Sully's Kerfuffle [6/21/15]

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Sully's Kerfuffle [6/21/15]

Post by Sisip »

* Kyrstin` climbs out of a taxi outside Sully's, dressed in a black hoodie and pair of jeans. She leans in the passenger window to pay the driver.

* Tyr was in town he had done some light shopping and now was relaxing at Sully's himself having a drink and something to munch on. he didnt have to eat like usual folk he could absorb it thorugh his 'skin' he smiled to the waitress ."thank you." his voice was youngish but more importantly had a tinny robotic sound to it.

* Kyrstin` moves inside, going through the standard entry procedure, and making her way through to the dancing area, taking a seat off in the rear to watch, ordering a drink from a waitress as well.

* Tyr saw the young lady come in as he sipped his iced coffee. he offered her a pleasant smile as he lifted his cup to her in a salute."you came at a quiet time it seems." he said pleasantly as his 'voice box' would allow he was good at the nuances of the thing now. Tyr was nit your normal looking human far from it he looked as if he were made of well.. pudding

* Kyrstin` notes the presence of the.... man? Little difficult to tell, really. He didnt look like he worked there.... she hadnt seen him dance or tend bar, at least. She returns the nod. "S'alright. I prefer to get here early."

* Tyr indeed didnt look like he worked atthe place. he was dressed in a dark blue long coat and lighter blue one piece from throat to feet. it had a little symbol on the left breast."care to join me?" he asked if she declined he wouldnt be offended he was used to people shying aWAY FROM HIM ESPECIALLY AT FIRST MEETING.
<Tyr> (sorry capslocked)

* Kyrstin` shrugs. "I prefer to sit in the back. Avoid the crowd. But... you can join me, if you want."

* Tyr shrugged sliping from his seat taking his iced coffee and biscotti with him to join her."thank you i was afraid i was going to not talk to anyone." he offered his hand as he settled in the chair."im Tyr, Tyr Ragnarsson."

* Kyrstin` extends her own. "Kyrstin Wessels."

* Tyr smiled warmly noding to her and clasped her hand. she would find him not clammy but well soft as if he had no bones."a pleasure to meet you Kyrstin Wessels you are from Cobalt?" he asked withdrawing his hand. finally. his eyes were large larger than a normal humans and glowed with a crimson light from within. but not menacingly.

* Kyrstin` arches an eyebrow. "What makes you say that?"

* Tyr shrugged."just a guess.. and i am from there myself and i think i saw your name in the Directory." he chuckled and sipped his drink."would you like anything?"

<Kyrstin`> Waitress is getting me a beer, thanks

* Tyr it was his turn to arch a nonexistant brow."beer? its a bit early isnt it?" he smiled pleasantly not judging just making an observation.

* SisipCookin is now known as Sisip

<Kyrstin`> Nah... it'll be evening soon enough.

* Tyr chuckled silenlty and sipped his drink while the waitress returned with her beer. "never been one for drinking it can actually cause me harm sadly."

<Kyrstin`> Well that must suck. " she thanks the waitress, taking a drink from the beer. "Havent seen you around the cmpus..."

* Tyr shruggs not comittaly hes never had alcohol so he doesnt know what hes missing."i do some traveling between here and Iceland and alot of time i stay in my bucket." he grinned have bucket will travel its a joke son laugh. "just returned today after the unpleasantness last night."

<Kyrstin`> ah....yeh. Last year was....a busy one.

* Tyr nods in agreement. his watch chimes sadly ending the meeting. he sighs silently turning the alarm off and smiles to her sadly." im afraid im going to have to depart it was nice meeting a lovely woman like you Kyrstin "

<@Sisip> Sully's, the strip club that dominated all strip clubs in Salem. Owned and staffed entirely by mutant kind. It was a bustling place, full of patrons, enjoyable music and dancing, attractive mutant bodies of both gender, depending on which room you are within. Standing behind the bar is the tall goatwoman herself, Vivian.
<@Sisip> Into the bar stepped a man who .. really enjoyed purple and green. His east indian heritage was obvious. When he smiled two viper like fangs replaced his eye-teeth. Sliding up to the bar he ordered an alcoholic beverage and settled down, watching the woman on the stage dance.

