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Return of Swarm and Mass Kidnapping 6/20/2015

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:17 am
by Sisip
<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Watching the German for a moment or so she chuckles, "Now I know what I look like when I'm obsessed over work." Moving over to a bench the injin settles down upon it. Fireflies start to flicker around the courtyard, like tiny little yellow fairies.

* Force chuckled glancing to what Kyrstin was wearing and then departed to go take a shower and get into clean cloths he would return soon.

* Kyrstin shrugs a bit

<Dietrich_Kappel> "Vhat haf du been up too today liebe?" Glancing up from his phone as he asked.

<Kyrstin> eh.. nothing much, really... lazy day in bed for the most part.

<@Sisip> Fireflies flicker and flit in the evening. It's really quite lovely.

* Sunder Had spotted the gathering from the windows in the rec. Made sense, good weather out, might as well enjoy the outdoors a bit. He'd make his way down to the courtyard, dressed what he would consider light. T-shirt, cargo pants, bracelets of spikes and studs and the giant vambrace of decking nails. "Oi!"

<Dietrich_Kappel> "Vell better a slow day I zhink. Besides it could be could be raining." Laughing a little, as he watched teh fire flies for a moment. "Could alvays go to sie amusement park in sie sims."

* Kyrstin hears the call of the metalhead, a small smirk playing across her lips. "Ah, I think I hear the potential of a date shifting." she says to Sisip.

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Looking up the injin's smile curls into a wide grin. Getting up from the bench she heads over towards Sunder, head tilted, "Well hello there handsome!" Her arms extend for an obvious hug.

* Force finally returned now dressed in a tee shirt jeans and his old cow boy boots. he had showered and cleaned himself up before returning. he spied Sunder had joined the gathering and gave him a crooked smile. hey big guy. he had noticed the fire flies blinking and flitting around the courtyard now himself.

<Dietrich_Kappel> "Hallo Sunder." The german would speak up in greeting offering a wave to him in greeting.

* Mr_Lee ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)

* Sunder Gives a grin and hugs sisip close, careful not to stab her on anything of course then looks around the gathering "So 'ow is everyone then? Anything goin on tonight?"

<Kyrstin> We were talking about that before you boys showed up.

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Leaning in for a kiss she hmmm's softly, "I intend on stealing you away for some loud thumping music, unabashed grinding and plenty of liquid to put into our bodies." She winks at him before resting her head on his shoulder.

<@Sisip> More of those beautiful little fireflies appear in the courtyard. Twinkling gently.

* Sunder Grins "Well, out to the clubs then, saturday night and all."

<@Dillon> Was out for a walk, the first walk of his since the accident in the Sims. Dillon had recovered from the crushing blow, and the professor was more than greatful to finally be out of that horrifying place of torture, but even so was taking things slow. He'd steadfastly refused a chair, he was out for a walk and that meant using the legs that had regained sensation, but he and the med
<@Dillon> center had come to a compromise. He would use the assitance of a cane, and the promise that he'd come right back after a brief stroll around the courtyard, or they'd come for him.

* Force would reach out gently if one came close to catch it, not to hurt it but to hold it. his hand cupped as he tried to scoop one out of the air. ok man you be careful not to get arrested ok? he chuckled smiling to the young man. glancing to Kyrstin again you look good tonight very not propper school girl.

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Her lips curl into a grin, "That's all I needed to hear. I'll need half an hour to get ready and then off we go." She tilts her head, looking devious, "I may have actually recruited BlueMan to be our driver for the night. You know, safety first." Arms fling over Sunder's shoulders as she gives him a proper kiss.

<@Sisip> It would start to become curious, the amount of fireflies that seemed to be in the courtyard. Twinkling like magic. A few moths began to flutter around, drawn to the various lights.

* Kyrstin giggles at Sisip, and... finally notices alll the fireflies. "Oh...neat."

* Force looked at the one as it moved over to the top of his fingers then spread its wings and flitted off into the air to wink. looking around he did notice there were alot of them out. yeah and alot of them too, looks nice. he saw Dillon that was something he didnt remember and he waived over to him.

* Kyrstin smiles, looking over at Force with a smille. "Well, it's about as proper as I get, really."

