Miles Dyel

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Miles Dyel

Post by becka »

Player Nickname:becka
Name: Miles Dyel
Age: 19
Date of Birth: may 8 ,1997

Height: 6`0"
Weight: 140lbs
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: pale gray
Place of Origin: cobalt hill
Nationality/Race: greek american
Classification/Origin of Powers: (Mutant.)

Status: (Trainee)
Occupation: student

Personality Profile: shy around crowd afraid or ridacul of others.

Physical Description:
dark brown, shoulder-length hair gently hangs over a fresh, radiant face. Squinting gray eyes, set lightly within their sockets,Scars reaching from theright side of the forehead,and a burn scar on his right forearm.

General Power Information: Electrokinesis,Electric Current Manipulation
Ability One: Lightning Bending/Control/Manipulation has the ability to control electrial energy as in a storm bendit to any shape he needs at the time
Ability Two: Lightning Release/Raiton can release bolts of lighting or electricity

Ability Three: Plasma Manipulation can alter the size and shape of particals of plasma.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: can be disrupted by normal weapons and has no amunity to cold.

Skills: ( has skilles in outdoor life and can make a mean apple pie over an open fire.

Background:in the city`s heart a child comes in to his gift in silence .scared of a stigma of that other childern cause. he doesnt tell anyone about his secerts.he hasnot yet reached age of concent,for the times .the boy bearly 16 now hide the facts of his unqiceness for now on
three years. he hid the facts of his powers by going out at night well after the others were asleep . he perfected the powers till he knew them well .
but how could he be like this.Then he remembers the storm and the accident of the lightng strike. he had been one of six struck that week but only he survived it with little more than a simple secound degree burn on his right fore arm . the doctors were shocked as he should had been killed they had no explanation as why he survived. but survive he did ,but yet he couldnot openly didplay his gifts . oh how he wished to do what he saw others do that was called the x-men.

Criminal Record: has a closed juinal record

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: has a fear of crowds and wants to become an x-man.
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