Mr. Lee

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Mr. Lee

Post by Lee »

Player Nickname: Lee

Name: Mr. Lee, "Lee"
Codename: Various
Age: 41
Date of Birth: March 17th, 1974

Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Hoboken, New Jeresy
Nationality/Race: American, Human
Classification/Origin of Powers: Metahuman

Status: Resident
Occupation: Combat Instructor / Father

Personality Profile:

Mr. Lee is a hard, but emotional man who puts up a tough front to mask years and years of pain and regret caused by poor life decisions, substance abuse, and shame over paths not taken. He is a devoted and supportive father and husband, and tends to take to guiding others well.

He lives to make the world a better place, firstly for his family, then for others. He has suffered at the hands of criminals, given his many scars, and has lived a storied life that he keeps close to his chest. He is a staunch community activist and regularly speaks at schools of the dangers of gang activity and drug abuse, often speaking of his life - and dazzling the students with acrobatic feats or feats of strength.

When angered into action, Lee fights dirty. He goes for shots to the throats, rakes to the eye, crushing blows to the joints and groin. Ending conflict quickly is necessary once words fail- But Lee, given his age and experience and learning on the matter, will attempt to talk down aggression first.

Physical Description:

Lee has tanned white skin, short black hair with a small streak of gray, and a grizzled beard that hugs his jaw. His eyes are small and beady, with green irises ever watchful. His nose has been broken and repaired sometime in the past, and has a scar over the bridge. Along the left of his neck is a rose tattoo, with the banner "Rose of my Garden" and the name of his daughter Carol.

Both of his arms are marked down to the fingertips with sleeves of tattoos, with intricate detail- A european dragon prominently takes up his right arm, with claws crushing a sword and shield, with flame blasting out of it's mouth and filling the gaps of other tattoos- Such as a hand of cards, the face of his wife and another banner with her name on it, and a a cross wrapped in barbed wire on the underside of his right forearm.

His left arm has a taoist Yin Yang on the upper bicep, with a hexagon surrounding it and the various symbols- K'an, Ch'ien, Ken, Che, Sun, Li, K'un and T'ui surrounding it within the confines. Surrounding this, feathers of an eagle, spread out wide as if the hexagon were a seal, with a pattern of lines cascading down and around his arm complete with more feathers to a colorful, water-color style tattoo around his left forearm of a great white shark in the ocean.

His fists are worn and weathered, with scarred knuckles and track mark scars here and there. They both have tattoos - One of the greek Alpha sign, the other the Omega. A tattoo of 'J' is on his left ring finger.


General Power Information: Mimicry and Recollection.

Ability One: Lee can memorize physical actions and perform them without flaw, up to the past twenty years, give or take a few fuzzy memories- Provided he has the physical capacity to do so. Flight is out of the question, but Muhammad Ali's rope-a-dope technique is fine. Lee cannot move faster than his physical limits allow, nor can he become stronger. As such, Lee is a very, very capable human being, with abilities ranging from Aikido to Tang Soo Do, from marksmanship to slicing the perfect slice of pie.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Lee has battled depression, addiction, and self-loathing for years. Faced with hardship he can't overcome, Lee used to turn to the needle in secret, or the bottle. After a bacterial infection caused by a dirty needle caused him to nearly lose his life, he got clean, at the insistence of his estranged wife - Who gave him the choice of the needle or a future together. Lee frequently struggles with finding himself in moments of brooding contemplation, and must keep busy to keep his mind occupied.

His powers have limits; With each new skill he's learned, Lee has to make room in his memory, with older skills becoming more and more difficult to do as his memory of them becomes fuzzy - This can happen over time, but practice and training based on his memories allows him to retain older skills for longer, such as his abilities with Sambo from the early 2000's.

However, he has lost more skills than he's picked up, and just because he knows of a skill, doesn't necessarily mean he's a master of the discipline- For example, he may know how to break down a door to a burning building, but his lack of fireman or emergency rescue training may result in a worse disaster, and just because he knows how to dive doesn't mean he's the greatest swimmer.

He dislikes guns, to downright phobia and hatred, so his skills in marksmanship frequently rely on thrown weapons.


Lee is an exceptional fighter- From hand-to-hand to swordsmanship.

Lee is exceptionally resistant to pain, and has to be heavily medicated every day to battle lingering injuries.

He's also adept at public speaking, particularly speaking with troubled youth.

Lee can speak Spanish and use ASL.


"My story is not something I like to talk about. The very beginning, up until the past five years, paraphrased. A boy in a troubled household. A future in jail or struggling to make ends meet. A drug-addicted mother, no future, no hope. Teenage years getting into trouble. One day.. Providence. An injured superhero. A boy has to do the right thing. The boy becomes a man, takes up the mask from a dying man. Gets into a fight he's not prepared for because he's stupid. Boy nearly dies. Boy gets a taste for the life. Boy keeps going, deciding to make his neighborhood a better place with his fists if he has to. Grows to be the bane of gangs, black, white, hispanic and asian. Boy runs afoul of guns, learns to fight more and more, nobody is hard enough to kill the boy. The boy thinks he's a man now. He's not. He gets addicted to the needle, meets a woman and gets her pregnant. The boy has a downwards spiral so far and so fast that he's making mistakes. A bullet to chest slows the boy's spiral, and he nearly dies.

He gets a choice. Live a better life, be the man he needed to be, raise a kid, or die in the streets, cold and homeless, with an army of street-level enemies.

He made the right choice, and he's a man now. I have to be that man- That man that I thought I'd be when I was a boy. I have to be a role model not just for my kid, but for every kid out there that grows up in the fucking streets, grows up with people telling them there's no future, no hope. I am hope. I am the future that they can have, in all the best and worst ways. I am a testament to mistakes and overcoming them. Salem- A sanctum. People need to be taught how to fight, how to defend themselves, how to live a better life and how to teach others, and I can do that. I have to do that.

Criminal Record:

Possession charges, numerous cases of assault and vigilantism.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:

Lee's name isn't really Lee- but you wouldn't know.
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