Warehouse Investigation 6/22/15

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Warehouse Investigation 6/22/15

Post by Sisip »

<@Endymion> Had learned mighty quickly what Sully's was last night after the incident had died down. The hidden creature had learned so much. The very prospect of watching dancing had piqued his interest, but that?.. While that was dancing it was not at all what Endymion had thought of when he heard the word dancing and humans. It seemed to him the humans and mutants who frequented there were more
<@Endymion> instinctual and habitual. He hadn't thought that humans had a mating dance! As for Endymion's current whereabouts, he was returning to the grounds after a day out at a museum and on his way to Foodcourtia.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl puttered around Foodcourtia quietly. No music, no bop-dancing, her glow was muted. As Endymion heads into the area she looks up and over to him, giving him a bit of a wave before she puts more food out.

<@Endymion> "Good evening. I hope that you had a pleasant Solstice." She seemed upset, down, blue - there were so many words meaning sad that were so descriptive! Endymion frowned, his tone changed. "You did not." Probably to do with the scene at Sully's last night.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The inky haired girl shakes her head, "No, not really." She had no idea what happened last evening at the striclub, but it was hard to be cheerful when so many people had been taken out from under the noses of the Sanctum. "Did you have one?"

<@Endymion> "I did. I visited the theatre and was able to watch some interesting humans later on in the night. I had no idea that humans had mating dances!"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Her eyebrows raise. "They do?" The girl looks confused, "I don't think I've ever seen one? What does it look like?"

<@Endymion> "They do! There is much shaking involved, they are not wearing very much either, but there are some strange costumes" <<I can't...>>

* Angel`Pearson drifted toward the food court area. He wore a black top with corset lacing in blue ribbon, and thin shoulder straps, a blue net poncho-thing made of light silk yarn thrown around his shoulders, a pair of tight black shorts with blue stitching, and a wide studded belt that fell lopsided across his hip, kneehigh platforms with blue stars were on either foot, and matching black armwarmers with a big blue star over
* Angel`Pearson the back of each hand. Seeing Endy, and Ashy he easily forgot about food and made for where they were speaking.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl huh's softly. "OH.. well maybe one day I'll see it." As Angel comes in the girl gives a bit of a wave. She was less than cheery. "Hey NotDad."

<@Endymion> "Maybe you will, the establishment was a place called Sulley's." He described, then turned to Angel. "Oh, hello! We've not see each other in some time now!"

* Angel`Pearson smiled a bit at both Ash, and Endy, one hand rising to give a little wave their way "Hi you two. Yeah it has Asbeen a while. How have you been..?" ...when what he'd been saying to Ash registered he blinked, trying to imagine Endy in an enviroment like Sully's. to

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Ashlynne pushes the food cart back into the back before she moves out to settle down at one of the tables. She stares at Angel and Endy. "So, while Endy was out watching human mating dances.. how was your evening, NotDad?"

* Angel`Pearson shoulders rose in a little shrug "Nottoobad...Not quite as exciting as gyrating humans though...Whu'bout you?" He had spent the night getting really, really high, listening to music, and gawking at the stars....First outside, then a while later at the glowy plastic ones in his room. Most of the time trying not to dwell on how boned he felt they were with Sisip nabbed....He hoped she was okay..

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. She shrugs her shoulders, "I just sorta stayed in. Read a bit. Tried to look at security stuff but everything was knocked out when the power went out." The glowing girl sighs, "So.. that's all."

<@JJ> "You don't know how frustrating that is!" He complained, hearing Ashy's last words as he walked over to the table. "The cameras have nothing! It's all gone..."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl watches JJ for a while, "We'll find something though, right JJ? I mean.. there's gotta be someone who can tell us what they look like. Maybe we can do the same as on TV.. and.. draw a picture of them.. and put out an APB."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl watches JJ for a while, "We'll find something though, right JJ? I mean.. there's gotta be someone who can tell us what they look like. Maybe we can do the same as on TV.. and.. draw a picture of them.. and put out an APB." (rp)

<@JJ> "Can Badger or someone get the scent and follow it?" He suggested. "Or... ooh! I can scope out news reports for bug stories or if there's an increase in exterminator calls! Tiny bug robots can follow!" Everything was robots with JJ.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Honeygolden eyes blink. "We... could ask Badger. Maybe he can do something? I mean.. he's got animal senses, right? Maybe he can smell Sisip?" There was also the idea of tiny bug robots. "YES! Bugbots! Maybe.. we can... draw him out somehow? Bugs like poop right? Maybe we can break a sewerline." Poor Ashy... she wasn't that good at making plans.

