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Bringing Our People Home [06/29/15]

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:06 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> There is a loud beeping to anyone who is on the 'call' list for responses. The coordinates they are being summoned to would be the courtyard.

<@JJ> Snickered at the discussion between Jessica and Kay. "Evening, yup, Kay has an awesome awesome power. Not as cool as technopathy, but she can find you like that!" JJ snapped. "Impossible to sneak up on." Except for non mutants and... Uncle Dillon. He could sneak up on Kayla anytime if he wanted to. "Errm... Kay. Do you feel anything off about my x-gene?" Then came the the alert.

<@Sisip> .: Kayla :. The redhead blinks, "Off?" She watches him for a moment, "No? It feels just like it always does, wh.." She almost asks why, but then her phone beeped. She had hers tied into the system, just in case Alejandro had left his at home. Looking at it she looks to Lanryn, "Something's going down. Looks like the courtyard."

* +Sunder Cursing, so much cursing.. oh how much cursing there would be! The metalhead nursing some pulled muscle or another and a neck that just didn't want to turn would be jogging down the staircase, riflebag slug over back and bouncing more than he'd care for, tac-vest pulled tight, loaded down with the usual assortment of shite, all just making things just so much more lovely. He'd doubletime out to the courtyard,
<+Sunder> cursing all the more with each additional step.

<Jessica> She was content to listen to the discussion, although JJ's question about his own gene's caused a look of concern to show itself. Her free hand reached up, touching fingertips to her sunglasses to push them back up higher on the bridge of her nose. The call of what sounded like either a phone or alarm chimed and she'd turn her head in the direction of Kayla. Everything OK? Not that
<Jessica> they would know quite yet unless one of them had the power of forethought. heck, in a place like this that was just as likely as anything else. Her dog began to whine, the sound not pleasent to his ears. Jess reached her hand down to scritch behind his right ear and sooth him.

<@Sisip> Gains, in all his glory, stood in the courtyard glowering. In his hands he held what appeared to be a bundle of maps and photos.

* Trenton makes his way out to the courtyard at the summons, hands in his pocket and trailing a little bit of darkness behind him, but otherwise looking pretty normal at the moment.

* Lanryn gives JJ a wave when he enters, and then saves his current sim program into a folder that Gaines had created for him. So much work, so little time. The summons raised an eyebrow, and he shrugged. "We'd best be moving, eh?" He states..

<@Sisip> .: Kayla :. The redhead moved towards Jessica, "It sounds like they're rallying the troops for something." She nods to Lan, "Yeah, wanna join us, Jessica? I mean, it's not the last time this'll happen, but it's always at least mildly interesting."

* Angel-Pearson came rushing out into the courtyard in his spiffy uniform thing, which he looked dern good in, in his own humble opinion. The female-y version tailored to his specifications, kneehigh boots with the little blue stars along the laceholes, and matching fingerless gloves with a trio of blue stars on the back of the hand added for peronalization, along with a black messenger bag with more starry symbols decorating
* Angel-Pearson the front flap.

* +Sunder Makes his way towards gains, and gives something of a murderous 'this damn well better be worth it' glare before forceibly straining his neck, stretching it and making it pop loudly. Oh it hurt.. and it was going to hurt so much worse come morning... but he was ready for the night.

<Jessica> The troops? She hadn't been told quite yet that there were troops but stil she nodded. Sure, anything to be there and help if I can. She tried to smile but it didn't look honest. She was worried. A small tug was given to the handle of Buddy's harness, telling him to stand back up, which he did. I'll follow after you. Easier that way.

<@JJ> "Like it always does?" he questioned. "But my false arm..." Now he was getting anxious. KAyla didn't feel a difference, and they were being called for a mission. "I guess it's nothing... No big deal. I'll get geared up and meet you there. Techie's gotta bring the goodies after all!" There wasn't the usual chirp in his voice but his mood did brighten and JJ zipped away.

* Lanryn comments to Kayla as he passes. "Guide her by the elbow, its the proper way of doing it." He flashes that infectious smile again and strides down the corridor. I should mention that he wasn't wearing his robes anymore! Lan was dressed in a baggy hoodie with a pair of cargo pants that sagged a little low on his hips, thankfully the sweatshirt covered up any plumbers crack.

<@Sisip> Gains looks at Sunder, "Did I interrupt your beauty sleep, cupcake?" He snorts, shaking his head, "I'd figure you'd be all over these calls." He hands the bunch of papers towards Sunder as he gives Trent a nod. Angel arrives and is greeted with a stern grunt. "We've got a bead on our people. You need to go now, there's a farm to the North. Last sattelite pass shows that they are still there, but if what our intel says is true they'll know we're on our way." | Kayla rests her hand on Jessica's elbow, "I can help." Lan probably got tired of all the times Ash tried to mess with his robes, or all the time she called them his Wizarding Dress Cloak.

<Jessica> Laughed softly to JJ's words before he ran out of the room. Buddy looked nervous, the tail that had been wagging now slowed and was held closer to his body. As Lanryn spoke she quirked a brow. She'd need to ask him about that later, not many people she'd met so far knew about how to walk with her. She'd nod to Kayla Thank you. She'd follow Kayla out with Buddy at their right hand
<Jessica> side and likely all the way to the courtyard. She was glad, for once, that it wasn't raining.

* AnE ( Quit

* +Sunder Takes the papers and starts to look them over "If I wasn't all over it, i'd be back in the flat sippin scotch instead of standin out 'ere. Tell me we 'ave a flyer ot deal with little ms earthquake.."

* Angel-Pearson nodded quietly as Gains explained, a small bituv hope rising at the prospect of finding their peoples. A slightly weary glance was shifted Trent's way when he showed up, before his attention shifted to the group who showed up after him. Lan -did- look good in his civilian-y clothes, not that the wizardish robes weren't all cool and exotic. A little wave given over his, Kay's, JJ's annnd Jessica's direction
* Angel-Pearson while Sunder snarked on to Gains.