<@Dillon> Assistance of a cane that was definitely not for show from the pressure he was putting on it and the slight slight wobble. There were some protests from his injuries, but Dillon wasn't letting that distract him from this. He needed his body working and that meant dealing with the pain. It was worth it to be out of the med center and outside in this wonderful almost summer night. The
<@Dillon> professor had a smile on his face as he continued his walk. There were quite a many firefly out tonight. With his free hand, he waved back to Force.

* Force chuckled to her. propper is no fun i agree but well sometimes you gotta go into polite society. he shrugged his hands going into his pockets. his good eye looking around again yeah ther were a growing number of insects he didnt make nothing of it he was relaxing.

* Dietrich_Kappel ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill

* Sunder Was starting to get a bit annoyed by the abundance of flying things "Well go get ready, an we'll 'it the town then." He grins giving sisip another kiss

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. Laughing she nods, slipping away from Sunder to head towards the apartment tower. As the fireflies danced in the courtyard and the moths fluttered around dumbly (because, let's face it - moths are dumb) everything seemed normal. Pretty, but normal. Right up until there was a loud humming noise that seemed to come from everywhere. Loud enough that the windows began to rattle and car alarms began to go off. The din was extrordinary right up until everything seems to spark and explode. Lights everywhere bursting, in the courtyard and in the Sanctum itself. Everything goes silent and dark, all electronics dead, the only light coming from the dancing mob of fireflies.

<Force> What the fuck? he growled looking around he crouched slightly glowing green energy formed around his arms like armor not heavy looking stuff. his ruined eye flaired green as well looking around for the source of the hubbub. he was in that mode again glancing to the others.

<Kyrstin> Oh... great.

* Sunder Uncovers his ears and looks around, he knew exactly what that was... But.. it wasn't him for a change. "That was not me.." He'd glance around the horizon and didn't see a mushroom cloud... "Not me, not a nuke.. specialized bomb, or a mutant, either way this is bad."

* Kyrstin looks at the fireflies. "But... why would a mutant... send fireflies... to light up a place they've just made dark?

* Kyrstin follows her own little logic rabbit hole, slowly turning around. "Because... dark isnt what they want...powerless is."

* Sunder Quirks a brow "I mean there are a lot of the buggers but.. I'm not sure 'ow they could 'ave caused it.." He pulls out his phone, just to confirm that yes, it was dead, totally fried. "Shite, my gears inside, but no good tryin to wander about in there without a working light of some sort.."

* Kyrstin finally puts 2+2 together and ends up with the meaning of life. "Sunder...?"

<Force> i think everyone who doesnt want to get violent should head inside to some place safe.. he warned, he didnt like this one bit. he nodded to Sunder in agreement. he let the green glow of his kinetic energy field grow brighter to help out some.

* Sunder Looks to kyrstin "Yeah?"

<@Dillon> In FoodCourtia, JJ suffers a full blown panic attack. Back with Dillon, the man froze where he was standing. He could only see the little flashes from the fire flies, this was a bad night to have his walk. He couldn't turn around and head back either there was all of the chances he'd trip and aggrevate his injured spine all the more.

<Kyrstin> How well shielded is the Maze's backup generator?

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The woman froze in her tracks as she looks around. Reaching for her phone she realizes it was dead... her watch.. the same. Eyes narrowed as she headed back towards the group, "Sunder? Kyrstin? It would appear all our backups are done." There's the sound of shouting from the security area, forces making sure that the Maze was secured. | The fireflies were lovely, as were the moths, but suddenly there was a surge of something along the ground. A wave of writhing, wriggling, crawling darkness that seemed alive. It seemed to climb up anything it touched. Once in a while a piece of it would drop off and move away. As the surge came into the light of the fireflies... it was a swarm of bugs. Roaches, spiders, earwigs, centipedes, everything that crawled.

* Dietrich_Kappel lifted his hands to his ears at the humming sound. Jumping a touch when all the electronics went out. On instinct he went for his for. "Sie hell.." He'd mummble as it was dead. "I just charged zhis thing..." Glancing at Krystin then the others as he looked around before noticing the hell wiggling crawling darkness. "Mein gott..." He utter at hte horde of
<Dietrich_Kappel> bugs*

* Kyrstin looks over at Dietrich, and then at the swarm approaching. "Well. That's a first for me..."