<@JJ> "Poop and sugar!" He crowed the words. "Poop and sugar!" The phrase was repeated. "Badger knows their scents right? Auntie, Uncie, and all the others? find the bugs, attract the bugs, have tiny bots infiltrate the bugs! We don't have any shrinkers around, do we?"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl finally gets a little life to her glow. "Poop and sugar! We have to find him! Find him and tell him to sniff out the badguys! Like... a bloodhound!"

<@JJ> "Poop and sugar!" Cobalt's new slogan apparently. "Wait... is Badger going to sniff out our guys or the good guys?"
<@JJ> good = bad>>

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. She really had no idea. "Sure. Either? Maybe?"

<@JJ> "It doesn't matter. We find one we find both, right? Unless that bug dude was a hired goon and left after they paid him... But he'd still know who he worked for and where they were taken!.. Maybe we couild fake hire him... no, that's dumb..."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowbug perked up again at the idea of hiring the bug guy, but as JJ crossed off his own idea she sighed. "Yeah, we wouldn't have any money to do that with..." She hesitates, "Unless you borrow it."

<@JJ> "Hire the bad guy who kidnapped our family? Brain, how do you even..." He knocked on his head. "We're better off with Badger sniffing them out. No shenanigans..."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. She tilts her head, "But.. he doesn't KNOW he kidnapped our family. Right? Since we don't really look like them."

* Badger had been dealing with META and the locals about the attack sadly not alot was to be had. he returned to the grounds and bee lined to the food court to get something to eat, as he hadnt had anything much all day so far HERASY! he padded through the halls and entered the fod procurement facility he grabbed 2 trays and started stock piling food on to them mainly meet and fruit.. and
* Badger a diet soda (joke there people!) he saw JJ and Ashlynne there probably talking about Sisip.

<@JJ> "But we know he did and it wouldn't feel right... Would it? I just... want them all back. They didn't leave a ransom note right? No demands?" No body parts had been mailed to the Sanctum had there? JJ didn't say that one out loud. And then.... "Speak of the devil! Badger!" He waved wildly.

* Badger finished piling on the inhumanly large amount of food his long ears swiveling to the should of his name being called out. he looked over and waved to the pair with his tail. he gathered his trays drinks and moved over to site with them. how are you two holding up eh?

<@JJ> "We're holding... thinking... trying to understand how and why... where they are..." He was dancing around the main question and realized it, so JJ decided to do what JJ does best. Blurt out his question. "Can you smell Auntie Sisip down?"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl turns her eyes to Badger. "Or poop?"

* Badger had settled and his mouth was open wide to take a big bite out of his first tripple bacon bipass burger with extra cheezyness. he damn near droped it at the mention of poop. wha huh? well i dont usually stick my nose in that stuff but i could track that woman through a snow storm. then he bit.

* Trenton came walking into the food court, blood streaming down his face looking exhausted, his body mostly covered in the Nightmare armor and one eye nothing but a red glow. "Warehouse 81, white guy with glasses, middle aged and a black turtleneck, Port district. I would appreciate it if someone would drive, that seems like a long walk." And he sighed as the Nightmare covered him fully
* Trenton again and darkness began to emanate from him, though his other eye oddly enough did not become red, it changed to a sort of odd yellow glow.

<@JJ> Blinked and stared at Trenton half&half as he delivered what JJ was assuming to be th coordinates of where the missing people were being held. "Uncie Dill and Auntie Sisip are there?! I'll drive! I'll have Anything we need drive with me!"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Looking to Badger her glow brightened as hope flared up. "Without poop! That's awesome! Now we don't have to 'borrow' money from rich folk to pay to hire the bug man to follow him back to..." Warehouse 81? Ashy looked over as someone spoke. Honeygolden eyes widen to the size of teacup saucers, quite literally. "Holy hell, you look pretty hurt, Newb!" Anyone Ash wasn't familiar with was obviously a newb! Her glow pulsed for a moment, brightly then fading, then bright again.

