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Vox/Marek Beauchamps

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:36 pm
by Khirsyth
Player Nickname: Khirsyth

Name: Marek Beauchamps
Codename: Vox
Age: 21
Date of Birth: March 24, 1994

Height: 6’3”
Weight: 190 pounds
Hair Color: Black with red streaks
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: New Orleans, Louisiana
Nationality/Race: American/Cajun/Caucasian
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Experiment in nano-technology for military purposes.)

Status: Trainee/resident
Occupation: Musician

Personality Profile: A punk/rockerboy musician, Marek isn’t exactly a big fan of authority. However, he largely puts on a tough front for the world – he truly has the soul of a poet, and feels everything very keenly.

Physical Description: Tall and wiry, Vox is pale-skinned and has a preference for dark leather and vinyl clothing. He often wears black khol around his eyes. His hair is nearly to his waist, black with thick red streaks. He usually wears square red rimless sunglasses. He is almost never seen without an instrument.


General Power Information: Audiokinetic

Ability One: Sound manipulation: Can augment or decrease volume of outside sources. Can create sonic beams that can harm others. Can match harmonic frequencies of non-living matter to cause damage/destroy.

Ability Two: Voice modulation: Can mimic other voices, as well as many non-verbal sounds. Has perfect pitch and tone for singing purposes.

Ability Three: Enhanced hearing: hears high and low frequency sounds. Auto-filters potentially harmful sounds to reasonable levels. Can selectively filter out sounds (for instance, to hear a conversation across the room).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: An Electro-magnetic pulse will shut down the nanites in his body that provide his powers. His powers will not work in a vacuum.

Skills: A musical prodigy, he is an excellent singer, and can play: Piano, Guitar (electric, acoustic, bass), drums, violin, and trumpet. He can pick up other instruments quickly. He is fluent in English, French, and Creole. Having been homeless for an extended period of time, he is quite streetwise. He has had to survive through theft (pickpocketing) and he has developed some skill in brawling (self-defense). Having dropped out of school young, he is lacking in formal educational skills – math, science, history.

Background: Born and mostly raised in New Orleans, he was 11 when Hurricane Katrina hit. His mother died in the storm, leaving Marek and his little sister Sophie, who was 6 at the time, as orphans. Like many, he found himself in the Superdome during the storm. One of the aid workers convinced him and Sophie to get a “vaccination” that was really an experimental nanite cocktail. Of course, the aid worker wasn’t really an aid worker at all. Unfortunately, Marek and Sophie never found out the source of the experiment, no matter how hard Marek tried.
Marek’s powers manifested about 18 months later. Both he and his sister were living at a foster home, and the foster father was yelling at Marek for skipping school. Marek started to yell back, and yelled forcefully enough to throw the foster father up against a nearby wall. Shocked, Marek ran away. Sophie followed him. They stayed on the streets for about a month before the police caught up with them. Sophie got put back into the foster system, and Marek went to Juvenile Detention. It was not the last time.
Marek spent the next 6 years in a seemingly revolving door of Juvie, foster home (never for more than a few weeks), living on the streets, getting caught for something, and ending up back in Juvie. A few times, he didn’t even make it to a foster home – the system refused to give him access to his sister, so he would get angry. He would inevitably either hit someone, or use his still-not-well-controlled powers to hurt someone or something.
After he turned 18, Marek learned that his sister had been adopted a few years before and moved out of state. It took him a couple of years of living clean – no incidents or arrests, getting an income by performing music in local New Orleans bar, and proving a lack of drugs or alcohol – for the agency to give him any information on his sister’s adoption. She had been adopted by a family and moved to Salem. He moved as well, but cannot find his sister. In the process of looking, he was noticed by Cobalt Hill, and offered a place there. He accepted, with the caveat that they would help him find Sophie.

Criminal Record: Extensive juvenile record.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Quick-tempered. Likes to write. Is often humming or tapping a beat. Has Sedatephobia (fear of silence). Does not trust social workers or medical professionals.

Re: Vox/Marek Beauchamps

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:56 pm
by Khirsyth
Character picture and wardrobe: