was born into New York high society. On his mother's side is old money from textile trades passed down from generation to generation and his father is a renowned plastic surgeon. Not much attention was given to him as a small child but that's what the hired nanny was for. Thanks to the unpleasant child's fits, constant lies, and mischief the nannies changed regularly. No meaningful bonds were forged in his early life. No friends were made. The hints of demophobia led to him being home schooled by a private tutor. The high marks awarded on his reports were earned and not assigned. Terrible as his behavior and temper might be he's a clever boy.

All along he assumed everyone else could do the things he can. That changed around his 11th birthday when he realized he was special. Things quickly spiraled out of control when he did like any naughty boy his age would with such very useful abilities. Strangers in a crowd, his parents, their friends, all became targets and tools to hone his powers. With quite a bit of trial and failure he found out the extent of what he can and can't do. Thought suggestion, overhearing secrets not spoken aloud, even moving objects with sheer willpower alone. While he did those things since birth he had never put thought or effort into it before. It was a new day for him.

Boredom led him to getting into more trouble but thanks to rich parents he faced few consequences. Misadventures in lockpicking, theft, forgery, getting too close to the bad side of the law led him down a bad path. It didn't take long for arrogance to overwhelm his good sense. He narrowly avoided arrest several times by the grace of his manipulative powers alone.

One highly unfortunate day there was an anti-mutant demonstration on a street near his home. Against his better judgement he joined the outermost ring of the crowd. Part of him wanted to do something but being surrounded by that much blind hate and unfiltered threats changed him. A teen who saw non-mutants as weak and ungifted turned to one with an active dislike. META's lack of force while resolving the conflict got them on his shit list too. If he was ever open to letting others close to him the door slammed shut that day.

The next portion of his life revolved around gathering independence, money and power. He attended business school and upon getting his diploma bought out a small bar with funds from his parents. It was small and not particularly lucrative but made for good real-world experience. There were ups and downs but he made out fine in the end. Things ended right before they got really good.

Another demonstration but this one wound up his doorstep. A small mob of violent anti-mutant activists took out the door to his bar and stormed it armed with guns and death. Once patrons and employees realized what was going on retaliation was quick. The resulting bloodbath ruined both the bar and Richard's future in the town. Fear plagued him and the voices of hatred became too loud for him to feel comfortable with. Paranoia drove him from the city. He vowed to not be a victim again and to support his brothers and sisters while quietly starting his own movement against those without powers.

A new town, a new life. He started up his new bar in the heart of Crowley's row. The historic building needed some love but the location and architecture with promise was too good to pass up. Three stories high, a sizable basement, and a flat roof with potential for the pigeon coop and garden to remind him of home. This time he had direction and a vision: a nice restaurant on weekdays and club on weekend nights. Doormen to discourage non-powered patrons and to keep his paying customers safe. Live shows nightly offering stand-up comedy, music, and performance art. Closed on Mondays.

In time the place became established and built a loyal userbase. There are rumors about what goes on in the basement but it's not widely known or publicized. Something about a fight club but the place seems too upscale for that sort of thing. He has been buying up businesses on the block but doesn't interfere with how they function. Repairs are being made to the structures, streets, and parks as a voluntary clean-up project to make the area more appealing to the public and bring up the property values. Unattached to his name, but very much his money and influence, is a soup kitchen/free clinic combo and temporary housing project for the homeless. Focus is providing mutants with jobs and a livelihood.

Criminal Record: Suspected of multiple crimes but hasn't been charged with anything yet.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

* Wears gloves because he's uncomfortable with germs or the thought of becoming dirty. Prefers things tidy and clean. Doesn't like the idea of touching something that someone else has. A warm seat is his nightmare. Hates being touched enough that his skin crawls after contact. Over time as he grows to know a person the crawlies subside.

* Believes that all individuals with mutant powers are above normal humans. Abilities are divine blessings. Even the least useful or undesirable power has its uses if the right application is found.

* Can't cook. Try as he might the results are never more than 'I guess it's edible'. Hates bagels.

* Logo for his nightclub is a two-headed crow. One side angry and spitting, one side curiously joyous.

* Additional pictures: airquotes, with snazzy pet bird.

List of commonly used henchmen:

Steve: Tall, blonde, muscular build. Attractive, blue-eyed, and charming. Has a great smile and keeps quiet most of the time unless he has to say something. Commonly found with Richard even when he's off-duty. Primarily a bodyguard but can carry out orders while in Richard's company.

Power: Absorb and redirect kinetic energy. Incapable of storing energy for long periods of time so he what he gets from an altercation is what he has to work with. Only gets kinetic energy from objects coming in direct contact with him. Absorption is automatic and expelling energy is willfully directed into physical attacks or actions. Trying to absorb too much can cause physical harm due to everything not being taken in.

Larry: Short, skinny, average. Dark brown eyes that are kind of squinty. Cracks a lot of jokes and doesn't take much seriously. Has a bad temper and acts on it more readily than Richard does. If there's an altercation or reason for violence he's usually the first one sent in. Reliable and the most likely to get a job done. Only found around Richard while on bodyguard duty and carries out orders on his own sometimes.

Power: Shadow mastery. Can walk through shadows as a method of teleportation. Able to bring along 1 person. Forms physical shapes out of shadows and manipulate them at will. The darker the area the greater his control and the more he has to work with. Bright areas and soft lighting diminish his control. If it's too sunny or bright he suffers physically and has to find shade to stand in. Mainly works at night and on cloudy days.

Chirp: Amorphous blob of organic matter. Unknown to have any natural features beyond being a puddle of goo. No personality traits. Isn't very good at mimicking humans beyond looks. Unless it's had extensive time to study the things that it mimics there will always be parts of it that are off. Incapable of speech beyond making a bird-like chirping noise. Understands some words but not many. Has no sense of control or temper so it can be a wildcard. Not likely to bite entities designated as friends but it can happen if stressed or confused.

Power: Shapeshifting. Can't change it's size to a great degree. Contains the same amount of mass no matter what shape it's in. If a mouse it would still be a 200 pound mouse. Stretching to too large of size would make it unstable and likely to collapse into a puddle. Emits a yellow-green ooze that digests any living organic matter. Inorganic matter makes it uncomfortable or even causes damage. Large amounts of activity, noise, or other overstimulation can cause confusion or disorientation. Poor memory means that mental images degrade quickly. After a short period of time it forgets details so shifting into a previously used form is more likely to result in 'interesting' results. Possible to combine 2 or more entities to fill in gaps of memory and the results can be monstrous.

Laura Silves: ... Laura#p156

Power: Being the monster under your bed.