* Trenton eyed everyone who was sitting down to food and the Nightmare let out a long low growl, that poisonous voice that just seemed to caress the senses like a stalker who'd gotten too close rung out. "Not, people, maybe, answers..." Those eyes settled on Ashlynne and the Nightmare narrowed his gaze when she kept getting brighter and then less so, flexing it's clawed hands. "Go,
* Trenton now."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Her glow became a stead, whiteish blue light. "Go? Out of my own Foodcourtia?" She looked shocked, and angry. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Standing up from her chair she puts her hands on her hips.

<Badger> well.. he stiffed the otherhalf of the burger in his mouth chewing then swallowing. ill need to get a few things before we go. he sighed at the rest of his meal being left aww hell it will be there when he got back. he rose and looked to Trent. dont want you killing anyone got me? with some of the crap he had seen a creature like this didnt scare him.. hell he could be scarey
<Badger> too grrr

<@JJ> "So... Dilly and Sisip aren't in warehouse 81?... And what exactly are answers? Clues? The peole responsible?" He eyed those claws and the command to his sister. "Hey! You can't tell Ashy what to do!"

* Trenton was too tired to translate himself and the instinct to murder everyone in this room was running too high, the ridiculous arguing and posturing was grating and the Nightmare turned and began walking out of the food court to go deal with what had to be done, it had no response for Badger or his request as it stalked off out of the food court and down the hall, even a creature of
* Trenton instinct could see this was a waste of it's time.

<@JJ> "Don't you leave!" JJ sprouted his whhel and was heading after the Nightmarish Trenton. "You know something! I can do something! We need to pool and... um, Share our somethings together to make a... bigger and more stable..." Don't say something again, don't say something again... "Something." Dang it!

<Badger> JJ you and spooky here head out to the garage to get the vehicle. Ashlynne youll stay here. he directed offering the girl a slight smile she wasnt cut out for combat if there was any. he watched trent go then JJ go after him and sighed, gonna be one of those nights. no dancing girls for him it seemed. he padded alongto make sure Trent didnt kill JJ

* Trenton showed a rather remarkable amount of control as the clawed hands flexed several times but no murder was meted out as JJ did his best impersonation of a small yappy dog. What was something? Action was what was required not words and that's all anyone had been of late. The Nightmare was anything but and it continued out of the hall and the exit of the facility heading through the
* Trenton grounds to what it remembered was an exit gate, if there was a vehicle it would get in it, if there wasn't it would simply keep walking.

* Badger got his gear when they passed the security office putting it on as he jogged to catch up to the pair. he whistled to JJ as he came along to catch up with him. glancing over to see Trent shaking his head again thinking the guy was going to be trouble. he could try to kill badger but many before had tried and well he was the last one standing. "ready JJ?"

<@JJ> was right after Trenton. He'd shut his mouth for the moment, not wanting to saying something again. As The half nightmare half Trenton approached the gate there was indeed a vehicle there, driving itself. He didn't have his gear with him, but when machines obeyed you? You didn't need the gear. "I'm ready. I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm going."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. After a bit of a huff at being told what to do she realized that everyone seemingly had taken off. The glowbug blinked. "H.. hello?" She wanders out of Foodcourtia and finally spots JJ, and Mr Rudemare.

<Badger> "i want you to be careful got me? dont do something stupid Ssisp would skin my ass if anything happened to one of you." he was stern but patted the young man on the shoulder. His ears perked and he looked back to see Ashlynne coming out and waved over to her.

* Trenton really hoped it was a truck that had come out, because he was going to have a hell of a time being cramped inside of a car, not to mention the big 'ole nightmare with murderface and floppy darkness tentacles cramped into a datsun might flip some triggers, or y'know there might be doom...

<Badger> (Badger gets the roof Called it!)

<@JJ> Summoned up his motorcycle too. JJ loved his powers. He popped his helmet on and looked to Trentmare. "Can you... drive like that or should I remote it?" A glance to Badger. "Hey, despite what the rumors say, Stupid is not my middle name!"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl follows behind, "I wanna.. help.. can I help? I can DO THINGS!." Not much, but she could do things!

