Issues with Kyrstin

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Issues with Kyrstin

Post by Sisip »

Firstly - this started off with the following RP session: ... =25&t=1512

Once she left the RP we had the following conversation:
[23:57] <Kyrstin`> though... Viv cant... ACTUALLY let snake man stay
[23:58] <Sisip> He's the victim of an assault on her property. He will stay until he feels ready to leave.
[23:58] <Kyrstin`> You mean until the cops show up.
[23:58] <Kyrstin`> Because... kidnapping is still a crime.
[23:59] <Sisip> Truth, except Salem isn't exactly the cleanest town around, and the police and politicians use Sully's as much as villians and Cobalt.
[00:00] <Kyrstin`> ... so the cops are really gonna let Viv hide a man tied to 50 kidnappings because... hey, we like strippers?
[00:01] <Kyrstin`> clean or not, that... is a bit of a stretch.
[00:01] <Sisip> Noooo... the upper echelon leaves Sully's alone because they use the Basement just like anyone else can, and the moment they overstep that they are left in the cold.
[00:01] <Sisip> The Basement has been part of Sully's since it was created.
[00:02] <Kyrstin`> the basement's nice and all
[00:02] <Kyrstin`> but it doesnt buy Viv immunity from the law.
[00:02] <Sisip> This isn't a stretch, this is a neutral zone that is left in peace because ...
[00:02] <Kyrstin`> i'm not saying they'll storm the place
[00:02] <Sisip> You're right. And if Salem was a clean town, and if the politicians and police didn't use her services, she would be arrested.
[00:03] <Sisip> But it's not.. and they do.
[00:03] * Kyrstin` nods.
[00:03] <Sisip> And Sully's has always been this way, and always will be.
[00:03] <Kyrstin`> ok.
[00:03] <Kyrstin`> So, why doesnt every supervillain just... stand inside the door and do all their crimes from there?
[00:04] <Sisip> Who says they don't?
[00:04] <Kyrstin`> fair point.
[00:23] <Kyrstin`> btw, was Kyrstin given the whole... chain-and-dropoff treatment as well? or just a cab called?
[00:23] <Sisip> Just a cab called.
[00:23] <Kyrstin`> k
THEN in the OOC room:
[00:13] <Kyrstin`> Welp.
[00:13] * Kyrstin` just removes the beyond channel from her join list :P
[00:15] <@Sisip> So because one nights RP didn't go the way you wanted it, you're just going to not bother?
[00:15] <Kyrstin`> no
[00:15] <Kyrstin`> there's only really 2 places to 'go' in town
[00:16] <Kyrstin`> Sully's has been made hostile territory, and Dell's not around to rp in the beartrap
[00:16] <@Sisip> There's the DIN R.. there's Crowley's Row (though to be fair, the writeup for that isn't complete yet)
[00:16] <Kyrstin`> i've actually never been to the DIN R
[00:16] <@Sisip> There is .. any place you can think of in your imagination that would be in Salem.
[00:17] <Kyrstin`> The problem is, i've just learned that my imagination of Salem... isnt what Salem is.
[00:17] <Lukas`> I have made it a point to never actually look up Salem at all.
[00:17] <@Sisip> Just now? Our version of Salem hasn't changed in years.
[00:18] <Kyrstin`> partly because i didnt read the setting well enough.
[00:18] <Kyrstin`> yeah, i was thinking more... small, nice city
[00:18] <Kyrstin`> instead of Gotham.
[00:18] <Lukas`> I am only aware of Salem in that there was some shenanigans awhile back, and that it is nearish to Boston
[00:19] <@Sisip> Well, I guess this is a good lesson learned. Reading up on the setting is helpful.
[00:19] <Kyrstin`> yup
[00:20] <Kyrstin`> but it's not hard to see that Kyrstin wouldnt be returning to Sully's ever

I have put up with her constant poonhounding because she's been active, however more and more lately she has been getting more and more ... self important. That's the only word I can think of. Not just IC, but OOC as well.

I can't handle her anymore. I'm done with her snark. I'm done with her cherry picking what storylines she's going to invest herself into.

I went out of my way to try to give her a reason to be motivated to interact in this storyline... I had her boyfriend kidnapped.

No shits given.

I don't know how to engage her in RP that doesn't end up with me getting frustrated. I need someone to help me here... cause I'm about to snap.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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