<@Sisip> .: Kayla :. They head out to the courtyard, the redheaded girl helping Jessica there before standing quietly. | "The BlueMan has readied the van and will take you out there, unless you choose to take your own transportation. That is entirely up to you. We believe they've got a telepath.. or a precog. As far as we know they've got the terrakinetic, Swarm, the driver was identified as Viper. We believe they've got a tech of some sort, and the seer. That's all the info we can give you for now." He nods to the paperwork Sunder had. "I suggest you go, now, and find them before they're moved again." By the front gate a van was parked, a man standing beside it who looked like he'd just stepped off stage from the Blue Man Group.

* +Sunder Kind of glances around and notices something amiss.. "Well.. None of the regular field leaders on hand then?"

<@JJ> Was in his gear and had brought along the usual collection of Team Goodies his dad had developed. He arrived in time to hear the debriefing and growled a little as the other techie was mentioned. JJ did not like hearing about competing technopaths. Especially when this one had been covering their tracks and trying to block him. JJ didn't care if the other techie didn't know of his
<@JJ> existance, JJ in his typical manner was taking things personally.

<Jessica> She let go of Kayla once they reached the courtyard and hearing distance of another person she had yet to meet. The tone he gave and all the bodies around told her this was not a casual grouping. Many footfalls, different scents, and the more uneasy she got the more Buddy tensed as well. A small growl deep within his throat. Shh.. shh.. She tried to calm him, one hand scratching
<Jessica> the back of his ear. She said nothing, for what use could she possibly be? The only thoughts that came to her were when it came to that swarm fellow she heard mentioned but even then she was likely to fail.

* Trenton grumbles and looks around. "What're we standing around for, lets get moving. Who's driving?"

* Lanryn mutters darkly. "I don't trust any of you kids to drive. Gimme the keys." He holds up a hand.

<@Sisip> Gains looked at Sunder, "It would appear you lot are going to have to figure that out on your way. Blue knows where to go. Time is of the essence." The BlueMan looks at Lanryn. He wasn't about to let anyone else drive. That was his sole purpose in Cobalt. The doors to the van open, boxes of gear and com units sitting on the ground for everyone to pick out of.

<@JJ> "What? You don't trust me?" He looked to Lanryn. "I can actually talk to the car and steer with my mind!" He pointed out and since he wasn't wearing the Tron costume as his mission suit at least he had that going for him. "Also got my license while dampened! Extra points!"

* +Sunder Rolls his eyes "Blue drives, blue always drives. That's 'is bloody job an 'es bloody good at it. Right then! Off to the van, team pep talk an en route scolding once we pile in."

* Angel-Pearson it sounded like they were up against quite a bit. This was unlikely to be very pleasant. When Gains finished and everyone began heading for the van he made his way over by JJ, snagging any random goodies he had extras of and stashing them in his bag. Never knew what you'd need.

* Lanryn frowns, recalling the last time the blueskinned man drove. They did the speed limit. And never hit any pedestrians. As far as points go, he was a crappy driver. The lanky mage then walked over to Gaines, to have a quiet word with him. Then he hopped into the back of the van with the rest. He was all ready for some fun, part of his preparations while staying inside the labrynth of
* Lanryn rooms and corridors that was the academy. Mistrustful and suspicious, so he kept his kevlar on under the sweatshirt, and his sidearm and spare magazines tucked away in a pocket.

* Trenton just went for the car and climbed in grabbing a coms unit and a couple .45's and body armor.

<Jessica> Took in a deep breath. On one hand she may be useful if came to the bug guy but on the other hand she may absolutely not. And then again if someone got hurt she could help but not being able to see how would she know where they were injured. She shook her head and made sure to stay out of the way, pulling Buddy back with her. A thought then occurred to her, one that had her turning about
<Jessica> and starting for the dorms instead of the car people began to fill.

<@Sisip> .: Kayla :. The redhead watched everyone head towards the van... and Jessica to the dorm. She finds a bench and sits. | BlueMan gets everyone into the van and off they go to #CH*Beyond


* +Sunder Climbs into the van and takes a look around the gathering. "Alright then.. Who needs the breifing on this one?"

<@Sisip> BlueMan was, despite Lan's protests, a decent driver and soon they were out in the country and tearing down a road. The van is swung to the left, down a dirth path, going an indirect route this time. Vroom

<@JJ> Passed the goodies out to everyone. The standard mission fare, plus he'd reach out with his senses for anything electronic that he could see or hear through, things he could tell to loop. Though likely not much until they were within range of... wherever they were going.

<@Sisip> BlueMan skidded the van to a halt and pressed a button, all the doors opening at once. He got out of the van and stood there, looking over the group. "This is your extraction point. The farm is beyond that tree line." He nods towards it. "Support and medical are on call and will arrive when summoned. Just say the word." He taps his ear. This was more than the BlueMan has ever said before!

* Lanryn takes the provided gear, frowning slightly at the digital communications package, but placing it in his ear. Once the van comes to a stop, Lan is quickly out the back, and taking a knee. While everyone offloads, his weapon is withdrawn from the pouch of his hooded sweatshirt, the pistol's magazine is dropped, and the darts are given a critical eye before the gun is reloaded and
* Lanryn cocked. He presses down on the throat mic. "So boys n girls, how do we engage a seer, and two villians?" Lan had his own ideas, but teamwork was essential.

<+Sunder> If they 'ave the tech with them, JJ might be able to give us a view of what's waiting before we walk over the 'ill. Though, the arse could EMP the area again, that'll fry all our tech gear comms included. 'ave JJ try first, an if we can't get a view, go in quiet no point in startin a shootin war when they 'ave 'ostages an a trap laid for us.

<@JJ> Stared at the Blueman in... well not quite horror, but it was close to it. Shock, surprise? Some mix of that. Maybe this was more serious than they though or the blueman had been replaced with a clone. It would-... actually that would be a first! JJ couldn't remember anything to do with evil clones outside of a Sim run in all his years at Cobalt. He broke off his surprise and saluted
<@JJ> Sunder. "Already on it, Zappy!" JJ was feeling and peeking, and peeping around with his technosenses.

<@Sisip> The farm was your typical sleepy looking two story white house with a large grey barn to the side. There was a field that had a setup for livestock but no livestock were to be seen. The lights were on in the house and people could be seen moving through the windows. Lights were also on in the barn, though the windows were so high up one would not be able to look into them. JJ would feel machines!

* Angel-Pearson hopped out of the van with everyone else, blinking when the Blueman gave them the information. He drew one of his small, hallucinogen dosed throwing blades from his bag and nodded as the Sunder spoke and JJ confirmed he was working on it, it was a good idea and he stood waiting to hear if he came up with anything useful.