* Badger had to chuckle at that and raised his hands signing no offence ment he was just protecting his own furry ass here. "if he cant i can no problem." lookingto Trents nighmare form he didnt know how well he could steer with those claws he was sporting.he looked over to Ashlynne. "are you sure? i dont want you in danger." this wasnt a picknick and he sure as hell wasnt Yogi
* Badger bear.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Her arms cross under her chest as her glow turns white again. "I can DO THINGS!" She glared over at Nightmare, still thinking the fellow rather rude, but everyone else seemed to be going along with things. "I'm going."

* Trenton climbed into the back of the van with no real questions or answers and sat on it's heels. Waiting, brooding and for the moment used one of it's claws to begin tracing something into the floor of the van, If there was a back seat, it tore it out and threw it out the back of the van, seemingly with little to no problem.

* Badger took the keys form JJ if there were any and looking to Ash he nodded to the passenger side. if he didnt let her come she would probably follow on her own anyway."you be careful too got me?" he wasnt going to let Trent bark orders around here, he was ranking person and by far the oldest, also on Security as well.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowbug danced away from the thrown van seat. She climbed in and sat next to Nightmare, her glow now yellowing as she settles down, glad to be of help. Looking over at Nightmare she finally smiles, deciding that she would forgive him for his previous rudeness. She was most magnanimous indeed. "Hi! I'm Ashy! I run Foodcourtia! You know, the place you told me to leave. But that's okay, you're new here so you probably need a few tips. I can give you tips, I know all the best places. You know I was born here? Well, me and JJ, and our sister Izzy, but she's moved away. We're triplets. It's pretty awesome." She began to talk... and talk... and talk.

<@JJ> Winced as Trenton made room for himself in the van, he was going to have to fix that later, but at least it was only a seat and not finer workings. "I'll be in communication." Yup, JJ was going with them, though on his bike. They may be in a van but the nightmare and Badger were pretty large. "Lead the way, ummm... New Guy."

* Badger got in and started the van glancing back to make sure people were in and doors were closed." ok man where is Warehouse 81?" he rolled out of the gate but needed more directions. he tapped his security com to keep in contact with Cobalt, no sense not covering that."names Badger im Sisips grandpa and im over 90 years old hah." he smirked playfully to JJ.

* Trenton turned it's head and peered at Ashlynne with that red/yellow glowing eyed gaze, the side of him closest to Ash bubbled and ran a bit when he glow touched him, it repaired itself but slowly, a low hiss coming from his mouth before looking back to the floor and making it's drawing in the steel of the floor boards, the carpet likely having been ripped out with the seat. "Talk...much.."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Knowing that her brother was on the bike and that Badger was more than able to drive a van the girl settled in, laughing a bit, her glow brightening, "Yea, everyone says that, but really I think a lot also, though people don't really believe that." She laughs, shrugging her shoulders, "I can't help it! Is this your first mission? It's not mine, I'll keep an eye out on you." She goes to elbow him gently. "I mean, I don't have Simon here to be my partner, but you and I can be partners. I promise I won't let anyone get you."

* Trenton hissed louder when she touched him and the nightmare bubbled and ran more from the light emenating from her. "Talk much! Touch less!" The lances of darkness rising and peering at Ash like odd Snakes...just pointy, angry deadly snakes.

* Badger glanced in the mirrow."likethe Zoo Ashlynne talk to the demonic creature no touchy ok ? and you mr spooky hurt a hair on her head and ill rip you a new one got me? he just put it out there as they drove. he wasnt frowning but he did have a stern look on his face..sigh.. kids

<@JJ> "JJ here!" He piped up over the coms. "And I don't think it's a good idea to prod mr. toothyshadows. But yes. Do not hurt my sister!" They were going to the warehouse and no one knew it! But who could they tell with Sisip midding?

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. Her glow brightened considerably! He wanted her to keep talking!!! She abided by the request by not touching him and kept her arms to herself. "OH I loved the zoo! Have you ever been to the zoo?" She looks at Nightmare. "You're a bit of a gloomy gus, but that's okay, everyone finds something they like about the zoo! Maybe monkeys? Im not a fan of monkeys myself, they make waay too much noise, but I understand why people find them funny. " She looks up to Badger, about to say something when she heard JJ in the coms. Laughing she sighed, "I'll be okay, I can do stuff too!"