<@Sisip> When the power went out people started to filter into the courtyard. The 'stay in place' response really didn't work with this crowd, last time they tried that the monsters simply tore through the hallways Not realizing what the surge was the residents began to huddle around in groups.

<Force> ok kids get going Now. he barked as he tried to get between the advancing buggy horde and the group. his arms pointing towards the tide armor glowing and pulsing as his power ramped up. he was going to do some serious damage to the ground probably but he was a big boot and they needed stomping.

* Dietrich_Kappel would retreat a few steps if the swarm started getting too close to him. Not feeling so much as a slow back pedal. "Vell...I zhink a few cans of sie Raid vould be in order ja?"

* Trenton wasn't really aware of all the SOP's of the place and he came out of his room when it went dark. Making his way through the halls, normally darkness would be no kind of deterrent for his vision but with the SND bracelet still on full blast he had no such luck, so he fumbled his way through the dark.

<@Dillon> Blindly used his cane to try and relocate the Sanctum building. A wall. Anything. Something to feel and lead to a door, any door. The sudden amount of *crunches* under his feet made Dillon pause. "Anyone?" He called out. He'd just seen a small gathering before the lights went out and had been on his way over. "Sisip? Sunder?" The names he knew of those he'd seen. *crunch crunch*

<@Dillon> Then some more firefly light. "This is not good..." He said stupidly as the swarm was more apparent.

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The injin gah's loudly at the disgusting swarm of bugs and bolts towards it, arms swirling around her head as a large windwall appears, catching leaves and twigs into it. She keeps it infront of the swarm as best she can. | The swarm of bugs kept surging forward. Off in the darkness stood a shadowed, writhing form, humanoid looking. He apparently had no issue with the mass of disgusting bugs that were filling the courtyard. The groups of residents finally realized what was going on and girly shrieks of alarm. People flailed and they all bolted towards the middle of the courtyard. A few of them lashed out, using their abilities as best they could to try to beat the mass back, but there were SO MANY bugs! That windwall couldn't stop them all and the bugs surged towards the small group.

* Sunder Starts backing up a bit "Oh fuck this! The only place i'm goin is a spot where I can find a flame thrower, or a can of gas or some such!"

* Force lashed out with a wide beam of k-energy powerful enough to tear up the turf, he made sure he didnt hit any of the other people. he butted his beam up against Sisip's whirlwind to try to stave of more. he wasnt wanting to knock em away he wanted to pulverize them into buggy goo. who the fucks doing this? you got a bug enenmy here Sisip? glancing over to the others he barked

* Force out an order. focus your attacks as wide as possible make walls if you can.

* Kyrstin backs up towards the center slowly, keeping her eyes sweeping around the outside of the courtyard. She had no offensive ability against bugs, other than her feet.

<Dietrich_Kappel> "Nicht Really my specialization.." He'd say in retort directing it at Force Stamping the odd insect that got too close, but would others be effectively herded albeit untintentionally in whatever tdirection the sarm wasn't in.

<@Dillon> A wall. He found a wall! A wall covered inn more of those bugs. Dillon drew back his hand and shook it. he began using the cane to beat the ground around him. "Away! Get back!" He didn't have wide range powers, no blasting, nothing. He was more of a subtle mutant, and those powers were not in demand for an enemy like this one. "Detestable little parasites!"

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The woman was too busy creating gusts of wind to blast the wave of bugs away as best she could, but there was just no stopping them. | The shrieking seemed to grow louder as those bugs corralled people into the middle of the courtyard, swarming them from all sides. One of the residents seems to drop down to the ground. Then another. Randomly mutants begin to drop, laying still. The ground rumbled, an almost earthquake like force shaking the courtyard.

* Kyrstin goes down to one knee. "The...fuck...."

* Trenton grabbed onto a wall when the earthquake rumbled through the place and then blinked a few times, shaking off whatever was crawling on his hand and heading for the courtyard only to be greeted by shrieks and blasts of power and the like, trying to get a sense of what the heck was happening here. "What's happening?!" He shouted from the outside of the ring of insects

* Force tried not to stumble the green glowing armor folding up his body he spread his arms widening his beam to cover more of the ground he moved back slightly crouchingl ower to keep his balance. great now a fucking earthquake? he was doing his best to keep the bugs at bay he glanced over in time to see the people start to drop shit shit SHIT! we gotta get out of here any
* Force suggestions?