* Lanryn started to move forward once everyone was out of the van, he wasn't moving particularly fast, but he was staying low as he began the ascent of the hill. Once near the peak, he drops down to his hands and knees to crawl up the rest of the way before peeking over the top, all to prevent casting a targetable silohouette, relaying the neccessary information via the communication package.

* +Sunder Unpacks the M-14 from the bag as he waits, and glances around to the others.. Quite content to wait for the chance to get a little intel before making a move.

<@JJ> His normally bright and glowing eyes took a solid dive. They stopped glowing and a horrified look crossed JJ's face, even more afraid than when Blueman was speaking. "There... There's the same set up like the warehouse. A LOT of lab and medical equipment." He swallowed. "The lady the machine told me about is there... The one who was... still is in a coma. Careful they have EMP... No
<@JJ> ofence Zappy." Why was he calling Sunder Zappy? Well, they used their code names on the field and Sunder's name name WAS his code name. JJ had never heard him called Malcolm before. "I can't see in... there are no cameras..." He figited a little... "I'm uh... getting feelings like when Kay- Amp. like when Amp was still working."

<@Sisip> Suddenly there seems to be commotion. Out of nowhere people begin to start running from the house to the barn. A small figure comes out and raises arms, a wall raising up out of the earth with a rumble. It wasn't a complete wall, however, just one that blocked a tractor trailer that sat off to the side. Another van pulled up to the house, this one resembled an ambulance.

* +Sunder Sighs "Right.. Well EMP won't 'urt us at least.. just makes it 'ard to coordinate. JJ, keep looking, they've got some sort of trap -" And then shite would go down. A few more curses would be uttered and the metalhead would make for the crest of the hill, getting down into an army crawl, pops the rifle over the top and peers through the scope to see just whats going on.

* Blackheart ( has joined #CH*Beyond

* Lanryn mutters darkly, a glance shot over at Sunder. "Can you disable the ambulance? Put a few rounds into the engine block, thats what they'll use to transport people out." He whispers quietly, then with that he was over the peak of the hill, making a steady pace forward while moving from position of concealment, to cover. The mage was more or less made for this sort of action, and he
* Lanryn moved with a practiced ease that made little noise. He keyed up the comms again. "We need eyes on the other side of the wall, anyone manage that?"

<@JJ> "They have a techie with them right?..." JJ had a sheepish look on his face, he'd only ever done this one to people, never had it done to him. There was no proof his thoughts were what was going on, but that was possible. But there was just a wall. No proof the other techie was spying on him. "Says you, Zappy... With an EMP my powers shut down. I can't hear mothing. Plus there's medical
<@JJ> stuff in there! People hooked up!" He looked to Lanryn. "I have Poddy with me... he's small, unnoticable, and I took the Mission Impossible theme off his hard drive so his sneaking has improved. I'll set him free and keep a look out through his eyes? Is that good?"

<@Sisip> Sunder would see, towards the barn, people being helped out. Some where in wheelchairs, some in gurnies, some just seemed to stumble along as if drugged. They were put into the large tractor trailer. They were all familiar faces. Oddly enough, as well as the people, a large freezer is wheeled into the tractor trailer. For the ambulance only one person is wheeled into that, along with an array of medical equipment. The terrakinetic climbed into the back, but hung outside the door. Another van pulled up, this one to the back door. Equipment started to be unloaded.

* Angel-Pearson made his way along with JJ, suppressing a little laugh at his comment about the mission impossible theme, and replying quietly "That could work."

* +Sunder Taps his comm "This isn't a fifty cal, i'm not crackin an engine. Tires on the other 'and are easy. 'oldin fire except as a last resort. JJ go 'head get eyes out there for us as fast as you can, same goes for the rest of you. Frak! That's our folks.. I take the shot and this can get real god damn ugly." He looks to lan, speaking without the comms, taking a second to get the words right. "They've moving them..
<+Sunder> not all of them are still whole.. Time to prioritize targets and strike isn't it?"

* Trenton eyed the Semi and the rest of what was happening and grit his teeth, speaking over the comms mic. "We need to move before they start those vehicles, so whats the plan?" Trent had been keeping himself in check and took his hands out of his pockets revealing that he no longer had that SND on his wrist and his legs and lower body began to pull in darkness and shadow. It crawled up
* Trenton him and began to solidify into what seemed like armor plating and his eyes had shifted, one glowing red and the other yellow, his upper body and arms also being covered in darkness but for the moment his head remained un-encased in shadow.

<@JJ> Pulled Poddy out and briefed the little guy. "I'll give you back the music files if you do this." warble warble. "Ok... and I'll seriously work on making it so you can taste..." Yes he was negotiating with the little thing. But broke off in a shudder atthe feeling of medical equipment. JJ did not like how they talked. The stories they sheared were disturbing. "Go! Poddy, we'll settle
<@JJ> details after. Don't be seen! If they do have a techie... You have invisible mode. Go!" Poddy would take off.

* Lanryn moves up a bit closer, taking shelter behind a particularly tall growth of grass, he keyed the comms. "They kidnapped our people, they made it ugly. Disable the vehicles, and draw them out from behind the wall. They want to fight defensively, lets make them take the offensive, lead them into a trap." The gun is worked free of his pouch, his index finger tapping the triggerguard.
* Lanryn He wasn't carrying live ammunition, just darts, darts that were unlikely to puncture tires. "JJ you got eyes on them yet?"

<@Sisip> As the team considers what to do someone closes the doors to the tractor trailer and makes for the cab. He waves his hand in a circle and shouts something. The last van closes up and starts to pull away. A few more items are loaded into the ambulance. The last one out of the house was a tall, older fellow wearing a suit. He moves to the passenger side of the ambulance and gets in. The rumble of the tractor trailer is heard.

* +Sunder Time was up, time to put felix's customizations to use. The M-14 was beautiful, 7.62 nato, custom barrel bedding, custom muzzle break, every little detail fine tuned by one of the greatest snipers in the world.. In the hands of the metalhead who certainly wasn't. It would do.. The vehicles that pulled away would start taking semi-auto fire, the rifle's report impossible not to hear, the muzzle flash hard to miss. A
<+Sunder> single shot would destroy a tire, he wanted at least two out on each vehicle moving or not, and 20 rounds per mag made that easy.