<@Sisip> As the van drives up to the warehouse district by the port they'll find it fairly quiet. Not a lot going down tonight.

* Badger rolled his eyes he was sure she could do things too. his amber eyes looking aroundthem as he drove. the scent of fish and water in his nose now as he looked for the waehouses and more specificly number 81."cause they fling their own poo the pagans. keep an eye out for where we are looking for."

* Trenton enveloped himself in a shell of darkness when she got brighter and glowy, the side closest to Ash bubbled and popped, running like so much melting wax or oil, but he kept it up and over him. while she continued to glow.

<@JJ> Would've commented that he likes turtles and tortoises during the zoo talk! And when poo came up? "Do we still need that to lure the bugman out?" They arrived, JJ dismounted his motorcycle, but left the helmet on. It covered his eyes, and he wasnted to draw attention away from their glow.

<@Sisip> As they draw closer to Warehouse 81 they'll notice that there are lights on within the structure.

* Badger made a point to plan a trip to the New York zoo. he counted out the warehouses as they got closer he rolled toa stop a short distance away, no sense screaming out they were here. ok info is the most important thing we need to fid out where they were taken."

<@JJ> "I'll reach out my senses for any cameras to spy on them." A little someone chimed in a few notes, Poddy poked his head out from one of JJ's pockets. "No. You're not slipping in there Poddy. You still havn't kicked that Mission Impossible habit of yours. Not to mention it's your bedtime soon."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. As the van came to a stop the glowing girl lept out and looked around frantically. "Ah! YES!" The girl in the cargo pants and tshirt bolted across the road and dove to the ground. Only to ... roll around? She'd found a puddle on the side of the road. The muck and grime from being in the warehouse district soaked into her clothes and gunked up her face. She was a ridiculous mess. "I forgot my gumby suit!" She was dripping with yuck but with a bit of concentration she managed to drop her glow down so that it wasn't as noticable with the layer of filth on her.

* Badger got out and seeing her do this looked to JJ mouthing the words 'what the fuck?' he simply sighed and shut the van door looking to the warehouse waiting for JJ's report on the Cameras.

* Trenton practically flowed out of the back of the van. The Nightmare was in the night and it was glorious, he was not a creature of stealth, just pure raw instinct and need to kill, murder, and destroy and right now, Trent was too far gone to keep it in much more check than to avoid killing the psuedo team of people that had arrived with it. The people in that warehouse were not going to
* Trenton have a good night and it stalked towards the warehouse intent on tearing through a wall.

<@Sisip> There don't seem to be any other vehicles around, and while there are obvious cameras on the building JJ may find that they're not presently powered up. | Ashlynne runs swiftly towards the building and grabs ahold of a lightpole next to the building. Her arms stretch around it a few times and she manages to lumberjack climb up it Clinging to the top of the pole one of her arms unwinds and streeetches across, grabbing hold of the edge of the roof. In an instant the gunk covered glowbug was up ontop. Hey! She COULD do things!

<@JJ> Had planned on scoping out the inside with any available cameras hooked up, maybe give an imgae of what they were up against, how many, if their people were even there. "Aww, man! No power in the cameras, we're going in blind... where's an elec when you need one?" He lamented then blinked as Ashy and Trenton were already starting on their ways."Hey! Take me with you!" Piggy back
<@JJ> time on Ashy! Hopefully she could support them both.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl could lift things also!!! Her brother was hauled up along with her!

* Angel`Pearson had tagged along for the ride and whatnot. He wore his team uniform thing, because...He professionalism!...Also he looked fabulous in it, kneehigh boots with the blue stars along the laceholes, and matching fingerless gloves with a big blue star on the back of each hand. He dashed out of the van after JJ to keep up, blinking as Ashy 'Mr.Fantastic'ed up the building.

* Badger watched the siblings go up he would crawl up the wall his claws were good for that. looking to angel."wanna lift?" he could easily support his weight.

* Angel`Pearson a glance was shot toward the Trenty-nightmare stalking toward the building, but he hadn't had much experience with him or his crazy mutation, and had no idea what he intended to do. Looking back to Badger he nodnodded stepping forward and grabbing on so's to hitch his ride. Angel was preeeettyyyy light anyway.

