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Blair Naedermaan [Whitey]

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:49 pm
by Eternal_Whispers
Player Nickname:Eternal_Whisper

Name: Blair Naedermaan
Codename: Whitey
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 09/18/1996

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Place of Origin: Canada
Nationality/Race: Canadian
Classification/Origin of Powers: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Trainee

Personality Profile: Friendly, yet reserved. Blair is quick to make friends and is quite the charismatic person, yet she is a compulsive liar about her past and does her best to make sure that people don't get too close.
She does her best to avoid talking about herself, mostly due to her insecurities about her own past and herself.

Physical Description:


General Power Information: Healer, she is great at healing and protecting herself and others.

Ability One: Healing - Blair can form a healing field, approximately three feet in radius from herself that will begin to repair any minor damage sustained by any living creature around herself. This is active at all times, which effectively keeps her healthy and injury free from most minor wounds. She is unable to deactivate this field as of now. She can focus this field into a more directed manner to heal more serious wounds as well. Kind of as a projected beam at long range and more of a small orb over a wound at short range. The longer the range, obviously the less effective, the range can not extend more than twice her aura's radius however.

Multiple Targets are possible, even within her field, however there are diminishing returns associated, each additional target cuts the total output by roughly half. (2 targets is 50 50, 3 targets is 50, 25, 25, four targets is 50, 25, 15, 10.) As a target becomes healed, the remaining energies are redirected to the next most wounded and so on.

Wound Classes:
Minor: Small cuts (Think slicing your finger open while cutting vegetables), scrapes and wounds that do not bleed for very long or would heal/clot on their own without intervention.
(Instant to 1 minute heal time depending on severity)

Moderate: Medium cuts (Think cutting your arm open because you got it caught on a piece of jagged metal) and wounds that will continue bleeding without intervention but are not life threatening with proper intervention.
(2 Minutes - 5 Minutes depending on severity)

Grievous: (Think Gunshot wound to the stomach.) Any wound that a person would die from without immediate intervention.
(5 - 20 Minutes depending on severity)

Disclaimer: Single wounds are easier to heal than multiple wounds. Example: A person with multiple Moderate wounds will take the same time to heal as someone with one Grievous wound and take the same amount of energy.
Complex Wounds are also more difficult to heal than a simple wound of the same classification. Example: a severed Major artery is much easier to heal than an organ having been shredded.

Examples: Broken Tibia ( 15 Minutes), Broken Finger (3 Minutes), Severed Jugular (3 Minutes), Shredded Lung (20 minutes).

Ability Two: Protect- Blair can form a field of energy that acts as a defensive shield, absorbing incoming energies of various types. She can extend a field in front of herself, which is stronger or make a weaker dome around herself or others which is substantially weaker. A small field can absorb one or two concentrated attacks.The larger dome can absorb maybe one concentrated attack before the barrier fails. Lower energy projectiles are much easier to deflect however.

Current Energy Rating (At 100%) = 10
Low Powered Projectiles (Thrown Objects such as knives, rocks, chairs, etc)= 0.1 points deducted.
Mild Powered Projectiles ( Projected Objects such as Arrows, Bolts, Low Calibre Small Arms Fire (Anything smaller than .38)= 0.5 points deducted.
Medium Powered Projectiles (Projected objects such as Higher Calibre Small Arms Fire (Anything .38 and above)= 1 Points deducted.
Moderate Powered Projectiles (Projected Objects of High Power, (Think Tank Shells, RPGs.)= 5 Points deducted.
High Powered Projectiles (Projected objects of Extreme Power, (Think MOAB, anything non Nuclear)= 20 Points deducted.
Obscenely Powered Projectiles (Projected Objects of Mass Destruction. Think Nuclear Bombs 10 Megatons or Greater)= 100 Points deducted, add 10 points for each megaton beyond 1 megaton

Ability Three: Smite- Blair has a limited ability to use her abilities in an offensive capacity, able to create and project bolts or beams of energy that she can use to cause minor damage to her target. Currently these powers are very limited, with the beams being able to extend out 20 feet before dissipating and becoming ineffective and bolts at 10 feet. At very close ranges however both are powerful enough to send a grown man across the room and potentially daze.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The energies powering her abilities are finite, and can become drained or completely exhausted. She can only do one thing at a time, unable to heal while protecting, unable to protect while healing, etc. Attempting to heal a grievous wound will drain her energy a lot faster than a small wound. Deflecting many attacks will drain her energy as well. Using her abilities too much can cause her to lose consciousness. Using her abilities in a concentrated manner will cause her to feel exhausted and fatigued, even leading to confusion similar to oxygen deprivation.

Skills: Blair is a fantastic cook, she loves the culinary arts but is only good at preparing vegan meals. She refuses to work with meat or any product from an animal. She is a marathon runner and an adequate swimmer. She knows how to survive in the wild for limited amounts of time and can even determine the difference between a computer monitor power button and the power button on the desktop.

Background: Blair has lead quite the boring and mundane life to be honest, she was born in 1996 and has since been the main focus of ire to her parents, both of whom were born in the late 70s and were merely children little older than she is now. She grew up hearing them bickering about things like money, work and school being stupid. So when she was old enough to go to Kindergarten it was a shock to the teachers to learn that she enjoyed school more than being at home, mostly because she didn't have to be around all of the drama at home.

As she grew older her parents drifted apart and she was awarded custody to her mother, whom was now 23 and was partying all of the time, while her mother was away one day Blair decided to play dress up and was caught wearing her mothers make up and clothing by the baby sitter, whom took it upon herself to show Blair how to wear it properly and even took her shopping for her own clothes that fit better.

As she reached her teen years, and puberty began to start she noticed something a little strange about herself, bugs that she squashed mere moments later were still flying around herself and when she fell and scraped her knee on the track field there were no wounds where she expected them to be. The biggest incident was when she was playing on her phone and walked out into the street without looking, and then found herself enveloped in a barrier of energy. When the barrier dissipated she saw that the car's front end was completely crushed in on itself. In a mixture of shock and disbelief she was frozen solid for a few moments before passing out on the ground.

A while later she found herself waking up within Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: None To speak of.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Blair hates chocolate, and refuses to eat it but for some reason she doesn't understand will take any chocolate offered to her happily and will eat it immediately and not remember having eaten it. If not offered to her she will refuse to touch it, the chocolate must be in the hand of the person offering it and it must be extended out to her within her visual range.