* Kyrstin tillts her head a littlle bit at the man in purple and green. certainly a standout color choice. She was more interested in the smile though. She sipped her drink, half watching the dancers, both male and female, and half watching the newcomer.

<@Sisip> The fellow only paid attention to the dancer. She was a beauty, a woman who had peacock feathers sprouting from her hair. He obviously approved!

* Kyrstin eventually needs another beer. She decides now might be a good time to get it herself, getting up and moving over to the bar.
* Trenton slithered up and out of a nearby manhole cover the darkness coalescing into solid form until those red eyes appeared looking over the building that was Sully's, small tendrils of darkness snaked out to grasp a hold of the door and pull it over as inky blackness began to fill the door of the place, lights becoming drowned out by the darkness as the nightmare lowered it's head and

* Trenton stepped through the entrance way, that darkness covering it like a coat or a mantle as those red eyes swept through the place, it's constant rictus of a sharp toothed grin on it's face was made worse as what might be lips pulled back further sensing a swell of fear and feeding upon it as the door was slammed shut behind it.

<@Sisip> One of the bouncers, a large guy with a shark like mouth, looked over at the dark .. thing .. and huh'd quietly, "Tonight's special is ribeye." He says his schpeal. It was Sunday, so there was no covercharge. "I've not seen you around before, I'm Chowder." He grins, those shark teeth gleaming in the light. "To your left you'll find the dancing ladies, to your right you'll find the dancing men. Please feel free to wander between the two and remember, no touching, no throwing things, no jeering, and have a great evening."
<@Sisip> As peacock lady left the stage the brightly garbed fellow raises his hand to summon a waitress. His order in he sat back and waited as another lovely lady began to dance.

* Tyr had been out and about he was on his way back to Sullys for dinner and a 'show' he parked his car and got out not having seen the figure exit the manhole and enter the building. he walked over to the entrance to go inside.

* Kyrstin smiles to the man as she places her order. "Nice view, huh?"

<@Sisip> As he hears someone speak the fellow looks over at her. He wasn't really one to socialize and the look of 'no duh' was obvious. "It would be a horrible strip club if the view wasn't nice." He turned to the waitress as she brings him a second drink and a plate with a burger and fries on it.

<Kyrstin> True... sorry for trying to make conversation.

<@Sisip> The man with the fangs turns back to the stage, watching for a moment before he starts to dig into his food. Dark eyes continue to flick upwards, watching the woman on the stage.

* Trenton cocked his head to the side, literally to the side as if such a man as this, confuses him so much it would break its own neck in attempting to look at and comprehend the mans schpiel, but then the head lifts as it's eyes land on Kyrstin, the gaze narrowing as memory pushes at the edge of so much instinct and the nightmare moves into and past the bouncer towards Kyrstin and a large
* Trenton viciously clawed hand comes out of that mantle of darkness to hold up a blood and ick stained flyer speaking of the Hand of Purity and while the mouth does not move the words emerge like inky ephemereal poison tainting the ears and senses and echoing through the mind. "Where, is...?"

* Kyrstin leans back a little bit, looking at Nightmare truly for the first time. "Woah there, not that i'm uncomfortable with big black things in my face, but... not so much wiht the blood ya?" she looks at the poster, recognizing it instantly. "Don't know. Didnt the news say something about them packing up and leaving town?"

* Tyr slipped inside looking around. his glowing red eyes moving around the place there were many more here than earlier including a darkness? ok that was different. he looked over the nightly special and tapped that not speaking at the moment and tapped a fruit drink as well. to order for himself.

<@Sisip> The fellow with the fangs paid very little attention to anything except his food, his drink, and the dancer.

<@Endymion> The visitor from another world was about to get introduced to a very unique concept. Endymion had stepped out of his comfort zone of the theatre and museums he thrived on to check out a different side of town. Learning about this world included all aspects, even places such as Sully's. Endymion entered with a look of one doing research.

<@Sisip> Chowder, the bouncer at the front, gave Endymion the schpeal he gives everyone he's not familiar with, sharky teeth glistening as he smiles.