* Badger could lift a gar he could weight half a ton and not have an issue as he skittered up the brock wall his clwas digging in as he went. he would follow JJ and Ashlynne up to the roof wincing slightly at the sound of Trent ripping into the building. guy had an entrance definitly.

<@JJ> "Sooo... who's keeping Newbie in check here?" JJ didn't know much if anything about Trenton. But what he did know was that guy can do some damage!"Ok ok. Poddy... I'll let you in, but you stick to the rafters and ceiling and I'm muting you." Poddy kept his sound long enough to let out half of a disgruntled warble and then was making his way in through a now broken shingle in the
<@JJ> warehouse roof. "Ok. Their cameras may not work, but Poddy does."

* Trenton made it to the building and it wasn't to the doors, lances of darkness shot out and through the walls, large arms stretched up and those clawed hands tore into the wall as well as he began tearing it open with absolutely no finesse, just brute strength, his darkness flowing in through the cracks to help it along as he tore through it like so much paper.

<@Sisip> Ashy and JJ were up on the roof and it was rather normal looking. A building off to the side that was access downwards. To the side of it was a locked electrical box! Down below Nightmare begins to tear down that wall like he was Gorbachev. The warehouse was empty. The lights were on but nobody was home. There was quite a bit of stuff that had been left behind, most of it looked like it belonged in an intensive care ward in a hospital. Computer systems were smashed on the ground in an attempt to render them useless.

* Angel`Pearson winced when halfway up the building the sound of Trentmare tearing through the wall reached them, hissing quietly "..What is he -doing-?" ...It could prove a useful distraction, but that was best case scenario. It could also get their people inside hurt, or killed if they were in there, it could get -Trent- killed, charging in alone. He hadn't a clue about the extent or nature of his mutation, but getting the
* Angel`Pearson newguy killed was a poor way to start things off. He had no idea the building was actually empty...Annnd while Angel was internally monologuing they reached the top.

* Badger snorted."saying Heros are here apparently, hes as subtle as a full garbage truck on fire." he growled in answer. getting to the roof he found a way quickly inside. getting in the building to find what they find. his job besides the driver was to find a scent. his nose working over time ot locate any scents of the people that were kidnapped.

* Trenton began working his way through the warehouse, his tendrils of darkness moving about like fingers to find cracks, exits, doorways, oddities, whatever could be found via tactile means as his oddly colored eyes scanned the area for...something.

<@JJ> couldn't help it, he let out a little shriek as Trenton did his Kool-Aid Man impression. Then He got a good look and feel inside. "[Defrag] it! It's like they knew I'd becoming! All the computers down there are smashed!" He quickly recalled Poddy to him. "Maybe I can ask some of the equipment if it's still functional. It might know what happened... though the most I'll probably get
<@JJ> is the physical state the people were in who were hooked up to the machines. Maybe a little more." He then noticed the electrical box and hmmmed.

<Badger> "if you cant get it to work take it for later let the geeks try JJ." he mentioned sniffing around.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The glowing girl heads towards the door that leads down to the warehouse. She really had no idea, but if that black blob angrypout monster was down there alone... she PROMISED him that she'd keep him safe! Without looking at the others she vanishes behind Badger, trying to get down into the warehouse. When she finally gets down there she blinks. They were too late! | The warehouse was very scenty! And most of them very familiar to Badger. They hadn't been gone long, either, all of the kidnapees and some new scents that he was.. scenting.. for the first time. They truly had left in a hurry. Nightmare would find little else save for what was in the main room.

* Badger followed the scents sifting through the old and new, ones he knew ones he didnt trying to find a path. he was on all fours nose to the grind stone so to speak. " i got them and the others im guessing the ones that took em, just trying to follow them."

<@JJ> The box would wait. JJ made his way into the torn up warehouse behind the others and would poke and prod at the busted computers first for any sign of life. When that failed he turned his attention to the medical equipment, if any of it was electronic, and functional maybe he'd find a clue. Anything! "C'mon. Talk to me... Tell me who was here, are they ok?"

* Angel`Pearson got down inside the warehouse following after Badger, a small frown forming when he finally saw the emptiness inside. Once down on the floor, as Badger split off to find scenty-things Angel took a look around aswell, hoping to maybe find some less battered equipment "..We might want to hurry a bit..The smashing inside probably attracted some attention.." ...He hoped they could come away from this with
* Angel`Pearson -something-, and his head lifted as Badger mentioned he'd gotten some scents.

