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Conversation with orkz

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:09 pm
by Goldbolt
Where to begin... I get the feeling he basically just parked himself in a moderately numbered channel without a thought to anything.
Session Start: Wed Jul 22 18:02:41 2015
Session Ident: orkz
[18:02] <JJ> Hello and welcome, sorry for not pming you earlier.
Session Close: Wed Jul 22 21:29:19 2015

Session Start: Thu Jul 23 13:24:28 2015
Session Ident: orkz
[13:24] Session Ident: orkz (DarkMyst, JJ) (orkz@46.109.rg.grk)
[13:24] <orkz> :)
[13:24] <orkz> why would you need to pm me?
[13:24] <JJ> Hello!
[13:25] <JJ> You're sitting in my channel and thought I'd say hi and ask if you have any questions about joining.
[13:25] <orkz> well.. I have one question
[13:25] <orkz> what is your channel about?
[13:26] <orkz> I see it's a roleplay game..
[13:26] <JJ> Superhero inspired rp, people with powers living their lives, occassionally saving the day, going on missions, stuff happens.
[13:27] <orkz> and how do you play it?
[13:28] <JJ> You create a character and fill out the template with their details. Powers, backstory, personality, etc. Then in the In-Character room you RP. It's basically like a huge collaborative story between all the players.
[13:30] <orkz> so.. no bots that control the "game"?
[13:30] <JJ> We have no bots, only people contributing their suggestions and characters.
[13:32] <orkz> I see
[13:33] <orkz> I guess that's not for me
[13:33] <JJ> What were you looking for if I may ask?
[13:36] <orkz> fighting game with races, classes, skills, weapons
[13:37] <orkz> bot controled
[13:37] <orkz> I played something like that a long time ago
[13:37] <JJ> Nope not us then, we only dice if we want to, otherwise we leave it to the players to not auto-hit and decide their own results/injuries.
[13:39] <orkz> can I be god in your game? :D
[13:39] <JJ> No.
13:44] <orkz> ok, good luck
[13:45] <JJ> Thank you for your joining and the question session even if this channel wasn't for you. Good luck yourself in finding what you are looking for.
[14:07] <JJ> Anything else?
[14:07] <orkz> you want me to leave channel?
[14:08] <JJ> If you're not interested in joining, please.
[14:08] <JJ> Thank you.
[14:08] <orkz> np
Session Close: Thu Jul 23 14:11:50 2015

Session Start: Thu Jul 23 14:13:31 2015
Session Ident: orkz
[14:13] Session Ident: orkz (DarkMyst, JJ) (orkz@46.109.rg.grk)
[14:13] <orkz> I will make my own game :)
[14:14] <JJ> Good luck.

Re: Conversation with orkz

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:12 pm
by Sisip
Welp, took him long enough to respond, but at least we finally got something out of him.