* Trenton grumbles and moves in, he wasn't letting them get away again, his head and face becoming covered in the thick shadows, the Nightmare was given leave to manifest once more. He moves through the darkness like a wraith, those odd colored eyes the only things giving him away as he radiated fear and terror upon his approach, it wasn't something that was targeted it merely emanated from
* Trenton him. Lances of Darkness growing from his back like odd sharpened serpents waiting to impale any unlucky enough to get in his way.

<@JJ> "They have more than our people as hostages." He informed. "Sick people. Drugged, comas, missing limbs... The medical stuff back in the warehouse told me about amputations. And I only just set Poddy out, Magicman." His eyes were aglow again as he watched through Poddy's eyes. The tiny robot, scurrying through the grass like some mechanical mouse. "I'll tell you what Poddy sees. Try to
<@JJ> get inside one of the vehicles." That last bit was an order to poddy, but he said it outloud.

* Angel-Pearson after JJ had sent poddy off, and he heard the engines start to life Angel looked over at the techie "..Can you stop the vehicles like when you hijacked the van? We can't let them get away again." and when Trent started barging forward without talking to anyone he cringed. Had he learned -anything- from the previous experience? He hissed "What are you -doing- Trent?!" into his comm-thing.

* Lanryn observes trenton with a grin, the sharp retorts of the rifle firing illiciting no response from the combat hardened veteran. He keyed his comms. "Way to go JJ. Keep up the fire Sunder, and be ready for retaliation. Trent, disregard that, lets try a Mr.Koolaid." With that the lanky mage had broke from cover, and flickered out of sight. He reached the wall and flattened himself
* Lanryn against it, hoping this all worked out right.

<@Sisip> As the shots ring out there's a jerk forward of the ambulance. It's tires were blown, it really shouldn't be moving. The ground rumbled under it, lifting it up on what would be described as a wave of earth, the terrakinetic inside doing her damndest to get that vechile out of the area. It's not the fastested escape, granted. The tractor trailer simply pushes through the flats. The smaller van wasn't so lucky. One man spilled out of it, waving his arms as he bolted for the departing truck. As Trenton comes closer the man stumbles, eyes wide as he goes just a liiitle bit faster. Trent wasn't the only shadow, however, along the ground a darkness spread before it rose upwards. A vast wall of flying bugs and crawlies appeared between the group and the vehicles, blocking them from sight.

* Trenton did not stop to speak, his mind was focused on trying to keep the Nightmare from simply killing indiscriminantly anyone around it, the focus was on the enemies inside, it would not be denied again and no silly wall was going to stop it. The lances of darkness shot forward and seemed to anchor themselves in the stone/brick what have you and begin to pull until the Nightmare made it
* Trenton and simply smashed into it, with those large terribly taloned hands, it's strength no longer dampened by the SND was impressive to behold, really as it shredded and crumbled the wall like the fortifications of a sand castle and he kept right on going heading for the fleeing vehicles and those soft delicious targets inside.

<@JJ> "If I stop the vehicles, we can't follow them..." JJ explained. But, if they were stopped, they could beat the answers out of them! And rescue the injured people! But what about Uncle Dilly and Auntie Sisip? Wait. Why was Angel yelling? Drawback to piggybacking Poddy, his immidiate surroundings took a backseat. But apparently Tall, Dark, and Spooky had let loose. "Keep going, Poddy. Stay
<@JJ> out of sight and watch, record! AHHH BUGS!!!" He shrieked at the dark and the insects. "This is a distraction!" He yelled to anyone who cared to listen. "I'm going to try to stop the cars from moving!" Grunt! He felt. STOP. STAY. Good boy. Good cars.

* +Sunder Drops the mag, opting to change to a fresh one as fast as possible before hitting the comm "The ambulance has severely injured within, and the earth bitch. That vehicle has to be stopped, and those inside evacuated! As for swarm.. Angel? Think you could make him trip like 'ell?" It was a long shot.. but bugman needed unconventional warfare.

<@Sisip> Trentmare surged forward, stone and bugs nothing to him. The van sat, abandoned, the driver having dropped to the ground in a mix of terror and hopelessness. It sucked when your dudes left you behind, yo. As JJ reaches out both the truck and the ambulance sputter and die. Fortunately for the ambulance it keeps on rolling, the ground underneath it carrying it down the road. The truck, however, is abandoned by a fairly skinny fellow and a dishevelled looking man. They run towards the fallen terrified fellow and grab him by the arms, trying to drag him back to the van.

* Lanryn waited until Trent had cleared the hole in the wall, and soon he was rushing in behind him. The terror that rolled off the mutant was tolerable, he had suffered much worse in the recent past, and the magical augmentation he ran to his mind prevented emotions from interfering with his actions. The lanky man flickered into sight before he came around the corner, the business end of
* Lanryn the modified gun leading his eyes as he moved. There was no pity, anyone who wasn't the nightmare creature would be fired upon, and without remorse. Better to drop them all, and sort them out later.

* Angel-Pearson blinked at the suggestion from Sunder, staring at the mass of insects "I...Can try..I have to get close enough to effect them." ..and if it didnt work, he was pretty well screwed. Trentmare had helped clear the way a bit though, maybe they insects would already be disoriented. His SND was already off, he'd been working alot lately to gain more control over his mutation. He strode forward quickly after Trent
* Angel-Pearson toward where the bugs had been left in his wake, waiting until he was away from the others before bringing up the chemical aura around himself, focusing hard to spread its influence as he made his way closer.

<@JJ> Would take off to remain within range of the Ambulance and Poddy. They needed the people in the ambulance and Poddy was JJ's early warning system plus an extra pair of eyes. Terrakinetic couldn't get away!

<@Sisip> The bug wall, and man standing within it begain to waver, pulsing and bobbing for just a bit before... they all swarm towards him. There are no stings, no bites, no hurt, there were just thousands of bugs, desperately needing to be on, or around, Angel. He was the (bug) bomb, baby! The lanky man cried out, a blossom of blood on his shoulder. He fell off to the side as Lan dropped him. The scruffy fellow grabbed his arm, dragging him. He shouted loudly at the third, who was scrambling to get into the van, trying desperately to turn the motor over. JJ gets some feedback from Poddy, but for now the van continued to be carried down the road.

