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Lee / Quiet

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:33 pm
by Sisip
Alright. He created Lee and now wants to app someone else. Probably his characters wife. I've told him before - no characters who are immediately staff. Not until we know him.
[12:26] * Quiet ( has joined #CH*OOC
[12:49] <Quiet> Hey, when can we submit an app for a new character?
[12:54] <AnE> Whenever you want.
[12:54] <AnE> o.o
[13:09] * Angel`Pearson (blahblah@2601:194:101:hqyj:lwgw:jiiq:hppy:kwnm) has joined #CH*OOC
[14:06] <@Sisip> You can put one up whenever, but if you're a new member and have only just started you may not really expect to get it approved until we're sure you're comfortable in this environment
[14:06] <@Sisip> .
[14:20] <Quiet> i'm pretty comfortable.
[14:21] <Quiet> I came back, didn't I? ;P
[14:23] <@Sisip> Yup! And once we're sure of it we'll look over the character. <3 We just don't want people rushing in, throwing in lots of characters, which cause the @'s to do quite a bit of work, only to have them vanish a month later.
[12:47] <Quiet> SiSip?
[12:47] <Quiet> When can I put up an application for a new character?
[14:21] <Quiet> does the staff have a nurse?
[14:24] <Sisip> Yup
[14:24] <Quiet> How may medical staff does it have?
[14:24] <Sisip> There's an entire medical facility.
[14:24] <Quiet> Could it use an EMT- oH.
[14:24] <Sisip> You should probably read up.
[14:24] <Sisip> All of this can be found on the forums or the website.
[14:25] <Sisip> And again - no staff characters.
[14:25] <Sisip> We will ask you to be staff when we're comfortable doing so.