* Trenton continued to keep the flyer held out at her and the voice spoke once again. "" The words were stunted as if it failed to fully grasp verbal communication and never had a reason to. Communication had never been a necessity for the game of murder and destruction, though it should be noted the nightmare was certainly acting somewhat reserved from
* Trenton any of the other times it might have been seen.

<@Sisip> Finally there was a word that caught the east indian's attention. Dropping a large sum of money on the table the man in the purple and green stands. Dark eyes slide over to Kyrstin and ... Those eyes widen as he looks at that mass of dark nightmare fuel. Taking a step backwards he bumps into one of the waitresses, causing her to spill some of her drinks to the ground. Whipping around he apologizes and heads towards the exit.

* Tyr got his drink and damn near ran into the retreating man as he made his way intothe restraunt/strip club. he was more drawn to the female anatomy than the male and he moved around the man as he moved past wandering over towards the ladies stage.

* Kyrstin leans in and whispers to Nightmare. "You and I are going to have to spend some time together. But you want to find those two, you just scared off your mystery van driver."

* Trenton turned his head too far, way too far as if it were on a swivel and the cracks of vertebret were heard as it did so to lay it's red eyed gaze on the fleeing man. It's body turned to match the direction of it's head and it moved after the snake fanged man, the flyer falling from it's grasp and into Kyrstin's lap as it moved off to the door and then outside of it, lowering itself once
* Trenton again to get through, it could smell the fear on the fleeing man and it was delicious as it fueled the instinct to kill and worse.

* Kyrstin somewhat disgustedly pushes the flyer off her lap and asks the bartender for a paper towel. Also steals one of snakeman's fries.

* Tyr saw that mass of darkness turn and move towards the way the other man had gone. he skirted out of the way. he wasnt one for fighting and well this 'person was definitly out of his catagory by a long shot. he saw the young lady he had met before and that brought a smile to his face as he moved over towards her.

* Kyrstin pulls out her cell phone and tries a few numbers, waving to Tyr with a smile as he approached.

<@Sisip> The east indian fellow looks over his shoulder and pales as he watches Nightmare following him. Turning around he presses back against a car, "Man, I don't know what I did, but I apologize, completely." He was genuinely confused, and terrified.

* Tyr lifted his tall glas in asalute as he aproached seeing her on the phone he motioned to a chair asking permisison to sit here? his food would be arriving some time soon as well.

<@Endymion> "Why would I throw things, or jeer?" He paused. "Dancers?" Endy was in for a big surprise, these were not the dancers he was expecting for certain! The hidden creature made his way further inside, he was even carrying a little notepad and pencil. But there was a fleeing man and a monster. Kyrstin was there too! At least she was familiar!

* Trenton continues to approach the man, the fear was practically on it's tongue, the flavor was savored and those red eyes never moved from the fanged man and tendrils of that darkness began to grow in width as the nightmare approached, shadow and night drawing in around it as the area near the man began to descend into inky blackness. "" That poisonous
* Trenton voice called out again as it continued in it's approach.

* Kyrstin motions to the seat beside her for Tyr.

<@Sisip> The fellow wearing the purple and green, stinking of terror, begins to shake his head, "Jesus, I dunno man! Bugs are all over the fucking world!" His hands raise up in self defense as he bellows, "GET AWAY FROM ME!" His loud noise catches the attention of Chowder, who steps out of the door. "HEY, This ain't that kind of place, guys."

* Trenton continued it's approach almost cliche horror movie slow and those thick lances of darkness shot forward, one to entwine around the man's leg another around an arm and the third shot into the mans shoulder and out the back of it, shattering the window of the car behind him as it anchored within the man, barbs forming to hold him in place as the Nightmare came up on him and repeated
* Trenton once again, but preceeded by a long low hiss of air. "" adding in that last word as if direction to the man and those horribly taloned hands came up one wrapping around the mans entire head, the talons of the fingers pressing into the man's skull and the thumb over the eyes, the talon digging into his flesh causing small rivulets of blood to form
* Trenton and begin to drip. The bouncer ignored as the Nightmare found prey to deal with.