* +Sunder The metalhead would be up on his feet, rifle in hands as he started making a run towards the swarmed angel, eyes open wide in panic "Angel!" He'd call out, not really sure how to help if he wasn't okay.. But hey, at least the bugs weren't after the rest right?

* Trenton lets a low hiss escape from that rictus of a far too wide grin and the lances of shadow shoot out from him, snaking through the air fast as a whip crack, each one impaling one of the three drivers multiple times, snaking through them but not through anything of immediate fatal importance, there would be blood, oh, certainly and pain, as he began to drag them all back towards him
* Trenton while approaching and getting inexorably closer to them. Wrapping them and entwining them in those shadow lances to pull them along once he'd passed them and continued moving towards that van that continued on. His arms began to grow longer by an extra foot or so, the talons on his hands dragging deep furroughs into the ground as he closed on it, still dragging the screaming mean behind him
* Trenton in a bloody mess.

* Angel-Pearson Ohyay! It looked for a moment like it was working, and then the bugs all flew at him. Ohholycrapbadidea!...but when they got close enough there was no biting or stinging, and it didn't take long for Angel to figure things out. Suppressing a shudder he reached up carefully to activate the comm unit "..The insects are under control I think..They aren't hurting me.." There was a strong, strong urge to run screaming,
* Angel-Pearson and swatting at his hair, but he held still for now and kept the happy-chemicals flowing.

* Lanryn puts a second and third dart into the man that went down, just to make sure he stayed down. You never knew with mutations. Although it was in theory possible to overdose on the combination of drugs contained within the darts, it would take quite a few more shots, although this particular target wouldn't be waking up for quite awhile without an enhanced stamina of some kind. He was
* Lanryn beyond the wall, and out of sight of the amazing bug tricks. He makes a move for the farmhouse. "Hey Koolaid, tranq and clear the damn barn." He barks out before moving into the house.

<@JJ> Grunted. The ambulance wasn't moving under it's own power! That terrakinetic was moving the road around it, just like how the planet express ship flies! "In pursuit, guys!" He'd say over the comm and then poof! Sprout his wheels and speed things up! He wasn't going to lose the bad guys!

* +Sunder Since angel was alright, it was time to do something useful like help JJ with that ambulance. He'd take off in a dead run, rifle slung across his back.

<@Sisip> Bugs try to get into Angel's mouth while he speaks, each one of them so very happy, almost a little too happy, to be around Angel. He smelled so wonderful! They loved him. LOVED HIM! The scruffy looking fellow shriekd, dropping his companion as those lances drove though him. His shrieks turning to terrified screams as he's dragged slowly towards Nightmare. The thin fellow is dropped completely, down for the count. Leaving only the man in the dark sweater and glasses behind. Scrambles to the floor, grabbing at something. The ambulance continued to rumble down the road. Unfortunately it wasn't going nearly as fast as JJ could get and he would quickly find himself catching up to it.

* Lanryn makes quick entry into the house, kicking the door open before going into the living room. The coat closet was checked, and then he moves into the kitchen. Once that room was clear he moved into the hallway, clearing each bedroom and associated closet before inspecting the bathroom. With military precision, he is soon moving upstairs to verify that the place was empty. He keys his
* Lanryn comm on the stairs. "First floor of house is clear, moving upstairs. Whats going on out there?"

* Badger ( has joined #CH*Beyond

* +Sunder Hits the comm as best he can while running to catch up to JJ and the ambulance "Bugs are handled, ambulance is still mobile, working on that!" JJ could move faster.. "JJ, gotta do something to slow it down, it's on you!"

* Trenton speaks into the com link on his neck, but the voice that goes out over the link is a whisper that touches the senses like an ephemeral poison, similar to having a stalker or rapist who has you captured and is speaking into your ear. "Prisssssonersssss, neeeeeed?"

<@JJ> Good thing he was catching up quickly, JJ was getting winded. The wheels were currently a part of him and he was exerting his own energy just as if running. However it seemed one techie on wheels was faster than earth surfing an entire vehicle. Take that, terra! Tech wins! Technopathy is the superior powah! He reach to grab the back of the van - left handed of course, far safer than the
<@JJ> right. "It's not moving under its own power..." He wheezed, sounding out of breath over the communicator. "She's earth surfing it..." Sunder had to say it was all on him... The pressure. JJ swallowed it and would try and hoist himself atop the van, grab control of anything he could in it, blast music, blast the ac, close the windows and keep that music going loud. Distract and annoy!
<@JJ> They were in his domain now, locked inside a box where he controlled everything.

* Angel-Pearson oh ew! He did his best to spit out the bugs that tried to get into his mouth, speaking again through gritted teeth and a mostly closed mouth into the comm as JJ took off by himself "Becareful!" He wasn't sure what he could do to help while keeping the insects neutralized, and they were getting more friendly by the moment. Creepystalker friendly. After a moment of thought he reached into his bag and came out with
* Angel-Pearson a pair of goggles, black with lightly blue tinted lenses. Never knew what you'd need on a missiony thing, and goggles were totally fashionable anyway. After a difficult moment of trying to get his eye area clear he pressed them up into place over them, before pulling the strap back over his head.

* Badger ( has left #CH*Beyond

<@Sisip> Lanryn would find only medical equipment and generic furniture left behind. As JJ hoisted himself up onto the ambulance it started to flip out, everything within it flickering. The vehicle starts to pulse with music, booming. The two men in the cab begin to shout, though you wouldn't know from the noise. During a lull in the beat, from the back of the ambulance comes a wail and suddenly it lurches to a halt. Poor Angel. Those bugs loved him! So did Swarm. He drifted closer, slightly swaying.

* Lanryn moves through the first bedroom, throwing open the closet, flipping the bed, and then repeating those actions in the next room. The last upstairs bathroom was passed through as he made his way back outside, and started for the barn. He presses the transmit button of the communications device. "We're trying to keep this clean. Need as many people as possible to interrogate." As
* Lanryn he moved across the lawn, the magazine was dropped and swapped for a fresh one, for all he knew there could be a dozen people waiting in ambush inside the barn.