<@Dillon> he was slow in his movements, his injuries and the overwhelming amount of insects. They... He realized this now, they were attempting to herd people together. That was when the ground began to shake. His balance wasn't the best right now, and down he went, fall broken by the wiggly nast little bodies of many many insects.

* Sunder Covers his ears and shouts to force. Even for a guy used to grindcore metal shows the volume was a bit much "Fire! Lots of it! 'ow else we going to be rid of all these bloody things?"

* Dietrich_Kappel blinked watching folks fall, he'd turn about to press his hands against one ebfore he jerked. Swaying for a moment before faceplanting some unconscious mutant himself.

* Force nodded to the big guy fire would probably work better then blowing chunks out of the turf. yeah there should be fuel cans in the garagemechanic shop need me to go get it or you?

<@Sisip> .: Sisip :. The injin stumbles as the ground trembles, those blasts of wind belting out at the bugs as much as she could. "Just... source! Find the source!" There had to be a source, right? | It takes a moment or people to realize that those who had dropped to the ground were suddenly not there. The earth continues to shake and rumble. Another handful of residents drop. A screech is heard from the gaggle of paniced mutants "They're being sucked under!!" As if to prove a point just as Dietrich drops to the ground he seems to sink inwards, the earth covering him up as he's pulled downwards. Suddenly the roar of the wind vanishes, as does the wind... Insects surge forward, and around a collapsed Sisip. As happened with Dietric one moment she was there and the next there was just earth. Dillon was not so lucky, as he crushed those surging insects he was pulled under WITHOUT being rendered unconcious first. How's that for traumatic!

<@Dillon> Screaming and gagging for sure all the while.

* Kyrstin didnt seem as concerned about the insects as the earthquake. She'd had bigger pet cockroaches in new york.

<Sunder> I've no way to keep the buggers off! Oh fucking hell! (The metalhead would stare at the one's being sucked under.. That was a new problem, fire wasn't going to solve everything..)

* Force heard Sisip yell about the source the bugs were all around them now but he did remember the direction they had started from when they attacked first. his gaze trailed back through along the path,yees narrowing as he looked for some sign of their source.he tried to focus on his job they would find the people. he saw the whirlwind disapper but he had to find the source, where the
* Force fuck was it come on come on

<@Sisip> Standing in the darkness was that same shadowed figure, his arms raising upwards. The rumbling of the ground intensified as from below another figure rises. More residents drop and are sucked under. Whoever this was just seemed to be grabbing people at random.

* Sunder Looks at the rising figure, well between trying to bootstomp bugs and keep above the churning ground. There was a spark of memory, he knew of this guy.. "You son of a bitch!" The metalhead would try to make a run at the figure. There was just a chance in hell if he could get close enough to electrify the arsehat.

<Force> there you are fucker... he focued his energy into a tight beam that spread out slightly over the distance. he was going for body mass not a trick shot here. the beam when it got to the figure would be about 3 feet across but packing a punch like a sledge hammer. he didnt want to kill who ever it was unless he had to so he was being extremely nice considering what he could do.

* Kyrstin notices Sunder take off running, eyes following him to... a form. But it didnt look right... for starters, it didnt seem to have eyes that she coulld see. The bastard.

<@Sisip> Poor Dillon was sucked under, screaming and gasping, with no remose from the terakinetic in charge of stealing the fallen bodies. As the energy beam from Force blasts forward towards the figure. It seems to dissapate in an instant but reappears off to the side, right in front of the charging Sunder. It was a horror to view, a body composed of wriggling, squirming disgusting churning bugs. It leans forward towards the charging Metalhead and bellows, a spray of flies swarming from it's grotesquely huge mouth.

* Trenton suddenly felt a familiar presence in his mind and then it was overwhelming, as he felt his strength return to him, and that terror swept through him and out of him, the lack of working lights only served to empower him as the Nightmare took over, now uninhibited by the SND that had only held on by a thread any longer and the EMP ended it's short life. There was a loud almost maniacle
* Trenton cackle heard from within the darkness and then two red eyes appeared, the insects around him simply shuffling off and away from the Nightmare as he stalked forward, closer to the figure that Force was aiming at but then it moved and so too did the nightmare, surprisingly fast, but even with those red eyes and the instincts of the Nightmare, it did not reach out to murder those near it at
* Trenton the moment, it was intent on one thing for now and lashes of it's darkness crept out of it's body sweeping the area around it with the force of a mack truck clearing the insects from it's path as it continued to move.