<@Sisip> The man screams in terror as those lances of darkness grab him. Then his head was grabbed? The scream grows with a mix of terror and pain. Chowder bolts forward, talking into a radio on his shoulder. "Get your damn hands off him!" Chowder dove towards the fellow face first, those vicious shark teeth aiming for Nightmares shoulder. Bodies seemed to appear out of nowhere, bulky brutish ones and ... a short little thing, with hair in two pigtails and an outfit that screamed stripper. She juked off to the side before whipping around and opening her mouth. An earpiercing scream, followed by a massive pulse of pressure, directed at Nightmare.

* Trenton was bitten on it's shoulder the shark mouthed man biting true into the inky blackness of it's body and perhaps even rending some of the darkness from it's form. The scream from the stripper impacted with Nightmare and he was pushed aside, though perhaps not nearly as far as she may have suspected, the inky blackness spattering from his form and across the ground as that pressure hit
* Trenton him like a wall. It did not seem concerned with blocking or dodging only continuing to squeeze it's large hand on the skull of the man in it's grip as it repeated yet again. "INSECTS...SWARM...EARTH...GIRL...SPEAK!" The words still feeling like poison crawling over the skin but now louder practically roared into the man's face but was felt in the senses of everyone around it.
* Tyr had settled next to Kyrstin oblivious to what was going on outside soon his food arrived. how has the show been? he didnt know when she had arrived or if she had been there all this time. lookingat her attire he was guessing she hadnt left.

<@Endymion> Wasn't sure if this was what went on in such a place, but was going to use his own opinion for this. Endymion moved to confront the fighters, but something about the Nightmare made him pause.

<@Sisip> The man was unable to answer, the only thing coming out of his mouth were screams. A tall figure steps from the building, hooves carrying her over towards the group, "Chowder!" Vivian threw someting at the man who caught it midair and with one great thrust of his beefy fist he drove whatever it was against Nightmare's side in a punch. There was an electronic siren before the SND generator activated and washed through Nightmare. Chowder fell away from the beast, the power of the neutralizer changing his shark like teeth normal for just a moment.

* Kyrstin looks up for a moment, though she couldnt see anything going on outside. "Ah. And i was so hoping to relax and watch the show for a bit...." she looks at Tyr, and offers him her beer, standing up and kissing him on the cheek. "Be back in a couple of minutes."

* Tyr nodded to her taking her drink with two fingers he glanced to it.alright. he would set the beer down on the table carefully he had no intention of trying the stuff in his umm matabolism. he watched her go just as his meal arrived he smiled to the waitress.

* Trenton let out a frustrated roar as the feel of the SND came crashing down over him and the Nightmare was suppressed once again, the device clamping into his flesh had grabbed hold and Trent became visible his hands holding the man, no longer strong enough to keep him held up into the air he still maintained his grip on him. "Why did you run?! Tell me about the Swarm and the girl who
* Trenton controls earth! Where are the kidnapped people?!" The device was clamped into his side and those barbed clamps caused blood to drip down his side, through his shirt and into his pants.

* Kyrstin steps out the back door that Trent and the man had disappeared through, sighing. "Ah. I thought I heard a whine..." she nods to Vivian with a smile

<@Sisip> Three of the buff bouncers reach out and grab at the now normal looking Trenton and pull him away. "Take him to the Basement" Vivian shouts over the noise, too busy to acknowledge Kyrstin. "Where's Dougie? Get Do.. Dougie.. see to that one." An elderly gentleman in a sweatervest pushes past Kyrstin as he heads to the east indian fellow. Kneeling by the man who had fallen to the ground he places a hand on his face. Eyes roll backwards right before they start to bleed. All the wounds given to the snake toothed fellow were absorbed by Dougie. What a shit job! Fortunately for him his abilities worked quickly and his own wounds, the taken ones, started to heal back up.

* Kyrstin doesnt get in Dougie's way, instead moving over to stand beside Vivian calmly. "Trenton. Calm yourself."