<@JJ> The van lurched to a hault and JJ received a lesson in inertia. He was sent head over butt flailing off the top of the van. The vehicle would go rock violently as everything in it flared up then returned to normal behavior as JJ went flying, crashing to the ground, and rolling, then skidding a few rough feet. He stopped moving aside from some pained twitches.

<@Sisip> Lanryn would find the barn empty save for cots, medical equipment, and bloodstains. Whatever happened in here it wasn't always clean. As the vehicle lurches to a halt the driver spills out. It was the one they called Viper. He lunged at JJ, mouth opening oddly wide, light glinting off two viciously sharp teeth. Well, that explains it! Within the ambulance the man in the suit scrambled into the back and began to bellow. The ground rumbled a bit and lurched forward, but not much else happened.

* Angel-Pearson a little sigh of slight relief escaped when he heard Lan speak to Trent over the comm line. Dude was way too kill-happy...He realized it was the mutation, but that didn't make it less creepy. When he saw swarm making his way closer through the haze of bugs, a hand was raised in a nervous little wave, the one that still held his blade kept mostly out of sight just in case, and he spoke..again with his teeth
* Angel-Pearson clamped shut, and lips moving as little as possible "Uh..Hi!..Any chance you could keep your friends away from my face-ish area?..'s a lil uncomfortable."

* Trenton dragged the men along with him towards the van, it had the Terrakinetic and the Viper, and he had a score to settle with the both of them, the sounds of the screaming from the men impaled on his shadow lances was like music to his ears and he fed on their terror and pain as the darkness around him seemed to grow more dense and inky. Lances shot forth to try and intercept Viper as he
* Trenton jumped at JJ, he had absolutely zero intention of being gentle with the man, the intent to impale him through the midsection and chest and drag him over towards him. The lances growing shadow barbs as they shot forward.

* +Sunder The van was stopping! Excellent! Except now they had mutants to fight.. and JJ was in danger! The range was too close, and the rifle would certainly overpenetrate anyways, so his trusty .40 would make it's way from the holster on the tac vest, lining up on viper "Get off him or get shot!"

<@JJ> he was disoriented, had some road rash, anything else wrong, he wasn't aware of. Viper wasn't registered at first. It seemed JJ was still booting up from the tumble he took. "Teeth!" He thrust the left arm out in front of him for protection.

<@Sisip> Swarm enjoyed Angel and as he asked to have the bugs away from his face he did exactly that. He swayed slowly in front of Angel, staring at him, his body a mass of writhing, wriggling insects. A hand slowly raises upwards, towards Angel, wanting to touch him. Viper heard the call of Sunder and his eyes narrowed, those vicious fangs so close to penetrating JJ's neck. His lips curled into a vicious grin before he slowly pulls back. That grin vanishes and a look of shock washes over his face as he slowly looks down at the midnight tendrils that had driven through his body. Looking back up to Sunder he gave a confused look. He had complied, hadn't he? As he was yanked backwards he let out a painful screech. Meanwhile, in the van, the man in the black sweater and glasses finally peeked up from the floorboard. Seeing a clear path he stumbled out and made a break for the treeline.

* Lanryn barges into the barn and moves through it quickly, checking each stall before moving back out, it was unlikely he could catch up with the van and associated people, but he could make it back to the blueman van, and Angel. So he took off at a sprint, those long legs of his propeling him at a surprising speed. Not super human, but quick enough. The mic is activated as he moves. "Barn
* Lanryn is clear. Moving back to blueman. Whats going on?" Once he was at the peak of the hill he would flicker out of sight again in anticipation of getting the drop on the bug person.

Session Time: Tue Jun 30 00:00:00 2015

* +Sunder Eyes go wide as viper gets lifted up, impaled in a rather fatal looking manner "He was complying you fuck!" There was nothing to do for viper now, he made a sprint for the back door of the ambulance, wanting to get in and deal with the terrakinetic quickly and bring the fight to a close before more lives were lost.

<@Sisip> BlueMan had been monitoring the entire thing and as Lanryn came over the crest he raised his hand. There were other BlueMen with their hands raised as well, each one standing next to a mobile trauma unit. Three in total. As Sunder opened the back of the ambulance he'd see the large man in the suit ( ... ingpin.jpg ) bellowing at the terrakinetic. A young girl. ( ... /terra.jpg ) A young girl who was draped over an older woman ( ... Vision.jpg) who lay unmoving in a hospital bed, hooked up to numerous machines.

* Angel-Pearson blinkblinked when his request actually worked. Oh! Well, that had been a surprise. He forced a small smile, and even said "Thankyou." with amaaazing mental fortitude if he did sayso himself, he managed not to cringe away from Swarm as he reached for him. He had made a friend! A crawly, creepy...but sofar thankfully not threatening friend! "Oh. Uh. Hello."

* Trenton pulled Viper over to him and turned him around as the Shadow lances began to worm through his body, so that the Nightmare could look him in the eyes a low hiss escaping him again and a large clawed hand reached up to grab a hold of the Vipers head. "Escape....not again..." The words hissed out like so much poison and then a low laugh began as the taloned hand began to squeeze
* Trenton and those shadow lances that had been coursing through the man's body began to pulled apart quickly like a barded wire saw, the hand kept the Viper's head in place as he convulsed and his body was torn apart and into so many pieces of gore and red spray, the body parts falling to the ground and the Nightmare held nothing but a head in his hand, as the other lifted to pet gently over the face
* Trenton of his victim, the dead flesh being sliced apart under those claws. "Now...mine..."

<@JJ> Lay where he had landed after the car incident. "I'm ok!" He said in an I'm probably not ok voice over the communicators. "Getting up!" There would be a slight scream. "Falling down!" Because for some reason he felt that he had to dicatate what was going on. Pain was making him act mor incohearant than normal. "Sunderrrr. Bones are supposed to stay on the inside, right?"
<@JJ> Then he saw Tren-Nightmare and what the monster did to Viper. "I think I peed myself..." That was supposed to be to himself, but the com was still on. Pain and terror were getting to the techie, he was clearly not thinking right. There may have been a slight concussion along the tumble.