* Sunder Would recoil a bit, averting his face from the incoming swarm of bugs with a few explitives. He would punch out, hoping to hit swarm himself, only to find he was short of his goal.

<@JJ> Rocked in a corner in the foodcourt mumbling to himself. The kid was clearly terrified of- no not 'The Dark' JJ was afraid of sudden blackouts and depowerings at least this time he didn't have anything vital bonded, not that it mattered with powers still active. Although with machines on the fritz they may as well not.

<@Sisip> A mass of stone errupts upwards in front of Nightmare. On the top of it is a very slight girl with tight curly brown hair. She balances on the top of that stone wall easily as it raises up higher, blocking off the living bugman from the Nightmare beast. | As Sunder distracts Swarm with a punch that fell short the mass of bugs in the couryard began to vanish, disappearing down drains and into the darkness. Swarm leans forward and bellows again his arm raising up towards Sunder.. and suddenly.. BEEEEES and WASPS! They didn't do much though, simply buzzed angerily in front of the bug-man, almost like a living shield.

<Blackheart> Phones are useful things! Good for chatting on, asking dumb questions to google, and as a flashlight! Simon uses his cheap off-brand phone to shine the way. The derp is looking for people and lo! He finds them! Not yet outside but instead safe behind a pair of glass doors leading to the courtyard. A stray bee bouncing against the glass catches his attention and he stares at it blankly.
<Blackheart> Aren't those supposed to not be awake now? Huh.

* Kyrstin` 's head snaps around as the stone pillar raises...a girl. Now there was something she could latch on to. The telepath hooks her fingers into her mouth and whistles loudly, all she needed was half a glance...

<Blackheart> Except it's actually a toy phone a picture of a lit up screen on it because derp.

* Sunder Stumbles back a bit, of course the natural reaction to a huge swarm of stinging bugs. Oh if only it were winter, that nice thick leather jacket would be very useful at the moment. Stepping back just a touch farther he'd reconsider his options.

<@JJ> His left arm was limp, like the rest of devices on the grounds it had stopped working. To make matters worse, he couldn't sense machines,and it was dark. JJ sobbed and curled up tighter against that corner in the cafeteria, hoping the lights and everything would return.

<@Sisip> The small girl on the mountain DID look over towards the whistler, a hand raising upwards and clenching. Suddenly the ground began to rock and quake, harder this time. Residents began to fall, crawling as best they could to get away from light poles that were toppling over. The large glass panes in the windows of the Sanctum seem to warp just a bit before they shattered, the safety glass spiderwebbing along the entire piece. As Sunder stepped back Swarm did as well, almost floating backwards, seemingly melting as bugs seemed to drop off him and scurry off into the darkness.

* Force sprinted off around the k-armor now covering his body fully he crunched the bugs underfoot as he tried to get around the column of stone. his focus was on the bug guyhe needed to get taken down asap the girl waould be next. the file info was coming back to him quickly now just like the old days

<Blackheart> Distraction by bee ends abruptly and Simon cries out with horror. The floor is shaking! Why is...earthquake! Ohshit the courtyard's getting fucked up. The blonde squats and braces himself with his hands against the door frame nearby. It's probably a dumb move considering, well, broken glass. Safety or not it's not something to be around when things are moving. He scoots slowly...towards
<Blackheart> the action? To get a better look probably. Unless bugs get too close to him and then he'll be gone.

* Sunder Would end up falling over to the ground, what with the earthquake and all.

* Kyrstin` rises her right wrist to her mouth, though it probably still isnt working, so she shouts at her wrist. because reasons. Then... she does something stupid. She starts running at rock girl. But unlike Nightmare... Kyrstin knew what was coming, ahead of time.

<@Sisip> As Force darts around the stone wall he'll find that Swarm... was merey a retreating lump that eventually dissapated into a scattering of bugs. The ground continued to rumble, right up until the girl looked towards Kyrstin running towards her mountain. She turned and lept from the top of the stone outcropping, landing and sinking downwards and under, the earth swallowing her up. The moment she's gone the shaking stops. Fireflies, along with all the other bugs, had vanished.. leaving the Sanctum in darkness.