* Trenton winces at the feel of the device hanging from his side but looks to the Indian man as he's healed. "No! He knows! I need what he knows!" He struggles against the men who have him in their grasp but he has none of his powers and is nothing more than a normal healthy guy, he might budge them a little but they're likely way more bulky and powerful than him, and he looks to Kyrstin.
* Trenton "Fuck calm! How can you just stand there when so many of them are missing?! DO SOMETHING!"

<@Sisip> Vivian looks over at Kyrstin as she comes up and starts talking. "Chowder, get her the hell out of here." Those square pupilled eyes focus on Kyrstin and there was no amusement and no tollerance in them at all. Kyrstin wasn't an employee. Kyrstin was nothing more than a patron, and this had nothing to do with her in the eyes of the woman in charge. Chowder, recovered from being normal for once, moves to take Kyrstin's upper arm. "C'mon little lady. This isn't your concern." Those holding Trenton start to pull him away towards a side door as the east indian fellow is lifted by another bulky fellow and carried like a bride towards a door on the other side. Dougie followed quickly.

* Kyrstin raises her hand to the goat woman. "On behalf of Cobalt Hill Sanctum, Vivian, I'd like to apologise for Trenton's behavior... but he is correct. The... dapperly dressed gentleman with the fangs is wanted for questioning in the kidnapping of fifty-two men women and child mutants from our grounds twenty four hours ago, in which this gentleman was the getaway driver. So. With respect,
* Kyrstin this -is- my concern."

* Trenton struggles against the men pulling him away but he continued to be no real match against them in the moment.

<@Sisip> Vivian turns to Kyrstin, "You overstep. Cobalt has now sway here. META has no sway here. This man has been attacked on neutral ground. They will BOTH be handled by this establishment and when we deem they are safe to release, they will be released. So you can march your pompous, self important ass off my property." The woman was far from amused. She'd been doing this for quite some time and wasn't about to have someone from Cobalt step in and tell her how to handle altercations on her turf. "Chowder, make SURE that this woman is escorted safely back to Cobalt. There has been enough drama for one night." Chowder took hold of Kyrstin's arm and gave her a look. "C'mon Ma'am. I'll make sure you get home safely." As Trenton is dragged through one door and the east indian through another Vivian turns and heads back to the main door.

* Kyrstin sighs again. "I was not stepping at all. But, as you wish." she made no resistance to Chowder, and turned to walk back as well, so that she could walk out the door.

<@Sisip> Trenton is dragged down the stairs and into a very nice room. There was a comfortable couch, a table and a rather nice portrait of the French countryside. He's left there for some time, that SND stuck into his flesh. After a moment or so Vivian steps through that door, the tall woman watching the instigator for some time, not saying a single thing.

* Trenton was sitting on the couch and trying to figure out how to get this device out of his flesh, because it fucking HURT and he hissed everytime he tried to pull on one of the prongs, though he looked up when he noticed Vivian in the room and eyed her still rather angry about being pulled off of the man. No one needed to know that he'd been barely in control this entire time and it was
* Trenton only a hairs breadth from being lost and a real massacre happening.

<@Sisip> Her head tilts to the side, those square pupilled eyes focusing on Trent. "Dougie will be in to fix that once we've had a little bit of a chat." She smiles, but it's a humourless one. "This is obviously your first time at Sully's, so we're going to collar you and send you home. You only get this option once." Hooves click along the floor as she moves to sit on the table, one leg crossing over the other. "Trenton, yes?" That was the name the girl had called him, so she was just running with it. "I am Vivian Shelton, I run this fine establishment."

* Trenton looked her over and then frowned. "You can't send me back. I need to find them and no I had no idea how things worked here. That man has information, I know he does." He grumbles and folds his arms over his chest so he doesn't hit that frickin device and jar his ribs. "It's Trent."

* Tyr quietly had his dinner and watched the show for a bitthen paying he departed for the night

<@Sisip> She places a hand on her chest, "Viv." Shortened names, that was always a step in the right direction. She nods, "He may very well have information. Most of the people who come to our establishment do. They come here because we promise everyone who steps foot on our property that they will remain safe. From anyone. For as long as they need. Unless of course they become violent or argumentative. Then they are asked to leave." She sighs softly, "I am afraid, Trent, that ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand that sometimes we get carried away, but I cannot make exceptions." She didn't ask about the 'find them' part. That was not her concern. Dougie steps into the room, in his hand is what looks to be a thick gold chain, except it had a single light blinking on it. Viv looks back to Trent.