* Lanryn turns his attention now to Swarm and Angel, approaching as quietly and silently as he can. He flickers into sight only for a brief second, at an oblique angel to Angel, so he didn't risk accidentally shooting a team member. As quickly as the dark skinned mage appearse, he vanishes again, his shots were lined up, and he was mostly sure that Angel saw his position. He just waited for
* Lanryn clearance to shoot.

* +Sunder So much going on, the sound of viper being ripped up and tortured, JJ calling for help, whatever was going on with suit and terra girl. The weapon would get trained on suit. "On your knees, hands on your head! Now!" The metalhead was pissed, yelling the order, finger on trigger as he tapped the comm "Got my hands full! Someone extract JJ and stop what's his name from killing please!"

<@Sisip> Angel HAD made a friend, for as long as his drugs lasted! Yay bugfriend! Vicious, terrifying bugfriend! Viper shrieked in terror and pain as Nightmare gripped him. A horrifying sound, bone chilling. A sound that cut off with a wet gurgle and splurt as his body was shredded like paper. Wet, oozy paper. As Sunder issued his command the man in the suit rounded on him, bellowing, "YOU RUINED THIS!" His balled up fist whipped out and hit against the side of the ambulance, bending it outwards with an amazingly forceful blow. The girl stayed where she was, doing her best to cover the woman on the bed.

* +Sunder Keeps the weapon trained, first pressure taken up on the trigger. "On your knees! Hands on your head right fucking now! Don't make me think killing you will get the med teams cleared in quicker." One hand moved slightly, he could chance trying to shock the SOB instead of using a bullet.. The metalhead still preferred to avoid bloodshed if he could.

* Trenton Kept the head of Viper and pushed it into it's chest as the darkness began to clear it of flesh, hair and grey matter like a pack of Piranha, small mouths with sharp teeth being seen to form along the darkness that was the nightmare as it did so and it turned, seeing the small girl, the terrakinetic that had stopped him from saving Sisip and the others, who had encased him in stone
* Trenton before, another score to settle, another murder that would be perpetrated in a manner most foul. It began to stalk away from Sunder and the others at the Ambulance to slake it's thirst on the blood of the Terrakinetic girl, the yellow eye was growing more dim as time passed, that red eye growing brighter, and as it moved the skull came out of the darkness on it's body impaled on a shadow
* Trenton lance and held over it's shoulder like a trophy.

<@JJ> "Trrrron." He said over the com next. "On the Feel-dah, it's Ta'rrrron." He exaggerated the sounds of both field and Tron. Short line for JJ this round. "My leg hurts... How are your endsss?"

<@Sisip> "You.. will.. NOT!" Mr Suit lunged at Sunder, his fist flying towards his head. Were it to land, however, the force that had just bent outwards the ambulance wall would be absent, and it would be simply a well placed flailing punch by a heavyset fellow. The girl was still in the ambulance, but as she saw Nightmare approach she wailed, her hands whipping outwards. The ground under the Nightmare surged, raising upwards and back, trying to throw the fellow away from the ambulance.

* Blackheart ( Quit (Quit: I take my warmth from your great warmth.)

* Lanryn can't stay still for too long, he flickers into sight again, the sound of metal being warped could be heard even over distance. He flicks on his comm, even while keeping his gun trained on the tripped out Swarm. "Trent, deep breath killer. Remember we need prisoners." All angel had to do was wave, or give him a sign, and he'd attempt to incapacitate Swarm.

* Angel-Pearson he -did- cringe when the sounds of Trent's notso far off revenge reached him...Oh that sounded bad. Whose bright idea had it been to bring him again? When Lan appeared with gun trained he tried to convey 'no' through a slight headshake...trying to press just how far the new drug induced closeness would go. He wasn't even sure a dart would work on the mass of buggy things that was Swarm "..So uh..Your other
* Angel-Pearson friends, and my other friends seem to be in a bituv a conflict...Any way you could give me a hand and mediate?...We're all friends, yeah?" pleaseplease

* +Sunder There was that split second, the guy lunging forward.. Fire? Let the punch hit and try to electrocute the bastard? In the tight confines of the ambulance that was risky to all the others within.. And not enough time to really make the call before the hit landed anyways. It was a jarring hit, and somewhere in the process a single round would be fired, the dangers of punching a guy with a gun pulled on you.

<@Sisip> Swarm looked at Angel, then turned to look at the group. He looked back at Angel and was obviously content to stay where he was. The weight of Mr Suit landed on Sunder as he fell forward, that shot sinking deep into his gut. Eyes rolled back as he dropped like a very fleshy elk! Alive, for now. BlueMan listened, waiting for the medical team to be called in. Finally his voice came over the coms (another first), "Hostage Status".

<@JJ> "I'm aliiiive.... Ask the others." He grunted into the comm, waiting for a pick up. He was hurt.

* +Sunder Shouts out an explitive, very very loudly as the man crumples, and his face kind of hurts. He looks to terrakinetic girl, looking for any sign that she's going to try and fight "This is over right?" He would ask, gun still in hand, shaky with adrenaline.

* Angel-Pearson Ohkay. Right then. That was a complete bust. He gave a discreet wave over Lan's way before he poofed off again, just hoping that the darts would actually have an effect. If it didn't he had no idea what he was going to do. He couldn't go around like this for the rest of his life...and bug dude totally wasn't his type.

* Lanryn strides over to the tripped out bug man, and pressed the barrel of the gun to its core before triggering three shots. "Time to go sleep bug man, don't worry, we'll vacuum up your friends and get you into a nice air tight, bug proof cell. Maybe put some jello in there for your bugs to eat."

* Trenton slammed it's fists down into the wave of earth to counteract it and smash it apart to keep coming, he was the juggernaut, bitch and his taloned hands grabbed into the ambulance beginning to literally tear it open to get at the girl inside. Lances slamming into the vehicle to help with tearing it apart and the Nightmare hissed louder. "Mine....Miiiiine." That large hand moving
* Trenton into the back of the Ambulance to try and grab onto the Terrakinetic girl.

<@Sisip> Swarm stayed beside Angel, simply staring at him. As Sunder turns to the girl he'll find her exactly where she was. Terrified eyes lock on his, "Don't hurt my mo..." Her words were interrupted by a wail of terror as Nightmare appears beside Sunder and began to try to open the ambulance up like a tin of sardines. A hand whips upwards, a wall of stone raising up quickly underneath Nightmare, trying to knock him away.