* Kyrstin` skids to a halt when she gets to the point that the earth girl disappeared. Her eyes snap around to Force. "You. You've got the... woosh thing, right?"

<Force> SHIT he growled seeing the pair get away he looked around to Sunder and the aproaching Kyrstin then back to where they had been. we need to get META contacted one of their creepers god damnit.. and that damn girl who ever the fuck she was. he pulled his cell phone thumbing it hoping it still was working to speed dial them as well as the local authorities. he glanced to Kyrstin
<Force> the what?

<Blackheart> There's nothing for good ol' Simon to do other than not throwing himself into the action. One more body getting sent off to medical would be a bad. So he just stays down low, watching what he can, before he starts to scoot away. Maybe he'll find somewhere safer. Seems like the scary people have disappeared but hey they could come back! Time to hide! So he heads towards the cafeteria. How
<Blackheart> expected.

* Kyrstin` looks around at the sky and the buildings for a moment before she points a direction. "North. 5 miles. Van, rock girl, bug man, mad scientist, and 50 or so of our people."

<@Sisip> Force's phone would be dead, as all electronics. He would get nothing. As people began to recover from the earthquake they began to call out for people, crying out as they realized their friends and loved ones were missing.

* Force understood now what she meant they needed a vehicle and and he wanted his bug killer kit. smart kid.he smiled softly to her. Sunder you wanna go on a bug hunt? and did they get Sisip ?

<@JJ> Dead... It was all dead to JJ. Oh sure, people were alive and that mattered a good deal, but JJ was cut off. He hadn't tried moving from his dark and quiet corner the whole time. The darkness, the cries of people, the earthquake. But things were settling down now. It was still dark and quiet, and the calls of people had gone from terrified screams to calling out names. Slowly JJ got to
<@JJ> his feet and looked around the darkness...

* Sunder Starts to get back to his feet. "Damn right I want to hunt, but all I can do is shoot and electrocute.. an if it's five miles we better start running, that EMP will 'ave fried every car in range unless you've got a sheilded one stashed away.. even that might be damaged." He'd glance around "Sisip?!" He'd call out, not really sure where many were in the mess.."

<Blackheart> Someone arrives in the cafeteria. It's Simon of course! Who else would it be? But this time he's not out for food. Why is he at the cafeteria? Whatever. It's a good place to head, dammit. Hearing someone move around attracts his attention and he drags his fingertips along the wall to follow it. "Who's there?" he asks and heads in the techie's direction.

<Kyrstin`> I'll find Sisip, Sunder. Get after them or we're gonna lose the van. I dont know how long it'll take them to get back to it.

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. JJ would suddenly see a bright light as Ashy burst through the door, "JAY?? JAAAAAY?" She was the only light in the area now, her glow cold and white. She'd been searching for her brother since the power first died and was in a near panic. | When the count was made Kyrstin would be right... 50 residents including two of the security Triplets, Blatant Boy, Dietrich, Glue Girl, Dillon, Glass Boy and Sisip were gone.

* Force^ thought for a moment. wait a minute.. my old truck is still here. its shielded trust me its modified. he sprinted off towards the lower garage it would be in the back he just hoped security kept it up like he had asked.

<@JJ> "Hello?" Was his unsure voice, he heard someone, a not too familiar voice but he was sure he'd heard that one before. "Yes! I'm here..." Then came a second voice and light! The glorious light! "Ashy! I'm here! And so is someone else!"

* Kyrstin` would somewhat blindly make her way towards the building entrance she'd last seen Sisip in, not unused to working in the dark but it took some time for nightvision to kick in properly. "Skieweaver?" the name she called, figuring a lot of people would be calling for the Cobalt Pocahontas by her actual name.

* Trenton roared and then smashed the stone walls that had risen to encase him, the stone crumbling to dust and debri as the Nightmare broke free from his confines and scanned the area for his prey. The darkness coalescing around him thicker than it might be on it's own and those red eyes roaming.