* Trenton frowns at her explanation, while it made perfect sense it didn't change the fact that he needed to find those who were lost. "Just take me outside and let me go. I don't need to go back to Cobalt this doesn't need to become an issue." He clenches his fists and tries to keep himself calm for the time being.

<@Sisip> The goatesque woman nods, "We could very well do that, but this particular device," she motions to what Dougie was holding, "Will only go dark when you pass a specific set of coordinates, in this case they are coordinates that place you right outside the main gate." It was a strip club for mutants, they had a fair share of visitors from Cobalt and they didn't always play nicely. "You see, we also want to discourage people who have .. beefs .. with others from simply hanging around on the street, waiting. It's really quite bad for business." She sighs softly. "I am sorry, Trent. It sounds as if you truly do believe that he may have information you need, but until he voluntarily leaves this place I cannot allow you to stay."

* Trenton stands up from the couch then and eyes her and then looking to Dougie. "So be it. Lets do this and get it over with. Fifty two people that you hold a neutral ground for don't matter to you, that's fine. The people I've seen sitting around here even from Cobalt don't seem to give a damn either, thats fine too. But I will do what needs to be done to find them." He steels himself
* Trenton and has a less than pleased look on his face. "Whatever it takes."

<@Sisip> Taking the chain she steps up to Trent. "Do not mistake my neutrality for apathy, Trent. If they have been taken from Cobalt they are my friends, as they are yours. I am not a stranger to that establishment. They harbored me when this place was demolished by meteors, I loved one of their residents. If that man has information on their location I wish you all the luck in the world in finding him and getting that intel to return people who are my friends... but I cannot break my own rules." She clicks the chain around his neck and presses her thumb against the blinking button. Reaching down she does the same for the device implanted in his flesh. It pressed inwards just enough to allow the barbs to fold inwards. She pulls it from him, wincing at the yuckblood on it. Dougie leans in and presses his hand against the wound. Eyes roll backwards and the side of his sweatervest stains red as he absorbs the wounds from Trent.

* Trenton gave a nod when everything was in place and awaited his escort out of here. He wasn't pleased not even a little bit, her claim of neutrality wasn't a small one but if this place truly was neutral then even in his emotionally wrought brain he could see the benefit to such a place, still it ranckled him to have to let the man go for the time being and it wasn't as if they were going
* Trenton to give him the chance to get a hold of him again while here. "Lets do this." He said simply and waited for his escort.

<@Sisip> Vivian walked with him to the parking lot while Chowder calls for a cab. "I hope you find them, Trent." She places a gentle hand on his shoulder, "I am sorry that he came here." She sounded sincere, but she did not relent. "We will cover the fare, so no worries about that. You can go anywhere, but I do urge you to return to Cobalt." She tilts her head, lips curling up into a weary, slightly amused grin, "You are not much of an opponent without that big black tarbeast." She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a business card. She hands it over to him.

* Trenton takes the card and pockets it before getting into the cab. He did not respond to her words, there was no need to but some of them had stung. She was right he wasn't much of anything when it came to power without the nightmare and that would be something he'd have to address. Too many times he'd been subdued by the SND's and had no further recourse but to struggle like a helpless
* Trenton victim. It was time to learn other skills. When the door was shut he simply spoke to the cabby. "Cobalt." And did not look back as he was driven away.

<@Sisip> Vivian's smile fades as the cab pulls away. Turning around she heads to the door they'd vanished the east indian fellow through, leaving the parking lot quiet once again.

* Trenton got out of the cab when he got to the Cobalt facility and walked to the gate waiting on the device to be disabled, he had learned something about himself in this last day with no restraint on the nightmare, he was constantly terrified of himself and what he could do to others. He had barely been able to keep himself in check and it was that singular purpose combined with a direct
* Trenton correlation to anger that had allowed him to push the terror back and seize at least some modicum of control over the nightmare, it would take far more than this to master it, but it was a start and he would be ready for it.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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