Amnesia - No More Of It

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Amnesia - No More Of It

Post by Sisip »

Recently we've had two people try the amnesia thing.

Kira we approved because it sort of fit. Sort of.

Now he's trying to find a way to undo the amnesia or give him a way to have memories of old times with still having no memory.. which defeats the purpose entirely.
[15:15] <Cray> You!
[15:16] <Cray> Got a quick question before I leave for work - Shinn in the past used the sims to back up his memories. Like, a visual diary of the things he saw daily.
[15:16] <Cray> Would said back ups still be in the sims, or is it all gone? XD
[15:16] <Sisip> Backups would be, but he wouldn't have access to that.
[15:16] <Sisip> All sims are recorded, but it takes staff/meta authorization to review the records.
[15:17] <Cray> He'd need to KNOW that they're there first.
[15:17] <Cray> Which, at present, is impossible.
[15:18] * Sisip chuckles. "Aaah amnesia. Not as easy a thing as people expect'
[15:18] <Cray> I didn't want it to be easy. ;)
[15:18] <Cray> He needs someone who knew about that.
[15:19] <Cray> Shannon didn't.
[15:21] <Cray> I can think of one person, but I'd need to reintroduce his little sister as a character.
[15:21] <Cray> Anyway, I'm off to work.

I just don't like this.

I'll be telling Robb that amnesia's a no-go and from now on no amnesia backgrounds will be accepted.
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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