<Force^> me got to the truck found the hide-a-key and got in he prayed as he turned the engine over and there was a loud roar as the engine turned over. theres my baby. le laid rubber from the parking place and expertly navigated up and out of the garage to stop in front of Sunder. get in im in the mood to hurt some one now.
<Force^> (fuckbunnies)

<Blackheart> "Hey there!" he cries out and sounds a bit too happy to find another person. Woo! Not alone! A wide grin crosses his face and he hurries a bit faster to get to JJ. Then light! The blonde slams his eyes shut and then squints at Ashy and the glowing. "Ohmygod that'ssobrighteesh." the complaint's quickly over because he can see again! Woo! "Hey to you too! People! Are you guys okay?"

* Force had contacted META on his way to the truck so they had an idea what had happened btw sorry forgot that

<@Sisip> .: Ashlynne :. The girl doesn't pay any attention to anyone else and just bolts towards her brother, hugging him tightly, "Are you okay?" She inspects him closely, making sure he wasn't about to lose any other limb. Her glow yellowed just a bit as she realized he was safe. "JJ.. what.. happened?" | Kyrstin would get no answer from her calls. Wherever Sisip was.. it wasn't here. As Force put in the call to META through the shielded truck they responded immediately and within minutes there was the sound of choppers approaching.

* Sunder Unzips the bag his trusty just in case of zombies kit, pulls out his old SKS, and slings it over his shoulder before pulling out a multitool, and a sledge. The rest of the bag would be tossed in the back of the truck. "Rescue first, then we 'urt arse'oles."

* Kyrstin` gets inside and makes for the administration building. She figured that, if this place had any sense to it, power controls would be at least backed up there, not to mention checking on the Maze security while looking for Sisip.

* Force put the phone on his ear peace as he waited for sunder then they took off that damn gate had better be open or he wasoging to have to replace it, luckily it was and they were on the street. he had to hand it to META they had a great responce time. ok we are following them you deal with Cobalt and send back up for us. he glanced to Sunder nodding in agreement. exactly then im
* Force gonna puree that bug shit.

* Trenton made his way through the darkness and the halls to get to the exit of the building leaving behind claw prints along the walls as he pulls himself through the darkness empowering him as he goes.

<@JJ> "I'm not alone! I'm not alone!" JJ was estatic, his eyes lighting right up, literally. It wasn't visible most of the time, and usually more at night, but the kid did have glowing eyes! "My Ashy! And that other guy!" He rushed to give his sister a one-armed hug. The left one was now useless, so technically he'd lost the same limb again. "I. Don't. Know." He said inbetween sobs.
<@JJ> "I'm having something to eat then the lights go out and everything goes quiet! All the machines... Silence... Poddy!!!" He shrieked, then calmed down as he heard the frantic warbling coming from... inside the non-functional left arm. Seems the blast fried his arm, yet the arm's storage spaces shielded JJ's little companion.

<@Sisip> When Force and Sunder would certainly find where the van was. Great blades of earth angled upwards, directly at the height that would put a person easily within reach to be dragged into the van. A van that was no longer there. What was there, however, were a dozen or so flyers. They each had the same thing printed on them, each one of them was advertising the welcoming, loving, guiding group named the Hand of Purity.

<Blackheart> "Yay I'm here! I'm kinda tempted to go back to my room and hide under the bed or something. Tonight is bad. Why is tonight bad? Maaan. At least the shaking stopped?" He glances around and whines. Wants to go home, doesn't want to be in the dark.

* Trenton made it's way outside of the facility and then traversed the land to follow in the wake of the truck Sunder and Force had taken, moving after them, though it would not catch them anytime soon but it was out now and well on it's way and while the first instinct for it was to rampage and murder the fearful and the terrified, it was somehow quelled in this desire and instead moved
* Trenton with a purpose to find where it must be. Where she must be.

* Force crouched picking up a pamphlet looking it over. thise assholes are still around? he was not totally updated on the goings on in this world.he looked to sunder offering it to him before hoing ot the van, empty damnit. he would let Meta deal with this as he went to the truck after he snagged a few more pamphlets.

* Sunder Shakes his head "They had us grab the preacher, but we knew straight off there was more to it." He'd glance the flyer over, just checking to be sure there wasn't any sort of note, or information they didn't already know. "So why let us know they're the one's 'o did it, an 'ire someone like swarm?"

<@Sisip> It took a bit of time but eventually the lights began to flicker back on, bulbs being replaced when they'd been blown out.