Westley Roan

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Westley Roan

Post by vile »

Player Nickname: Blackheart

Name: Westley Roan
Age: 39
Date of Birth: January 2, 1976

Height: 6'1
Weight: 250
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Pale blue
Place of Origin: Portland, Oregon
Nationality/Race: American
Classification/Origin of Powers: Alien

Status: Refugee
Occupation: Chemist

Personality Profile: Dry wit, sarcastic, quiet. Westley is a firm believer in showing and not telling. While he may try to keep a straight face most of the time it cracks when annoyed or amused. When in doubt his jaw clenches and that's most of the time nowadays. Around company he enjoys he's able to relax and become more expressive. Certain subjects hold his attention longer than others and he may be reluctant to drop a conversation or line of questions.

The worm has no real personality of its own yet aside from predatory instincts and aggression. It doesn't think the same way a person does and functions at the level of a feral animal. While able to process some information and make sense of the data its IQ isn't measurable. Dubbed 'Bob' by Westley.

Physical Description: On the tall side with an average build. Lifting weights is not his thing but every day begins with a morning jog. They clear his mind and help keep him in good enough shape. Age and stress are visible on his face in the form of lines and bags under his pale blue eyes. After years of keeping himself clean-shaven he has since given that up after going on medical leave. Some days at least. The beard comes and goes. Wardrobe shifts same as the beard. A t-shirt and jeans one day with a pressed button-up shirt and slacks the next like he's trying to make things normal again.

Wormy is visible when viewed by an appropriate piece of medical equipment or mutation that allows sight either psychic or extraordinary measure. It's a small dark blob a few inches in length and diameter between his brain and skull. Tendrils weave around his brain like blood vessels.

Viewed by Westley, or others via the sims or other technology to make seeing it possible, it takes a similar form to its host. At a glance the copy looks like Wes but further inspection reveals it as a fake. Most of the parts are right but the details are off like pieces were swapped out at will to meet personal preference. Dark veins and arteries are visible under pale nearly transparent skin. When its mouth opens there's a slight delay from 'floating' jaws not attached to skull but instead cartilage. Multiple rows of teeth almost too sharp to be human spiral back in the jaw much like a shark. Like the teeth its nails are sharp and thick almost like claws. Its lidless eyes are black with no discernable iris or sclera and shuts via a clear nictitating membrane. The worm's movements are jerky and quick.


General Power Information: Brain slug. Boosts some physical traits and provides a special friend to keep him company forever. As the symbiote grows and sends out tendrils into more of his body other powers may develop.

Ability One: 2 brains are better than one. Boosts mental processing power and reflexes, confuses telepaths. The boost isn't a terribly powerful one but it provides him with extra insight. A second brain to bounce ideas off of or work problems out with. It can notice things that he doesn't and increase his reaction time accordingly. As it's not a mutation he won't be detected as one and there aren't any outward signs of his being abnormal*. Telepaths are likely to be confused by touching upon two minds when targeting him. It's not as much resistance but requires that much extra effort to separate one from another if they can do that at all.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

The biggest drawback is having a passenger in his head. The presence can't be blocked out even with the help of chemicals either pharmaceutical or otherwise. Tries to not acknowledge the presence for fear of looking insane. The symbiote is capable of giving him hallucinations that are disturbingly real and telling them from reality can be difficult. Questions his sanity and whether it's him in control or the thing in his head.

Whenever walking past a mirror or other reflective object a representation of the symbiote is visible to him. It commonly has his appearance but is distorted in various ways. Visible to mutants with psychic abilities as it broadcasts loudly in his mind. The sims recognize that the worm is a separate entity and create an instance of it visible to others. This disappears once the simulation is over.

Headaches and dizziness/fainting are common side-effects. There isn't much room left in his skull so getting his head knocked around causes him more distress than a normal man.

Eyes glow a faint gold-white color if the worm attempts taking control. It can't hold dominion for long.

Skills: Good with puzzles that involve logic or a hands-on approach particularly mechanical or physical. Puzzle cubes and jigsaw puzzles are his favorites.

Background: Normal. Life was once normal and sane. Go to work, go home, spend time with the kid, apologize to the wife for forgetting their anniversary. Again. It happens every year. Things worsened, the rift increased in size, and they split up. Wife and child remain in the house and he takes up residence a few miles away closer to his place of work. Juggling time grew more difficult with transit time and forcing schedules to work together.

One day things worked out nicely. A class trip, a need for a parent chaperone, and time spent with his kid. Everything fell into place. The day was good. Father and son strayed from the group just a little in order to reach over the rope barring a meteorite exhibit. A moment of curiosity that complicated his life substantially weeks later after a small spore migrated from rock to flesh in search of a host.

Headaches plagued him. Flashes of light, a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. A whisper near his ear. Symptoms of being under too much stress. It's difficult to keep a firm grasp on a demanding job, trying to repair a marriage, and be in his child's life. This was all just in his head. The hallucinations worsened as did his headaches as the parasite now sitting shotgun in his head grew in size.

The confused hallucinations coalesced into a second functioning mind. A thing in his head that spoke to him in a coherent manner using both imagery and sound both. No purpose, no reason for being. This thing was just that: something in his head. For weeks he agonized over it and the decision to see a doctor, get an x-ray, or find some other proof that he hasn't simply cracked. Fear of being tossed into a psych ward if it was nothing at all or becoming a lab rat if there really was something amiss.

There aren't many places to be properly evaluated and also be kept relatively safe. This brings him to the Sanctuary where, even if his special friend really is a permanent companion, he won't suffer for it.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Gummy bears have a special place in his heart but he won't be caught playing with them. Enjoys model train sets and customizes everything. Also takes model cars and turns them into junkers for a laugh. Republican, conservative, Catholic. Wife's name is Joyce, son is Lars, fat old cat is William. The cat has long hair that's brown with grey tips.
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