<@Sisip> The scents lead to where there was obviously another vehicle and fade quickly. Bits of paper were strewn along the floor, they looked almost like floorplans. | Ashy couldn't do much... she simply followed after Nightmare. Her glow was barely there, and not by her concentrating. They had been there, they had JUST been there and now they were gone. "We missed them... "

* Trenton hissed and then darkness dropped over him as he lifted those arms into the air, frustration getting to him as he began smashing through crates, supports or anything within range to let out the instinct to destroy. "WHERE?!" It roared as the lances shot out to rip through walls and it smashed through more things if nothing was there he began to smash through the concrete floor
* Trenton pitting and cratering it. "WHERE?!"

* Badger made a point of looking at the papers and gathering all of them he could find. yeah we did but i got this." he said holding up the plans. seeing Trent get well pissy he rose up and moved over to him.STOP.." he barked firmly."we will find them so calm down or ill put you down got me? wee came here for info im not happy we missed them but we Will find them."

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl froze as Nightmare starts to smash things. "Hey... Newb... it'll be okay. We'll find them." Her arms cross as she looks around. "We'll find them."

* Angel`Pearson cringed when Trenmare began angrily hulking out on their surroundings...Lovely. He made his way over by Ash as she spoke, nodding his agreement and watching Trent.

* Trenton turned on Badger, Trent was so god damn exhuasted holding the Nightmare in check, he was fading quickly and that yellow eyes was turning organe, the red one flaring brighter and he smacked out at Badger, with a backhanded strike, the lances of darkness coming up and readying to strike. "WHERE?!" He roared again, whether he missed or hit, the force behind it was enough to shatter
* Trenton concrete walls and total cars as if in a head on collision.

<@JJ> Paled as he stepped away from the medical machines and shuddered, rubbing at his arms as though touched by something filthy. "The medical devices... The person who was here was in a coma." He swallowed before uttering the next words. "Whoever was held here had a limb amputated... Stop! Stop telling me! I don't want to hear anymore!"

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl cried out as Nightmare lashed out at Badger, "STOPPIT!" She flung herself at him, body stretching as she tried to wrap herself around him in an attempt to tie him up... with herself. In the back of her mind she heard her brother speak, but she was in the zone!

* Badger figured Trent would lash out and at the last moment his body bent back just under the clawed hand. he could heal it just didnt want to chance it.his hand pulled out the SND he had brought and attempted to slap it on Nightmares wrist. enough of this shit he was done and so would be Trent if it actually worked.

* Trenton had learned, all of these people with SND's had set the instincts in the Nightmare on edge, it knew these devices and it knew that they were antithetical to it's existence. It's one arm grappled by Ash it pulled back and then lashed out at Badger when he came in with those lances of darkness to impale, strike or even grapple Badger.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl continues to cling to that arm, trying her best to be deadweight. She cries out as the arm is lashed out to attack Badger. "Noooo! Newb!!! Staaahp!" Her glow has steadily become brighter, a cold bluish white. This was not how she wanted to spend this rescue mission! How could she take him to the zoo if he was beating up Cobalt residents!!

<Badger> (Faceplants)

* Angel`Pearson cringed as Trent lashed out at Badger, and then Ash launched herself at the angry mutant. Oh this wasn't going to end well. He reached to switch off his own SND, watching hopefully at the furry mutants attempt to slap one on the our of control newguy, and then dread at it's failure. As his mutation activated, the potent, hallucinogenic aura rose around him and he got in closer to the three of them.

<@JJ> Snapped out of his terror vision and looked to the others, only to see more terror. "STOPIT! NOW!" he roared. The lights would flicker and what machiner around would briefly come to life. It wasn't hurting his sister... woe to he who did, but it was after Badger. "Get away from him! Save that rage for the butchers that use this place!"