* +Sunder Turns to nightmare, eyes wide, stepping in between that reaching hand and the girl "She's surrendered! Get your shit straight you bloody murdering arsehat!" He wasn't sure a bullet would work.. or an electric shock for that matter.
* +Sunder ( Quit (Quit: I know what's right, I just don't feel that way.)

<@Sisip> BlueMan comes over the coms, louder this time "Do we have injured. Do I send myself in. Is the site secured?"

* Lanryn dumps two more shots into Swarm as he starts to jog away, heading for the ambulance. It would probably took too long to reach it, but clearly Angel had the Swarm guy under control, especially with an extra 5 darts worth of tranq and amnesiac in him.. if they had hit true. As he ran he triggered his comms. "Containment team needs to go to Angel, and get Swarm into custody. I am
* Lanryn headed to the ambulance, the barn and house area are safe. Advise you deploy there, until I can ascertain what is going on at the ambulance."

* Trenton looked to Sunder and it debated tearing him apart to get to the girl, but the Yellow eye began to glow a bit brighter and the Nightmare hissed again before pulling back and away from the Ambulance and then making it's way towards the Semi and it's trailer of cargo. He was still dragging along the two men impaled on his shadow lances, likely passed out from shock at this point but
* Trenton perhaps not quite dead yet, but they weren't exactly being treated gently. When he reached the Semi it's hand scraped the talons of it's hand along the trailer until it reached the rear and literally tore the doors from it, throwing them aside and letting out another long hiss as it looked over the people piled within.

* Angel-Pearson Go see if you can make the bug man trip, Sunder said. Well, that was working just beautifully, but -now- what did he do? When Blueman spoke over the comm Angel answered "I think JJ is down and hurt, and it sounded like Trent did something pretty horrible a second ago. Also I made a new friend and I have no idea what to do."

<@Sisip> Swarm seems to waver as more rounds and pumped int him. Some fly through but others hit things. Insects maybe. Slowly the human form of Swarm melts away, bugs falling away bit by bit. They didn't scatter away, they more mosied. They knew they had to go, they just didn't want too. As Nightmare walked away the girl surrendered herself and her mother to Sunder. The doors are ripped from the trailer and some of those within scream. They hadn't seen him before, all they knew was he could be a badguy. Finally, from out of the back a figure stands with some assistance. "Trent..."

* Lanryn veers to head for JJ's position, after hearing Angel's communication. The lanky mage surges right past the trailer to head for the ambulance. The mage skids to a stop, kneeling down next to the technopath. The gun is dropped as he assess the injuries. Old training kicks in, and a tourniquet is applied above the break, and pressures applied to any major lacerations as he starts to
* Lanryn relay information to the medical team about the downed combatant. He trusted Sunder to insure the girls safety, and collaring.

<@JJ> 's injuries included road rash, bumps, scrapes, cuts, a broken leg, a nasty break at that. Lastly, from the way he'd been talking over the comm, very possibly a concussion. Bruises that hadn't appeared yet, but by tomorrow JJ would have such pretty shades of purple.

* Lanryn delves a hand into his pocket, withdrawing a small ampoule of morphine, they oh-shit-I've-been-shot dose that are used on the battlefield. A good vein is located, and the ampoule's needle is slipped in and the contents injected. The tourniquet is then slipped above the compound fracture, and tightened. JJ would be feeling real good in a few minutes.

<@Sisip> Sunder pulls the woman in the bed from the ambulance, wheeling her away from the commotion. Along with them goes the girl, putting up not even a smidge of a fight. BlueMan is called in by the MetalHead and in a mere moment all three mobile trauma units.

* Angel-Pearson watched the form of the bugman begin to break away, and when the individual insects didn't scatter he reached up to his comm to ask "..Do we have anything that can contain these bugs? We could get some useful info when he's back together, and I'm a little worried if I switch off they're going to go all nuts.."

* Trenton at least as it worked to get people out of the trailer in an all together uncharacteristic show of...humanity.

<@Sisip> The truama units set up outside the tractor trailer and as Trent pulled them out they took over. Everyone of them had something wrong, some missing fingers, some with large gashes that were bandaged up. Sisip did what she could to help the people get off the trailer, but she struggled with one. She had to drag him just a bit, half unconcious Dietrich Kappel, the german 'doc'. She limps obviously as she pulls him to where Nightmare was.

* @JJ ( Quit (Quit: Too late! ZZzz..)

* Lanryn continues to patch up JJ, finally he reholsters his gun, and picks the man up, carrying him back over to the trailer and the waiting medics. "Don't worry JJ! I'll make sure we get you a cute nurse this time, one with less hair, and no sausage fingers. Just gotta stay awake for a bit longer, these wonderful folks will get an IV started." Once JJ is delivered to a gurney, Lan walks
* Lanryn over to Trent, a tip of his head offered to Sisip. He triggers his comm. "We need to get a clean up crew in here. Clean out the house for anything valuable, and dispose of the body parts.. I'd suggest keeping them for study."

* Trenton pulled Dietrich and Sisip out, along with several others until the trailer was empty, though likely Sisip would have waited to be last, she always did like a good intro, when this was down the shadow lances held Sisip up and off of her leg along with Dietrich instead literally handing them off to the medics to place them on gourneys or whatever was available. The Nightmare looked
* Trenton about for anything further but seeing that things has come to an end it shuddered and the darkness began to melt away from the body, leaving behind Trent, standing here and a skull dropped to the ground beside him.

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The woman did know how to make an enterance! This time, however, she wanted to make sure everyone else was tended to. Especially Dietrich. While Sisip had a piece of her thigh removed the young fellow had his leg removed, in what appeared to be a less than professional fashion. Sisip sank to the ground, waiting quietly for the medics to get to her.
<@Sisip> A security team comes in, and slowly they begin to grab and incarcerate all the villians. Men with large jars try to put bugs in them. Maybe they'd get lucky this time.
<@Sisip> Everyone is rounded up and put into the appropriate transport. Off they go back to Cobalt! Yay hospital time! The badguys are shoved down into the Maze until it's time to question them.

* @Sisip ( Quit (Quit: Don't be weepy sleepy puppies, Slip your slippers on your footies, In the morning you'll get goodies, Puppy hats and puppy hoodies.)