* Badger growled not to the point where he was going all feral fuck-you-up mode but he was not a happy furry. as Nightmare attacked him he would get hurt sure the claws would cut into him producing blood.he wraped his arms and legs around the arm and worked to get the demn unit on trent. he hear the others but was focused on the job at hand.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. As Badger goes feral fuck-you-up there's suddenly a highpitched scream. Suddenly his blood wasn't the only blood around. Ashlynne's glow vanished as the girl fell limp from the arm that had been attacked, a large gash from the middle of her shoulderblades that curled around to her pelvic area. Oops.

* Trenton kept swinging and those lances of darkness became barbed and more menacing as seven of them formed, when Angel got close the Nightmare hissed loudly but after a second or two of that drug Angel's putting out the yellow eyes fades out and a brilliant red one takes it's place a low menacing laugh rolling over the senses like so much filth as the one thing keeping it in check had been
* Trenton rendered unconscious. The lances shot out and aimed to impale Badger and anyone else near it while it's free arm reached out to tear into the back of Badger with the full force of his titanic strength. The Nightmare was real.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl remails laid out on the floor. Yup. That's blood alright.
<@Sisip> *remains

* Angel`Pearson ...annnd ofcourse he had just made things worse. His eyes went wide when first he heard the scream from Ash, then Trent began to lash out even further. How the hell hadn't this guy already been SND'ed with a mutation like that? He attempted to dodge back away from the spikes, hissing when one sliced across his side. His hand shot into the bag on his hip, and he whipped a pair of the tazery-throwing blades JJ had
* Angel`Pearson made for him at Trentmare's back, the blades crackling with bright electricity if they struck home.

<@JJ> shrieked. And that would be when the van outside revved to life and came charging through the perfect hole, straight at the nightmare and Badger, it picked up on the boys subconscious and would actually diffrentiate those two from the others in the warehouse as it rushed by. "You hurt Ashy! No one hurts Ashy!"

* Badger growled wincing at the rip into his back he rolled with it to get away not much chance of that being stuck as he was. he was quickly losing control and that would be bad. he clutched at the thing impailing in forcing it out of his body he had to find that fucking snd. get it off the girl and on this mother fucker.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The van made it's way through tothe kerfluffel, Ash was not under it. Yaaay!

* Trenton was hit with the tazer blades in the back and he tensed from the shock, while it wasn't technically a biological musculature or the like, it worked all the same, keeping it held in place long enough for the Van to slam into it, physics were physics afterall and it was sent reeling back and into more debri, the van rolling over it and likely stopping atop the poooor Nightmare because
* Trenton really it's just a cuddly kinda thing!

<@JJ> Was still losing his mind in rage of his sister's injury. Babbling nonsense that probably made some sense to a high level programer. Probably. That ended when Poddy decided to give JJ a pierced ear again to snap him out of his Ashy Hurt rage. "OW [motherboard!] Poddy! Why would you... Ashy is hurt! As Poddy distracted JJ, the van sputtered to a stop and ceased its attempts at making
<@JJ> street pizza with Badgeroni and Trentchovies. "Ashy Ashy!" He didn't care that his ear was gushing, he just ran to his sister and wrenched off the SND. "Hold on... it'll be ok, it'll be fine." The techie's left arm detattached itself from JJ's shoulder, JJ applied the SND to its wrist - deactivated and sent his robot limb finger scampering to Trenton to try and tag him. JJ would
<@JJ> stick by Ashy but watch and time the next step so carefully... So delicately... van off the beast, SND on and activated. Beiong able to remove your arm and still control it was fun!

<Blackheart> Well this is one hell of a way to wake up! Getting tossed around in the van is awful. Simons should be stirred and not shaken! A very confused and very unhappy Simon stumbles out of the dying van and does his best to hurry away. Dangling from one hand is a first aid kit because he probably needs at least a band-aid after all that rough treatment. The blonde ditz heads in Ashy's direction
<Blackheart> because why not might as well do some good instead of sleeping on the job. At least nobody's accused him of being a hero. They might expect things out of him then.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl remains unconcious and ass Simon (her BFF Hero) heads towards her to assit she's a great patient...because.. unconcious.

<Blackheart> Blood is gross and squicky but Simon can deal with it because things have to be done. Who would feed him if Ashy dies on no why isn't there a doctor in the house?! At least Simon can apply bandages and stuff. It'll keep her alive until they can get someone who has an inkling of what to do. Simon can go hide in a bathroom and vomit or whatever later but it's time to man up.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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